asbestos reportsDom 0-059Og nec 1008marsSchenectady,NY 12301-SPECTR (518)346-6374 (Phone) Environmental Associates,Inc.(818)346-4062 (Fax) “Bxceevive Ove Cusenrs Exrecrarions or Bxctutexce™www.Aspectrum.com March 13,2020 Mr.Wayne Williams MAR 16 2020 W.D.Williams Construction,Inc. 80 Seelye Rd. Cleverdale,NY 12820 Phone (518)656 3579 Email:wdwmsconst@hotmail.com RE:Roof Visual Clearance 361-363 Cleverdale Rd. Spectrum Project Number:20-246 Asbestos Final Visual Inspection(s) Dear Mr.Williams: Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc.(Spectrum)is submitting this letter and attached documentation as our report for the Final Visual Inspection(s)performed on the above referenced asbestos project. On March 12,2020,Mr.Chris Patti (AH#04-06597)performed a final visual inspection.His final visual inspection form(s)is attached along with a copy of his certification and Spectrum’s company license. The scheduled asbestos containing materials for this project involved the removal of: ©~50 If oftar flashing on roof edges of garage roof (3-12-20) New York State Department of Labor Industrial Code Rule 56 requires a final visual inspection be performed by a New York State Certified Asbestos Project Monitor who is independent of the asbestos abatement contractor.The final visual inspection is to confirm that all have been removed and that the work area has been properly cleaned. If you have any questions concerning this report,please contact our office at (518)346-6374. Respectfully Submitted, Rebert J DeRayter Robert J DeRuyter VP of Operations Ce:file ‘Attachments;Final Visual Clearance Form(s) Licensure and Certification Environmental Consulting &Management Services +Health &Safety Training +Laboratory Services 7.0.80 1024 Schenectady,NY 12301 (318)346-6374 (Phone) Environmental Associates,Inc,(518)340-4062 (Fax) “Bxcetoie Oou Cuehrs Exrtcranions or Bxceteen swan spectrum Final Visual Clearance Checklist Project Name:Date: 361-362 Cleverdale Rd Queensbury NY 312-20 Work Area:Project Number: Garage Roof 20-ay4le Material Removed:Quantity Removed: ‘Tar Flashing on Roof Edges 50'linear Project Monitor:Certificate Number:"Christopher Patti +#04-06597 Procedure or Activity Yes|No|N/A Critical Barriers Intact _v ‘Negative Air Machines Running v. Alll Gross Material Removed From Work Area v Length of Waiting Period Observed z Visible Debris Present A ‘All Bags and misc.equipment/tools has been removed v Visual Inspection per ICR 56.9.1 (d) “In accordance with ICR 56-9.1 (d)the project monitor has visually inspected the work area (all surfaces including pipes,beams,ledges,walls,ceiling and floor,decontamination unit,sheet plastic,etc.)accompanied by the asbestos v abatement contractor's supervisor,and has observed the scope of the abatement as per the provided contract documents,and for the presence of|visible dust,debris,or residue is apparent on any surface within the work area.” Date of Inspection:Time of Inspectior3-12-20 peewor™1100 Visual Inspection clear per ICR 56.9.1 (d)v ‘Supervisor Logbook Signed v ‘Sampling Conducted in Accordance with ICR 56-9.2(d)or Site Specific Variance__Vv. Pre-Sampling Agitation (5 minutes per 1000 ft?of floor space)Z ‘On Going Agitation (1-20”Fan per 10,000 ft")v Your signature certifies that the aforementioned listed items are in compliance with all state & federal rules and regulations. Signature:Date:19.90y. Environmental Consulting &Management Services +Health &Satety Training »Laboratory Services 4 SPECTRUM Environmental Associates,Inc. “Exceevine Ovk Cuieurs Exrecrarious ov BxcaLLexce” P.O.Box 1024 ‘Schenectady,NY 12301 (818)346-0374 (Phone) (818)946-4002 (Fax) www Aspectrum.com State of New York —Department of Labor Asbestos Certification EYES BRO AIR BRO or 5 09" State of New York —Department of Labor 1 FOUND RETURH TO: wYSDOL -Lec UIT ROOM 161A BUILDING 12 STATE OFFICE CAMPUS ‘ALBA Wr 12240 Certification Asbestos Handler Restricted Handler -Allied Trades Air Sampling Technician Inspector Management Planner Operations and Maintenance Supervisor Project Monitor Codes A B Cc D E FE G H I Project Designer Environmental Consulting &Management Services »Health &Safety Training +Laboratory Services ‘SH 432 (8/12)For the Commissioner of Labor (>)(18)346-6374 (Phone)Environmental Associates,Inc.