1934-11-08 K A
At !;, regular meeting of the Town Po and of the Town of 'Ueensbury
held on the above date at 7PT,T at the Clerk' s offee, the Following
r^enbers were present,
Jerry VAarl Sunervi.sor -
Ployd Ellsworth Justice of Peace
Eharles Nobles to to
Henry Stevenson
jTeredith Pentley
Bert D. Turner
Town Cl°erk
?'inutes of rreeting held on Sept 25th, 1934 read and approved
Tn the matter of the 71a.ter district J. FT. Barker appeared for
the petitioners , and ur?ed the board. to consider the oronosal
favorably . No action taken by the Board.
The Town Board audited theaecounts =as follows
Amount !:1 An,oUnt
2To. Ya�ne Nature of Cla�isn Claimed allowed
! ' 175 Yathew Pender Q �'o. Justice raa.nual ?16.OQ 16. 00
176 T. C. Chitty office stat6onary 8.40 8.40
171 Charles E. Hotaling Legal Blanks 145. 66 145. 65
173 City of Glens Falls Rent of Lockup 58. 00 58. 00
179 Fred E. Ricketts Service as constable 92.25 92.25
188 Arthur Harper to 56. 60 56.60
181 George Vaughn Part House rent, Oct. 5. 00 5. 00
182 ".A.Richardson Poor relief Orders 33. 00 33.00
183 F.A.Richardson Poor Relief Orders 34. 00 34. 00
184 F.J. Cra,nnell Poor relief Orders 30. 00 30. 00
185 -Orson P. Newcomb Poor relief orders 63.73 63. 73
186 'Tlalter E Fuller Inspector of Election 30. 00 30,, _
187 George 'T. Turner Setting up Pooths 4,00 $* }� ;
188 Pert D. Turner Service as Town Clerk 104.00 144
189 Ralph b. Turner Inspector of Election 1-0. 00 20.
190 'Donald Lockhart Service as Denuty Sheriff 4. 72 4. 72
191 Charles Nobles Service as Justice 99. 75 99. 75
19.2 Reredith Bentley Service as Justice ?5. 15 ?5. 15
193 7�eredith Bentley Service -Board meetin7s 16. 00 16. 00
h 19^ 7.7 Gubitz?-,Son Assessement Rolls 41. 75 41. 75
19c ' Jerry B. Mead Service as Sunervi.sor 216. 00 216,00
196. 7loyd .Ellsworth it " Justice 41.90 41.90
Dissallowed none Total 11145. 91 311t5 9 ,
On motion meeting Rd ?ourned
Tovm Clerk
.A r
Annual l.ebt ing November 8th 1934
At the annual meeting of the Town Board of the Town of queensbury
hey on the above date at 7PTL at the Clerk' s office, the Following menbers
were uresent.
Jerry P. Yead Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace
*Ti*Tarles 'Nobles " "
Henry Stevenson
Yeredith Pentley
Pert D. Turner Town Clerk
Arthur H. Stone , 'own Sutnerintendnt nlso present.
4 letter from* the Torn Superintendant of Highways was read to the Poard
asking; for additional snow removal e7uinment,
Town Surerintenda.nt presented nhis estimate for money necessary for higb.,-
way 'work.
TiESOLtTT:LON ��52 Introduced by Justice Bentley, Seconded by Justice
It was resolved that the following amounts be raised by Ta.xa.tinn ford=
hi)3'4way purposes
Item 41-"a16,, 1500. Tter^ u2_? 0n. ; Itr-m 43-' , 000y Iterr''4.- ,90n, Tot,-1 of
R11 items "^-,9,900.
,loll Call
es a '"r. F119worth, 7ilr. Nobles, ?"r. Bentley and fir. -. tP�TPnrtOr
Yo ps
Ayes .
T?esolution 41�3 Tntroluced bzr justice '?entletr, seconded try Tusti.cP T,-n lPr
171T771."T 11,f, ,o m Roa.rd of the mo«*n of lueensbur`r ha.s dPtpT-nired to
do ^erta,in relief work in said town and .hryve ragsPd resolution to ftarni~'�
tractor a,nd truoks and tr c'{ and Tractor drivers to c?_r:rir n11+ ;,i_ work,
T,71ere's, tl-IPrP is n,-t :�iiffinie'nt fiinds in Ite- 1 of q" l.d tnirr f(Y'r
for c "���'^ ` �� �� 1 @S <' 1 .,� ., �cc, .of' s"'J ,j t"lack ,nd trr, n.�o r
Resolved, That pursuant to th.P provisions of section 10 of Chapter.798
of the Laws of 1931, there be a.rd herebyi_s appropia.ted for -the purpose
of pa,yinc said sale ries and c,T<res of sP.i.d truck and tracto`r--drivers
so emnloyed for said relied work Vle su-m of. ,?50n. s�-li.d amount to -be
placed in Tter� 1 of the Y-'z?hc-ay fund and to be paid nut and aecounted-
j for as other r!oneys in said Item 1 of t'ae lii,-,ht",ray fund, it is fvther
' RESOL-TEED that the Town of ueFnsbury issme certificate of indebtness
in the sure of ',500. and the Supervisor and. Town "ler"k '.re hereby -.utho-
rized to execute said certifi.cctee of i.ndPbtness for the ,purpose of
raising said sum for the p= «Pnt for the nay7rent of selaries rind
wanes of said truck and tractor drivers so employed by the the
town on said relief waft.
Roll Call
Ayes 'rr. Yea.d Tyr. Ellsworth, !.'r. TTobles, 1rr. Stevenson a,nd ,'`r.
Pen tl ey
Toes- Tone,
on motion reet *h - a, jo rned.
Town Clerk r ?
REGtTI,.4R l?'TI Ti ITOM�3ER `?7 19 34
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the TQ ra. of Jueensbury
p. held on -the above date at the Clerk' s office 'at thee- following
-xr."ezbers were present,
Jerry B Mead- Supervisor
Floyd Ellsw(yrtl Justice of Peace
Charles Nobles,n n
Henry Stevenson
Mered th =Bentley
Bert D. '
r�. Tawn Clerk
a of meetings held on October 23rd' 3934 and ITO",inber .-th 1934
r*"- and approved.
Resolution #54 Tn4 duced by Justice Ellswo rth s ed by Justice
" Bentley
If wao r*salved that pu *tta*t to Sec. No 113 of el hig y law
the Supervisor be allowed 1, 350 and the Tow hat said
sums be paid from the miscel nous ft�n �,� :� nd for
the ear of 1934, Roll Call � ,� �. ��s r Bentley
.and :� Stevenson, noes -Woe
The 'following accounts w e rece ved
..+a f eensbury
and were- audited as fd!oeA
ITo. Name of C 1a.iman t ITa t.0 �t Amount
Gi:-Med .illowed
197 New York Power and LlghtCorp.Street Lights 11,jr =30 -00 90.00
41 Ti 4715,28 476.28
399 R43*7owler Co
la -.Sol - 'sve X3.25
200 Bert D. Turner
Vital Stat�oic A9.30. 89.30
.201 show Bender Co Crimina.i Code 20.0-0 200'00
242 ftb Auto Supply IAaPs Fair Eleotj°ori' Daroth�c 2.:6,6 2.66
2Q3 i#oor � H.,, Ifleam e i ti,on Clez *j)34#3 14a0fl 10.00
t 2 04 Vft i 'aran 4saning CeMeter lC .00
in o3�e 4
r I
k f -