1936-12-22 1
Regular Meeting December 22nd, 1936.
At a Re ular 3,11eeting of the Town Board of the Town of Oueensburyt
4 ,
held on the above date, at 7 P.T.R. at the Town Clerk' s Office, the
following members were present.
D. Elmer Fowler Su-)ervisor
Floyd Ellsworth, Justice of Peace .
* Charles Nobles to " "
Meredith Bentley " " of •
Curtis Lampson it " it
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk,
Minutes of Meetings held on November 24th and December 12th, read
and approved.
RESOLUTION No. 78, Introduced by Yr. Ellsworth, seconded
by Mr. Nobles,
IT WAS RESOLVED that Mrr'Richards be and is hereby
authorized to make a survey for a road beginning at the end of a
proposed road on the East side of Glen Lake to the Country Club
Road for -a W.P.A. project.
FURT1-1R RESOLVED that Yr. Richards be and is hereby
authorized to rake a Survey on continuing the present Town Road on
the West side of Glen Lake to the French mountain Fort Ann Road.
Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Yr. Nobles, Z:Tr. Lamson, Mr. Bentley and
Mr. Fowler.
No - None.
RESOLUTION No. 79, 2ntrodu.ced b-,r Yr. Ellsworth, seconded
by Mr. nobles.
IT SFAS RESOLVED that William Butler be and is hereby
appointed Dog Enumerator for the Town of Q,ueensbury for the year of
' ?)uiy adopted by she fol.iowing vote.
Ayes - mr. Ellsworth, Yr. TJobles , Mr. Lampson, Air. Bent.iey and Mr
Noes - None.
RESOLUTION No. 80, Introduced by Tyr. Ellsworth, seconded
by Yr. Nobles.
J. Van
IT 7,7AS RESOLVED that A. agner, Fred icketts,
Charles Ba.l7rin and. Jesse Srith be and are hereby appointed .
Constables for the Town of 1,ueensbury for a term commencing on the
1 st. day of January 1937 and ending on the 31st day of ?JeceMber
Duly adopted by the following vote.
Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, R:tr. Nobles, T'r. La.mpson, 11r. Bentley and Mr.
Fowler. v
Noes - None.
RESOLUTION No. 819 Introduced by rJr. Bentley, seconded by
Nr. Nobles.
RESOLVED, That the U.S. Standard` Voting Machine be, and
the same hereby is adopted for use at elections in this town; and
be it further
RESOLVED, That the Supervisor of the Town of Jueensbury
County of Marren, New York, be, and he hereby is, authorized,
empowered and directed to . enter into a contract with AUTOMATIC
VOTING Pu,ACHINE CORPORATION, for the purchase of Five (-5- )' U. 'S.
Standard Voting 2,!achines, at the net price of Eight Hundred —%
Eighty Dollars 0880) each, f.o.b. cars, Jamestown, N. Y. ,
Less two peesent cash 10 days.
If the 1937 Legislature shall repeal that section of the Election
Law that requires the use of voting machine throughout the State
the Town Board shall, in so far as such repeal shall effect this
Town, have the right to cancel this contract upon adjourment of
said Legeslature, and be it further
RESOLVED, That, in payment for said voting machines, the
Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized, empowered, and directed
upon receipt of said machines, to pay to the Automatic Voting Mach-
ine Corporation, the sum of Four Thousand, Four Hundred Dollars
04400)9 less two percent cash 10 days.
, r
151 ;
Duly adopted by 'the Following vote.
Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Bentley and Mr.
Noes - None.
RESOLUTION No. 82, Introduced by Mr. Ellsworth, seconded
by Mr. Nobles.
IT WAS RESOLVED that Supervisor Fowler be and is hereby
authorized and directed to request McLaren Richards to make the
necessary survey on the road leading from Bay Road by the Top of
the 71orld Farm - to the Junction of the Lockhart Road for a W.P.A.
Duly adopted by the following rote.
Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lappsoot Mr. Bentley and Mr.
Fowler. D7L _ w 1
Noes None. � .
e Bo Did Au jt d and a Cl a ows.
0046W 04 P
No. Name of Claimant Nat u re of Claim. Am o unt Claimed Amtt.Allowed
,318 T,x Barber & Howe Insurance $114.65 Disallowedc.
319 K. Lochsmith & Hardware Padlocks .90 .90
320 Fred E. Ricketts Services- Consttible 76. 54 76.5440*4
321 Fred E. Ricketts Killing Dogs 12.00 12.00
322 Bert D Turner Postage 32. 50 32. 50
323 AlJ. VanWagner Services Constable 57.68 54.68
324 :':, T.Crannell Poor relief Orders 12.50 12.50
325 Fred Richardson " " " 42.87 48.87 s'
326- Charles Baldwin Services- . Constable 37.98 37.98
327 Floyd K. Ellsworth Board Meetings 8.00 8.00
328 Bert D. Turner Services-Town Clerk. 72:00 72.00
329 Floyd K. Ellsworth Services- Justices 19.50 19.50
330 Curtis Lampoon " " 14.35 14.35
331 D.Elmer Fowler Board Meetings&Postage33,40 33.40
332 D.Elmer Fowler Freight & Storage on
Steel Sign Posts 1.69 1.69
333 ]).Elmer Fowler Percentage 275.54 275. 54
334 Arthur Steuart Poor relief Orders 7.00 7.00
335 Meredith Bentley Board Meetings 8.00 8.00
336 Charles Nobles Services- Justice 40.30 40.30
337 Curtis Lampoon Board Meetings 8.00 8100
338 Glens Falls Gas. & oil
Co. poor relief order 4.13 4.13
339 J.C.Chitty Printing Tax Notice 16.10 16.10
340 Glens Fails Post Co. Tax Notice & Notice of 1 41 J
Hearing 11.59 11.59
341 Adirondack Underwriters Policy on New Amst. ---- - ---
& Realty Corp,. four Ton Truck 114.65 114. 65
342 Adirondack Underwriters Polity on New Amst.
& Realty Corp. Five Ton Truck 114.65 114. 65
343 Thurston Ingraham Poor Relief Orders 22.00 22.00
344 N.B. Dawley Co. 6-.00 6.00
345 Charles J. Nobles Spec.&Reg. B.Meetings36.00 36.00
346 Bert D. Turner Allowance Pursuant to ----- ------
see.49 of the Election------ ------
Law. 125,000 125,00
81325.,5,6 To t J12
On Motion Meeting Adjourned.p,3� f
December 28thi 1936 Regular Meeting
At a regular meeting of the Town Boar"f f the Town of Queensbury,
held on the above date, at 7 PM at the down Clerk' s Office, the
following members were present.
D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth, Justice of Peace
Charles Nobles
Meredith Bentley
Curtis Lampoon
Bert D. Turner Town Cl erk,
The Town Board of the Town of Queensbury audited the Supervisors
booker and :the Criminal Dockets of the Justices of Peace. and 'ry
were fd in order.