1934-04-24 At an Adjourned public hear ing adjourned to this time and place-
the foliowing menbers were present
Jerry B. Mead Supervisor '
Floyd Ellsworth
Charles NAbles
Meredith Bentley
Henry Stevenson.
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk.
The full Board personally inspected the property oa the proposed district
and on motion meeting adjourned until regular meeting.
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of queenebury,
held on the above date , at the clerks office, the following menbers
were present.
Jerry B. Mead Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth, Justice of Peace
Charles Nobles
Henry Stevenson
Meredith Bentley
Bert D. Turner Town Clt rk
Arthur H. Stone Town Superintendant of Highways and Beecher Clother
Town Attorney •also present.
Minutes of meetings held on March 27th, March 28th', April 12th
and April 17th,1934 read and approvede
A petition of about 100 names was presented to the board
requesting the board to establish a road on Assembly 19oint inplt ,
of the present read. Petition received and placed on file.
Mr. Jackson spoke in favor of said petition.
A letter from the county attorney relative to a copy of a
resolution of the warren County Board of was read ' to the boar d
The copy of the resolution was also read. The following resolution
was adopted.
ResoittionNo.33 , Introduced by Justice Stevenson, seconded by
Justice Bentley.
Whereas, At a specialmeeting of` the warren county Board of
Supervisors , held at hake George, N.Y. April 6,1934, relative to the
continuance of the Work Relief under the works Division of the temporary y
Emergency Relief Administration, Resolution No. 52 as per attached copy
was unanimously adopted.
Therefore, Beit resolved that' the Town of Queensbury, * Warren County
N.Y. accept and approve its proportionate share of the 25% so expended and
authorize the Warren County Treasurer to charge back to the said town
the amount so expended in accordance with the provisions of the
above resolution. Ayes, Mr. Bead, Mr Ellsworth. Mr Bentley, Mr Nobles
and Mr. Stevenson. Noes -None.
The board generally dicussed the proposed water district and
on motion adtourned to April 25th,1934 at the clerks office at 7 p.m.