1936-03-10 At a Special° I,?eeting of the Town Board of the town of
Queensbury, held at the Town Clerk's Office, in said town, `on the
10th day of varch, 1936.
E"SE,NT: D. Elmer Fowler, supervisor, Floyd 1% Ellszr,orth,
Charles C'.. Nobles, Curtis Lampson and ','eredith Dlontley, Justices
of the Peace, and 3ert D. Turner, Town Clerk.
,.-r. ,ob1es 2�{ , introduced the following Resolution:
which Baas seconded by itr. Bentley,
'' TEREAS, A petition having been duly presented to the Town
"oard for establishing a T,'ater District to include property on
both sides of the Glens Falls-Lake George I� ighway, near Eliller Hill,
r' to be known as the "Forth Glens Falls --ater District" , and to layp +
mains along said highvaay to connect with the rater mains of the
City of Glens Falls, at an estimated cost of 1b,000. , signed by
' owners of taxableproperty situate in the proposed district,owning
in the aggregate more than one-half of the assessed valuation of
all the taxable real property of the proposed District, as shown
upon the last completed assessment roil of said town, it is
ORDERED, That pursuant to the provisions of Section 193 of
the Town Law, the Town Board will meet at the Town Clerk' s Office,
:Ridge Road, in said town, on the 23rd day of I,"arch; 1936, at seen
O' clock P.I,I. , to consider the' said petition and hear any andall
persons interested in the subject thereof, or concerning thesame.
Duly adopted >_arch 10,th3 1936 , by the following vote: ,
Iyes - 1,4r. Ellsworth , : r. IN.obles, Lampson, <'r. Bentley an(",nfr;
l, r. Fowler. a �'
Noes - none.
fit. j i,
March the I0-1936
at a publish hearing held on the above date by the town board
Town of Queensbury at the .Town Clerk-s office the following members
were present
Supervisor DJamer Fowier
Justice of Peace Floyd Ellsworth
" Charles Nobles
" Curtis Lampoon
" Merdeith S ,Bentley
Town Clerk Bert Ii Turner
also County Attorney Beecher Clother and City Attorney Daniel Rorie
- also present after all parties beitg herd the following
Resolution was adopted
Resolution #23 Intorduced by Mr Mliswdrth seooned by. Yr Nobles {
WMW4USp the City of .Glens Falls# &Municipal Corporation,
Situated in the County of Warrens by its Board of Water Commissioners,
did on the 25th day of February, I936s file with the Town ,hoard the
Town of QueensburysWarren CountysNew York a duly executed petition
for. the consent of suck Town Board to install two new water main* 1
traversing edrtin Highways of the Town of queenebury in connection with
the project of said City of Glens Fails to add to its presant water
supplye, and
WHIRM46Soots, meeting of said Town Board of the town of
Queenebury held at the residance of Bert Tuner in the Tawn of
aueensburys warren County. New Yorks on s i± th day of February. I936,
a resolution was duly, adopted that a publis""hnreing be held on said
petition at ,*aid place in the Town of Qaeenabil7' om the IOth day
of marsh, 193.6.#- at 7 o"Clock P.M. and that due notice be given by 1
publishing the same in the Glens Fails Times and the Post Star, daily
news Papers published in the City of Glens Falls, New, Yorks and
notice of said meeting was duly published and
given ap *AddVodt%y aid resolutions and
WiASs said public hearing was duly held by the said
Town Board of the Town of Queenebury on the IOth day of march I936
at 7 0"Clerk P .M, at which meeting all persons so desiring were herd#
and the said petition- and the proceedings in relation there to having
bean duly and aregular):y considered, it is Bow, therefore, RESIILVED,
that the Town Board of the Town of Queenaburys Warren County, New Yorks
does hereby grant its consent, permission and authority to the said x:
city of Glens Falls by its Board of water Commissioneras to install
two new water n�%ins taatersiag certain highways of the Town of Queensbury
in the following described wanner
one of such mains within the k1ghway from the pumping station at the
ingalsbe plug Mill and the nsrthaly side thereof easterly to the
intersection with the 16 ineh cast iron supplymain from the gravity
system where the same enters the Dixon read oppsite the residence
of one Berginal said to beapproximiately ISOO feet in length and to @insist
. of a I2 inch cast iron pipe laid about S feet under grounds with two
manholes for air vents, the top of nauldlmanholes to be surmounted
with a suttable east iroa- tramw and cover level with the surface of
the grodnd after such installation to be properly restored subject to
the approval-of the Town Superintendant of Highways of the Town of
Such line is for the purpose of making a connection from
the new proposed new pumping station with the present supply mains now
feeding the city of Glens Yalls frsin its gravity systems
the other sueh wain' to be lain within highway leading from
the Ingalabe plug Bill to Miller Hill and along the westerly side
of -hi41kw g%v^y aloft the lauds forma1T of William ftapmansdeoaased
to a point aibout 10W fee : northely; of the ehapman residance, such
main to eanaf8t c .a d inch vast 1von pipe laid about 5. :Voot under V
grounds the' Iourr"e, of the grouwA mfter such installation to be properly
restored subject to the approval of the Town Superinterant of
highways of the Town of tue e
«_ a Ni ; _
1 124
this second line is installed for the purpose of supplying water
to the lauds now owned by the es.tate of William Chapman,, .
the courses of the above described main installation are
substantially set up and shown upon the prints hereto annexed and
k tk ere inrteferred to as (a ) and ( b
tkis consent is granted upon the following terms and
f Conditions;
I. that said water mains be of the constructions and laid
in the manner set forth in the paragraph " (a )" and " (b )" above
2.the Water Board will keep and save harmless the Town
of Queensbury from claims of ingury to .persons or property during
the construction and laying of said mains and during the repair or
replacement thereof at any time,
3, that said water Board will construct 'and install fire
Hydrants appurtenant to said mainalong its course along said
Mixon Road at points designated by abutting property owners oar by
the officials of properly formed fire or water district at the cost
of such owners or district, such cost to be the actual installation
east to the said water Board, the water Board to furnish °ter to
such hydrants from suck main and to proper2ynaintain such hydrants
at its own most for a period of 20 years,exceptas to necessary
repairs or replacements of hydrants or partetwhich cost shall be born
by said property owners or -said fire or water District
#,wken and if tk in which suck hydrants are installed
In incorporated into the City c Glens palls, the ownership of such
hydrants will be taken over by said water board upon the repayment
to the property owners or district installing the same, of the cost
thereof, less depreciation thereon computed at the rate of two per
oent per annum from the year of installation,
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes Mr Zlleworth _ , Mr Nobles,. Hr Lampson,hr Bentj 9
And 3fi Wowl er
hoes- hone
On oti At et n adjurned
Bert D Turner Town Clerk
.w 9Po'-,. '<3f,. ,p. Y .i.'•. y. '_' {v.:,-;• n , ....te.'3Lr x�.�fi +kC �i�Wii