1936-05-26 a committee of Two to take the matter up with the County attorney, ' Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes- Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles , Mr. Lampson Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler Noes - None Upon Motion By Justice C.J. Nobles and duly seconded by Justice M.S. Bentley the following resolution # 35 was adopted. a WAS, New York Power and Light Corporation -has submitted to this Board a proposed Contract,a copy of which is hereto annaxed, for furnishing of street lighting service in TOWN OF gUEENSB URY for p period five years,from the first day of may I936 consisting initially of 3 5000 lumenp2I/2 4000Lumen, and 3 I000 lumen lamps to cost approximately 3$I2.33 per annum and THMMS,said proposed contract is satisfactory to this Board, Now, therefore Resolved, that the supfrvisor be and hereby is authorised and dricted to execute for and behalf of the Town of .Queensbury said contract for such street lighttngservice, and the Town Clerkis hereby to attach the 'Town Sealthereto and attest the same Roll ,Call Ayes all 11'r Ellsworth Mr Nobles Mr Lampson Mr 1'entley� % Resolution #36 intorduced by Mr Lampson seconed by Mr Bentley it was resolved that Supervisor Fowler be and is hereby authorised to accept and execute the contract for the stop light at montys Bridge .Ayes .Mr Ellsworth Mr Nobles Mr Lampson Mr Bentley and -Mr Fowler Noes N.ne on motion meeting adhourned. May 26th, 1936 Regular me+bting At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, hold -on the above date, at 7 PM at the Clerk's office, the following members were present. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor, Floyd Ellsworth, Justice of Peace Charles Nobles Meredith Bentley lurtis Lampson 'r n Bert D. Turner Town "lark Minutes of meetings held on -April 20th and May llth, .1936 read and approved. A petition of Taxpayers petitioning the Board to .make and reconstruct the Airport road was read to the Board. 'Glens Falls Grange, John J. Harris Memorial Chapel and 'Mohican Grange, applications were read to the Board requesting permission to cleaA certain 'Cemeteries in the ` Town of Queensbury. ' 'An application by Auston B, Holden camp requestd�Board to purchase flags for the decoration of soldiers graves In the Cemeteries of the Town of Queensbury was read to the Board. . . •A letter from County Attorney relative to DeRosia at al; vs Town of Queensbury was read to the Board. RESOLUTION No, 37 I'ntrodueed by "Justice Ellsworth, seconded by "Justice" Nobles. WHEREAS, an application has been duly made to the town ` Superintendent .of Highways and the Town Board of the Town of Queens- bury, County of Warren, State of New York, by the SPRING BROOK WATER COMPANY? a corporation of the State of New York organised to supply water by mains or pipes, for permission to lag, place Arid maintain pipes, mains, hydrants, service connections and all other necessary or usual attachments and devices through, under, ever and along the public streets, highways or other .public places in that portion of said Town bounded by a line beginning at a point on the North shore of the Hudson River, where said river is intercepted by the boundary line between the counties of Warren and Washington, thence running northerly along said boundary line to the intersection thereof with Dix Avenue, thence westerly along the northerly line of Dix Avenue to the internee- tion of said line with the westerly line of Highland Avenue, thence ' southerly along the westerly line of Highland Avenue and the extension thereof to the intersection of said extended dine with the Hudson River and thanco,,,aasterly,along the Northern -shore of the Hudson River to tb9 13 point of beginning; and in, and under any and all lands adjacent-thereto in which said Spring Brook Water Company may acquire a legal easement or easements from the owner or owners, for the purpose of delivering and distributing pure and wholesome water for public and private uses and purposes : AND Said Board having called a public hearing, notice of which was r given by publication thereof in the official newspaper of said Town at least ten days .before the meeting, the-Board having duly convened and held said hearing, the Superintendent of Highways and a majority of said Board being present and heard said application and concluded that the grant thereof would be advantageous to the town and its inhabitants. NOW, MEREFORE, on motion duly .made and carried: RESOLVED, that the said SPRING BROOK WATER COMPANY (hereinafter called the Company, its successors and assigns is hereby granted the right and privilege to lay, place and maintain pipes, mains, hydrants, service connections and all other necessary or usual attach- ments and devices and to make any and all excavations which are reason- ably necessary and proper for' that purpose in, through,under, over and along any and all of the streets, avenues, lanes, highways, public alleys and other public places in the portion of the said Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, State of New York, bounded by a line beginning at a point on the North Shore of the Hudson River, where said river is intercepted by the boundary line between the counties of Warren and Washington, thence ru=ing northerly along said boundary lime to the intersection thereof with Dix Avenue, thence westerly along the northerly line •of Dix Avenue to the intersection of"'said line ,with the westerly line of Highland avenue, thence southerly along the westerly line of Highland avenue and the extension thereof to the intersection of -said extended line with the Hudson River, and thence easterly along the Northern shore of the Hudson River to -the point of beginning; and in, and under any and all lands adjacent thereto in which said Spring Brook Mater Company may acquire a .legal easement or easements from the owner or owners, and to connect said pipes, mains, etc ., with -all or