1934-11-27 v I IR1 _ r Item 41-x;15, 500. Item 42- 00. ; Item 3- -,. 000; Item12-4,900. Tot(:,l of all items 1)'^9 900. { 7011 Call :'dyes ?'r. Fllsworth, Mr, Nobles, Yr. Bentley ?nd 77r. ....ateven[on Noes. L?:�. Yea.d. resolution 1153 IntrolncFd by Justice 7entley, seconded btr Jtasti_(,,-e 'Voblec FT) - �e .E: , 'moo--m Toard of the mo,,m of 'Iueensburr,* 'has detPrmir.ed- to l do certain relief �rork in said town and have nasse�? resol►ati.on to fvrni-Ii J, tr?CtOr ?,nd trLiC�?S and tmi"� a.nd "rFiC Or driVPrs tp ngkrr7 n17 �`" wmrk , nd '"hereas,, there i_s not cmfficient fends in Item l ' of s--id town fmr_ a for —1-r— r_n�j 7M,-f s ,of s,^.id tri- ck ^nd trnct_Drr, r,ri.ver;". Resolved, That pursuant to the ?provisions of section 10 of Cha,pt'er793 of the Laws of 1919 there be and herebyis e.ppxopiated for the purpose of pa.yi.na said salaries and via-es of said truck and tr?.ctor-drivers so emnl.oyed for said relief work t11e sun of''500. said a.rount to -be placed i.n Item 1 of the T;iThwRy fund. and to be na.id out and accounted. for as other moneys in said Iten 1 of the M.-'hrray fund, it is father FFS�7 that the Tol7m of Queensbury issme certificate of indebtness 9 in the sum of X500. and the Supervisor and. Town Clerk are hereby aut?h.o- rized to execute said certi f :.cdite of i.ndebtness for the .nurnose of raisin, said sun for t'ne n=,Tjment for the xia.�rnent of salaries and wages of s�id truck and tractor drivers so ennloyed by the the town on said relief ,mvk. Roll Call dyes 'r. sad i. r. Ellsworth, 17r. Nobles, 17r. Stevenson and Yr. Bentley Noes- none. . on notion nee bg a. Jo rned. M Town Clerk 1 REGULAR 1+I !'ING Z7(7�1'F��'t 2"X,1934 At a regular neeting of the Town Board of the Town of 9,ueensbury s held on the above date at the Clerk' s office 'at 7PM,:r the following renters were present, Jerry B. a ' Supervisor Floyd Ellewortlt Justice of Peaae Charles Nobles Henry Stevens", a „ Meredith- Butt ey ert D. Tum .'Town Clerk '14inut4s of meetings Meld on Oc:tober 23rd. 1934 and er„fah 1934. reed and approved. *. Resolution 4 I reduced by Tustjae Ell* cth.` , 00 by Justice t;. Bentley . � _ It was �r�solved that i to �teo. No law the Supervisor be allowed )350 and t� To, �;��it, t)%a.t said I sums be paid from the mieoell^reins fA � : Ord for �y he ear of 1934 pll 3.� � ' ��►-u;` � Bentley and r Std ems om', Res e► r G The following accounts r a recead rf nsbury �. ,, r and were.'aud3 ted as fdl No. Name of Claimant f ?41 1* Amount I allied allowed ! 197 New York Power and LightCorp.St , ' '�•f 94.00 g�tts. „ `� �dt9�3 � 1 J �`„ =4' 5.28 476.28 1 9 B S 'atirler � Co i s 4rav - '25 8.25 20,0''tort D. Turner vital V. .�4'. 8!x.30 { amender Co rimi + !0, 38. 24.00 202 ' A4xto Supply �a r Effect tMs� _ 2.66 20"3 er �I�tion Clete � :� ' 3�1 �Q 10.00 ZQ 110t A e. .i C 1 206 Pauline, Richardson Joslyn 39ec. Inspector 4 30.00 30.00 207 Smith Brook Mee Clerk 4 10.00 10.00" 1 108 'fired Fis'Ker °Fl1ea Jnspector 50. 