ResCheckGenerated by REScheck-Web Software
Compliance Certificate
Project.The Joe Monsour Residence
enery ode;ons tectectorarrenCounty,New York
‘Construction Type:Single-family
MAR 03 2020
moecyne New Construction
ConatonedroorAes:2-703 2Gnngnenem
Climate Zone:6 (8499 HDD)
Permit Number:
Construction Site:Owner/Agent:Designer/Contractor:
(Queensbury,NY 12804 Micahel Maney
16 Helen Drive
‘Queensbury,NY 12804
Sine eeeCompliance:1,5%Better Than Code Maximum UA:272 Your UA:268
‘Tne Getter or Worse Than Cose Indexreiect how
GOES NOT provide an estimate of enalgy useEnvelopeAssemblies
house ishased on code trade es,
Ceiling:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 1,703
Wall:Wood Frame,16"0.1731
Door:Solid Door (under 50%glazing)20
Door 1:Solid Door (under 50%glazing)20
Door 2:Glass Door (over 50%glazing)23
Window 3:Wood Frame ug
Window 1:Vinyl Frame B
Window 3:Wood Frame us
Basement:Solid Concrete or Masonry 1,297
‘Wall height:8.0"
Depth below grade:7.3!
Insulation depth:7.7"
308.18-1-43 RC-0100-2020
Monsour Enterprises LLC
24 Brookshire Trce
SFD w/gas FP 1703 s.f.,Gar.576 s.f.
Project Title:The Joe Monsour Residence
Data filename:
0.0 0.026
0.0 0.057
15.0 0.046
Report date:03/02/20
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Compliance Statement:The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other
calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2015 IEC requirements in
REScheck Version:REScheck-Web and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist.
NEW YORK 12803
Project Title:The Joe Monsour Residence Report date:03/02/20
Data filename:Page 2 of 10
REScheck Software Version :REScheck-Web
[|Inspection Checklist
Energy Code:2015 IECC
Requirements:0.0%were addressed directly in the REScheck software
Text in the "Comments/Assumptions"column is provided by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen.For each
requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented,or that an exception
is Being claimed.Where compliance is itemized in a separate table,a reference to that table is provided.
Construction drawings and
documentation demonstrate
‘energy code compliance for thebuildingenvelope.Thermal (Not Observable
‘envelope represented on Oot Applicable
ruction documents.
Construction drawings and
documentation demonstrate Opoes Not
‘energy code compliance for
lighting and mechanical systems,{Not Observable
‘Systems serving multiple ONot Applicable
dwelling units must demonstrate
‘compliance with the IECC
Commercial Provision:
Heating and cooling equipment is Heating:Heating:Eomplies
Sized per ACCA Manual SbasedBtuih.Btu,Cloves Not
on loads calculated per ACCA”Cooling:Cooling {Not ObservableManual]or other methods oat Seatapprovedbythecodeofficialwirytuftr______not Applicable
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
I [High Impact (Tier 1)[2 |Medium Impact (Tier2)[3 [Low Impact (Tier 3)|
Project Title:The Joe Monsour Residence Report date:03/02/20
Data filename:Page 3 of 10
Conditioned basement wall complies ‘See the Envelope Assemblies:
insulation Revalue.Where interior
py.”‘does Not fable for valuesicaedvanirobserva
Insulation Inspection.Not Not Applicable
Conditioned basement wall complies
insulation installed per does NotSEomovertnotApplicable
Conditioned basement wall complies See the Envelope Assemblies
insulation depth of burial or does Not table for values
distance from top of wall.‘Divot ObeervebtenotAppticable
A protective covering is installed complies
protect exposed exterior ‘Cdoes Notlationandextends0{Not observabienotappicabe
‘Snow-and ice-melting system complies
controls installed.Coes Not
[Not Observable
Binot Applicable
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
[1 [high impact ert)[2 [Mediums impact (ier2)[3 [Low impact (rier3)|Project Title:The Joe Monsour Residence Report date:03/02/20
Data filename:Page 4 of 10
complies:See the Envelope Assemblies
Tboes Not table or values.
