1935-02-26 1 93 1MSOLUTION No. 8 Introduced by Mr. Stevenson Seconded by Mr. Nobles; THEREAS, The ,Town Board of the Town of queensbury, ,pursuant to the provisions of the Town haw, has audited Claims against the Town and there°=is not sufficient funds for the payment of said Claims RESOLVED, That the Town of Queensbury issue Certificate of j Indebtedness in the Sum of .$700.00. 9 and the Supervisor ant the Town L_101erk are hereby authorized tik execute said Certificate of Indebted- ness for the purpose of paying bills so audited, for and on behalf of said Town for said Amount. ROTS. CALL; j Ayes- Mr, Ellsworth, Yr. Nobles, Yr. Stevenson, 1Tr. Bentley and Hr. Mead, Noes- None. I I On motion meeting adjourned r Town Clerk. REGULAR 107,T ING FEBRUARY, 2 6th,19 3 5 I i At a regular meeting; of the Town Board og the Town of aueensbury held on the above date at- 9 AID , at the clerk' s office the following menbers were present, Jerry B, bead Supervisor Floyd. Ellsworth Justice 'of Peace Charles Nobles of Henry Stevenson Meredith Bentley " t/ Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Minutes of meeting held on January, 22nd 19359 read and app?roved The Board audited the following claims against the •Town of lueensbury in the manner follwirig, Amount Amount No. Name of Clamant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed �- 2 .A. Richardson Poor relief orders 83.46 83.46 Vina Hewitt i Service as Clerk #3 10.00 10.00 23 Glens Falls Pott 'Co, Printing Notices 44.79 44.79 24 Glens Falas Grange Cleaning Cemetery 001100 50.00 25 Cool Insuring Agency Supervisor' s Bond 32.74 32. 74 26 Frank Chadwicks Poor relief Orders 31. 50 31.50 27 Fred E. Ri°chetts Service as 'constable 177.00 177,00 28 Theodore Turner Rent Town Clerk's od'fice 240.00 Not audited 29 Arthur` Harper Service' as Constable 17.55 17.55 30 Bert D. Turner Service as TownClerk 76.00 76.00 31 Charles Nobles Service as Justice 91.20 91.20 32 Williams ams Law Book Co, Legal Blanks 3.20 3.20 33 Floyd K Ellsworth,: Service as Justice 42.00 42.00' 9 34 S.A.Wh:iting - Son Poor Relief Orders 4.00 4.00 35 Glens Falls Post Co. Printing, Law Briefs 25.00 25.00 36 N.B. Dawley poor relief Orders 16.95 15.95 37 Cool Insuring Agencyy'+fforkrnan' s Compensation 407.06 407.06 . 38 Thurstin Ingraham Poor Relief Orders 41. 5'U 41. 50 . 39 Forrest J. Crannell Poor Relief Ordees 39.27 39.22 40 Meredith Bentley Board V�eetings 24.00 24,00 41 1-fary R Newcomb Poor Relief Orders 36.50 36. 50 42 Fred A 'Richardson Poor relief Orders 44. 50 44. 50 43 Fleyd Ellsworth Board Meetings 12.00 12,00 44 American Surity Co Town Official Bonds 231.10 231. 10 45 henry Stevenson Board Meetings 12.00. 12.00 217. Fitzgearld Resturant Meals For .prisoners 65. 50 65150 is included in the audit of this month. :�5 •82 •;� s6 . ti. Resolution f9 Introduced by Justice Ellsworth, Seconded by Justice Stevenson, It was resolved the supervisor be end is hereby authorized to I appoint a committee of. one to take the matter of tiexclaim Of I Theodore F. 'burner up. the County attorney and Such eorrrittee to report back to the Ron�zrd at next regular reeting. i Poll Call Ayes V-1r. Ellstrrorth, Yr. Nobles , 1�r. Stevenson P,entley and 1"r. Mea4,, Supervis or appointv4 Justice Ellsworth. RESOLUTION 1. 10, Introduced by M Stevenson, Seconded By Yr. Ellsworth, A petition having been dul .- prese'n'ted to the Town Board for tdm establishing a Afire protection distrl:ct to include 9'roperty in the Town of -Jueensbury, within the following described s .._ boundaries; Beginnings ate a. Ypo_int in the bounidaVy line between the City of G2enp, Palls and the Town of eensbury, which Point is 500 feet ,eastet* of the easterly line of Ridge Road, running thence nor' esly along a line parallel with the easterly line of 11;dge Road to a point 250 feet northerly of the northe lyreline of property now occupied by Mrs. "red Jank ns, thence vresterly at right angles to the line last above described across said Ridge Road to a point ?50 feet wester- of the w xly line of Ridge toad thence southerly in a straight line toithe northerly of Cline Avenue , So-calledtwhere the same intereepts Meadow Run Brook Road, thence westerly along the northerly line of cline Avenue to the easterly line of Everette Avenue, thence across hAidefteretts Avenue ;along a line which . would be a projection westerly of the northerly line of Cline avenue to a point 500feet easterly of the sterly fine of Bay •rowdy Bence northerly along a line t allel to the easterly :14ne of Bay Road a:t 0 right ar lei --� to the line last_ -above described to a point 50(0 �'oet northerly of thge northerly line of Glenwood Avsltue projected easte ;y across said Bay Road, the westerly _ across ray Poak4�$Md gat right angles to the liner,., last above described to a �polnt 100 