1934-06-28 Regular meeting June 26th 1934 79
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of .Jueensbury
held at the clerk' s office at 7PY on the above date, the following
menbers were present:
Jerry 'Mead Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth, Justice of peace
Charles Nobles It it
Henry Stevenson " it
Yeredith Bentley if q
Bert D. Turner
Town Clerk
T.inutes of meetins held on LINy 2?
nd and 23rd day of May , read and
the board generally discussed town matters and on motion adjourned.
to 9ARF , June ?8th,1934 at the office of Judge Bentley.
a 'r �
Town Clerk
Adjourned meeting June 28th, 1934
At an adjourned meeting of the Town Board, Town of Jueensbury,
held on the above date, at 9 AY1 , at the office of Meredith Bentley,
the following menbers were present.
Jerry B. 1ead Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth Tustice of Peace
Charles ?nobles if
Henry Stevenson to "
Meredith Bentley it
Bert D. Turner
Town Clerk.
"he Board went over the report of the department of Audit and
control in the morning session and recessed to the clerks office
to meet at one thirty VM.
The Board reconvened at 1;30 nm at the clerks office, fullboard }
present and. proceeded to audit t'-i.e following accounts
setting forth tb.e name of claimant, nature of claim, arronnt of claim
and amount allowed.
Amount Amount
Yo. Name of claimant Nature of claim Claimed allowed.
108 F.A. Richardson N.T.G.A.R,relief 17.00 17. 00
109 Frank E..Bullard Service as c-eputy Sheriff 63. 60 53. 60
1.10 New York Pvwer,
and li?ht Corp. Damps for Elect Booths 3.24 3.24
111 A.G. Brown Poor relief orders 10. 00 1C.00
112 Alfred Gardner Services as assessors 108. 00 :190.00
113 Bates and Carmody lamps for booths 4.80.
114 Arthur Harper Service as constable 8.10 8.10
�- 115 Ernest Hillis Service as :assessor 108.00 90.00
116 Dennis ,Co -IR a 8 E-1 8 se-r' s book 3. 11 3.1;
117 Tired Fisher Service as inspector 10. 00 10.0 ---'
118 George W. He.dgin " Assessor 108. 00 90. 00 '
119 F.ARichardson Poor relief Orders 33.20 33.20
120 Thurstin Ingrahan " " " 20. 00 20. 00
121 Forest J Crannell " " " 44.00 44.00
122 Orson B. Newcomb " " " 51. 40` _ 51.40
123 Bert D. Turner Services as Town Clerk with drawn
124 Fred Ricketts " " Constable 104. 95 71.95
125 American Surety Co Town official Bonds 179. 13 179. 13
126 Cool Insurance Agency Insurance 81. 60 81. 60
127 Floyd Ellsworth Board meetings 23. 00 28.00
128 Floyd Ellsworth Service as Justice 28.15 28. 15
129 Henry Stevenson Board meetings 84. 00 94. 00
130 F.A.Richardson poor relief orders 22.91 22. 91
72 presented apr. 24, 1934 audited 11. 08
Total ` 1121. 19 `)1021. 47
Resolution , 4 ""IYi sxl xtr' r J't 0tiumL-,T- !llsworth, seconded by Justice
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Jueensbury, pursuant to the
provisions of Mawn haw, has audited claims against the Town and there is
not sufficient funds available for the payment of said ciIa
RESOLVED, That the Town of Jueensbury issue certificate of indebtnesp
in the sum of ' 1,000. 00 and the Supervisor and the Town Clerk are
hereby authorized to execute said cer.tificateof indebtness for the
purpose of paying bills so audited , for and on behalf of said town
for said amount.
on motion meeting adjourned
Town Clerk.
t •
Regular meeting July 24th, 1 034
At a re ular meeting of the Town Poard of the Town Of Jueensbury,
f 'held on'-'the above date at 7Pm a the Clerk' s office the following
I menbers were present,
Jerry B. Mead Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth Justice of peace
Charles Nobles
Henry Stevenson
Yeredith Bentley
Bert D. Turner
Town Clerk
Minutes of meetings held on dune 26th and 28th 1934 read and approved.
A committee of tax payers submitted a deed for the l�.ying out a read
near Glen Lake. The following resolution was adopted .
Resolution No. 44 Introduced by Justice Ellsworth, seconded by
Justice Nobles; It was resolved that Justice Bentley be and is hereby
appointed a committee of one, to t 'e the map and deed of the proposed
Glen hake road to the county attorney for his consideration and a.:R�Lx
Further resolved that the said committee is also authorized
to submit the map to the Town supertendatt for his approval'
Roll call; Ayes- Mr. Mr Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles Mr Bentley ,
Yr Stevenson and Mr Mead.
Noes- None
A petition signed by about 105 residents of iakefbtp nyoi tde
road requesting the oiling of the laKe Sunny� Side Road.was presented
to the board. The fol owing resolution was adopted:
Resolution No 45 Introduced by Justice Ellsworth, seconded by
Justice Stevenson, It was resolved that the clerk be and is hereby
authorized to copy petition, stating the nu mber of signers of
instead of copying names presented to the Town Board on the lake
Sunny Blde road, and send said copy to the Town Superintenda.nt
of Highways.
Roll Call Ayes- Mr. Ellsworth : Mr Nobles -Mr Bentley Mr. Stevenson
and dread, <