Final Version: 12/29/08
Queensbury Planning Board Agenda
Second Regular Meeting: Tuesday January 27, 2009 - 7 pm - Queensbury Town Center
1.0 Administrative Item
1.1 Site Plan 48-2008: NPA II, LLC: For further tabling consideration
2.0 Tabled Item
Applicant(s) MOUNTAIN HOLLOW H.O.A. Application Type Subdivision 8-2005
Owner (s) Same as above SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Nace Engineering Lot size 26.15 acres
Location West Mountain Road Zoning Classification RR-3A, SR-1A
Tax ID No. 300.-1-19 Ordinance Section A-183
Cross Reference SP 46-03, SB 16-03, SB 17-02,
AV 22-02, AV 52-01, AV 36-05;
5/26/05, 6/28/05, 10/18/05,
Previous meeting dates
11/15/05, 4/24/06
Public Hearing Not required for modification
Tabled to 1/27/09
Project Description: Applicant proposes modifications to an approved subdivision in order to address existing and proposed
improvements to the site that were not part of the original approval. Modifications to an approved subdivision require Planning Board
Deadline date of 1/9/09.
review and approval.
3.0 Scheduled Items
Applicant(s) JOSEPH RIITANO Application Type Site Plan 52-2008
Owner (s) Same SEQR Type II
Agent(s) Stefanie Bitter, Bartlett Pontiff Lot size 0.17 +/- acres
Stewart & Rhodes
Location 16 Sunset Lane Zoning Classification WR-1A
Tax ID No. 226.19-1-9 Ordinance Section 179-13-010
Cross Reference AV 83-08; SP 39-05, AV 47-05; Warren Co. Planning 12/10/08
NOA 9-04, 6-04, 6-04; AV 89-03;
AV 56-02; BP 02-866, 442
Public Hearing APA, DEC, ACOE, Other APA; L G CEA
Project Description: Applicant has expanded a non-conforming 1,632 square foot structure by raising the roof. Expansion of a non-
conforming structure in a Critical Environmental Area requires Planning Board review approval.
Applicant(s) WAL-MART STORES Application Type Subdivision 11-2008
Sketch Plan
Owner (s) Forest Enterprises SEQR Type Not Applicable
Agent(s) Bergmann Associates Lot size 39.65 +/- acres
Location Quaker Ridge Road Zoning Classification HC-Int
Tax ID No. 303.15-1-25 Ordinance Section A-183
Cross Reference SP 61-07, FW 1-08, SV 1-09 Warren Co. Planning N/A
Public Hearing Not required for Sketch Plan APA, DEC, ACOE, Other ACOE / NWI
Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 39.65 acre parcel into two lots of 33.28 & 6.37 acres. Subdivision of land
requires Planning Board review and approval.
Final Version: 12/29/08
Applicant(s) MARK & PENNY KELLY Application Type Site Plan 53-2008
Owner (s) Same SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Dennis MacElroy Lot size 0.36 acres
Location 43 Mason Road Zoning Classification WR-1A
Tax ID No. 226.16-1-17 Ordinance Section 179-6-060D
Cross Reference SP 35-08; Seasonal Warren Co. Planning 12/10/08
Residence; BP 08-530, BP 08-
441, BP 08-411
Public Hearing APA / DEC / CEA APA, L G CEA, DEC Permit
Project Description: Applicant proposes stabilization of existing stone and earthen bank as part of a larger project. Hard surfacing
within 50 feet of the shoreline and removal of vegetation within 35 feet of a shoreline in a WR zone requires Planning Board review and
Applicant(s) GREAT ESCAPE THEME Application Type Site Plan 41-2008
PARK Modification
Owner (s) Same SEQR Type Previous EIS
Agent(s) Lemery Greisler LLC Lot size 237.64 acres
Location 1172 State Route 9 Zoning Classification RC-15, LC-42A
Tax ID No. 288.20-1-20 Ordinance Section 179-9-020
Cross Reference SV 80-08, AV 81-08 Warren Co. Planning 10/8/08
Public Hearing Not required for modification DEC, CEA, NWI DEC GF-15, Glen Lake CEA, NWI
wetlands [35.46 ac]
Project Description: Applicant proposes a modified color scheme for Sasquatch Ride. Site Plan Modifications require Planning Board
review and approval.
Applicant(s) JOLLEY ASSOCIATES Application Type Site Plan 7-2007
C/O SEAN CRUMB Modification
Owner (s) Same SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Bohler Engineering Lot size 2.5 acres
Location 474 Aviation Road Zoning Classification HC Intensive
Tax ID No. 302.5-1-98 Ordinance Section 179-4-020
Cross Reference BP 08-358, 446, 447, 499, Warren Co. Planning 3/14/07
521, 601, 602; SV 2-09
Public Hearing Not required for modification
Project Description: Applicant proposes a modification to their approved site plan; specifically a change in lighting type and location.
Site Plan Modifications require Planning Board review and approval.
- Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board -