1935-05-28 The board proceeded to audit claims as follows.
Amount Amount
No. Name of. Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
64 A.G. Brown Poor relief Orders 4,00 4:00
66 Y.M.C.A. Poor relief ,Orders 2,00 2.00
66 Floyd Palmer Vital Statistics 2.00 2.00
67 Angelo DIdio Poor relief Orders 6,00 6100
68 Adir. Under, Wirters Truck Insurance 98.00 98.00
69 Mary R. Newcomb. Poor reli.ef Orders 5.50 5.50
74 Alfred Gardner Services as assessor 54:00 54:00
71 Ernest Hillis Services as assessors 66100 450-00
72 Fred E. Ricketts Services as Constable 55;45 55:45
73 Charles Nobles. Service -`as Justice 44.65 44;65
74 F.A.Richardson Poor relief Orders 9.00 9.00
75 F.A.Richardson N.Y.S.G.A.R.E.M.Wing Post 12.00 Not allowed
76 Bert D. Turner Service as Town Clerk 68,000 68,00
77 George W Hodgins Service as assessor 55.37 55:37
78 Thurstin Ingraham Poor relief orders 7;00 74100
79 Roscoe L. Daniels Services -.Deputy sh rfT 26010 17:10
80 Roscoe L Daniels Service as Deputy Sherif 3,10 30, 10
81 Charles Nobles Board Meetings 80,00 80.00
82 Saar Whiting # Son Poor relief orders 5:00 5,00
83 Peck- and Webb Poor relief orders 17 58 174- 58
84 Henry Stevenson Board Meetings 12- 00 12:00
85 Meredith S. Bentley Board"Meetings 12,00 12;00
86 Meredith S. Bentley a /° ��v+r 5.00 5.00
639.75 $607.7-5
On motion Meeting adjourned.
Town Clerk. '
Regular Meeting May 29th, 1935
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
held on the above date, at the clerk' s office at 1PM , the following
menbers were present,
Jerry B. Mead Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth, Justice of Peace
Charles Nobles
Henry Stevenson
Meredith Bentley
Bert D. Turner , Town Clerk
Arthur H. Stone , Town Superindendant of Highways also present.
Minutes of meeting held on Aprdl 23rd read and approved.
A petition relative to surface water on the Boulava,rd was read to
the Board.
A Letter from Mrs,,: G.S.Carpenter relative td`the fence arround the
Lake Sunnyside Cemetery was read to the Board.
A letter from David Lewis offering to sell to the Town of Queensbury
a 'grave bed e�itii-ted�een Bay and Ridge °Roasts for the sum of
RESOLUTION No.21 Introduced by Mr., Ellsworth, seconded by Mr.Nobles
It was resolved that Mr. Bentley be and is hereby appointed a
Committee of One, to interview Mr. Bixby and Mr. Mifrray in regard
to the petition of the property owners in the Boulevard section
relative to surface waters on vacate property in said section.
Duly adopted by the following vote.
AYES- Mr. EllswortAl Mr. Nobles# 9r, Stevenson , Mr. Bentley anslMr.
NOES- None.
1 41
Applications were received from the Glens Falls Grange, The Mohican
Grange and the John J. Harris Memorial Chap41 for the care of Cemeteries.
RESOLUTION No. 22 Introduced by Mr. Bentley , seconded by Mr. Stevenson
It was resolved that the Glens Falls Grange be and is hereby authorized
to remove grass, weeds, brush and care for and conserve the Lake
Sunnysid`e Cemetery.
Further resolved that brush weeds and grass be removed at least three
times a year by the said Glens Falls Grange.
Further resolved that the sum of $50, be and hereby is appropiated for
said cemetery.
Further resolved that the work be colpleed by October lst,1935.
Duly adopted by the following vote.
Ayes Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles Mr. Stevenson , Mr. Bentley and Mr. Mead
Resolution No. 23 Introduced by Mr. Bentley , seconded by Mr. Stevenson
It was resolved that the John J. Harris Memorial Chapel be and is
hereby authorized to remove grass, brush, weeds and care for and conserve
the John J. Harris Cemetery on Ridge Road.
