1936-10-27 146 i DULY, adopted by the following votes Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lap-peon, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler. Noes - None. RESOLUTION No. 69, Introduced by Mr. Bentley and seconded by Mr. Lampson, z*4x s ' WW* IT WAS RESOLVED that Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to have worked up a W.P.A. project for the removal of brush along the Town Highways. DULY, adopted by the, following votes Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler. Noes - None. I On Mot'on Me ti Adjourned. If > Pefrrular rreetin Oct. 27th, legs At a regular meetin of the Town "ov,rd of the To�-M of vueensbury 1^eld on the above date at 77pr-., the following menbers were present. �. Amer ?'o �ler Su-pervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Pearce Charles Noble 7'ereO ith Bentley " Curtis Lampson Pert D. Turher Town Clerk. Artl^.ur ?. Stone To wn Superir.tendant of 11ihway*s also x'resent. A petition of ,taxpayvrsz signed by taxpayers and residents of alone the Lockhart Road renuEsting the town to fixx said 'road wa.s presented to the board. The matter was taken under xxrtxaax consideration. - In the -matter of school warning signs the following resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION No. 70 Introduced by 1r. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Lampson It was resolved that the supervisor be and is hereby authorized to order for usefof the schools of the Town of Jueensbury, from Lyles Signs Inc. , 18 school warning signs with posts at a price of X3. 30. Duly adopted by the Following vote; < Ayes- Mr. Ellswortli, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampso n Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler. Noes None. Resolution No. 71 Introduced by Mr. Nobles Seconded byMr Ellsworth It Was resolved the Superintendant of Highways be and is hereby authorized to purchase for use for snow removal, in the Town of Jueens bury- 2- Prink Snow plows 1-2odel 25SB at a price of.$475 each mounted on the Town Trucks from Brad Fish Agent. Duly adopted by the following vote; Ayes- Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler. Noes- None. The board auditedand allowed. C3laims as follows. Amount Amount No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 238 Leon Frasier Poor relief Order $ 10, 00 10.00 339 A,G. Brown " " " 14.00 14.00 240 Harold Dean Elee.Services (Stop Light ) 15.40 15.40 241 Glens Falls Post Co. Printing Notices 7;40 7.40 242 Russell & Waite Supplies Cler' s office 2.85 2.85 t 243 Thunston Ingraham Poor relief Orders 15. 50 15.50 244 Am. Employers Ins Co. Truck Ihsurance 104.00 104.00 246 John Evans Elec. Equipment 2.20 2.20. 246 Bates And Carmody It " 7.80 7.8Q,,Zw 247 Hart._ Accident & Ind. Co. Justice Bond 5.00 5.00 =:. 2 147 { i 248 Chas, E. Houghtaling Law Blanks 315.27 75.27 248 Clauson. Hewitt Poor relief Orders 3. 00 3.00 259 J.C.Chitj;y Town Bill Heads 17.20 17.20 251 Lydia M. Harris Inspector of Elections 30.00 30. 00 252 Nettie Scoville, " 20. 00 20.00 253 A. . J Van*agner Constable Services 59.28 5928 254 BertbD . Turner Services- ,Town Clerk 80. 00 80.00 255 Curtis Sampson Board Meetings& Com 17.20 17.20 256 F.J. Cranhell Poor Relief order 13. 00 13,00 257 Mary Newcomb " " " 5.00 5. 00 258 Commercial Sales 6 Chairsam xcane seat 18.00 18.00 259 Curtis Lampson Justices Services 14.35 14.35 260 Fred E. .Ricketts Constable Services 76. 72 76.72 261 Meredith Bentley Board Meetings 8.00 , 8. 00 262 C. Baldwin Constable Services 7.30 7.30 263 Robert F. Stott Inspector of election 30.00 30. 00 264 Arthur stewart eoor relief Order 3.50 3.50 265 Fred Richardson " " " 33.80 33.80 266 •Chas,, Nobles Justices Services 56.80 56.80. Total $752.57 $752.51 )n Motion' Meeting Adjourned Clerk Annual meeting November5th,1936 At the'Annual meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury Held on the above date at the ClerK8s offiee at 7 pm, the following m menbers were present .• °' D. •Elmer Fowler Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace Chas, Nobles Meredith Bentley Curtice Lampson Bert D. Turner ` Town' Clerk Arthur H. Stone Town Superintendaitof Highways alson press Mr. Stone submitted his estimate for 1937. After deliberation the board adopted the following resolution. Re'soiutibn No. 72 Introduced by Mr. Bentley seconded by Mr Lampson It was resolved that the following amounts be raised by taxation for the Highways- of the Town of Queensbury, Stem 1- $229500. Stem 2- on bridge crossing the stream kupwn as hallp way brook on Dixon Road $5000. and. for general repair of all bridges $1500. Item 3- $10,000. Item 4- $10,500. Total of' all Items$499500. The board generally discussed the repairs of the aviaiion field road and the DixonRoad. 01#Y motion meeting adjourned