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Regular Meeting April 23rd 1935. 99 At a re1gular meeting of they Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held on the above date at 1 P.M. at the Clerk' s office , the following menbers were present, Jerry B. Mead Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace Charles Nobles a . a Henry Stevenson " u Meredith Bentley Bert D. Turner , Town Clerk. Arthur H. Stone Town Superindendant also present. Minutes of Meeting held on March 26th read and approved. Resolution No, 18 Introduced by Mr. Stevenson , seconded by Mr. Bentley; It was resolved that the Town Superintendant of Highways be and is hereby authorized to purchase from Collins and Fox Inc. one willet spring scrapper, 10 foot blade at a price of $637 mounted on F.W.D. truck F.OB. Ft Anh, N.Y, subject to the approval of County superint- endant of Highways, Duly adopted by- the Following vote; Ayes - Mr. Ellsworth, Mr, Nobles, Mr. Stevenson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Mead, Noes— None Resolution No, 199 Introduced by Mr. Nobles , seconded by Mr. Ellsworth; It was resolved that Harry Smith be and hereby is appointed sanitary Inspector for the Town of Queensbury for a term of one year commencirt on the second day of April 1935, and ending on the 1st day of April 19369 to serve without compensation from the Town of Queensbury, Duly adopted by the following vote; Ayes- Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Stevenson , Mr. Bentley and Mr. Mead, Noes-None Resolution No. 20 Introduced byMr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Stevenson: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has determined to do certain relief work in said town and have passed resolution to furnish tractor and trucks and tractor and truck drivers to carry out said work, and -M Whereas, there is not sufficient funds available in Item l of the highway fund for the payment of said salaries and wages of said tractor and truck drivers. RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of section 10 of Chaptef 798 of the Laws of 1931, there be and hereby is appropiated for the purpose of paying said salaries and wages of said truck and tractor drivers so employed for said relief work, the sum of $250, said amount to be placed in Item 1 of the highway fund and to be paid out and accounted for as other moneys in said Item 1 of the highway fund, it is further RESOLVID, - that the Town of Queensbury issue certificate of indebted- ness in the sum of $250. , and the supervisor and the Town Clerk are hereby authorized to execute sated certificate of indebtedness for the purpose of raising said sum for the payment of salaries and wages of said truck and tractor drivers so employed by the Town on said relief work, -- Duly adopted by the following vote; Ayes- Mr, Ellsworth, Mr, Nobles, air, Stevenson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Mead, Noes None. J.1 Barker called on the Board relative to the Town accepting the roai at Assembly point. The board decided , to meet at the Rome of Mr. Stevenson and go and view the premises, A. � J 1 The board proceeded to audit claims as follows. Amount Amount No. Name of. Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 64 A.G. Brown Poor relief Orders $ 4.00 4.00 65 Y.M.C.A. Poor relief ©rders 2.00 2.00 66 Floyd Palmer Vital Statistics 2.00 2,00 67 Angelo DIdio Poor relief Orders 6.00 6.00 68 Adir. Under, Wirters Truck Insurance 98.00 98.00 69 Mary R. Newcomb. Poor relief Orders 5.50 5050 70 Alfred Gardner Services as assessir 54:00 54.00 71 Ernest Hillis Services as assessors 56.00 45:00 72 Fred E. Ricketts Services as Constable 55:45 55:45 73 Charles Mobles� Service -`as Justice 44.65 44;65 74 F.A.Richardson Poor relief Orders 9,00 9.00 75 F.A.Richardson N.Y.S.G.A.R.E.M.Wing Post 12,00 Not allowed 76 Bert D. Turner Service as Towh Clerk 68000 68.00 7? George W Hodgins Service as assessor 55.37 55:37 78 Thurstin Ingraham Poor relief orders 70-00 70,00 79 Roscoe L. Daniels Services :Deputy shtr3'f 26.14 17;10 80 Roscoe L Daniels Service as Deputy Sherif 3.10 36' 10 81 CMrles Nobles Board Meetings 80000 80100 82 Sam Whiting # Son Poor relief orders 5.00 5.00 83 Peck and Webb Poor relief orders 17.58 1758 84 Henry Stevenson Board Meetings 12 00, 12;00 85 Meredith S. Bentley Board`Meetings 12.00 12:00 86 Meredith S. Bentley s /°- 5.00 - 5100 639.75 1607e75* On motion Meeting adjourned. Town Clerk. Regular Meeting May 28th, 1935 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of queensbury held on the above date, at the clerk' s office at 1PM , the following menbers were present, Jerry B. head Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth, Justice of `Peace Charles Nobles Henry Stevenson Meredith Bentley Bert D. Turner , Town Clerk Arthur H. Stone , Town Superindendant of Highways also present. Minutes of meeting held on Aprdl 23rd read and approved. A petition relative to surface water on the Boulevard was read to the Board. A Letter from Mrs: G.S.Carpenter relative to the fence arround the Lake Sunnyside Cemetery was read to the board. A letter from David Lewis offering to sell to the Town of queensbury a `gravel bed situ-+-d between Ba:y and Ridge 'Roads for the sum of $400. Tv .r r RESOLUTION No.21 Introduced by Mr. Ellsworth, seconded by Mr.Nobles It was resolved that Mr. Bentley be and is hereby appointed a Committee of One, to interview Mr. Bixby and Mr. Murray in regard to the petition of the property owners in the Boulevard section relative to surface waters on vacate property in said section. Duly adopted by the following vote. AYES- Mr. Ellawor , Mr. Nobles, Mr. Stevenson , Mr. Bentley andMr. Mead NOES- None. -