ResCheckREScheck Software Version 4.6.5 Compliance Certificate Project DiBella Residence Energy Code: Location: Construction Type: Project Type: Climate Zone Permit Date: Permit Number: Construction Site: ‘88 Rockhurst Road Cleverdale,NY 12820 Seine REVIEWED FOR—~~ ENERGY CODE COMELNE 14 2020 2015 1ECC Lake George,New York Single-family Alteration 6 (7377 HDD) Owner/Agent:Designer/Contractor: Anthony DiBella Curtis Dybas PO Box 281 19 Deer Run Cleverdale,Ny 12820 Lake George,NY 12845 518 656 9492,518 668 $591, cdybas@yahoocomtice Envelope Assemblies cersAssemblyGyees Ce ae ar Ceiling 1:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss =— Exemption:Framing cavity filled with insulation Wall 1:Wood Frame,16"o.c ~-Exemption:Framing cavity filled with insulation aes suonesayy jenuapisey “¥S S6ET ar Pu ISsINYyOOY 8B Aug ‘e112810 ua Window 1:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 109 0.290 32 Window 2:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-£263 0.300 73 Door 1:Glass as 100 (2 Floor 1:All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Outside Air ~~~aoeExemption:Framing cavity filled with insulation Basement Wall 1:Masonry Block with Empty Cells 1256 «130 «10.0 0.05088Wallheight:8.8" Depth below grade:4.0° Insulation depth:8.0" ‘Window 3:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 15 0.290 4 ‘Window 4:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 53 0.300 16 ‘Window 5:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E un 0.32000 4 Door 2:Solid 2 1002 Project Title:DiBella Residence Report date:02/03/20 Data filename:C:\Users\Curtis\Documents\REScheck\DiBella Residence.rck Page 1 of10 OrzEeT Lee 0Z0Z-0TTO-34 Compliance Statement:The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2015 IEC requirements in Sescheck version 4.65 and to comply wen the mandatory realfementslistegig tye Rescheck inspection Checklist__CUCISO.OASZA D o2(o%/20 wamerttle Sansone Sate Report date:02/03/20ProjectTitle:DiBella Residence Page 2 of10Datafilename:C:\Users\Curtis\Documents\REScheck\DiBella Residence.rck REScheck Software Version 4.6.5 Inspection Checklist Energy Code:2015 IECC Requirements:0.0%were addressed directly in the REScheck software Text in the ‘omments/Assumptions"column is provi fed by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen.For each requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented,or that an exception is being claimed.Where compliance is itemized in a separate table,a reference to that table is provided. aan]T 1See|presnspection/Plan Review |Plans Verified|Fleld verified|Compiies? | Comments/Assumptions&Req.iD|_eee | é E103.1,Construction drawings and complies1032'documentation demonstrate Gipoes Not(RiP energy code omplance forthe nr nhservabie\o Jing envelope.Therma |envelope represented on ONot Applicable construction documents Construction drawings and documentation demonstrate energy code compliance for lighting and mechanical systems. Systems serving multiple Dcompties Cidves Not Not Observabie GiNot Applicable ‘dwelling units must demonstrate |compliance with the IECC |Commercial Provisions. Heating and cooling equipment is Heating:Heating:Cicomplies sized per ACCA Manual S based Btu/hr.Btu Cdoes Not|PRAP —onloads calculated per ACCA”cooing Cooling Not observableeManualJorothermethodsBtumnrBtufheapprovedbythecodeofficialBotApplicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: [E]High impact (ier 1)[2[Medium impact Tier 2)[3 [Low impact (ier 3) Project Title:DiBella