1934-07-24 Henry Stevenson Board r.eetings 94. 00 130 F.A.Richardson 94. 00 'noor relief orders 22.91 22. 91 72 presented apr. 21,i934 audited "ZI Total �1121_. 19 .7'=21,�47 Resolution 3V&'t`1r_'W,-Y1lsworth., seconded by Justice Bentley, W-11FUMS the Town Board of the Town of Iueensburyt pursuant to the provisions of Mawn Lawq has audited claims a.0inst the Town and there ib not sufficient funds available for the PX,,SOLVEDP That the Town of Jueensbury issue certificate of indebtnes.- in the sur Of I'lPOOO.00 and the Supervisor and the Town Clerk are hereby authorized to execute said certificateof indebtness for the purpose of paying bills so auditedo for and on behalf of said town for said amount. Ott '7t(" on motion reeting adjourned "O�Town Clerk. Regular meeting July 24th, 1934 At a regular necting of the Town Poard of the Town Of Jueensburyp held on the above date at 7Pn a the Clerkfs office the follwwinq renbers were presento Jerry B. Mead Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice of peace Charles Nobles it Henry Stevenson Meredith Bentley Bert D. Turner Town Clerk W Minutes of meetings held on J'une 26th and 28th 1954 read and approved. A committee of tax payers submitted a deed for the 1QLying out a raad C The following res near len Lake. olution was adopted Resolution No. 44 Introduced by Justice Ellswortht seconded by Justice Nobles; It was resolved that Justice Bentley be and is hereby appointed a committee of onet *to thkle the map and deed of the proposed Glen Lake road to the county attorney for his consideration and KAXX approval; Further resolved that the said committee is also authorized to submit the map to the Town supertendaikt for his approval* Roll call: Ayes- Mr. Mr Ellswortht Mr. Nobles Mr Bentley Yr Stevenson and 'Mr Mead. Noes-INone A Detition signed by about 105 residents of &s**fb2WnVoitde road requesting the oiling of the laKe Sunny- Side Road.was presented to the board. The fol owing resolution was adoptedt Re-solution No 45 Introduced by Justice Ellsworth* seconded by Justice' Stevensonp It was resolved that the clerk be and is hereby authorized to copy petition, stating the nu mber of signers of instead of copying names presented to the Town Board on the lake Sunny 91de roadq and send said copy to the Town Superintendant of Highways. Roll Qall Ayes- Mr. Ellsworth Mr Nobles ;,Mr Bentley Mr, Stevenson and -Mead,, Noes -None A letter from Francis Robillard , asking for damages for the destruction of a mail box by snow plow was read to the Board. Matter was laid on the Table. An application for the position of Truant officer from Homer Hewitt was read to the Board. The Board tooknfhr-ee1thXLtnAi,Ballots and the following resolution was adopted* Resolution #46 Introduced by Justice Ellsworth Seconded by Justice Itevenson, It was resolved that John Lennox be and is hereby appointed attendance officer for the School year of 1934 and 1935 for the Schools of the Town of Jueensbury outside of School District #2 subject to the approval of the district superintendant of schools at an ,annual salary of $200, payable as follows ;,$20. per month for ten months on presentation of properly verified bills Roll Call Ayes Mr, Ellsworth , Mr Nobles, Mr. Bentley, Mr Stevenson and Mr Mead. Noes None, The Board audited the following accounts Amount No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed. . 131 Arthur Harper Service as constable X16.20 $ 16.20 132 Thurston Ingraham poor relief orders 23. 50 23. 50 133 Forest J Crannell " of " 19. 30 19. 30 134 Orson B. Newcomb it " 58. 39 58.39 135 Bert D. Turner Service as Town Clerk 114. 00 86. 00 136 Alfred Gardner " " assessors 84. 00 84.00 137 Alfred Gardner assessors mileage 17.90 17.90 138 George W Hoagin if " 18.00 18. 00 139 Charles Nobles Service as Juet ^ -. 72.30 72.30 140 Meredith Bentley If to 44. 00 44.00 X467. 59 439. 59 Dissallowed X28. 00 Meeting adjourned Town Clerk. Regular Meeting August 21st 1934 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Jueensbury held on the above date at the clerk' s office at 7 PM. the following Menbers were present. Jerry B. Mead Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace Charles Nobles of " Henry Stevenson Meredith Bentley Bert D. Turner Town 'Clerk Resolution X47 Introduced By Justice Nobles Seconded by Justice Bentley. It was resolved that the Following places be and are hereby designated as polling places for the Town of 'queensbury for the Year of 1930 Dist, NO.1 Cole &Sullivan Company Plumbing Shop lower Warren & Boulavard � Junation. District Not Grange Hall at oneida Cor ners; Dist No3 Town Store House, Aviation field road; Dist. No 4 Marches Shop, West G Glens Falls. at a yearly rental of $30. per each outside of district On Motion M e �d, u rned 1 cAin Clerk/