1934-10-23 ERGUTAR. =TITTG OCTOBFR 9$rd 1934
At a re-ular meeting of tli.e Town Board of the Town of ueensbury
held on the above date at 7P?,,' at the Clerk' s offce, the Following
menbers were present,
Jerry R, VPar1 Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace
Eharles Nobles it "
Henry Stevenson
Meredith Bentley
Pert 7?. Turner
Town Cl'erk
Yinutes of meeting held on Sept 25th, 1934 read and a.nrroved
IIn the matter of the 71a.ter district J. IT. Parker appeared for
the petitioners , -and urged the board to consider the nroposal
favorably . 1To action taken by the Board.
• i
The Town Board audited theaecounts as follows �
Amount .Cl Amount
TTo. Name IT
ature of Claim Claimed Allowed
175 Yathew Bender Justice manual ?16. 00 16. 00
176 J. C. Chitty office sta.t6onary 8.40 5. 40
177 Charles E. Hotaling Legal Blanks 145. 66 145. 65
178 City of Glens "cells Rent of Lockup 58. 00 58. 00
179 Fred E. Ricketts Service as constable 92. 25 92.25
188 Arthur Harper if to 56. 60 56. 60
181 George Vaughn Part House rent, Oct. 5. 00 5. 00
182 I'.A.Richa:rdson Poor relief Orders 33. 00 33. 00
183 P.A.Richardson Poor Relief Orders 34. 00 34. 00
194 F.J. Crannell Poor relief Orders 30. 00 30. 00
185 -Orson R. TTewcomb Poor relief orders 63. 73 63. 73
186 'alter E Fuller Inspector of .'lection 30. 00 30,x.
187 George H. Turner Setting up Booths 4:00 �,
1R8 Bert 7). Turner Service as Town Clerk 104. 00 1014
189 Ralph b. Turner Inspector of Election ?0. 00 20.191 1
190 'Donald. Lockhart Service as Deputy Sheriff 4. 72 4. 72
191 Charles Nobles Service as Justice 99. 75 99. 75
192 Yereditr. Bentley Service as Justice ?5. 15 :.',5. 15
193 Meredith Bentley Service -Poa.rd meetin s 16. 00 x; 16. 00
7.7.Gubit7,Son assessement Rolls 41. 75 41. 75
19 sler'ry R. i"Pad Service as Sunervi.sor 1116. 00 216, 00
196. Floyd F,llsworth it " Justice 41. 90 41.90 �
Dissallowed none Total 1145. 91 11145.)1
On motion meeting ad ourned
Town Clerk
,annual 1$ ebting Yovember Mth 1934
At the annual meeting of the Town Board of the Town of jueensbury
held on the above date at 7PTF at the Clerk' s office, the Following rrenbers
were present.
Jerry B. Tread Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace
! >harles 'Nobles
Henry Stevenson
T:Teredith Bentley
Pert U. Turner Town Clerk
Arthur H. Stone , Town Superintendat also present.
A letter from" the Town Superintendant of Hi-'hIways eras read to the Board
askin7 for addittona.l snow removal e uinment,
Torn Sup Printend.ant presented phis estimate for money necessary for high.
way °work.
RESOLUTION 5� Introduced by Justice ?�entley, Seconded by Justice 71 \
It *as resolved that t?i.e following amounts be raised by Taxation fob'. 0 °
hi'#`away piur'nos:es w
�: f