Residence Report date:02/03/20 Data filename:C:\Users\Curtis\Documents\REScheck\DiBella Residence.rck Page 3 of10 Y compet |CommantAesomptione 1e Envelope Asser ‘See the Envelope Assemblies Section*Foundation Inspection |puede’|,Held verted &Req z san oly'402.1.1 Conditioned basement wall [FO4}i insulation R-value.Where interior table for values insulation is used,verification “——®may need to occur during Not Observable Insulation Inspection,Not Dot Applicable required in warm-hurid loc in Climate Zone 3 [303.2 Conditioned basement wail complies(FOS!insulation installed per Cooes Notmanufacturersin°vers instructions ClNot observablenotApplicable 402.2.9 Conditioned basement wall Dcompties ‘See [FOG insulation depth of burial or Oboes Not table for values°distance from top of wall ‘Conct ObservableDiotApplicable 303.2.1 A protective covering is installed complies(FOLP to protect exposed exterior Coes Notinsulationandextends2s‘minimum of 6 in.below grade.Not ObservableieBiotApplicable "403.9 Snow.and ice-melting system ‘Dcomplies[FO12P controls installed.Oboes Not @ (Not Observable Additional Comments/Assumptions: Not Applicable jh Impact Impact (Tier 2)[/3)]Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title:DiBella Residence Report date:02/03/20 Data filename:C:\Users\Curtis\Documents\REScheck\DiBella Residence.rck Page 4 of 10 3 ‘Section Vv ] #Framing /Rough-In inspection|Plans Verified|Fleld Verified |Complies?|Comments/Assumptions Ge ReqiD||es rh ieaeieal402.1.1,Door .u Ocomplies ‘See the Envelope Assemblies 402.38 Ciboct vet «tbe for values,tra?LiNot observable |e | 1 402.14,Glazing U-factor (area-weighted 4023.1,average).oe (Not ObservableeoCiNotApplicablee 303.1,3 U-factors of fenestration products Cicompiies - (FRA are determined in accordance Ciodoes Not '@__With the NERC test procedure or LiNot observabletakenfromthedefaulttable. '402.4.1.1 Air barrier and thermal barrier [FR23}installed per manufacturer's @ instructions [Not observable 7 ‘Bint Applicable 402.4.3 Fenestration that is not site bult Ticomplies [FR20}is listed and labeled as meeting COoes NotAMAWDMAICSA101/1.5.2/A440eorhasinfiltrationratesperNFRC Not Observable 400 that do not exceed code not Applicable limits.—x _4024S IC-rated recessed lighting fixtures Ccomples (FRIGP sealed at housing/interior finish Cloves Not ‘and labeled to indicate =2.0 cfm leakage at 75 Pa Not ObservableNotApplicable_40331 Sicomplies TFRI2}!insulated >=R-8 where ducts Elpoes Not |>=3 inches in giameter and >=|@ RG where e 3 inches,Supply and INct Obssenvsbie | |return ducts in other portions of ONot Applicable the building insulated >=Re fordiameter>=3 inches and R:a.2 |for<3 inchesindiameter.eeeeeBuildingcavitiesarenotusedasCicomplies ducts or plenums.Odoes Not INot Observable 403.4 HVAC piping conveying fuids a Cicomplies TFRI7P —Sbove'105*F or chile fuids Bipoes Not Jig belowS5 are insulted to.Chet ObservablenotApplicable 403.4.1 Protectionof insulation onHVAC ‘Ticomplies TER24}*piping Cooes Not°Not Observable CiNot Applicable 4035.3 Hot water pipes are insulated to CcomptiesTRIg?23.Coes note(Not ObservableoeCotAppiicabie —403.6 Automatic or gravity dampers are Ccomplies TFRISP installed on all outdoor ar Cloves NotfakesandexhaustsDivotobservatie_f hotApplicable [T]Mighimpact (era)[2 jer2)_[Blow impactTer3)|Project Title:DiBella Residence Report date:02/03/20 Data filename::\Users\Curtis\Documents\REScheck\DiBella Residence.rck Page 5 of10 Additional Comments/Assumptions: L [Si]eow ime: Project Title:DiBella Residence Report date:02/03/20 Data filename:C:\Users\Curtis\Documents\REScheck\DiBella Residence.rck Page 6 of 10 impact (Tier 1)|2 [Medium impact (Tier 2)_ier 3) a Section 1 T *Insulation Inspection |Plan Verified|Fleld veri Complies?