“Exceevine Ove Cusenrs Expecrarions or Excettexce' {SPECTRUM watznez ASBESTOS DEMOLITION SURVEY/INSPECTION FOR GARAGE 361-363 CLEVERDALE RD QUEENSBURY,NY 12820 SPECTRUM PROJECT NO.:19-696 SoQ OCTOBER 30,2019 8 wooe 3=ePREPAREDFor:HeogeoBeseCHRISMATTSONdees1044SyLUMRb.aceN88LANCASTER,PA 17601 Sovrenmental onating &Management Serves»Heath Stay Trang «Laboratory Serve SECTION I SECTION IL SECTION IL ATTACHMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS -INTRODUCTION -LIMITATIONS -ASBESTOS SAMPLING SUMMARY -TABLE 1 -ASBESTOS SAMPLING RESULTS -TABLE 2 —-ASBESTOS FINDINGS -PHOTO ALBUM -LOCATION MAPS -LABORATORY REPORTS ~LICENSING AND CERTIFICATION SECTION I -INTRODUCTION On October 24,2019,Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc,(Spectrum)conducted a surveyforthepresenceofasbestoscontainingmaterialsattheGaragelocatedat361-363 Cleverdale RdinQueensbury,NY.Mr.Bruce Campbell Jr (Asbestos Inspector #15-11979)conducted thisinspectionfollowingproceduresandguidelinescommonlyusedandacceptedbyfederalandstateregulations.The objective of the survey was to identify the presence and approximate locationsandquantitiesofsuspectand/or confirmed asbestos containing materials. An initial walkthrough of the designated areas was conducted by an experienced asbestos inspectortoobserveandrecordmaterialsusedintheconstructionofthebuilding.‘The inspector proceededbyassessingfloors,walls,ceilings,surfacing materials,thermal systems insulation,roofingmaterialsandothermiscellaneousmaterialswiththepotentialtocontainasbestos.FromObservations,the inspector prepared a listing of building materials that are suspected to containasbestos.The inspector selected these materials for inclusion in the inspection throughProfessionalexperienceandanunderstandingofthehistoricalusesofasbestos.Generallyspeaking,if a building material within a structure could contain asbestos,the material was includedintheinspection. Materials included in the survey were identified and recorded with respect to groupedhomogeneoussamplingareas.Representative bulk material samples were collected from locationswithineachhomogeneoussamplingarea.Sampling information was recorded on chain of custodyformsfordocumentation.Samples were individually preserved within a container and transportedtoanindependentlaboratoryforasbestosanalysis, Laboratory analysis of asbestos samples via polarized light microscopy (PLM)and/or transmissionelectronmicroscopy(TEM)was conducted by AmeriSci of New York,New York (ELAP#11480,NVLAP#200546-0).Sample analysis was conducted as follows: ©“Friable”Asbestos Samples -PLM *“Non-Friable”Organically Bound (NOB)Asbestos Samples —PLM and,if negative,TEMforconfirmationasrequiredunderNYSDOH-ELAP regulations. SECTIONI-LIMITATIONS The information provided in this report was compiled from field and laboratory data obtainedduringthesitevisit.Observations noted and recorded are intended to represent the conditions thatexistedatthesubjectsiteatthetimeanddatethattheobservationsweremade. Spectrum has not conducted its own analytical,but has utilized an independent NYS-DOH ELAPapprovedlaboratorytoprovidetheanalyticalresultscontainedinthisreport.All discussions,ings,and conclusions are based on information that Spectrum received and understood to befactual. Determinations of suspect asbestos containing materials within the building were subject to theaccessibilityofindividualareasorspaces.Spectrum accepts no responsibility for the content ofthebuildingmaterialswithinareasorspacesthatwereunknowntousornotreasonablyaccessible.Spectrum assumes no liability for any buildings that were not identified