1935-11-26 110 Dee --r 26th I935 At a regular rneetion of the Town Board of the Tom of : ueenti bury at the Town Clerks Office at I P-3'- on the above date the Folio rin r.cnbers were presant supervisor .Terry Justice of - eace '''loyd Lllswort'n if I Charles "obles if henry Stevenson ', 1;erdeith cS -tentley - r Bert D ''urner To-,,m Clerk Arthur -- Stone Tol,-:n Sunerinten;i,an.t of my also i're:s :.nt Minutes of October 22 1935 and Minutes of Anual neeti.ng of �1overrber 7th T�?35 =�et:.�? and a ) roved Resolution ;�43 Intorduced by 1:=r Bentley seconedt by Mr Steven on it was resolved that �aurusant to sec ' nn .l�IIO of the Hi_�n , �,y iv��1 the Super�tisor be silo r d ;?350. tinr? t' e Town Clerk '175 that the SC, id sur be paid frog the nisscella,nious fund. of the Iii-h-,a.lr fund for t':te year of I035 Rool Call-ayes .r :gills rTort'�, I`>7r "nobles, r Stcvenscn, B,e n t l ey', "'o c s Yon li 7,LSOLU-7701' '144 intorduced by Mir "noble; a�-coned ''y "r rentlFJr the Glens ,.':'gills rational Bank anlr' trust co be and is '-tereby designated as depositary for the noneys of t"nr 'fozm of -' ueensbury and the supervisor and collector are '1er(b". authorized a.nd iirected to deposit any and all moneys of said town in the said. bank 'Tall C.a.il ayes, "`r ]L llsworth, T.r �17obles, 17r 'StevensonpYr Bentley "'r 7,-.ead, Noes ";one, esolution ; 45 Tnterduced. "y Yr -Iloworth seconed by Yr Bentley i t I was reaol-Tred that the following be and hereby axe ap ?o inted inspe c tors of election for the .Districts party set opsit their names for the tearrr bebi.rnir�g januc�ry Tst IJ36 and ending December 3i=St 1937' 7istrict ;rI Jarryes J Sullivan Der ocratic D.Sul 1ivan Derocratic n ' Agustus Storey ilepublican if if 'iii it iam iurpr enant epublicr n Distric t2l' Lena Jenkins Der: ocra.tic ff it "haxles 'Dickinson Derlocratic ► ' T inrlie Bidwell aepubliczm ► If ` try - _ rt_n ,,lc ;e�ub1ic-:,n District 3 Rose Bibby ,jerocratic • if if Robert Stott Denocratic " '' "tettie V Scoville tepublican Lydia a.rris "republican District "Turtrude Cashion Deriocratic Furray Crannell Derocratic ' Fred 7is--- Republican z'a aline Joslyn te, ublic., Rool J it Ayes 1'r Lllsworth, 1,1-r Nobles, T-r Stevernson, Yr Bentley, Yr ":Teade, T1oes :-done Town Board Audited the Following Cla.irrs TT o 'Tame of ulainant IT of Claim amount Claimed ar;o1:n L allowed n r&C James J �Sull.ivan Inspector DisQT X50. CO X50. 00 an aurprenant Inspector Dist,rI , 40. Cr, 40,0 182 C1 r y' T lylor Clerk Distl"I 10. C0 T0, 00 183 Anna Donnelly Clerk Dist;!I I01001 I0. 00 184 Agustuti; '' Storey Inspector Dist;ri 40, 00 40 00 I85 1.7.D.Sulliva.n Inspector Dist;�I 40. Gn 40, 00 I86 rose B Stott Inspector Dist;r3 30. 00 30 0" 187 Robert F Stott Inspector Dist I0. 00 I01 00 I88 Rose E Bibby Inspector Dist-1. 3 4C. 00 40. 00 I89 Ralph `''turner Inspector DisQ3 I5. 00 I5. 00 I90 Cole Sullivan Rent Poling Place 30. 00 30. 00 I91 Leonard s:a.rch rent Poling Place 30. 00 30000 �-? 