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1935-01-08 SP
i Of the laws of 19: 1, there be and hereby is appropia.ted for t'.ze purpose OIL paying said salaries and 7ages of said truck and tractor drivers so employed for said relief work the sum of 3300, said amount to be placed in Item 1 of the Highway Fund and to be paid out and accounted for as other rr.oneys in said Item 1 of the Ni hivay Fund, it is further, :�ESOI.tT Mq That the Town of Jueensbu.ry Issue certificate of indebtedness in the sun of . 300. , and the Supervisor and the Town Clerk are hereby authorized to execute said certificate of Indebteness -. for the purpose of raisin© said sum for the payment of salaries and wages of said truck and tractor drivers so employed by the Town on said relief -work. Roll Call Aye s-1x.Flls,7orth, 1!r.Nobles, 11r.Stevenson, 1.°'r. Rent ley and ,ar. Yead. 1 NOES-None. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 63 , Introduced by Justice Nobles Seconded by Justice 7, HMM11tq The ''_'ovm T?oa.rd of the 7o-,-.n of ^ueensbur , -pursuant to the provisions of the ":own La-ry has audited chins against the Town and t?i.ere is not sufficient funds available for thF -?,4yrrent of s,, id Claims. 7FS OLVED, That the °"own of yueensbur'7 issue certificate of indebtedness in the Sur of Op (900, )# and the Supervisor and the "'own Clerk are hereby authorized to e.Aute* said certificate of Indebtedness for the purpose of payinM bills go a.uditedg. for and on behalf of said Town for said amount. R Roll Call Ayes- fir Ellsworth, 11"r. Nobles, Yr Stevenson , 1 r.Rentley and Vr.11ead. Noes-None On Hotion ireetinry adjourned. Town Clerk. 1 Special Keeting January 8th,1935 I J. At a. special meeting of the Town Board of the Torn of Jueensbury held I on the above date the following rnenbers were present; Jerry B. Yead Supervisor Charles Nobles Justice of -Peace Henry Stevenson i) " Yeredith Bentley " " Bert D. Turner Town Clerk. Resolution -1. Introduced by Justice Nobles seconded by .Tustice ` y^ Stevenson It was resolved that the Town Board of t'Ze Town ' ueensbury does hereby app approve the Within Undertaking of Arthur Harper with the Armerican Surety company as surety as to form and sufficien�by of the surety and the a.t�ount of liability therein fixed n,s sufficient pursuant to the vr©visions of section 11 of L public officers l�jw a:s amended by Chapter ,�5, of the laws of 1914. ' 8911 call Ages- Mr. IL!ead .Yr Ymbles ,",1rStevenson and fir. Bentley Noes- tTone. 4, . . Resolution Introduced by Justice Stevenson ' seaozndet3• by Justice Bentley It was resolved that the Town Clerk be and is her*fit authorized to have recorded in the County Clerk' s office and unredorde'd *deeds of- rip-ht of way on file in the Town Clerk' s office Roll Call Ayes-1 r.Nobles, 1_'r.Rentley, Mr, Stevenson and Yx. dead. 'goes-None' notion the Board fecessed until the call of -he Chairman The:-chairzran called the board in session- and the following r•!enbers were present Jerr77B Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice of peace lleredith Bentley• tv Bert P. Turner tolm I'lerk 'Resolution 43 Introd'uced by Justice Bentley , Seconded by Justice Ellsworth, ' It was resolved that the Town ?third bf t,ha '?'o`vn of .rlueensbury 91 N.Y, does'°hereby a. +prove the within undertaking of Fred E. Ricketts ^ith the .Ar^erica.n Surety Company as surety as to form and sufficency o f surety and the amount of the liability therein fixed as sufficient pursuant to the prov4.sions of sectionll of the public officers law as anended by Chapter 48 of the-Laws od 1914 Roll ",all Ayes- Yr Yead, Yr. Ellsworth and i,Tr. Bentley Noes- None On motio'-n meeting; adjourned. Town Clerk i ` RECCITIAR 1=7.'7I T T ,TA?'TTy?Y, 221nd, 19.55 ` At aregular r-eetinv of the "ovtrn Ro,-.rd of the To-ern of held s on" the above date, at o All , at the o-,m Clerk' s office, the following; nenberz were present; Jerry 73. '_:read, Supervisor Floyd. Ellsworth., Justice of Peace narles Nobles, u n 11enry Stevenson, Tepee ith Pentley, Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk rinutes o{' ?ffePt}rdsheld oll 'Yovember 27th, Dec 28th , Dec 29th, 1934 ;.nd January, 8th 1935 reed and annroved I Yr. nobles and T: r. Pentley objected stater-ents in reference to thier dockets inserted, in the r'eeting held on Dec. 29th 1934. ado, other a.ction.' takened. ` esolution 174 Introduced by Justice Ellsworth, Seconded by Justice Stevenson; "hereas the To-Fm Board T nve previously determined to do certain relief work in the '.o-vn of ?ueensbury known as Projects 52Ba-47 which R � which provides for Vae inprover�ent of the xlen Lake Road, and , ,hereas, a, conrrinicati.on has been received from the Fxner;ency ",cork 71 ureau, stating that there are insufficient funds -vailable for tile completion of said. project and. that it will be necessary for the Town of Jueansbury to approve the submission of a simplenent to the project. `:30 I'M That the Town Board of the Town of 'Queensbury hereby approves the continuation of said project and hereby approves the submission of a supplement to s?id project, and it is, "ur'ther ;Resolved that Mr. bead and Yr. Bentley be and are hereby nppoi.ntd a r,onr ttee to make the necessary applications for the continuance of said pro.ject. Roll Call: r AYES: - lxr. Mlsworth," 11"r. Nobles, '.Kr. Stevenson, Yr. Bentley and Yr. Yead. Noes:- None. F,G.Rasc.om presented a petition to the Town Roand for the =:establishment of a, fire -protection district. petition received and placed on file. RESOLUTION %5 Introduced by 1!r. ITegd seconded by Z1r. Stevenson, it was D RESOLV , that 14r. Bentley be and hereby is appointed a committee of one to take the ratter of the establishment od a fire protection district up with the county attorney and report back to the Toi-M Board Roll Call AYES- Mr. Ellsworth, ter. Nobles, Mr. 'Stevenson 1,11r. Bentley and 1.r. Mead Noes- done