by the client that may fallunderstateorfederalregulations, All quantities of ACM provided in this report are provided as required by law and are believed tobeaccurate.If this report is to be used for bidding purposes,field verification of quantities isrecommendedbytheabatementcontractorpriortobidding. Conclusions and recommendations provided in this report are based on the assumption that‘materials identified are homogeneous throughout their application. This report has been compiled for the exclusive use of Chris Mattson,his successors and/orassigns)This report and its contents represent confidential information and should not beduplicatedwithouttheexpressedpermissionofChrisMattson,his successors and/or assigns.This report should only be reproduced in its entirety to ensure all the appropriate information isprovided. ‘The building owner is Chris Mattson and may be reached at 1044 Sylum Rd in Lancaster,PA. SECTION II -ASBESTOS SAMPLING SUMMARY The results of the sampling are provided in Table 1 (Asbestos Sampling Results)and the asbestosfindingsareprovidedinTable2(Asbestos Findings)of the Attachments.The laboratory resultsandsamplelocationmap(s)are also provided in the Attachments, ATTACHMENTS TABLE 1 —ASBESTOS SAMPLING RESULTS TABLE 2 —ASBESTOS FINDINGS PHOTO ALBUM LOCATION Maps LABORATORY REPORTS LICENSING AND CERTIFICATION TABLE I —ASBESTOS SAMPLING RESULTS Garage 361-363 Cleverdale Rd Spectrum Project #19-696 Date Sampled:October 24,2019 Sample #Description Location/Area Tee Be 03|Root Vapor Baier East Side Cryotle <0.25%|Chrysotile <1.0% 04|Root Vopr Barer Wen Side Crowle case|eyenite sie 05|Rowing shingle as Se NAD ryote Tace 05|Rooting Shingle Wes Side NAD Choe Tace a7|Window Gaze Eas Side ‘Anthopbytite <025%|_Antophyite Tze 08|Window Gaze Wes Sie “Andry <025%|_AntophyieTace ‘Note:Asbestos conaining materials ae greater than 1%asbestos.Trace is considered less than 1%asbestos.[NAD -no asbesos detected,NA -not applicable,PS —Positive Stop,SF -square fet,LF Tinar fet TABLE 2 -ASBESTOS FINDINGS Garage 361-363 Cleverdale Rd Spectrum Project #19-696 Date Sampled:October 24,2019 Limitations: ‘The following limitation/conditions were noted as part of the survey: *OSHA requires that an employer not expose its workers above the PEL and therefore specifictraining,work practices and/or respiratory protection may need to be a consideration when handling materials that are less than one percent. *The inspection was performed in accordance with New York State Industrial Code Rule 56Section5.1.Itis the responsibility of the owner or its agent to forward a copy ofthis report tothelocalgovernmententitychargedwithissuingapermitforsuchdemolition,renovation,remodeling or repair work under applicable State or local laws as well as to the NYS Department of Labor Asbestos Control Bureau,Spectrum will not send this report to the NYSDOL without written permission from its client due to the sensitive nature of theinformationpresentinthisreport. ©A copy of 56-5.1 is available upon request. *This report reflects the conditions found at the date and time of the inspection(s).Conditions of the area and materials may change due to external events,forces or influences.Re- inspection of the area may be required prior to the start of any work if an extended period oftimehaspassedorifdisturbanceshaveoccurred. ©All asbestos locations on drawings are approximate.All quantities are estimated and must befieldverifiedpriortouseaspartofabiddingdocument.Materials may extend or be hiddenbehindorwithinothermaterialsorstructuralmembers.Any contractor or other user of thisreportisrequiredtophysicallyconfirmthequantitiesandverifymeasurementsofmaterialstoberemoved,to be bid for removal,or for any other purpose.Contractors are responsibletophysicallyvisitthesiteandconfirmallquantitiesforbiddingpurposes. *This survey is for demolition of the garage structure only. ©Spectrum did not inspect any exterior area below grade.Foundation