|Comments/Assumptions &Req.1D |os clon ES303.1 ‘alled insulation is labeled Tcomplies [IN13P or the installed R-values.Oboes Not Be erovns,{Not observableaeie_Einot Appticable402.1.1,Floor insulation R-value Re Re Cicompties See the Envelope Assemblies 402.266 Wood 1 Wood Cdoes Not tale fr vatuas nip Ci Steet 1 steet (Not ObservableeNotApplicable 303.2,Floor insulation installed per ©Ccomplies 402.2.7 manufacturer's instructions and Dboes NotNZ)"in substantial contact with theO_underside of the susonr or oor not observable framing cavity insulation is in Oot Applicable contact with the top side of sheathing,or continuous insulation is installed on the Underside of floor framing and extends from the bottom to the top of all perimeter floor framingmembers.i t ——|402.1.1,Wall insulation R-value.If this is a R-Ccomplies ‘See the Envelope Assembiles '402.2'5,mass wall with at least of the [-)Wood (Wood Tdoes Not table for values 402.2.6'wall insulation on the wall sLIN3}!exterior,the exterior insulation we 5 Mess CWNot Observable ©requirement applies (FR10)CNot Applicable 303.2 Wall insulation is installed per ‘Cicomplies JUIN?manufacturer’instructions.Cdoes Not Additional Comments/Assumptions: {Not Observable GiNot Applicable Project Title:DiBella Residence Data filename:C:\Users\Curtis\Documents\REScheck\DiBella Residence.rck Report date:02/03/20 Page 7 of10 oto g abeg oz/eo/zo ‘yep yoday (sau)weds won]E| aeH ayqensasqo ND) YON $2007 saljdwooe) ‘a1ge2uddy ONC) aigensasqo 70ND) 30N s200-] saudwooe argeauddy JoNT] aiaensasqo i0NE] 30N S200] soudwooQ] aiqe>nddy IONE ‘3jqens2sqo J0NE] aige2tiddy 10ND) aiqensasqo 10ND) 20N S800 _sa1jdwoQ) argeouddy 30N, ajgensasqo 20N) oN S900 senidwooG] aigeouddy 30NE] aigens2sqo 20N} on 52003] sayjdwooE] ajaeniiddy ONE] aigeniasqo 10 JON 5900 sa1idiwooQ ~aiae>iddy son) aiqensasqo i0n) 30N S900 quacelpe ayseg apnpoul uoneinsut —ezztalseldwes}aigeauuiad sie wm same pawn EeZOr'ageaiddy 10N 0 ‘2 00€aigensasqo oN]‘Arona paxsew uoneinsuy unolg {zis|20N $900]“suonanaisu|saainpesnueu!EOE|sa1idwo3]sd pajfeisu uojieynstl 6ulled “TT TEDE: aigeaniddy 10ND]oieaiqensasqoyONC)pas pas O ‘ZeZOP) ‘Sanyen 40}2qe)30N 59007]poom (]poom []‘TZz0y) soygquassy adoyon oui 998 saiidwooQ)—“enjeny uonejnsuy BuNje>_"T'TOP."mem Ta eae,aan ae arbeu9|bay enien anien net oie |Suonduinssy/swouwey | <s2114W09|paytionpisia|pouiansueg |SuOlINeld uonzedsuTjeuld |ale spy aauapisay ellagiay2ayDSau\sTuaUINIOg\sIUND\sIaSN\:>:aweUaly eG @aaip Hedy unpow|ez] awcory oo rus T=os How or a auapisay eljagiG :2ALL Daled (@JaiL)edu you]t) sjonuod jenuew ajqisse22e 40 ajewoyne aney swarshs [TTL] sayem yoy a>yuas Bune)_T'S'€0b sdwind yeay uo fort]ayy duind way Z'T'EOW __“suonesyiads @po> 03 saungaeynuew Aq 39s AujentuuesuiaysAsBuljoo>pue Buneay ‘Axewuid Jo jonu0>404 paylersu!LLSwesouuayyaygewwelBod—TTEOR ‘moy se ub\sap J0%z=>ye sauDeynueW fq —_pztal P abeyea|JaIpueY sy T'Z'E'EOY ae s zaumpesnuew aq Bulpn|su iaisAs aunua aya $50.28 Bm usu!T9 40 jenuarayp ainssaid 2 tam paunseaus aBe%e>| e104 3583 UonanAsUODSod 1501 30 3win 2e payreasul g!asnsoDUa ‘aIpuel sre s,124m>esnueUs a1Buypnypuyuiaashsaunss012e“Bm yDut T'0 40 Jenua.ayip aanssaid 2 unm painseau aBexe3|| Je.o].359)ur-yBnoy szaun2 |aim abeyea}sie suusayap zz]03 paisay aunssaid ae song EF EOP| “Tonzadsu Buunera BULAp In950 | 0)paou Kew uoneD\LaN ’sIS03 IryBNO4 404 "ed Gz ©saqpuey aye 3MO\IM Za}QOL €=> a 40 wayshs ayy ss0.3e zy QOT/W?sviveeor, "B-€SouOZ ayewND UI ye E=>ue ‘2-1 ssuoz stew)ul ye {CTI}er ‘Aiquiasse quareipe aya jo anjen-y=uoneinsuy lela 7-206) suoneinsut sano spuayxeyeuSuanBne—pue 405 07 5 |Plans Verified|Field Verified |Value value Complies?