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1936-07-31 SP
40 The Town Board Audited the following Claims. No. Name of Claiment Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 169 Jane Lockhart Lake Geo. Free Library X100.00 X100.00 170 Fred Richardson Poor Relief Orders 14.80 14.80 - 171 G. F. Post Co. Printing Notices 3.J0 lfot Audited 172 F. J. Crannell Poor Relief Orders 6050 6. 50 173 Edward Thomson Co.Town Law Book 7. 50 7. 50 174 Charles Richards Assessor Service 185.00 188.00 175 Ernest Hillis Assessor Service' 185.00 180.00 176 Edward Sleight Assessor Service 185.00 180.00 177 Harry Codner Poor Relief Orders 3.0.0 3.00 178 Bert D. Turner Clerk services 74.00 74.00 179 A. J. Van Wagner Constable Service 36. 58 36. 58 180 A. J. Van',lagner Killing & Buring Dogs 8100 8.00 181 D. Elmer Fowler Board Ieetings 44.00 44.00 182 Charles Nobles Justice Service 29.30 29. 30 - 183 Curtis Lampson Justice Service 10.70 , 10.70 184 Curtis Lampson Board Meetings 16.00 16.00 185 Meredith S. BentleyBoard Yeetings 16.00 16.00 186 Floyd K. Ellsworth Board Yeetings 24.100 24.00 187 Charles Baldwin Constable Service and Killing Dogs 20.00 20..00 183 Floyd K. EllsworthJustice Service 61. 35 _ 61035 1041.73 RESOLUTION No.Ol, Introduced by Justice Nobles, seconded b Lampson. it was /Oso -�? --; 0 qv RESOINM that Ralph T. Been be and is hereby appoin ed attendance officer for the School year of 1936 and 1937 for the Schools of the Town of ,ueensbury, outside of Distript #2 subject to the approval of the district Superentendant of Schools At an annual salary of ` 200. 00 payable as folows: 120.00 per month for ten months on presentation of properly verified bills presented to the Supervisor. DULY adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr, Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler. Noes - None. The meeting adjourned on motio SPECIAL. MEETING July 31st, 1936. At a special meeting of the Town Board of' the Town of Jueensbury, held on the above date, at 7 - PI! at the Clerk' s Office, the following members were present. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor, ` Floyd Ellsworth, Justice of Peace =� Charles Nobles n u n Meredith Bentley Curtis Lampson Bert D. Turner Town Clerk. RESOLUTION No. 52 introduced by Mr. -Ellswo-rth, seconded by Mr. Lampson: n: IT ''PAS RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to purchase from MOTT-FRASI1M CORP. , one Stewart Model 58-X Dump Truck with Woods Body and Hoist and 9:75 X 20 ties and 3+ to .5 Tons capacity at a price of ` 3850. 9 F.O.B. Glens Falls N. Y. , said purchase is subject to the approval of the County Superintendant of Highways. r, DULY adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles , hlr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley *and Mr.Fowler. > Noes - None. RESOLUTION No. ,�j3 Introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Iir. Nobles: WHERF.AS9 the Town Board of the Town of (Jueensbu,ry have passed resolution authorising the Supervisor to purchase one Stewart Model 58-X Pump Truck with Woods Body and Hoist for the maintenance of the Highways of the Town of 'Jueenstrury at a cost of 53850, and WHEREAS there are insufficient funds in the machinery