sealers,buried piping andotheritemsmayexistbelowgradewhichmaycontainasbestos. ‘SF-square feet,LF —linear feet,ea —each TABLE 2 -ASBESTOS FINDINGS Garage 361-363 Cleverdale Rd Spectrum Project #19-696 Date Sampled:October 24,2019 Material Location/Area Estimated Quantty*|Conditlon/Damaged Roof TariSealer East Side on Flashing and Wood 200 st Good =Quantities of identified ACM are estimates only and should be fleld verified prior to bid by the contractor or confirmed as part of an RFP ordesignspecification, Please see the limitation listed above. ‘SF-aquare fet,LF liner fet,~each Asbestos Inspection Photo Album of 361-363 Cleverdale Rd LOCATION MAP(s) =if™ AmeriSci New York 117 EAST 30TH ST.Ameri Sci ma ginerosanPeete—PLM Bulk Asbestos Report Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc Date Received 10/25/19|AmeriSciJob#—219103910 Attn:Bill Massman Date Examined 10/20/19 P.O.# P.0.Box 1024 ELAP #11480 Page 1 of 2 RE:19-696;361-363 Cleverdale Rd.;Throughout Schenectady,NY 12301 Client No./HGA Lab No.Asbestos Present Total %Asbestos 1 219103910-01 Yes 2.2%1 1 Location:East Side On Flashing And Wood -Roof Tar /Sealer (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Jared C.Clarke ‘on 10/29/19AnalystDescription:Black,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types:Chrysotile 2.2% (Other Material:Non-fibrous 10.5 % 2 219103910-02 NAPS. 1 Location:West Side On Flashing And Wood Roof Tar /Sealer Analyst Description:Bulk Material Asbestos Types: (Other Material: 3 219103910-03 Yes Trace (<0.25 %pe)?2 Location:East Side -Roof Vapor Barrier (EPA 400 PC) by Jared C.Clarke on 10/29/19‘Analyst Description:Black,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk MaterialAsbestosTypes:Chrysotile <0.25 %pc (Other Material:Non-fibrous 2.4 % 4 219103910-04 Yes Trace (<0.25 %pc)?2 Location:West Side -Roof Vapor Barrier (EPA 400 PC) by Jared C.Clarke on 10/29/19AnalystDescription:Black,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk MaterialAsbestosTypes:Chrysotile <0.25 %pcOtherMaterial:Non-fibrous 2.1 % 5 219103910-05 No NAD3Location:East Side -Roofing Shingle (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Jared C.Clarke ‘on 10/29/19‘Analyst Description:Black,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material ‘Asbestos Types: Other Material:Fibrous glass Trace,Non-fibrous 26 % ‘See Reporting notes on last page “AmeriSci Job #:219103910 Page 2 of 2ClientName:Spectrum Environmental Associates,Inc. PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 19-696;361-363 Cleverdale Rd.;Throughout Client No./HGA Lab No.Asbestos Present Total %Asbestos 6 219103910-06 No NAD 3 Location:West Side -Roofing Shingle (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Jared C.Clarke on 10/29/19 ‘Analyst Description:Black,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: (Other Material:Non-fibrous 33.2 % 7 219103910-07 Yes Trace (<0.25 %pc)? 4 Location:East Side -Window Glaze (EPA 400 PC) by Jared C.Clarke on 10/20/19 ‘Analyst Description:White,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types:Anthophylte <0.25 %pe Other Material:Fibrous Talc 2 %,Non-fibrous 14.9 % 8 219103910-08 Yes Trace (<0.25 %pc)4 Location:West Side -Window Glaze :{EPA 400 PC) by Jared C.Clarke on 10/20/19 ‘Analyst Description:White,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types:Anthophyliite <0.25 %pc (Other Material:Fibrous Talc 1%,Non-fibrous 6.5 % Reporting Notes: (1)This job was -Analyzed using Motic BA310 Pol Scope S/N 1190000326 (@)Sample prepared for analysis by ELAP 198.6 method *S=not analyzed/positive stop,(SOF-V)=Sprayed On Fireproofing containing Vermicuite; Bulk Asbestos Analysis by Appd E to Subpt E,40 CFR 763 (NVLAP 200646-0),ELAP PLM‘Method 198.1 for NY friable samples,the identification and quantitation of vermiculite or 196.6 for NOB samples or EPA 400 pt ot by‘Appd E to Subpt E,40 CFR 763 (NY ‘11480);Note:PLM is not consistent reliable in detecting