feet westerly of thvt*esterly of. the westerly, line of Bay Road, thence southerly at right ankles to the'�. line last above described to a. point 100 feet .northerly of the northerly line of Glenwood Avenuesthence westerly along a line at® a,ll Points 100 feet: equidistant from the northerly line of Glenwood Avenue to the westerly line of the right of quay of. the Delwt.re Hudson ,Railxsad,,, thence along said right of way to ti. pj�,pt 1 feet northerly of the northerly F 95 line of Glen 'Wood Avenue;' thence westerly to the northerly line of Pine View Ceretery TT?oadq thence along the r;Drt1herly line of the Pine View Cernetery Road# thence along the northerly line of Pine View Cemetery road to the State HijShwayg thence westerly across said State Highway to the northerly line of the Aviation Yield Road, so-called, thence along the northerly line of said road to a point 500 feet westerly of the westerly line of said State* zlghwayt thence southerly in a straight line and at right angles to the line last above described to the boundary line between the Town of l- ueensbury and the City of Glens Falls; thence easterly along said boundary line, *to the place of Beginning; signed by owners of taxable property situated in the ptoposed district owing in the aggregate more that one-Half ot. the assessed valwation of all the taxablervi�*al property of the proposed district=, as shown upon the last completed assesennent roll of said Towng It is the Ordered, that pursuant to/provisions of section 171 of the Town Taw, the Town Board will neetat the Town Clerk' s office, Ridge Road -in the Town of Jueensbury on the 14th day of Marchq1935 at 7 O' clock FY to consider the said petition and hear any and all persons interested in the subject thereof,, or concering the same Duly adopted by the Following vote Xpetice Ellsworth Yes Justice Nobles Yew Justice Stevenson Yes Justice Bentley Yes, Supervisor lead Yes. Noes None. Resolution --ll, Introduced By Yr. 11I.Tobles, seconded by .1r-r.Rentley It 7,,as resolved that the Town Clerk be and is hereby- authorized to have published once a certified copy of 7esoluiton -4, 10 adopted Feb. 26th, L9359 in the Glens Falls Tines on the 28th day of February, 1935 Duly adopted by the 'Following vote; Ayes- Mr. Ellsivortht Yr. Noblest Mr. Stevenson,-- fir. Bentley and Ur. head. Noesi None. RESOLUTION #L2, Introduced By 1"1.r. Stevenson, Seconded by Mr. Bentley: WHEREAS9 ,The Town Board of the Town of Jueensbury has determined to do certain relief work in said Town and have passed resolutions to furnish tractors and trucks and tractor -and truck drivers to carry out said work, and IMIlMS9 the Town Board -have previously passed resolutions appropiating sums of money for Item 1 of the -Highway fund for the payment of the salaries of the tractor and drivers, and VETER1%4ithere is now Ainitiffletent funds in said Item 1 for the payntnt of the said salaties and wages- to loarry out said work. RESOLVED9 That pursuant to the provisions of section 10 of chapter 798 of the Laws of 1931, therebe and hereby is appropiated for the purpose of paying said salaries and wages of said truck and tracto r x . .arilrers so employed,; for said relief work the sum of $500 said sum L X96 . to be placed d in Item 1 of the Highway fund and to be paid and accounted for as otter moneys in said Item 1 of the highway fund It is further, RESOLVED, That the town of Zueensbury issue certificate of indebtedness for the sum of 15009 and the supervisor and the Town Clerk are hereby authorized to execute said certificate of indebtedness for t'^_e purpose of raising said sum for the payment of the wages and salaries of said truck and tractor drivers so employed by the Town on said relief work. Duly adppt,ed by the following vote; Ayes Mr. Ellsworth; 14r. Nobles , Yr. Stevenson , zAr 'Pentley and Mr. Yead. •_ r Noes loner. On TRotion I-eeting adjourned E �s Town Clerk. I � Public Hearing 1'C.rch 14 th1935 At a public Hearing kaaiji pursuant to resolution #10 adopted February 25th, 1935, held on the about date at 7 O' Clock P.7�. at the Clerks Office,;, the Following lfenbers were present. Jerry 13. lead, Supervksor 7loyd Ellswort?i Justice of Peace Charles ?Nobles. " It 'ienry Stevenson Meredith Bentley Rert D. Turner Town Clerk F. G. Bascom appeased for` the petitioners. No. one appeared in opposition thereto. f The proposed establishment of afire protection district was generally discussed with the board, and the board having heard all who were d:esiriou.s of being heard. the following resolu7 ion was "aiptiEt. Introduced by Justice Ellsworth seconded `by 11r. Bentley. It was resolved that the matter of the proposed fire protection discict be laid on the table. i Duly adopted. all present voting in the -affirmative. i On motion meeting adjourned i r