Fund for ,the payment of same, it is RESOLVED that there be and is hereby appropiated the sit 'of .3£350. , for the purchase of said truck and it is further RESOLVED that the Town of Jueensbury issue pert -irate of `indebted- _ 1 141 ness in the sum of 13£350. and the supervisor and the Town Clerk are hereby authorized to execute said certificate of indebtedness for said amount at a rate of interest of three ner cent per annum for the purpose for ,,-hic�i sad sum is appropiated. DULY adopted by the following vote: Ayes - ?Tr. Ellsworth, r'_�r. Nobles, 2Tr. Lar.nson, 1:r. Bentley and Dir. Fowler. IToes - :"Tone. On motion meeting; adjourned. SPECIAL T� �FTT_3T-T &�p����August 5th, 1936. At a. sneci.a.l r^eetina, of the To,71n Poa.rd of the Town of ?ueensbury, _ held on the above date, at 7 P]'T at the Clerk' s Office, the following members were present. D. Elmer '±ow.ier Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth, Justice of Peace 'harles Nobles if 'T eredith Bentley ^urtis Larpson Bert 7). Turner To�,�n Cl erk. RESOLUTION ITo. 54, Introduced by 1,Tr. Ells�iTort'1, seconded by iTr. 7obles. T', AS tn.e Town Poard did on the ?Sth da-.T of July 1936, ras& Resolution f50 and z 'th.e To1n,;Board received a.n oninion dated .-,u7ust 4t1i, 1936 from the County Attorney h.o,).gVxn.7 that tti.e Town Roatrd exceeded the limita.tcans as provided by ' -O-tion 94, t'1e 71.p,'izray In,- her adonti_r. sa.i d resolution. PT�1701VRM_ that said resolution No. 50 '-P nrd t1le same ip hFrPby recb�. "t?TTV n,?onted by the followin7 vote: kyes - 11r. Fll girth, Tr, Nobles, Yr. Tarpson, 11r. Bentley and 11r. Fowler. K. Noes - ',Toney ?L'SOTTTTIQIT No 55, Trtrodiaced. I?y ?'r. F1.1-tworth, ^PcorOed by T'r. 'PPyttl Py. x.'T "�'� '.'s()'r T2C1-7'(l of t':e ^'0�"rrl of �'.lf'f'^c. tKs'�T r1FPT�1 tZIE f'CI.10'.?Ir .> ,�-+.r•:;zrc 17Yfca,fP. ..,fo " T�,) T•17^ "tr.atr/?l n;wfel_;�..? ✓(1f?vc. In !-1re ..Tr^'-slil,ncPt )-- �„niir Tine, -^c I I , . ''T 0I?r?'�7 tNa curs-7a. t to the nrovisr.on of -Ar!ti or n3 of the TTighwa T,at,,, ther ID e and is -tvpI?roniated and Trade available for said purpose the fry-1l-off 'tg €.mounts for ea,c' of Vie Oneida Cor. nP� "ashin;ton 7(1U.nt?% Line '?O`'(�. nn iVi_%�t4,)r T''? eld 7o ?(7, bec°innin� +-e end o � t'_e - _ t f n fn o c-1 cn 7 1 f F vn fir, e`'E? t CtOIIP -°2t3' Y( CvT .,??�1 ':.n j ''P i' .11 5 T7 TS 711:7 I bred t- t nur-,rrr'.t t'.1 tl-, nrO7i 'Z-J r c .ec,ticn �.. g3 of ?T 6T: a n1; �*rd t'� .nrovisiono of the mo..,n Law, tie 1_,1er*isor, �. be and. 'nere -is a tl or3 d to borrow on the x fn,tttii and credit of s-�,id ` Tos*-n said anounts or -so, retch t'^erPOr �r r".77be necess�;r-T for rk. r.Oonted bytme following vote: .w Ares - TTry' P'llftwor-V±-f 7r Nobles, Yr. Lampson, fr. Bentley and-Mr. Fowler�ri Noes - None. On ma-tio the meeting adjourned; SPECIAL TIC August 11th, 193 , ` At g',ea0 i 1 � �Ing a f;- �.�'C►w�1 Boord .of the Town of Queensbury, held on tie ► ti+ t � sat 7 P ��t th* Glee' s C3f-flue the following members were k D. Miner -Fow Supervisor Yloyd Ells`wd Justice of Peach Charles Nobl Meredith Bentley Curtis Lampson Bert D. Turner Town Clerk RZSOttQT2©N No. $6s Introduced by Mr. Ellsworth;. I o* ft&e& by Xr, Bentley 4