1934-08-30 pp i 82 ` Regular greeting August 28th, 1934 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Jueensbury held on the above date at 7PY. at the Clerk' s office the following menbers were present; Jerry B. Tdead Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth, Justice of peace ryharles Nobles to Henry Stevenson it Yeredith Bentley " to Bert 7). Turner Town Clerk Arthur H. Stone Town Supertendant of Highways Also present, Vinutes of meetings held on June 24th and August 21st read and xppo and approved, in the matter Yr. Bentley reported/of the Glen lake road A letter from the county attorney in the matter of the Glen Lake Road was read to the board and placed on file. The following resolution rra.s adopted: Resolution A9 Introduced by Justice I±;llsworth , seconded by Justice Nobles: It was resolved that the To-°-n of Jueensbury hereby accents the ri, ht of way as described in a. deed from John H. Sullivan A,^ others to the Town of Jueensbury dated July 214th1934 and as shown on a map entitled" F, of right of ":way- proposed glen Lake Shore Road- Dated July, 1934 for 'i;�h.wa,y porposes. Roll xall Ayes Tir. Ellsworth, 1.`r. Nobles, ITr. Bentley ,T"r. Stevenson and .Tr. i;:ead. Noes None. . Aletter from p«r. Perkins a.proving the appointment of John Lennox for Truant .officer was read to the Board and placed on file. A letter from ?'a.ble Ba.yres relative . to the esta.blishinr?7 of a water district was read to the Board and placed on file. hTr Jones snoke to the Board relative to the above, A petition from residents of cleverdale about the cleverdale Road was read to the board and placed on file. On motion meeting j ado: coned to August 30th,2934 at 71-In at Clerk' s Office. Town C erk Adjourned netting August 30th 1934 r"at an adjourned meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Jueensbury Adjourned to this Time and place, the following menbers were present. Jerry B. Iiea.d Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace Charles Nobles 'ienry Stevenson `eredith Bentley Bert !J. Turner Town ,Clerk r The folloT,in7 resolution were adopted. Resolution -Mg Introduced by Justice T4obles seconded by justice Stevenson, It was resolved that Justice Bentley be aid is hereby authorized to have stop and -o traffic light at Montys bridge adjusted Roll Call and Ayes '!fir. Yead. I'r Rllsworth Yr Nobles T.Tr Stevensot/lTr. Bentley Brow none d 83 ',esolution ;450 Introduced by Justice Bentley, Seconded by Justice Stevenson; It was resolved that Supervisor I'Tead be and hereby is apnointed a Committee of one to confer with Franklyn Pasco Chairrr,a.n of ';`Ta,rren '"ounty work relief 1?Braau inrega.rd to the extension of Oak_ grove T:oad.. '?011 "all Ayes- Yr '='11sworth, F . TTobles Yr Stevenson, 3"r 7entley and ?°"r. I_"ea.d Toes- "'Tone The following* accounts were received aa;a inst the Townof '?.ueensbury, and were audited Ar-o un t o un t No. Name of Clai.rrant Nature of ;'lain Claimed Allowed 141 P,ichardson poor re-lief orders 41 104. 41 104.41 142 77.A.Pichardson '► " " 48. ^0 48. 00 1r Alfred rardner >ervice as assessor's .xnenc e 193 ?n 144 "-e0r e 77 TTc 'r-in Service a.s aesessor Fx,)encP, 17117. ri5 156. 7, 145 'rnest Jillis 7F s n2 ? rn �nenes. _.ssessor 4 . 00 4:-� 1.^F rnP�--+ 7-1 9 Service as assessor 147 Arthur T?arner Service as cons', able 33. r15 iC,17ettS ? f nY T2e�T. Tnnmf�, 'nor rF]Ii_p{ nrflfYc, • n.�' ^ • ,fir+ 5 n T> T �T'�•.r C-"Y' ^(�r�1�.w.:-E i�,w° ��..ryt 1l r.Y.1:^ F,... n�. r-v'�y !' (` 1^, r LFr TTera TF. .i1 1lZr7r Poi 1. 00 1. 00 12,. Cl0 11�- n`l -1 4-l.. r 3 �o; :11.,�;^r ��� ervicF^ ac ?u lice 33. 05 35,05 154 7.7.7iddleton ponr relief , n 5 n 0 n 15 �.er�dit'� �P?7t1P�' ??oard meetins �^. n 15F '3hai�les "obles `;ervzces s Justice �0. ? 0 70. 10 �1('104. 00 `?97. 30 Diss-llo=*Ted ')7. 00 On motion Yeeting -diourned. ^o�^n C1 F rT� REGULMI 1 MT ING SEPTE10L ER 25th, 1934 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Toim of l„ueensbury held on the above date at 7PA,TT at the Clerk' s office the Following renbers were present; Jerry P. Mead Sunervisor Flogrd Ellsworth, Justice of Peace Charles Nobles it Henry Stevenson Vieredith Bentley to to Bert D. Turner , Town Clerk _ Arthur TI. Stone Town Sunerinctendant of Hi?hways also present. WSeveral residents were before the board relative to the proposed ,,-rater district. A letter from the State Department of Health relative to the above was read to t1+e board and placed on file ItFr F. Dappert, principal Sanitary Tngineer -of the State Health department addressed the board, urging the establishing of the proposed district. No action on the above was taki.ntr by the boart'a. In regard to the slen lake Road the Following resolizti.on was adopted. Resolution 51 Indrod-uced by Justice Ellsworth, seconded by Justice Stevenson,