1936-11-24 148 f November 24th, 1936, Regular Meeting At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, held on the above date, at 9 PM at the Town Clerk' s Office, the following members were present. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth, 'Sustice of Peace Meredith Bentley It " L Curtis Lampson " If " $13ffirl�S i#A$ �� ft*AigtEgf.Peace Bert D. Turner Town Clerk, Minutes of meetings August 25th, September 9th, September 22nd, i October 12th, and October 27th, read and a � pproved. . RESOLUTION No. 73, Introduced by Mr. Nobles seconded I by 'Mr. Lampson. IT WAS RESOLVED that p rsuont to section 110 of the Higbxay Law the Supervisor be allowed 3, J350. and the Town Clerk $175. That the said sums be paid from the miscellanious fund of the Highway ' fund for the year of 1936. Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Bentleys'-qtr. Lampson and Mr. Nobles. Noes - None. ` j Mr. Fowler - not voting. 6 RESOLUTION No. 749 Introduced by Mr. Ellsworth,seconded by Mr. Bentley, IT WAS RESOLVED that the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Co, be and is hereby designated as the depository for moneys of the Town of Queensbury and the Supervisor and collector are hereby . authorized and directed to deposit any and all moneys of said Town in the said Bank. Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson,a A Mr. Fowler,&Mr. Nobles. Noes - None. RESOLUTION No. 75, Introduced by- Mr, Floyd Ellsworth, seconded by Mr. Curtis Lampson, IT WAS RESOLVED that the Su erv'isor be and is hereby ' authorized to Pa D & H Railroad Co. Y �a`ei�ht an School- Post Signs on properly Terified Bills and deliver the same to Town Storehouse. Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Asir. Fowler and Mr. Nobles. Noes - None. RESOLUTION No, 76, Introduced by` Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Nobles, IT WAS RESOLVil* that Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to make application or the Town of Queensbury to become a member of N. Y. S. Association of Towns. Ayes -. Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Bentley, Tor. Lampson, Mr. Fowler and Mr. Nobles. q, Aloes - None. The Town oar it d the following claims. No. Name of Claiment Nature of Claim Amount Claimed Amt. Allowed. 267 Pauline Joslyn Inspector of Elections X45.00 .00: 40.0 D 268 Stephen B. Duell " " " 15.00 14.00 .14.^n 269 Murrpy Crannell 45,00 44,00 270 Fred Fisher 55.00 54.00 - 271 Gertrude Cashion " " " 45.04 44.00 272 Lena M. Jenkins " " " 54.00 54.00 273 Marion D. Martindale " " " 34.00 34.00 274 Harley R. Purdy 10.00 14.00 275 Minnie E. Bidwell " " " 44.00 44.00 276 Fannie Pearl Brayton " " " 14.00 14.00 277 Bessie Cronkhite " " " 14.00 14.00 278 Robert F. Stott " " " 15,00 19.00 279 S. F. Hawley To rec. Collector' s Bond. 1.25 1.25 280 S. F. ,Hawley To Copy,. ofDetermination Etc. 1.00 See No. Glens Falls, WaterDist#30 281 Edward C. Randall School Signs & Equipment 59.40 59.40 282 N.Y.Power & bight Street Lighting Year 1936. 444,30 444.30 283 N.Y. " ! Traffic Signals Year 1936 69.34 69.30 .t s. 149 284 City of Glens Falls Use of City Jail 6.00 $6.00 285 John J. ' Harris Men. Chap. Cleaning ------ --- (Clarence Cronkhite) ` _ 50.00 50.00 286 Mrs. C. H. Cronkhite Rent for Grange Hall 30.00 30.00 287 Fitzgerald` s -Hotel Meals for Prisoners 9.- 00 9100 288 Laura 0. Brien Inspector of Elections 15.00 14,0 1 289 Monarch Motor Fre. Inc, Freight on School Signs 2.37 2, 290 F. A. Richardson Poor Relief Orders 36,18 36418 291 Anna Hull Dr, Poor Relief Services 26.00 26.00 292 Leon Frasier " " Orders 10.00 10100 293 G. A. Chapman M.D. Town Dr. Services 964.20 964.20 294 A. J. VanWagner Services - Constable 50.02 50.02 295 Delong feel Coo Poor Relief Orders 10.00 10.00 296 Clara F. Taylor Elea. Clerk 15.00 14.00 297 W. J. Supreisnt Inspector of Election 55.00 54.00 298 Michael D. Sullivan " " " .45.00 44.00 299 Floyd Ellsworth Board Meetings 28.00 28.00 300 Floyd Ellsworth , ' Services - Justice 68.85 68.85 1 301 vsCftnftallivan Pnff1MRWL1ef.1LOP -ee•tion 9. 50 9.50 � 302 James J. Sullivan Inspector of Election 55.00 54,00 303 Nettie Scoville " it " 15.00 14.00 304 Augustus Storey " " " 45.00 44.00 305 Rose Bibby " " " 34.00 34.00 306 Cole Sullivan Corp* L , Rent of Polling Place 30.00 30000 307 Richard 'Davi s Clerk - Election 15.00 14.00 308 Chas. Dickinson Inspector of Election 44.00 44.00 309 Lydia Y. Harris " " " 10.00 14.00 310 William Purcell Clerk- Election 15.00 ,%- 14-000 311 Curtis Lampson Board Meetings 12.00 ': 12.00 312 Nick Busch Poor Relief Order 5.00 5.00 313 Meredith Bentley Board Meetings 12.00 12.00 314 Chas. Nobles Services - Justice 28.20 28.20 315 Bert D. Turner Vital Statities 70.98 70.981 316 Curtis Larson Services Justice 18.00 18,00 317 Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Services 56,00 56,00 5 .55 #285TO55 On Motion the Meeting Adjourned. ... 2 � , �5 i December 12th, 1936 Special Meeting. At a Specsdl Meeting of the .Town Board of the Town of Qpeensburyp held on the above date, at 7 PM at the Town Clerk' s Office, the following members were present. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth, Justice of Peace Meredith Bentley Curtis Lampson Charles Nobles Bert D. Turner Town Clerk, RESOLUTION No, 779 Introduced by Mr. Nobles, seconded by Mr. Lampson, IT WAS IUWLV30 that Mr. Fowler be and is hereby authorised to make application fair miles of sidewalk to be placed on the Boulavard, West Spent Fklls and glean Palle Lase George Highway Route #8, Ayes Mr. ls*ox(th:- Ili. }nobles, air. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr.Fowler,. R` 1 Noes' Nod; . On Motion' $eeting Adjourned f