|Comments/Assumptions A Final inspection ProvisionsReqd|Ee4036.1 All mechanical ventilat syster ‘Cicomplies [F125]fans not part of tested and listed Cooes NotHVACequipmentmeetetficacndsilowints,”Cinot observable is a : CONot Applicable -| 403.2 Hot water boilers supplying heat Cicomplies a | [IF26P through one-or two-pipe heating Oboes Not |systems have outdoor setbackcontroltolowerboilerwater (QNot Observable |temperature based on outdoor Not Applicabletemperature.es4035.11 Heated water circulation systems complies —(F128?haveacirculationpump.The Ooes Notsystemreturnpipeisadedicated return pipe ora cold water supply Divot observabie pipe.Gravity and thermos-Oot Appticable ‘syphon circulation systems are‘not present.Controls for Circulating hot water system pumps start the pump with signal for hot water demand within the ‘occupancy.Controls ‘automatically turn off the pumpwhenwaterisincirculationloop is at set-point temperature and _no demand for hot water exists. 2 Electric heat trace system:Bcomplies comply with IEEE 515.1 or UL Odoes Not515,Controls automatically adjust the energy input to the [Not observable heat tracing to maintain the Dot Applicable desired water temperature in the ____Piping.aisoe_'403.5.2 Water distribution systems that complies{FI30 have recirculation pumps that Oipoes notpumpwaterfromaheatedwater supply pipe back to the heated QNot Observable water source through a cold GiNot Appiicable water supply pipe hiave 3 demand recirculation water system,Pumps have controls that manage operation of the pump and limit the temperatureofthewaterenteringthecold rater piping to 104°. [4035.4 Drain water heat recovery units TicompiiescesiptestedinaccordancewithCSAOdoesNot555.1,Potable water-side |pressure loss of drain water heat Not Observable |Fecovery units <3 psifor Got Applicable |indivieval units connected to one |or two showers.Potable water- |side pressure loss of drain water | heat recovery units <2 psi for I i | | | | Individual units connected to three ii act is75%of lamps in permanent complies[Fi6y fixtures or 75%of permanent Oboes Notfixtureshavehighefficacylamps. Does not apply to low-voltage CWNot observablefighting.°Ginot Applicable “Fuel gas lighting sy complies no continuous plot light.Coowe Not | Not observable |not Appticable | [Bow inpaet ier) Project Title:DiBella Residence Report date:02/03/20 Data filename:C:\Users\Curtis\Documents\REScheck\DiBella Residence.rck Page 9 of 10 ta] 3 aT...T cae "|rinat inspection Provisions|PlangVerfed |Fle Verited|Comiiegz |comments/Assumptonseenashane i401.3 ‘Compliance certificate posted.compliesrnGipoesNt (Not ObservableBiotAppiicabie _TicompliesmechanicalandwaterhestingGiboesNot"ystems have been provided.Der oneervable Additional Comments/Assumption: [2 [High impa Project Title:DiBella Residence Report date:02/03/20 Data filename:C:\Users\Curtis\Documents\REScheck\DiBella Residence.rck Page 10 of 10 ier 3) 4 2015 IECC Energy Efficiency Certificate eae)Caer ‘Above-Grade Wall 0.00 Below-Grade Wall 23.00 Floor 0.00 Ceiling /Roof 0.00 Ductwork (unconditioned spaces):eeerae i}ec‘Window 0.30 Door 0.10 Heating &Cooling Equipment eeHeatingSystem: