95-1992 BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ 0 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 951992 TAX MAP NO. 61. -1-36 No. WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK EVELYN'S FLOWERS & GIFTS PERMISSION is hereby granted to 304 BAY RD. OWNER of property located at Street, Road or Ave. CHANGE SIGN COPY in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'S Address is 369 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name THE DESIGN FUNCTION, INC. 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address 26 HUDSON FALLS ROAD SOUTH GLENS FALLS, NY 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) SIGNS ( )Wood Frame ( 1 Masonry ( )Steel ( ) 7. PLANS and Specifications No. 8. Proposed Use CHANGE SIGN COPY 0 December 26 97 $ PERMIT FEE PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 19 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 26 Day of December 19 95 SIGNED BY vv % \\ .N. for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Inspector :i A Fee Paid: ��'� � "y✓� iliiii TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 531 Bay Road, Queensbury NY 12804 Approved By: (518) 745-4447 Permit #: SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION ,\ {\. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED: " 1. Detailed drawing or photo of sign. r \O'(/)-' 2. Plot plan of location of sign. 3. Written consent of the owner of the building or la . OWNER OF PROPERTY �61,1Ns E�o,,,,„4..G; ADDRESS q 1�,,v t- ati„t ) Qi,�o,.,5� , I.��-1 I,ot8od TEL. `)qa-�So(. NAME OF APPLICANT —CFj � ;5m ,,,ct,o,,, ,,__ ADDRESS &(:, 1:1161s2n�PUs nr ,G'10.,.,sC:u<e k•ii.,1REIO3TEL. r).r).. 3115-- BUSINESS NAME IF DIFFERENT: TYPE AND LOCATION Check What Applies: Existing >. Permanent Projecting Sign __ Temporary Non-conforming Existing __ e - an 'rig Wall New _ Location: Tax Map Number -_ l -' 31 ,,, 6--1-' / Address Proposed Setbacks from Property Line (front) (side) If sign is to be illuminated, please check appropriate box: Internal (X) , External ( ), Incadescent ( ), Neon ( ), Other ( ) Size of Sign: Width 3 ft. Length S-' ft. Total Square Footage: _ tS--- Sign Copy: Eie.I(1Ns f o L,e s-.- e -s ) A-1,--,.11,+, ,, .. - l-- icy, ' 1=laj,..,-c...J T3ec a.o.6`pPg1. Color and Material To Be Used: , � -.1... /.. L ; � (- - l \ Signature: J Circle One: Ap scant, owner, contract)or agent. I HEREBY AUTHORIZE APPLICANT TO PLACE A GN ON PROPERTY 0 LDING. Signature of Property Owner: , ORIGINAL-Office Coy COPY-Applicant w ». k + a Cr_ i C(q(„).____ if f 36" _ _ 04,0„._ rims. � �... � j` ,,,,,f fie"-, r��c�J'r .ate . t7,14-4. _,,,,,„ # leAl EVELYVS FLOWERS & GIFTS Application 15 _ P 60" A TRADITION of Zoning Administrator TOWN OF QUErENSBURV dir FLORAL ELEGANCE 792-6506 Proposed Plexiglass Sign Face to Replace 369 Bay Road Existing Plexiglass _ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY "` j$ ULPARTMP.NT OP COMMUNITY DL.VEL•�PAIENT �, APPROVED W o Application 5.. s BUILDINC PERMIT NUMBER Ali = ' :e 2 6 1995 (:)t 5- ) 1 eve .._, ° ` �' . . 1. BASIC/BUILDING PERMIT INFORMATION: 4 ` ' Applicant/Name & Address Agent/Name & Addr T4�ctnigarucs* Gapplicant ag I' MAI' NU 311i• «+ Crwilei 's Nimie?Aklkitr�2 j ! — - . 0 Quo (S 3\ Pt,:, let AiltlieT3 �� «� mac cnvoAe\ v cum, i U0:5i0, ' 3(4 3A atrd, i 1 f4e -44- 2. PROJ 4 CT DESCRIPTION: ---S _ = — i --- t_J plot plan (2 copies) AT&P-Lir--- ❑ building plan (2) h:,; ❑sewage disposal ❑energy code 3. PROPERTY INFORMATION: ['electrical inspection ,, []driveway permit SETBACKS RLOUIREL) ACTUAL. Elcompleted/signed Front Yard Front ( if corner) i , Side Yard (I) 1 ❑ NEW CONSTRUCTION Side Yard (2) ❑ ADDITION Rear Yard3 El ALTERATION Width r 0 MODIFICATION __ Depth i 0 SKIN YES NO N/A PROP tTY IS IN APPROVED SUBDIVISION n ltiie Meets depth, width & square footage requirement Preexisting, nonconforming lot with proper setbacks Required road frontage on public road Has required off-street parking " ' ` ' Permeable area is adequate /1Required: % Building does not exceed maximum height/ Max. ft. Required setbacks from stream, lake and/or travel corrr'or meets requirement Buffer zones required Is lot in a Flood Plain Zone? I 0 VtI~ I • . YW ._ r)1 • - ,STAFF DETERMINATION:" W • '''';',4.As.per Sectian(s)M of the❑ Zoning lir/ Sign I-1 Subdivision Ordinance Ordinance Regulations it. imt, lrx3zs5 z: s W • IL rt, II 'S, rc 5. REVIEW REQUIRED BY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: ACTION FILE NUMBER RESOLUTION DATE ❑ Use Variance U Area Variance ❑ Sign Variance ❑ Other Comments: • 6. REVIEW REQUlRED,BY PLANNING BOARD: ACTION FILE NUMBER RESOLUTION DATE El Site Plan Review 0 Subdivision ❑ Planned Unit Dev. [,] Other Comments: 1,71 REV IEt.ArEb STAFF C7.ATE COh.1 .1ENTS . S