1936-02-21 118 Roll Call Ayes- fir. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles , Mr. Lampson, :11r. Bentley and Mr.Fowler. Noes-4None i Resolution ,#14 Introduced by 1Tr. Ellsworth, Seconded by Mr.Bentley It was resolved that IvTr. Fowler and 11,1r. Nobles be and are hereby I authorized tp sign and exemute an application for a quarrying and crushing project of the 7,7.PA. Said project not to exceed the sum of 15900. Roll Call. Ayes- Mlr. Ellsworth, 1,1r. Nobles , 1.1r. L-- npson , T.Ir. Bentley and 11r. Fowler. Noes- None. Resolution ,,15 Introduced by Mr. Ellsworth, Seconded by y I,fir' — It was resolved that I.Ir. Lampson be and is hereby appo_inted a committee of one to act in unison with the superintendant of highways to locate a quarry site. Roll Call Ayes- I,11r. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Tyr. Lampson, 1,1r. Bentley and Y'r. Fowler. Noes. None. On motion meeting a 4journed. + Town Clerk Public Hearing February 21st,, 1936. At a public hearing held on the above date at 7pm at the clerk' s office upon the petition of the Champlain Bus Corporation for consent of the Town of 'Zueensbury to operate an omnibus line of er certain highway in the Town of lueensbury, the following menbers 'were present, p D, L1mem%Fowler Supervisor Charles Nobles Justice of Peace rTeredith Bentley Curtis Lampson Bert D. Turner ToSrm Clerk. Appearances Petitioner by Butler, Kilmer, Hoey ?c Butler aa4A . w__ Kilmer f: of Consul. 7=REASt CHAI,.r'L'LIN 73US CORPOPATION, of 605 West 1.32nd F ` Street, City, County and State of New York, heretofore and on the 10th day of January, 1936 filed. hrith the Town Clerk of the Town of 2ueensbury, 77arren County, N.Y. , its petition in writing duly executed, ,,therein it prayed for the consent of the local authorities comprising the said To:*an Ro�..rd of said Town of jueensbury to operate an omnibus line for the transportation of passengers and properly over, upon and along certain streets, avenues and thoroughfares in said Town of 2ueensbury as part of an omnibus route between the City of Albany, Albany County, N.Y. , and theinternational line between the United States and the Dominion of Canada at, or near, the Village of Rouses Point, Clinton County, N.Y. , and "71RR]EAS1, at a meeting of such Town Board held at the o,an Clerk' s Office in the Town of �ueensbury on the 28th day of -� Janmary,1936, a resolution ..,rats duly adopted pursuant to sections 66 and 67 of the Transportation Corporations Law that a public hearing be held upon said petition at the Town Clerks Office in the Town of 4ueensbury ,N.Y. on the 2Ist day of February, I936,at 7 6"Clock in the afternoon, and that due notice be given by publishing the same in the Glens Falls times an the post-star published at Glens Falls N.Y. for fourteen day being, no daily newspaper published in the Towm of 'Jueensbury and the City of Glens Falls being the nearest City thereto ) And WHEREAS9 notice of said meeting was duly published and given as reauired by said resoluti.on,and MMRIAS, hearing was held on said petition at the Town Clerks Office in the Town of ,jueensbury ,N.Y. on the 2Ist day of February I936,at 7 110 "Clock ,P.Y. at which meeting all persons so desiring were heardf IT IS N97, TII=O''u-1 RESOL ID, that the consent of the Town of jme nsiury by its said Town Board, comprising the local authorities of said "'oti�m,be and the same hereV granted unto the Chanpla.in Bus: Corporation to operate its ifotoMuszes and stages upon, aloneg and through the streets, highways and thoroughfares of the To mn of � :utsbury, along the following out4 Entering the Town on U.S. Highway T'o 9 from the ''own Line bet�rc,n the gown of �ue4nsbury and the City of rlens 7a, 116 = ortherly to tie io�rn Line 1)etween the noun of �ur..cnobury and the To�Tn of alc"A�rell, t 7toutesouthbound is as outlined above, bce.TtK ',7ith the privilege oesto fining •said or"nibusses for taking on :f-,.nd disc}zargirg of passengers at, conTeNtent points, -jnd with t'-e privilege of m��'�ing such reasonable alterations in is rou:t� Pj,,iy be requires ley hi�;hwayConstruction, change of location'o !erninals or j other sufficient re5:aon, ' i -this consent to operate the omnibuses .and stages of tle i Champ lain ?fuss Corporation is granted with the understanding that such routQTMay be operated. now or he ,reafter in Corbination or co.ju��ct_�.on � i t'� the roYat�s of ',:'-jaT pl` in :oath Ines, Inc its affiliate, end. wl �;': t"_ier cf uv7.t':^gut this r. p Eunic� allty, this Consent ia. -,.. nted and sliall remain in .full force n+: ,affect for the longest periodof time for which .suoti, consents ray be granted. by 770wn by law 'j.nd statutes of the s+E1,te of ke':'' �Jrrki �.. nte'� stir? ect to the nrovis,ons of � l'. .�t�t�'.tes aril re t;irernent- o r�, i..,^a z.a...}tt--'' o/�r T,T pnr 'ro rk or Z.t*S O.. Uf..e r: t./C_:J L. l».l ..Y e rY •• +i'F C eyW. '. i consent is Tra.n+Fd iinor t'-iP cr nel i ti.oh t� .t the T^ *^nla:�r SUS r'rrno?"`ation be not }E 7'i:�.tte� to nick •,� °r°� ,-.ssPn,-1err1: „'sir. ; , imi+s of t�,e 'rc�-rr. ai' ^z;c+ r =�1,� or t'-e City of Glens Falls for carryift to any othbrfpoint *1thin the Town of jueensbury or the City of Glens Falls or to any qtr point between the Tdwp of Imeensbury and the City of Glens Falls and the Village of Lake GeorT, . The foregding resolution No. 16 was move for adoption by 1,111r. Bentley, seconded by Tyr. Nobles. Roll Call .Ayes- Mr. Nobles , Iir Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler. Nayes- None. On motion Meeting Adjourned, Be-+ D. Turn r Town Clerk ByA" eputy.