any public and private buildings and to all or any hydrants in said portion of said Town for the purpose of delivering and distributing to the same pure and wholesome water in such amount as .shall be required, necessary and proper for the use of said portion of said Town and the inhabitaants thereof. That all times after the laying of said pipes, mains, etc,, said company shall' be permitted to examine and keep the same in proper condition and repair,and do all necessary work to properly maintain the construction thereof. This :grant and privilege is made upon the following terms : a 1. That the pipes, mains, etc., shall be located uner the directign, og the Town #aporintandent of Highways and the Town Berard or their duly N authorized . nts. 2. That all of said pipes, mains, etc., and other -attachments , and dgviees shall bed aced, and maintained in a proper and workmanlike manner sq that that same skull in no way endanger the public , and. the said company slIall at all times indemify and save harmless the said Town, -the Town Superintendent of Highways and the menbers of the Town Board from and against and and all antions, suits, damages, costs, charges and expenses by reason of the location and maintenance of said pipes r mains, etc ., in any of the .stroots, avenues, lanes and other public places in the above d4scribed portion of said Town, or by reason of any act done or omitted , - . tq be done .in the premises by said ompany, . 3. This grant and perm3;t .is made upon the condition that permission bet secured from sueh public authority and -ommissigns as is required by law, and the eansideration hereof is the expenditure by said company of the ' `~ fends neea.%sary for the construction of said system of pipes, mains, etc., and the prgper maintenance thereof. DULY adopted`: by the following vote : Ayes - Mrj-.tllsworth, Mr, Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr, Bentley and Mr. Fok,*r Noos - None., . RESOLUTION No., 38, Introduced by Mr, Bentley►, seconded- by Mr. Nobles, A txy=X X** t:gxs1 it was resolved that Austin W. Holden Camp be land is hereby authorized to purchase flags for the decoration of Civil War Veterans Graves in the Town of Queensbury at a price not to exceed.. 0.900J, t DULY adopted by the fallowing vote; Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr, Bentley and Mr. Fowler. Hoes - None, RESOLUTION No, 39 Introduced by Mr, Ellsworth, seconded by Mr, Lampson, it�rwas resolved that the John J. Harris Memorial Chapel be and is hereby authorized to remove grass, weeds, brush and care for and conseve the John J: Harris Cemetery on Ridge Road, Ffttther resolved that brush, weed, and grass be removed at least three times a year by the said John `J. Harris Memorial Chapel. Further resolved that the sum of $50.00 be and hereby is appropiated for said 'eemetery. Furtbor resolved that the work be completed by Oct. 1st., 1936. DULY Adopted by the following vote. Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr, Nobles , Mr. Lampson, Mr, Bentley and Mr. Fowler. Noes - None, RESOLUTION No. ,40, Introduced by Mr. Nobles, seconded by Mr, Bentley, it was resolved that the Glens Falls Grange be and is hereby authorized to remove grass, weeds, brush and care for and conserve the Lake Sunnyside Cemetery. Further resolved that brush, weeds and grass be removed at least three times a ygar by the said .Glens Falls Grange. Further .resolved that tho sum of $100,00 be abd hereby is appropiated for said Cemetery, Further resolved that the work ,be completed by 0^t. 1st, 1936, DULY Adopted by the following vote. Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr . Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler. Noes - None. RESOLUTION No, 41, Introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. .Nobles, it was resolved that the Mohican Grange be and is hereby authorized to remove grass, weeds brush and care for *W eonse"s the Jenkins Cemetery near Bradford Thornton t s Farm,:? Further resolved that brush, weeds and grass be removed at least three times a year by the said A1xx rxFzftsx#xax Mahican Grange. Further resolved that the sum of $100.00 be and hereby is appropiated for said cemetery. Further resolved that the work be completed by Oct. *lst, 1936, DULY Adopted. by the following vote . Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr, Bentley and Mr. Fowler. , Noes - None, t No Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Amount Claimed Amount Allowed 125 M. D. Sullivan Inspector $10,00 , $10,00,, 126' Thurstin Ingraham. Poor Relief 1,00 1,00 ." 127 Clayton Woodbury Poor Relief 10.00 10.00 128 Neri Ripley Poor Raj tof 3.00 . 3,00 129 Dennis & Co,, Inc. Assessement Rolls 19,54 19,54 130 G. F. Post Co, Printing Notices 4,65 4.65 a 131 Mary R. Newcomb Poor Relief Orders 6,50 6,50 F 132 Charles W. Richards .4asessor Service 120,00 , 120,001 133 Ernest Hillis Assessor Service 120,00 1001001 134 Edward Sleight Assessor Service 120,00 1200001 135 F. A. Richardson:: Poor Relief Orders 12,25 12,25 +, 336 City of Glens Falls Rent of Lookup 2100 2,00 :_ n 137 Fitzgerald Hotel Meals to rri.sonera 5.00 5.00 •138 Edward J. Singleton Gunning & D�rosia & I s sack Ca" 50.00 900,00• 139 Beecher S, Clothier " 321,75 321.75 -i.' ` pK.f 140 Fred E, Ricketts Constable 3ervie 46,50 46,50 us , 141 Dr G. A. Chapman Poor Relief 2,00 2*0A0 -1.00 142 A, J,. Van Wagner Constable ;Service 64,02 . 64.02 143 G. F. Post Co Printing Briefs 58 Of 58,95 144 Meredeith S. Bentley Board Meetings 12000 12,00 ) 145 Charles Baldwin Constable Service 25072 24922 146 Floyd Ellsworth Board Meetings, 840 8000 147 Lena M. Jenkins Inspector of Elections 15.00 15.E 148 Curtis Lampson Board Meetings 8,00 8.00 149 Curtis Lampson Justice Service 20160 20.60 150 Floyd Ellsworth Justice Service a.55 - - 8.55 151 Charles Nobles Justice service 44925 44,25 152 Bert D. Turner Service as Toxn Clerk. , 56100 -56,00 � t -- Claimed Allowed On motion meeting adjourned. , it r