final electrical inspectionRX Date/Time 03/12/2020 14:40 18182731202 003 P.3/4 ‘Contsfas that the electrical wiring to the electrical equipment listed below has been ¢xamined and is approved asbeinginaccordwiththeNationalElectricalCade,applicable governmental,utlty and Age!noted below and is issued subject to the following conditions. Owner,Date:John Carr 02/04/2020 Occupant jiair Salon /1StFl Front ‘oat o4 Upper Glen St (Queensbury,Warren Co,NYgfOCCUPANGResidential7Applicant:PP John Carr 9 Halada Drive Lake George NY 12845, L Joseph A.Holmes No.1480481 17801EL Equipment: 200 -Amp.Service Equipment,4 -Service Conductor;12 -Switches;26 -Receptacles;76 -Flttures;1 -30 Amp‘Water Heater,1 -30 Amp Air Conditioner,1 -Burner,Wiring &Control For Gas;1 -30 Amp Diyer Receptacle;1 -Emergency Light;1 -Exit Light,3 -ExivEmergency Lights;3 -Smoke Detectors Co Dle1S -2a\5 “This ceileate applies te the eactical wring tothe immediatly nul and void This conflate hopes only to the use.cosipancy and ‘ebove and the leealsioniapectnd oa ofthe 28048 Nl ‘hmarsip 2 Ineates erwin,Upon chahge nthe za,occupancy af ouneratipInepecton,No waranty is expressed or mpeg as to the mechanical slay.e-gfe propery ndcated above,he oaifeata shel be immediatly eat ang vor,‘eney o ness ofthe eguipment for ary partcular purpose.This cereate shal In Ine evant fat this cerieste becomes iqalé bated upon Ihe above onsons.be veld for perio of one year rom the above noted datz.Should the secs!hls eetifeata may be revaldated upon relnspection by Midale Department §‘jst to which iis Certfcate appliesbealteredinaryway,Inuding bux not tmt-_rapecton Agency,Ine.An spp for jepecton mu!submited fo Nile81.the intoduetion of adetionalelectical equipment andr the replacement of Depantmect inspection Agency,In.to ate the Inspection and revalidation fy ot he components insaled as ofthe abeve noted Gee,hs cericate shal be | | |1 MAR 11 2020