RESOLUTION NO.: 427, 2008
INTRODUCED BY: Mr. John Strough
SECONDED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier
WHEREAS, the environmental health and overall quality of life in the Lake George
Watershed area is critical to the social and economic well being for the Town of Queensbury,
Warren County and the region in general, and
WHEREAS, the protection, preservation and proper management of water quality within
the basin is an essential ingredient to maintaining this revered natural resource as a key to the
social and economic vitality of this region, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has been an active participant in developing the
critically important water quality management plan, and actively participating as part of the Lake
George Watershed Conference, and
WHEREAS, several member institutions of such Conference have proposed to undertake
an analysis of the sub-watershed located in the Cleverdale section of the Town for the purpose of
identifying opportunities for: the consolidation of on-site wastewater treatment systems as well
as stormwater runoff control and management challenges that currently exist, and
WHEREAS, the conduct of such an analysis and study will be undertaken and supported
by grant funds awarded by the Department of State, from the Environmental Protection Fund –
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (EPF-LWRP), as well as in-kind matching services
from the several participating LGWC member institutions,
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board here authorizes and directs the Director
of the Lake George Watershed Conference (LGWC) to coordinate and undertake the conduct of
a study and analysis of the sub-watershed located in the Cleverdale section of the Town for the
purpose of identifying opportunities for the consolidation of on-site wastewater treatment
systems as well as stormwater runoff control and management challenges that currently exist and
also authorizes the participation and assistance of Town employees in advancing such study and
thereafter provide a written report of findings to the Town Board following the conclusion of
field inspection and analysis activities envisioned in a work plan submitted by the LGWC, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to
sign any documentation and take any action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution.
Duly adopted this 8 day of September, 2008, by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Montesi, Mr. Strough, Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mr. Brewer
Cleverdale – Stormwater Runoff & Onsite Wastewater Treatment Management Options
Sub Watershed Analysis
Proposed Work Plan
Queensbury Town Board members, private (Cleverdale area) private property owners, as well as
various member institutions of the Lake George Watershed Conference have met to discuss the
development of a work plan that would seek to identify: opportunities for the consolidation of on
site waste water treatment systems; the solution to identified stormwater runoff challenges; and
the mitigation of the associated transmission of a host of sediments and nutrients into Lake
George proper.
It is the intent of this discussion paper to outline a scope or work, that if authorized to proceed by
the Town Board, would identity the various sources of stormwater runoff, actions that could be
taken to better manage these flows, and the opportunities for consolidation and/or establishment
of “community’ waste treatment system.
This proposed work plan contemplates to undertake a review of the subwatershed that exists in
this section of Cleverdale, identifying opportunities to address sources of stormwater associated
runoff, and related pollutant inputs. The undertaking would also prepare recommendations and
budget estimates to move forward on the identified recommendations. These efforts will include
walking of the upstream areas to identify erosion, mapping culvert pipes and other indirect
stormwater inputs into the area, the potential source for nutrient flow and identifying riparian
properties which may be available to advance the goals of sediment reduction and stormwater
management within the watershed. The effort will also examine the opportunity for
consolidation of on site waste treatment systems that are located and/or contemplated in this
section of the town. When complete, the delivered product will consist of a report outlining
issues and opportunities for conservation, and the Geographic Information System (GIS) maps
corresponding to these opportunities and issues.
This proposal is outlined in tasks, delineating specific components of this program. Each task is
outlined in detail as follows:
Task # I: Evaluate subject area upland (watershed) areas
a.Walk the subwatershed uplands and note sources of streambank erosion and other
pollutant inputs. These sources will be located with a GeoXT Global Positioning System
unit and placed onto an Arc 9 GIS map. Resolvability (i.e. logistics, access) of identified
issues will be evaluated and noted.
b.Identify all stormwater culverts entering into the subject area and identify relative
drainage areas contributing to these pipes.
c.Prioritize each stormwater input into the subject area, and note opportunities for
improvement and/or consolidation of those systems.
d.Collect and analyze water samples from Lake George proper in this the subject area as
well as upland areas to better define source(s) of nutrients
Task #2: Existing Dula Pond Reservoir
a.Identify existing (or proposed) on-site waste treatment systems in the subject study area
and develop options for consolidation and operation of a consolidated system, along with
capital and operating budgets for same.
Task #3: Identify and contact large landowners with conservation possibilities
a.Prepare a report of finding for presentation to the Town Board (and /or others as directed
by the Town Board).