1936-01-28 116
January 28 t j I�.36
�t a regular rer tion of the 20W.- To .ra o_ of "uecn sbury
:.el ? <:,t t'_l va`yn clerks of__°i, e on t1e -..bove
the following memberz were press;nt
P.Llrner _'otivler Supervisor
" loy'r ill;.wortla Justi. ce Qf Peace
Charle_• a"'obles "
Curti: Lar,-oon '
Yerdeith S l`e:tley °
Pert i'urner Town Clerk
Arthur { Stone lotion 3i perintendant of _:iglu;rays also
pr( s nt
.�inuLcs of Y E .:t s 11 E;1,, c ,1 t'1.�.
a T�n �"r y �t
r 0 7 e d. ---�
Resolution 7 I '� r 7 ' c �-
f Introduced by e . �.1.cy, J and d by ,,__r. _: )bles,
"1 13 P1IJ PZ):� ili:i� l).L'� 7C -)17)-yid) On tllE 10th C1 y 0 J`+,:iUFvrjT,
1036 file 7.,;ith t'1e To-^n '"lei.,. of t' F ''o:°y=n of 4ueensbury,
petition as'.ing for V--r con ent of c%-.e 10C,-1 ^.uthorities of ct.i.d
x unicipa,lity for thc: cper:- ti7:n of a 2taUe ,n,_ orribus line for the
c.--rri--ge of pr:.,: E r.g rs ^n... pro- crty through s-ai i r L:ni�7 .7_i ty
un,'er the pro�risions of the Tr=�,nsportation Corporations Law and
the -Public Service Cor'r'}issiQns 'L,i wot £ a p:a.rt of its route for t'le
tr-,nsportation of passengers a,nd property i.tb -n and -7.i_thou- t'ne
State of New York,
1,170 �1�T�.�i.) T '� Yt IT �l
7, �:� ',Li UPS', FE I� '. ',c I V , c --_t a public Baring on said
said petition be held before the ""o-!n roa,rd of t'-!.e Town of
'ueensbury at the TolmIlerk' s Cffic, e in Town on the Its t
day of Febru,7ry,l 36 at 7 o' clock in the �-.fternoon and at 7"ny
further tire and ,lace to '1ep.rin- r my be adjourned, for
tl:e purpose of dFtermintng -1icther or not s,3tid consent should. be
granted and
BE I` 7T 7 , 7 r "TED th-a.t the c1� rk of this body cause to be
published a notice of said he-ixing in the Glens ^ails ir.:es, and
The Post Star both publisher'. at Glens I',,Jlls, '..Y. , on the following
(fates respectively: Jan. 30, Slot ?eby 1, 3,4, 5,617,3, 10,11,12113,
14,15, and th-3t written notice of t"-!E filing; of such pplio..tion 1
be given to all common carriers operating in the To-gym of lmeensbury. -- '
Roll Call '
Ayes- 3-_'r.EL1Usworthp I r. Yobles, 'r. La.rinson, I.."r.Lentley and i;1r.
_,Noes- lohe.
Resolution J8 Introduced by Yr. Llls!^orth, Seconded by 111r. 'Nbles
It was i,esolved the l-'r. Towler The any is 'Hereby aopointed a
committee of one, to obtain a hall to hold mass meeting to discuss
the fire proptection ratter and futher resolved that the Clerk
cause to be inserted in the newspapers a notice stating time and
place of said meeting.
Roll Ca11
Ayes- 11r. Ellsworth to 7,'r. Nobles , TTr. Lampson, 1.r. Bentley and
Yr. Fowler.
Noes- Tone.
Resolution 49 Introduced by ?.fir. Bentley Seconded by 1,1r. Nobles,
It was resolved that Y.r. Fowler be and is hereby authorized and
directed to mail to the Board of Public Safety of the City of Glens
Falls Notice of the tire and place of the neeting to be held on
Fire protection matter and extend to the board. or any nenber
thereof an invitation to attend.
Roll Call. --�
AYLS- 'Yr. Ellsworth, Y Nobles, ITr, Lampson, Y Bentley and
Yr. Fowler,
Noes, None.