Further resolved that the brush weeds and grass be removed three times
a year by the said John J. Harris Memorial Chapel.
Further Resolved that the sum of $50. be and hereby is appropiated .
for said cemetery,
735ve t �ttjie kb ccomple by Oct. W9s he
io Reso n by t.
Mr. Bentley , seconded by Mr. Stevenson
It was resolved that the Mohican Grange #1300 be and is hereby
authorized to remove Grass, weeds, brush and cake for and conserve the
Jenkins Cemetery near Bradford . Thorntons. farm,
Further Resolved that the iron fence and gates of said cemetery be painted
by the said Kohican Grange
Further resolved that the brush weeds and grass be removed at least
three times a year by the said Mohican Grange.
Further resolved that the sum of $100, be and hereby is appropiated
for. said cemetery.
Further resolved that the work be completed by October lot ,1935,
Duly adopted by the following vote;
AYES- Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles , Mr. Stevenson , Mr. Bentley and
Mr. Mead
Resolution No. 25 Introduced by Mr. Nobles, seconded by Mr. Bentley;
It was resolved that Austin W. Holden Camp No.56 Sons of Union veterans
of the Civil War be and is hereby authorized to purchase flags for the
decoration of Civil War Veterans graves in the Town of' Queensbury,
Further Resolved that the sun of not to exceed $8.00 be and is hereby
appropiated for the purchase of said flags.
Duly adopted by the following vote; a
AYES- Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles , Mr. Stevenson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Mead
Noes- None
Applications for appointment as constable were received from Beecher
Storey, and Arthur Varner. The republican Committee by wtitten
recommendation, recommended William Clough. . The Board took an informal
Resolution No, 26 Introduced by Mr. Ella rorth�`' " - ohded by Mr. Nobles.
It was resolved that William Z . Clough be, an ''ts hereby appointed a
constable for the Town of Queensbury for the unexpired term of of the
Late Arthur J. Harper ending on the 31st day of December,l935.
Duly adapted by the following Tate;
Ayes- Mr, Zllsworth, Mr. Nobles, Mr, Stevenson, Mr. Bentley, and Mr.
Mead . I
i Noes- None
LThe Board proceeded to audit claims as followss
Amount Amount
No Name of Claimant Natuie of Claim Arotz. :Claimed Allowed
87 Glens Falls Y.M.C,A. Poor Relief Orders 6.00 6.00 '
88 P.C. Chitty Printing For Supervisor. 4,35 4.35
89 Theodore Turner Rent for T,oWa Clerk . .518.75 118. 75
90 Alfred Gardner Service as .�uwessor 150100 150.00
91 George W.Hodgins Service as Assessor 150,-00 150.00
92 Ernest Hillis Service as Assessor 139.00 159.00
93 Harold Dean Electrical Service 15.50 15.50
94 F.A.Richsrdson Poor Relief Orders 62.97 62.97
95 Forest J. Crannell Poor Relief Orders 17,61 17.61
96 Fred E, Ricketts Service as Constable 25.80 25.80
97 Bert D, Turner Service as Town Clerk 64.00 64.00
,r'z•, ~r ',"'`. y�sP`Tv,fi; `ti.'t .1 tirt:.,,.�"x, r. .4 '.4` i 'P s�''��°i.3 .'. r., ,_3:
98 G.F. Commercial Sales Envelops For Refiling 50.70 50.70
In Town Clerks Office
Staples For Supervisor
99 Frank Parker Poor Relief Orders 1.00 1:00
100 Edward Purchil Bur#dng Dog 1.90 1:04
101 Cool Insuring Agency Truck Insurance 57.80 57:80
102 N.B. bawley Poor--Relief Orders 6:83 6:83
103 Floyd Ellsworth Bbard Meetings 20.00 20.00
104 Floyd Ellsworth Service as Justice 28.20 28.20
r Total $9 $939.51
_ o - c 'L: r