Not ObservableNotApplicable
02.1.4,Glazing Ufactor (area-weighted Cicomplies See the Envelope Assembles
40231,average).Ciboes Not ‘table or values
4023.3,402.5 ‘LiNot Observable
(Rap Not Applicable
1303.1,3 U-factors of fenestration products
FR4}’are determined in accordanceeWiththeNERCtestprocedure or
taken from the default table.
'402.4.1.1 Air barrier and thermal barrier
[FR23}installed per manufacturer's ‘Ooes NoteInstructions.(DNot ObservableOotApplicable
'402.4.3 Fenestration that is not site built
[FR20 is listed and labeled as meetinge‘AMA [WDMA/CSA 101/1S.2/8440 (Not Observable
‘or has infiltration rates per NFRC
400 that do not exceed code Oot Applicable
IC-rated recessed lighting fixtures.sealed at housing/interior finish
"leakage at 75 Pa
[403.31 Supply and return ducts in attics
TFRiah insulated >=8-8 where ductsinchesindiameterand>=e R-6 where <3 inches.Supply and Net Obsenane
return ducts in other portions of INot Applicable
the building insulated>=R-6 for
diameter >=3 inches and R-4.2
for <3 inches in diameter.
Building cavities are not used asductsorplenums.
[Not ObservableNotApplicable
HVAC piping conveying fluids ‘Gicomplies
‘above 105 2F or chilled fluids ‘Didoes Not
below 55 are insulated to =-‘CNet Observabte
/403.4.1 Protection of insulation on HVAC
[FR24}'piping.e [Not Observable
DiNot Applicable
‘Hot water pipes are insulated to compliesBR.Oboes Not
Not ObservableNotApplicable
‘Automatic or gravity dampers are Hicomplies
installed on all outdoor air Does Not
Intakes and exhausts,[Not ObservableDotApplicable
High Impact (ier i)[2[Medium impact(Tier 2)
[LowimpactTier 3)|Project Title:The Joe Monsour Residence Report date:03/02/20
Data filename’Page 5 of10
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
[I[Highimpact Cier 1)
[Mediumimpact (ier 2)[3[Lowimpact Tier3)|]
Project Title:The Joe Monsour Residence Report date:03/02/20
Data filename:Page 6 of 10
‘All installed insulation is labeled
or the installed R-values
Oboes Not
[Not ObservableBotApplicable
303.2 Wall insulation is installed perNa}?manufacturer's instructions.
[Not ObservableBiotApplicable
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
[High impact Wier 1)[[Mediom impact ier2)__[3)]Low impact(Ter3)__]
/402.1.1,Wall insulation R-value.If this is aR Re Cicomplies ‘See the Envelope Assemblies
'402.2'5,mass wall with atleast %of the -]Wood ()Wooa does Not table for values
'402.2.6 wall insulation on the wall mess mass TDnor Observabl{INS}!exteriar,the exterior insulation ervable
°requirement applies (FR10).OSteelOSteetnotApplicable
The Joe Monsour Residence Report date:03/02/20
Page 7 of10
Ceiling insulation R-value.‘complies ‘See the Envelope Assemblies
1 Wooa (D Woos oes Not ble Forvaues
0 Steel D steet Not observable
ONot Applicable
Ceiling insulation installed per‘manufacturer's instructions.
Blown insulation marked every [Not ObservableBownjotObservableOotApplicable
Vented attics with air permeable ‘Ocomplies
insulation include bale adjacent Cloves Not
to soffit and eave vents thatextendsoverinsulation.|DNot ObservablewietorDotApplicable
‘tic access hatch and door ‘complies
insulation =R-value of the Boes Not
adjacent assembly.(QNot ObservableNotApplicable
Blower door test @ 50 Pa.ACH 50 ‘complies:
ach in Climate Zones 1-2,and Oboes Not
ach in Climate Zones 3-8 [DNot Observable
a Dot Applicable
403.34 Duct tightness test result of <=4 cfm/100 cfm/00 Cicomplies
[Fi4j"—_cfmn/100 ft2 across the system or ez Cdoes Not
cim/100 #2 without air ‘Diet Onservabhhandler@25Pa.For rough-in fot Observable
tests,verification may need to Onot Applicable
‘ccur during Framing Inspection.