192 I,7ohic,,.n Grange Rent Poling glace 30. !110 60, 00 I93 Iyartha Ricketts Inspector Dist -2 40, 00 40, 00 I94 Lyda IT iarris Inspector Dist ;T3 40. 00 40. 00 I95 Lena I. Jenkins Inspector Dist ,T2 40, 00 40. 00 I96 14rtle Codner Clerk Dist 1`3 I0. 00 I0. 00 I97 Sybil Tatsey Clerk Dist A3 I0. 00 I0. 00 198 Pauline Joslyn Inspector Dist �4 40. 0P 40. 00 I99 Lura 0 Brion Clerk Dist z4 I0100 10, 00 200 Stephen B Duell Clerk Dist �4 I0. 00 I0, 00 201 Gurtrude Cashion Inspector Dist ; 4 40. 00 40.00 202 Murray G Crannell Inspector Dist 7t4 40. 00 40.00 203 Fred Fisher Inspector Dist ;�4 50. 00 50. 00 204 ITinnie Bidwell I*spector Dist ;-�2 50. 00 50. 00 205 Fannie P Drayton Clerk Dist ;2 I0. 00 10. 00 206 7i11iaMS Law BookCoAssesser.ent Rolls I9.90 19190 X 207 Roy Gifford Poor ReliefOrdess 4. 00 4.00 208 Jerry B- 11ead Percentlage 350. 33 350. 38 109 Dan Delving Poor Relief Order 10. 00 10. 00 210 Dr G.A.Chapman Health Officer 908. 6I 908.6I 21I Willr!arth 1� Sons Use of Chairs 3. 50Not Audited 212 Valtt.ne Herritte Poor Relief Rent I0. 00 I0,00 2I3 Harry Codner Poor Relief Orders 4, 00 4,00 2I4 Harry Codner Poor Relief Order 6. 00 6000 2M5 Glens Falls Post CoPrinting Notices 2.94 2x44 2I6 Glens Falls Post CoPrinting Notices 2.52 2,52 217 A,D.Brown Poor Relief Orders 9. 00 9100 218 New York Power and Light Corp Trafic Signal 90.00 90100 219 New York Power and Light Cor,) :Street Lights 476.28 476.28 220, 71illiam Clow Service as Constable 35. I0 35. I0 22I Stewart Hawley Filing Colle ctor BondI.25 I.25 222 Bates & Carmody Lamps for Booths 3. 60 3.60 223 FitzGeralds Hotel meals To Prisoners 68. 50 68.50 224 City of Glens FallsRent of Lockup 72, 50 72.50 225 American Surety Co Town vffican Bond 5100 5.00 226 Thurstin Ingraham Poor Relief Orders 34. 00 34. 00 227 1+.+Iary R Newcomb Poor relief orders 5100 5100 228 Forest J Crannell Poor Relief Orders 58947 58.47 229 Martin McDormott Clerk Dist #2 I0.00 I0. 00 230 F.A.Riehardson Poor Relief Orders I08. 67 I08.67 23I Bert D Turner Vital Statistics 62.87 62.87 232 Charles Nobles Justice Service 36.40 36.40 233 Bert D Turner Town Clerk Service 76.00 76,00 234 Bert D Turner Office Expence 35.50 35.50 238 Beeches S Clothes Service as attorney 331. 00 331100 a 236. J Edward Singletdn Service as attorney 300.00 300.00 237 George H Turner Helping Taking Booths 8.00 8100 238 Fred Ricketts- Constable Service I29.00 I29.00 �~ 239 Walter E Fuller Inspector Dist #2 I0.00 I0.00 240 Harry Codner Poor Relief Orders I2.50 I2.50 241 Glens Falls Grange Cleaning Cemeteries 50. 00 50.00 242 Merdeith S Bentley Board A+eetings 20.00 20.00 112 No Name of Claimant Nature of Claim amount Claimed amount Allowed 243 Henry Stevenson Board Meetings $24.00 $24,00 244 Vloyd Ellsworth As Justice 31,20 31.20 245 Floyd Ellsworth Board Meetings I6.00 I6.00 246 Theodoer Turner Rent for Town Board 37.50 37. 50 Rooms Audit No I67 which was presented last month 24,68 was audited and allowed 'C •117 • On Motion Meting adjurned Bert D Turner Town Clerk r i i i I t I