1934-03-14 69 Resolution No 22 Intorduced by Justice Stevenson seconed by i Justice Nobles it was resolved that the Town 'lerk to have publishers once in in the Glens Falls ;ost Otar the Following Notices Notice is hereby given that an application has ben filed _TD.* the storm King Stages Corporation for the consent of the Town Af (�aee%*)t sbury to the operation of. a motor Buss Line or rout over certain streets and Highways in said tows, in eonnectoin with a rout to be operated between the city of Glens Falls and The Hamlet of Bolton handing , and that a public hearing will be on such application at the Town Clerks Office on ridge road, in the 10% Qmeensbnry on the 14th day of MaroL I934 at " P.M. - Clock at which Time and place all persons interested may be herd 1 Dated Feb ary 27th I934 r'na 8th I934 Bert bf Auditors Meet ���_�'4�-�__. , ert ]9 Turner err Ptes y B Mead ......_-.....� - , j V0-p 1:80 Clerk ua-,ce )f Peace Henry Stevenson Charles Nobles areli.th entley Floyd, Ellsworth Notice is hereby Given that an application has ben filed by Glenn A Hubbell for the consent of t)ie Town f queensbury for- oporation j of a motor buss line or rout described as follows commencing at the junction of bay road' and the new s-tate highway 9.L- at Zunnams bay ! and continuing Along said. state-Highwayin a westerly direction j to the Caldwell Town Line and addition their to operate over over the presant town road Known- as the Lake Sunneysde road which einnects eay and ridge road at oneids, ; . on ridge road and 0-Dull' s i corners on bay road respectiva and in boath directions on the gorsaid trout and road and that a public hearing on said applicatiop tha Town Qlerks Office on ridge Road in the -Town Wf 0,ueensbury on the 14th days of march 1934 at 3 P.M.O' Clook at which time and place all persons Interested may be heard dated February 27th 1934 Signed Bert -D Turner Town Clerk of queensbury Roo 1 Call ' Supervisor Mead Yes Justice t' lsworth� Yes' " Nobles Yes " 311 swo rth Yes " Stevenson Yes Bentley Yes f�d �� .p�� � ��C� �c,,c,��, -°"�' �`""�j /mot • Z,F� ��6'R URaRy' �� y ,�T, r., ct'� �-�-�.. a e Town Boar,, e the ' a7rt a t—t" e mm vie s,4f -rc e Supervisor Jerry B 1.1ead Justice Ells-:vorth 7 Justice Nobles Justice Stevenson Justice Bentley Bert D Turner Town Clerk T!.xe Town Board Meet as Town ?auditors and after t''1e aulitin was ctletedthe following resolution was adopted Resoluti ! 3 Intorduced by Tnotice Nobles Seeoned By Justice Xleworth 'Vas resolved that R6olution #3 adopted January 3rd I934 be and the same is hereby resinded votes as Fallows Supervisor Mead -No Justice Bllsworth Yes Nobles Yes Stevenson Yes Bentley Yea On Notion Meeting Adf urned Al Town Clerk Marcie 14th I934 kt a public hearing held by th! Town Board Town of queensbury on t' above date at the :Town Clerks_ offieeT iu regard to the petit -, ion rk ,� of the storm King stages and Glenn A Hubbell the Following members were preaant Supervisor Jerry B Head Justice Ellsworth " No'b 1 es " Stevenson " Bentley Bert D Turner Town Clerk after some discuisson in regard to the granting the concept to •the petitioners the Following Resolution was adppted Resolution # 24 Case N0280 the storm King Stages Corporating by Written petition dated November ,I933 have made application to he town of queensbury for its coaaent to oporate a motor buss line>r rout through the streeteof said town and a hearing ben ordered by he town Hoard on suck petitionpand notice of such hearing bjWft&ben keld on march the I4tk I934pat the office of the Town Clerk in said town of queensbury and due deliberation having .ben had thereon, ozi Motion of Mr Stevenson and seconed by Mr, Ellsworth BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of queensbury by its Town oard hereby oonsents that the storm king Stages Corporation oporation a motor buss line or rout between the city- of Mena Falls and the hamlet of Boron Landing along and upon U.S.Rout #9 Dated t Town bf queensbury, N.Y. March I4th I934 Rool Call as Follows Supervisor Mead Yee Justice Ellsworth Yes a' Nobles Yea " Stevenson Yes Bentley - Yea S SSs C I c e o s orrect and an ad of`--We—ale thereof Da , .Y. T4'th 1934 Town vu f-Abmensbury Wa�ount ;: liwrq York, ,Resolution X25 Tkereas, Glenn a H"bell of the Town 9f queensbury N.Y, kae made} application to the Town Board of queensbury for the Concent to Oporate a motor Buss Line or stags along certain highways and roads in said Town which petition is dated November 27th I933 on motion of Mr Nobles and Srooned by Mr Stevenson HISCLVED,that the town of queensbury by the Town Board having eonsented that Glenn A Hubbell operate a motor buss line of rout °= over the roads or Highways as a. part of rout from the village of lake merge to Kattskill Bay and Cleverdal# the routes to be oporated at least for and during the months of July and August each Year and along the routs specified in therV 40 4AWtion and to be operated at least two round trips each day Rool Gall as follows Sup errr i s air `-dead Yen ' i Justice Ellsworth yes Nobles Yes Stevenson yes e S W rk: Bentley Tes Cow—Of- S a I B ► ry s 0 O f 4 f n en u i4th f934 aw Town Clerk T", 41' queensbury barren County Ne; York