Resolution ;#10. Introduced by T,Tr. 7entley Seconded by Mr. Lampson
It was resolved that the Town accepts as a public highway all that
tract or parcel of land as shown on a deed from Lake seorge Assembly
to the Town of Jueensbury dated November 26th,1935, subject to the
approval of the Townty Attorney as to the legality of the Deed.
Roll Call
Ayes- 11r. Ellsworth, Mr. Lampson, Yr. Bentley, and Mr.Powler.
Absent - 1yir, N�bes
Noes - None.
Resolution #11, . Introduced by Mr. Ellsworth seconded by Yr•. Bentley.
It was resolved that 11r. Lampson be and is hereby appointed a
Committee of one to submit to the County Attorney a deed from
Lake George Assembly to the Town of 2ueensbury Dated Nov. 26thp
1935 for his approval as to form and legality of deed Rnd report
back to the board -at next regular meeting.
Roll Call
Ayes- Mr. Ellsworth, Yr. Lampson,l?r.Bentley, X= and iu;r. Fowler.
Absent- 1Lr. Nobles
Noes None.
The board proceeded to audite the followin^ c^ot�rts.
A7rftn t Atno uit t
No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim° F,. Claimed Allowed
1 J. C.Chitty Printingfor Sup. 61650 3 6: 50
2 J. C.Chitty Printing for Coll. 10.00 10:00
3 Jerry B. Head percentage 54.53 54.53
4 Jerry B. Dead Service as Supervisor 64.00 64. 00
5 Sam 7hiting Poor relief Orders 1. 50 Not a%?dited
6 F.J. Crannell Poor Relief Orders 58.18 58418
7 Clauson Hewitt Poor relief Orders 6. 00 6.00
8 A.J.Vanffagner Constable Service 47020 47.20
9 J.C. Chitty Stationary for town Clerkl7. 75 17. 75
10 F.A.Richards6n Poor relief orders 65.11 65.11
11 Fred E. Ricketts Constable Service 163,40 163.40
12 Thurston Ingraham Poor relief orders 50.00 50. 00
13 Mary R. Newcomb Poor relief orders 26.44 26.44
14 Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Service 76. 00 76. 00
15 Curtis Lampson Board Meeting 8, 00 8. 00
16 Curtis Lampson Justice Service 7.30 7.30
.17 Meredith Bentley Board I1eetings 16. 00 16600
18 Floyd Ellsworth Justice service 23.90 23.90
19 Harry Codner Poor relief Orders 15. 00 15;00
20 Floyd Ellsworth Board Meetings 144' 08 14. 08
21 Charles Nobles Justice Services 40.40 40.40
22 Arthur Stewart Poor relief orders 3. 00 3.00
23 Ruel E. Hopkins Service-Welfare officer 10.00
24. D.Elmer Fowler Board meetings 8. 00 . 8. 00
792.72 9 - P80. 79
Audit #23 is not audited by Town Board but is paid by supervisor
On motion meeting Adjourned to January 28thl936 at 7 PM at the
Clerk' s office.
Town Clerk.
Adjourned meeting January 29th91936
At an adjourned meeting of the town Board of the Town of
jueensbury held on the above date at 7 PM at the Clerk' s office
the following menbers were present.
D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth Justiceof Peace
Ij Charles Nobles it it
Meredith Bentley It "
Curtis Lampson "
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk.
Resolutinn #12_ Introduced by Mr. Ellsworth, seconded by Iff'r. Nobles
it was reso7.v0d theft Mr. Bentley be and is hereby appointed a
committee of one to submit to County attorney, the map, petition
and proposal of North Glens Falls Wate"i District.
• Roll Call "
Ayes Xr. E1lsworth)i Pdr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley. and
Mr. .Fowler.
Noes- None
Resolution. X13 Introduced by Mr. Bentley Seconded by Yr Nobles
It- was resolved that W. Fowler and*Hr. Ellsworth be and are hereby
authorized to sign and execute °a supplemental application for the
continuation of tht Gurney Zane Project in an amount riot to exceed
17000. 0 r .