4033.3 Ducts are pressure tested to ‘tmn/100 cim/00 Cicomplies
[Fi27¥"determine ar leakage with ®me Doves Not
either:Rough-in test:Total
leakage measured with a Nat Observable
pressure differential of 0.1 inch not Apalicable
Wg across the system including
the manufacturers air handler
fenclosure if installed at time of
test,Postconstruction est:Total
leakage measured with @
“pressure differential of 0.1 inchfg,across the entire system
“Inclusing the manufacturer's airhandlerenclosure ;Zr handler leakage designated complies
by manufacturer at <=24%of Ciboes Not
design air flow.[Not ObservableDotApplicable
Programmable thermostats
“installed for control of primary
heating and cooling systems and
initially set by manufacturer to
code specifications.Dot Applicable
“Heat pump thermostat installed
fon heat pumps.
[Not Observable
[Not ObservableDotApplicable
Circulating service hot water
"systems have automatic or
accessible manual controls.meenOotApplicable
(i ]figh impact (Tier 3)[2]Medium impact (Tier2)
Project Title:The Joe Monsour Residence Report date:
Data filenam
Page 8 of10
036.1 All mechanical ventilation system
FIQSF fans not part of tested and listed
HVAC equipment meet efficacy
{and airflow limits.
Hot water boilers supplying heat
through one-or two-pipe heating
systems have outdoor setback
Control to lower boiler water
‘temperature based on outdoor
1 Heated water circulation systemshaveacirculationpump.The
system return pipe is a dedicated
return pipe or a cold water supply.
pipe.Gravity and thermos
“syphon circulation systems arenotpresent.Controls for
circulating hot water system
pumps start the pump with signal
“for hot water demand within the
“automatically turn off the pump‘when water is in circulation loop
is at set-point temperature and
no demand for hot water exists.
|403.5.1.2 Electric heat trace systems[F297 comply with IEEE $15.1 or UL
515.Controls automatically
adjust the energy input to the
hheat tracing to maintain thedesiredwatertemperaturein the
Water distribution systems thathaverecirculationpumpsthatumpwaterfrom3heatedwater
Supply pipe back to the heated
water source through a cold
_water supply pipe have a
demand recirculation water
system.Pumps have controls,that manage operation of the
ump and limit the temperatureothewaterenteringthecold,
water piping to 104%F,
“Drain water heat recovery unitstestedinaccordancewithCSA
855.1.Potable water-side
pressure loss of drain water heat
Tecovery units <3 psi for
Individual units connected to one
‘oF two showers.Potable watersidepressurelossofdrainwater
hheat recovery units <2psifor
individual units connected to
three ormore showers.
1404.1 75%of lamps in permanentFIG}:fixtures or 75%of permanentfixtureshavehighefficacylamps.Does not apply to low-voltage
Fuel gas lighting systems have
‘no continuous pilot light.
[E]Hiah impact Mier)(edium Impact (Tier 2)
‘Oboes Not
(Not ObservableOotApplicable
[Not Observable
ONot Applicable
‘complies:Oboes Not
Not Observable
ONot Applicable
Oboes Not
(QNot Observable
ONot Applicable
Ddoes Not
[Not Observable
ONot Applicable
[Not ObservableNotApplicable
‘Gcomplies‘Opes Not
(Not Observable
Oot Applicable
Oboes Not
(Not Observable
ONot Applicable
Low impact (Tier 3)
Project Title:The Joe Monsour Residence
Data filename:
Report date:03/02/20
Page 9 of10
Compliance certificate posted.
Manufacturer manuals for
mechanical and water hi
‘systems have been provided.
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
High Impact (Tier 1)fedium Impact (Tier 2)
[Not ObservableDotApplicable
[Not ObservableBotApplicable
Low Impact (Tier 3)
Project Title:The Joe Monsour Residence
Data filename:
Report date:03/02/20
Page 10 of10
2015 IECC Energy
Efficiency Certificate
‘Above-Grade Wall 21.00
Below-Grade Wall 15.00
Floor 0.00
Ceiling /Roof 49.00
Ductwork (unconditioned spaces):Seen U-Factor SHC
Window 0.28
Door 0.30erEee
Heating System:
Cooling System:
Water Heater