asbestos in floor coverings and similar‘non-friable organically bound materials.NAD or Trace results by PLM are inconclusive,TEM Is currently the only method that can be used to determineitthismaterialcanbeconsideredortreatedesnonasbestos-containing in NY State (also see EPA Advisory for floor te,FR 59,148,38070,8/1/04)"National institute of Standards and Technology Accreditation requirements mandate that this report must not be reproduced except in full without the‘Spproval ofthe lab.This PLM report relates ONLY to the Items tested.AIHA-LAP,LLC Lab ID 102843,RI Cert AAL-004,CT Cert PH-0188,Mess Cert (SNE)=Surfacing Material containing Vermi Reviewed By:END OF REPORT. ——__—iepong _{onyonu sneunComy sao pur sj)pepsi Lope PA KEN nap pomsedap Kopoe1pgeumenn9)fou pe mew ne poUR uy go exgeeaie!Weve WM WL "AOL U IBLEGrt>eiay SON WM RLM OMe rao Ro sone sexsogey savy exer U0 angry 6 pepo oa pee eu LO»0 eujon Bun Lan “ONNA BRN ON BRN in‘Boards uo palin =40S)91>=08 ‘pazheu od =i seu examen wap peep eceetee cu =GYN ots A nan 5B)VTE 2)oloesodafeanos)‘IBLE GON OA MeN 0)DL TO SUR OH OA MeN 0}WEL VT 20 COL UA Ops HRS O13 Dey Aa Pra way BOY Wa aE. ee amiriomy se ewhytomwy ve oe on soeomtitoay sro emtxoy oo v0 os oyonostnes om ox ze ow aco voc0 ‘em opontna on bee ze rn)©°fy seo 1s enon seo enoetoe o e bes co ozooroneekuno>anoeteeg ze v0 oo w can o o re 0 .z 275/104 POON POY BuO eps eg ERENTwerowssoozreaizo4i40wal‘samme snaBvou ‘wanetvou — uations)any CB TES coneMnysoneery.ka eomenny.semaaevson “aero Semeur tom On avmury‘wanoet or tone aRoyBnONLL "PR eFPIONOID E9E-L0E :980-81 ‘SINSeY ssKjeUy soyseqsy ying Jo AleUNUNgoes “ou eerepossy revewuownug wnaoedg.:ewEN WeRD440|eq Ovecoreiz #90r esueuY > SPECTRUM ae|Associates,inc.Eautronmenol desea 219103910 peBULKSAMPLINGCHAINpFCUSTODYonseo=19-696 Pa 361-969 Cloverdale Ra Matrix Analysis Requested ‘Turnaround10-24-19 |="Throughout [Son [Grin |[Dr-maries [Grem-wariea [Cnisn [OnmeTyof1‘Bruce Campbell Jr 1 seat [wipe |[CS Pi —BLaP ions I [Ora tow Soa Ma Tom ‘onion East Side of ashing and Wood ‘Goo Wiest ie and Wood East SieSiestSie Sie ‘ast Sie Sie seer ed ps mt a pap pl LICENSING AND CERTIFICATION SPECTRUM spoaenee Environmental Associates,Inc.OOS“Excetoine Ove Cutents Exeectatioxs of Exctuuexct®meen State of New York —Department of Labor Asbestos Certification F FOUND RETURN 10: wWyspoL -Lec onze ROOM 161 BUILDING 12 STATE OFFICE CAMPUS ALBANY my 12240 State of New York —Department of Labor Codes Certification Asbestos Handler Restricted Handler -Al Trades Air Sampling Technician |InspectorManagementPlanner__Operations and Maintenance _|Supervisor ____Project Monitor _—__ProjectDesigner |Environmental Consulting &Management Services +Health &Safety Training +Laboratory Services Eileen M.Franko,Director ‘SH 432 (8/12)For the Commissioner of Labor NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER Expires 12:01 AM April 01,2020 Issued April 01,2019 oa = CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE ‘Issued in accordance with end pursuant to section 502 Public Health Law of New York Stato MR.PAUL J.MUCHA NY Lab Id No:11480AMERICASCIENCETEAMNEWYORK,INC 117 EAST 30TH ST NEW YORK,NY 10016 4s hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory for the categoryENVIRONMENTALANALYSESSOLIDANDHAZARDOUSWASTE ‘All approved subcategories and/or analytes are listed below: Miscellaneous ‘Asbestos in Friable Material tem 198.1 of Manual EPA 600/M/021020 ‘Asbestos in Non-Friable Material-PLM item 198.8 of Manual (NOB by PLM) ‘Asbestos in Non-Friable Material-TEM Item 198.4 of Manual Serial No.:59674 Proparty of the New York Stale Deparment of Health.Certificates are valid only atthe address‘shown,must be conspicudusy posted,and ae printed on secure paper.Continued accrediaon depends‘on successful ongoing participation ine Program.Consumars are urged to cal (518)485-5570 0orythlaboratonseccrediationstatus. 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