1936-01-29 11"7 Resolution ' 11, . Introduced by hZr. Ellsworth seconded by ltr. Bentley. It was resolved that lij!r. Lampson be and is hereby appointed a Committee of one to submit to the County Attorney a deed from Lake George Assembly to the Town of 2ueensbury Dated Nov. 26th, 1935 for his approval as to form and legality of deed = nd report back to the board -at next regular meeting. Roll Call Ayes- Yr. Ellsworth, Yr. LampsonpYr.Bentley, IftX and Ur. Fowler. Absent- Mr. Nobles Noes None. The board proceeded to audite the following P.11^0?7r<ts. • ;k :Ar6unt Amount No. Name of Claimant Nature of ClAlk -,f ,:; Claimed Allowed 1 J.C.Chitty Printin#'for Sup. 6.50 6; 50 2 J. C.Chitty Printing for Coll. 10.00 10, 00 3 Jerry B. Yead percentage 54.53 54. 53 4 Jerry B. Yead Service as Supervisor 64,00 64. 00 5' Sam Whiting Poor relief Orders 1. 50 Not aa-dited 6 F.J. Crannell Poor Relief Orders 58.18 58418 7 Clauson Hewitt Poor relief Orders 6. 00 6.00 8 A.J.VanWagner Constable Service 47.20 47,20 9 J.C.Chitty Stationary for town Clerkl7. 75 17. 75 10 F.A.T?ichards6n Poor relief orders 65.11 65.11 11 Fred E. Ricketts Constable Service 163,40 163.40 12 Thurston Ingraham Poor relief orders 50.00 50. 00 13 Mary R. Newcomb Poor relief orders 26.44 26.44 14 Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Service 76. 00 76. 00 15 Curtis Lampson Board Meeting 8. 00 8. 00 16 Curtis Lampson Justice Service 7. 30 7.30 17 Meredith Bentley Board Meetings 16. 00 16,00 18 Floyd Ellsworth Justice service 23. 90 23,90 19 Harry Codner Poor relief Orders 15. 00 15,00 20 Floyd Ellsworth Board Meetings 14. 08 14. 08 21 Charles Nobles Justice Services 40.40 40,40 22 Arthur Stewart Poor relief orders 3. 00 3.00 23 Ruel E. Hopkins Service-Welfare officer 10.00 24. n.Elmer Fowler Board meetings 8. 00 8. 00 J792.;29 -X780. 79 Audit 023 is not audited by Town Board but is paid by supervisor On motion meeting Adjourned to January 28th1936 at 7 PM at the Clerk' s office. x Town Clerk. Adjourned meeting January 29th, 1936 At an adjourned meeting of the town Board of the Town of 2ueensbury held on the above date at 7 PM, at the Clerk' s office the following menbers were present. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justiceof Peace Charles Nobles If " Meredith Bentley of " Curtis Lampson to " Bert D. Turner Town Clerk. Resolut�nn #12:-Introftced by per. Ellsworth, seconded by iwr. Nobles It was resolved theft Mr. Bentley be and is hereby appointed a committee of one to submit to County attorney, the map, 'petition and proposal of North Glens Falls Wat.ei District, Roll Call Ayes- Mr. Ellsworth)i Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and , Mr. .Fowler. Noes- None Resolution. #13 Introduced by Mr. Bentley Seconded by Mr Nobles It- was resolved that Qr. Fowler and '111r. Ellsworth be and are hereby authorized to sign and exeeute 'a supplemental application for the continuation of t1we Gurney Lane Project in an amount qot to exceed 17000. r pp is Roll Call Ayes- Mr. t'llsworth, Mr. Nobles , Ir. Lampson, mr Mr.Fowler. . Bentley and Noes-None Resolution #14 Introduced by T71r. Ellsworth, Seconded by I,ir.Bentley It was resolved that I�1r. Fowler and '11r. Nobles be and are hereby authorized tp sign and exemute an application for a quarrying and crushing project of the ��.PA. Said project not to exceed the sun of :I5800. Roll Call. Ayes- I"r. Ellsworth, 11r. Nobles , 7_r. La.rpson 11r. Bentley and 11'r. Fowler. j Noes- None. Resolution X15 Introduced by 1,1r. Ellsworth, Seconded by lr. Nobles It was resolved that 11r. Lampson be and is hereby appointed a committee of one to act in unison with the superintendant of highways to locate a quarry site. Roll Call Ayes- TZr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, 1.17r. Bentley and Mr. Fowler. Noes. None. On motion reeti�ng�a4journed. • Town Clerk Public Hearing February 21st,, 1936. At a public hearing held on the above date at 7pm at the clerk' s office upon the petition of the Champlain Bus Corporation for consent of the Town of 'Jueensbury to operate an omnibus line ofer certain highway in the Town of Jueensbury, the following menbers .:wrere present, .� p D, Llme3mq1;'owler Supervisor •4C,4.j Charles Nobles Justice of -?ease Yeredith Bentley � Curtie Lampson F'77 . Bert D. Turner 'Co«rn Clerk. Appearances �D Petitioner by Butler, Kilmer, Hoey ?c Butler c:Ca4a—e__ Kilmer of Consul. iEAS, CHA ,'?'I1. Ild BUS COiP0 'ATION, of 605 +lest 1,52nd Street, City, County and State of I74ew York, heretofore and on the 10th day of January, 1936 filed. ,%Tith the Town Clerk of the Town of Zueensbury, �7arren County, '`v.Y. , its petition in writing duly executed, wherein it pY?ayed for° the consent of the local authorities comprising th6 said 2o-.-,n ?'or-rd of said Town of .Jueensbury to operate an omnibus line for the transportation of passengers and property over, upon and along certain streets, avenues and thoroughfares in said Town of Jueensbury as part of an omnibus route between the City of Albany, Albany County, N.Y. , ; and theinternational line between the United States and the Dominion of Canada at, or near, the Village of Rouses Point, .. Clinton County, N.Y. , and i ERFAS, -3.t a meeting of such Town Board held at the To m Clerk' s Office in the Town of "Jueensbury on the 28th day of Janmary,1G36, a resolution !ms duly adapted pursuant to sections 66 and 67 of the Transportation Cor ?orations Law that a public hearing be held upon said petition at the Town Clerks Office in the Town of 4ueensbury ,N.Y. on the 2Ist day of February, I936,at " 7 01`Clock ..in the afternoon, and that due notice be given by publishing the sane in the Glens f- 11s tires an the post-star published at Glens Falls N.Y. for fourteen days „being t no daily newspaper published in the Toms of Jueensbury and the City of Glens Falls being the nearest City thereto ) And ,IIEREAS, notice of said meeting was duly published and given as reauired by said resolution,and WHERI,AS, a`public hearing was held on said petition at the