00 50.00 209 Leonard March polling`Place Pent 30,00 210 Orson B. fiTewcorb Flee. Inspector J4 10.00 10.00 211 Lydia Aaarris Fier Inspector #3 40.00 40.00 212 Herbert Richardson Elea. Insp7ee to r #4 10.00 10.00 213 Gertrude Cashion Elea. Insp, 4 40,00 40.00 214 Gorge Vaughn For Rent-Poor Relief 10.00 '215 Laura- -0"Brien elea, inspector #4 2`0.00 20.00 21.6 Stephen Duell " 10.00 10. 00 217 Fitsgearld Rest. Meals For prisoners 65.50 218 XOHOIcan Grange Rent for Poll#ng Place 30.00 30.00 219 Cole & Sullivan Inc. " " " " 30.00 30.00 220 Martin, McDermott Elea. Clerk 1 20.00 20.00 I 221 Russell& Waite Office Supp ias- Clem 19.40 19.413 222 Nino VeDewott Elea. Inspector ',� ')0. 0('11 2,_,.00 223 'eorge H. Turner Helping take dowry Boothe 8100 8.00 224 William J. Suprenant Flea. Inspector #1 40.00 40.00 225 Auguw M Storey, " n " 4000 40.00 226 Clara F. Taylor Elea. Clerk #1 10-.00 10.00 227 James J. Sullivan " Inspector #1 50Ot? 54.00 I 228 M. D. Sullivan " " " V%-00 40.00 229 Anna Donnelly " Clerk #1 10.00 10.00 230 George W Hodgn Service as- Assesso 48,00 4$.00 z' 231 .fir, G.A.Chapme Service as health officer 1052.17 232 Mrs Cel.ie Long Furor Relief Rent 7.00 231 Stewart :F"' -Hawley Filing Bond 1.25 1.25 234 Rose B. One - E1ett C elk #3 10.00 10.00 235 Joseph ,Regan Blea. ff kV*ktor 3 #t).0a 40.OQ 4 236 Rye E. Bibby n n 3 40 WOO $x'#.04 � 237 H.B,Mit 41tton po(-,r :relief Order 7.00 7, �t 238 Har°trorai Accident& 1ndefttty Co Town Otficial` Banda 40.40 40.00 f 239 Frank aftiek Poor Relief Orders 11.'00 240 Alf re 1, lbert n n ,. 5.00 '10.00 Vi 11 :'Walsh .4 242 Ater, . Fulltw Flee .Inspector #2 10.04 10 40.00 40*243 am' 244 Fri i4�dwiek Poor relief Orders 7• 7.C0 j 244 ]ors. 6 B.Feweft " 61.00 G1. 4 46 Thurston .1 28.00 28 1 ' 111.00 24'7 Dr. Annie M, it .l Town Physician �< 248 Fred No Rtmke te' 3erVfae his Constable 92.60 � 249 Z .. 'Je�ins " Inspector #2 40.00 n W rBee 'Clerk #9 20.250 m 08 2'7t 5 Ispec tdr 75.00 253 M dtell � 252 Ral,p)i Ii. Turner n " 15.00 1; an Cons t01* 20. 253' 4}. , Ha � " � �= 254 J.+G 'Ohl ti suppltso Town Jerk 3g. $ 36� 4 BOrt to :Turner� service As Town Clerk �4. Turner"' P 0". rmp enc a 3'7 3 • ;. 2�►0 Bed' P. 25'7 ? -mehswdsen Poor°,_..reliof. Orders 2 $ luce 37.C r1 $obies Service an 8,� . 2513 ." F1.1sworth a " 23.45 2343, 281 , �fwOPth Beard Meetings 16.t3a lf�«� 262 endta B n n 12..E 12. . 263 . Mead • Percentage 28 286. Resel�ttion 8 5. Intr ane�, By jkwtgead Seconded Justice Ellsworth 10* and the` ssmaa It tree re 'tred a 'A t.` 31 of, Dr. G.A. Chapman is hereby pwt +serer Fttth+er, resolws4 that Jastiet Ellnw h- be azdis hereby ;apps tted a ao� ttee of.o0* tea, take the VA,tte r. tj ,said audit up with tom' awmty- A.tto . Roll call Rsl les#..Mr Bentley MrSt+lmsse► d I[r Mead Nees f� �j WK �