1934-09-25 Resolution ;t50 Introduced by Justice Bentley, Seconded by Justice
Stevenson; It was resolved that Supervisor Tread be and hereby is appointed
a Committee of one to confer with Franklyn Pasco Chairman of Tarren
County work relief Bureau inregard to the extension of Oak Grove Road.
Roll Call
Ayes- I'Tr Ellsworth, Mr. Nobles 1."'r Stevenson, Yr Bentley and T;zr. T,ead
Noes- None
The, following accounts were received against the Townof '?ueensbury,
and were audited Arount Amount
No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
141 F.A.P,i chard son Poor relief orders 104. 41 104.41
142 ".A.Pichardson to it 'o 46. 00
143 Alfred rrardner Service as assessor- 45. 00
Fence 83.20 83.20
144 ^reorge 71 70d�7in Service a.s assessor Pr
Fxpence 1 I 5 156. 75
145 Ernest Hillis Fx-oences as assessor 4?. 00 42. 00
lAF 7rnest Hillis Service as assessor 1'?^. 00 1^0. 00
147 Art',ur Harper Service as constable 33. 75
148 Fred T. T;ieketts ti�. 75.
r „ 1, 1ti6. 55 12^ 55
14:. Orson ?P.� QrrerTr-h roar relief orde-r. s r?r
150 Ter+ D ^''ar. Fr �_ . 49 X6.49
t t '� _ �,)Pr7 ice as to,vn miler]: 54. 001 52. 00
151 Teter Yewa,11 Billing ')o- 1. 00
15 2) Floyd Fl.ls-north 'Boar? °meetings : 12. 00 12
153 I lls7orth Services as Justice 33.05 38, r
154 T.B.TTiddleton poor relief 12. 0C 12.00
155 Teredith Pentley Board meetings 20. 00 20. ')0
¢156 Charles lTobles ^ervices as Justice 10.TO 70.10
1004.00�` X997.30
Diss?,llowed X7. 00
On motion T:Teeting adjourned.
Town Clerk
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lueensbury, y.
held on the above date at 7PM at the Clerk' s office the following
menbers were present;
Jerry B. Mead Supervisor ;
?logrd Ellsworth, Justice of Peace
Charles Nobles it "
Henry Stevenson if �
Meredith Bentley
Bert D. Turner , Town Clerk
Arthur H. Stone Town Superintendant of Highways also present.
Several residents were before the board relative to the proposed
water district.
A letter from the State Department of Health relative to the above was
read to the board abd placed on file
Mr. A. F. Dappert, principal Sanitary Engineer 'of the State Health
department addressed the board, urming the establishing of the
proposed district. No action on the above was taking by the board.
, -
In regard to the glen Lake Road the Following resolution was adopted,
Resolution 51 Indroduced by Justice Ellsworth, seconded by Justice
p,F,SnDTFT): That the glom Board. xfyt)MY-Txxm of jueensbury Shall ap-?r!-Yve
the proposed "vork relief Proiect for the improvement of the Tlenn Lake
'load as set up by the 711a.rren County 1' erVency "'pork 'Purea.u.
Further "esolved: That the Town of ' ueensbury shall agree to :+'urnish
250? of the labor costs on said nro? ect and shall furt'ner fu.rni.sh.
e,nIuipment, rra.terials and other donn.ted iters as set forth in the nroiect
a-p-o' lication
' 011 Call:
Avesil Yr. Ellsworth, 1.1 r. Nobles, "r Stevenson, Tyr Dentley -.nd fir. y''ead..
?,oes -Tone.
The 7olrn Sun.ertnt;endant of `Ti7'tiYwnors a,nnro`Ted tale nrO.iP.^t a.nd. Signed
the on-ina.l resolution annrovir7, .71".re.
The followinm accounts were received against the Timm fof jueensrriry
and were audited
Amount amount
No Name of C'lainant Nature of Claim Claimed- Allowed
157 Batee ;',k Carrrod.y Electric Supplies for piling Pls 7. 50 7. 50
158 Harold F. 'Dean Service as Tlectrician 19. 65 19. 65
159 Arthur 11. 7?arper " ' Cons table 13.40 18. 40
160 Alfred Gardner t1 " Assessor 12. 00 12. 00
161 Ralph B. Turner Ims� ector of Dist. !!3 15. 00 15. 00
162 Thurston Ingraham Poor relief orders 22. 50 22.50
163 Yohican Grange; `1300 - epairin wall !cxclea ning 50. 0^
Jenkins Ceretery, -Ray Road
164 F. A. Richardson Poor relief, os`ders 27. 00 27.00
165 Orsofl B. Newcorb " " " " 28.66 28. 66
166 J. J. Crannell if " " 18.21 18.21
167 Charles Nobles Service as Tustice of Peace 44. 05 44. 05
168 Floyd Ellsworth to If " " to 26. 30 26. 30
169 henry Stevenson if " " "' " 24. On 24. 00
170 Cool Insurance Agcy X7439, A;Gricultural 1, 19000. 22.00 22.Or) f
on Store"house 9
171 Floyd Ellsworth Reg. I.Teeti.ngs Fr Auditing Acets. 8.00 8. 00',,_j
172 Glens Palls Post Co. Publication Notices If. 62 9. 62
173 Fred E. Rickett Service as a, Constable 69.00 69. 00
174 George 11. Turner Setting up booths 8.00 3. 00
Total 37g• 8� y 1,37Q• 4c)
Note Audit 1F3 " ot audited.
("n rotinn -neetin7 adiourned..
,o,.vr: Clerk
y A
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