1936-06-13 SP 135 � SPECIAL MEETING June /J- 1936, At aR peeial meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, held on the above date, at 7 PM at the Clerk's Office, the following members were present, D, Elmer Fowler supervisor, Floyd Ellsworth, Justice of Pseaeo Charles Nobles ' Meredith Bentley Curtis Lampoon it " Bert D. Turner Town Clerk, RESOLUTION No, 4Z,, - Introduced by Mr, Ellsworth, seconded by Mr. Nobles, it was resolved that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to sign a petition to the Comptroller of the State of New York for permission to establish the North Glens Falls Water District and to issue bonds of the Town for payment of the same and to execute any and all papers necessary in connection with the establishing of said district, DULY adopted by the following vote : Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, SW Nodes, Mr'. Lampoon, Mr, Bentley and Mr,� Fowler, Noes -- None. . RESOLUTION No, 4S, Introduced by Mr. Nobles, seconded by Mr, Lampson it was resolved that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to execute application to the Water Power and control commission for permission to execute petition for approval of plans for water Supply- for North Glens Falls -Water district in the Town of Queensbury and any and all papers necessary to be executed in connection with said application, DULY adopted by the following vote : Ayes - Mr, Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr, Lampoon, Mr, Bentley and Mr. Fowler, Noes - None, The Town Board Signed the following determination and order laying out the North Glens Falls Water District, WHEREAS, A petition having been duly presented to the Town Board and filed in the Town Clerk's Office of the Town of Queensbury, pursuant to Article 12 of the Town Law, praying that a Water District be established in said town, as desoribed in said petition, which property is wholly out- side of any incorporated village or city in said town of queensbury, and WHEREAS, The Town Board of the Town of Queensbur y did, on the 10th, day of March, 1936, make certain order and resolution that pursuan to the provisions of Section 193 of the Town Law, the Town Board would most at the Town Clerk's Office.. Ridge Road, in said Town, on the 23rd, day of March,,. 1936, at 7 o'clock PM,, to consider the said petition and hear any and all persons interested in the subject thereof, or eoneerning the same, and WHEREAS The Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, having given notice: of a public hearing, as provided by the statute, such hearing having been held on the 23rd day of March, 1936, at 7 o'clock PM., at the Town Clerk's Office in said Town, the Town Clerk having mailed a copy of said notice of public hearing to alI Public Service Corporations, the names of which appear on the assessment roll of the Town of Queensbury, pursuant of the provisions of the TQvn Law, .Affidavits of Publishing, posting and mailing having been dull filed, and WHERLAS At pubiie hearings held by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, tie said Town Board having heard all persons appearing-in support of said petition and all persons opposing as to all the benefits tb*reto bytsaid proposed improvement, or any objection -to establishing the said propose4Diatriot, or making such improvements therein, and the said Town Board of the Town of Queensbury having examined the said petition and found that ' said petition was`-properly signed .and acknowledged, - as required. by the statute; and in all respects complied with the provisions of the Town. Law, and WHEREA39 The said Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, upon the evidence given at such public hearings, has determined; That it is in the public Inte`rest :to grant in detail the relief sought and has deter- mined tbat�_said petition_-Is in fact signed and acknowledge, or 'proven, as required<by. 3.aw � , ie otherwise sufficient; and has determined that the taxable real °ert situate- in the proposed Water District is or will be of sufficion flue" to pay the cost of constructing of a water supply system therein and hart fu ti determined that all property, property owners and interested gtrsa�ns within* said proposed 'water District are benefited thari b NOW THERE ME IT IS, ORDER, That it is the determination of the Town Board of the Tee► b y of Queensbury that the said petition is in, fact signed and aclnowled ed or proven, as required by law, and is otherwise sufficient and complies ' with Article 12 of the Town Law, and it is further ORDERED, That it is the determination of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury that it is in the public interests to grant in detail the relief sought, and it is further ORD�,?RED, That it is the determination of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury that the taxable real property situate in the pro- posed mater District is or will be of sufficient value to pay the cost of construction of a water supply svtbmitted therein, and it is further ORDERED, That it is the determination of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury that all property, property owners and interested persons that the said District was benefited thereby, and it is further ORDERED, That subject to the provisions hereinafter stated, a Water District as described in said petition and as hereinbefore deter- ' mined,, be and hereby is established; and it is further ORDERED That this order and determination are made pursuant to and pubject tm tie provisions of Chapter 683 of the Laws of 1933, as amended by Chapter 45 of the Laws of 1935, and it is further ORDERED, That said District be known as the North Glens Falls Water District and may be designated in the tax roll as hater District No, 1, and � t is further ORDERED, That, it is the determination of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury that the work of installing the said water system shall be done as a WPA project and that ' the total cost to the taxpayers in the district shall not exceet $1,f0000600,, exclusive of any grant by WPA, Dated, March 23, 1936, SPECIAL MEETING June 17th, 1936. At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queens- bury, held on the above date, at 7 P. M. at the Clerk' s0office , the � ,followingmembers were present D, Elmer Fowler Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justie of Peace c Charles. Nobles Meredith Bentley r Curtis Lampoon " Bert D. Turner ToVn Clerk Beecher S, Clother also present. Letters from Bee^her Clother and Chambers &.Finn: Read to the Board and placed on file, RESOLUTION ,No. 44, Introduced by Mr. .Nobles, seconded by Mr,. Lampson, it was resolved that Beecher S. Clother be and is hereby athorized to have the 30 copies of printed cases on appeal. to Appellate Division, delivered to the Town Clerk, it is further 4,. RESOLVIW, That the request of Attorney for plaintiffs Chit thw be permited to use the case on appeal to Court of. appeal be denied, DULY adopted by the following vote, Ayes Mr. . Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, Mr, Bentley and Mr, Fowler Nayse None, RESOLUTION No, 45, Introduced by Mr. Ellsworth, seconded by Mr. Nobles. z WHEREAS, Members of the Town Board of the Town of Q"onsbu acting for .an(J on behalf of the Norht Glens Falls Water District, ne gdtiated with the Water Commissioner,= of the City of Glens Falls for the purpose of obtaining contract for supplying water form the city mains to. said District, and WHEREAS, At a meeting of the Water Co ssionera held at the Common Council Roons, in the City Hall, on the ,14th dpy of June, 1936, the Supervisor and several members of the Town Board appeared before _ said Commissioners and a resolution was passed by the Water Commision- ers authorizing the Chairman of said Commission to ixecute ,contract with the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, representing the said