existing wastewater letterENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN
£00 Rout 148 cliton Park,NY 12085PARTNERSHIP,LLP.(pysies fear Py ete 11 and aap.com
Shaping the physical environment
January 24,2020
Town of Queensbury Planning/Zoning Dept.
742 Bay Road
Queensbury,NY 12604
Attn:Craig Brown
Re:Existing Wastewater System -88 Rockhurst Road
Dear Ci
At the request of Tony DiBella,owner of property located at 88 Rockhurst Rd.,|have been asked to
provide a Septic System Certific
040A (5)(e).Based on the review of the files and existing site conditions |offer the following.
n as per the requirements of Zoning Ordinance -Chapter 179-3-
‘On August 6,2012 the Town of Queensbury Board of H ued variance approvals for a
proposed replacement wastewater system to serve the residence at 88 Rockhurst Rd.
On August 24,2012 the Town of Queensbury Building Department issued a Septic Disposal
‘System based on wastewater design plans prepared by Environmental Design Partnership.|was the design engineer who prepared the plans and presented the application to the Town
Board of Health.
On January 17,2020 |met with Mr.DiBella at the property for the purpose of inspecting the
existing system which consists of a 1000-gallon septic tank,a 1000-gallon pump tank,three
PuraFlo Biofiltration modules and an associated SJE Rhombus control panel.
My review of the system,which has been in operation for over 6 years serving the DiBella’s
year-round residence,was found to be in very good condition.The septic tank has an
effluent filter which the Owner reports that he maintains (cleans)twice annually.The pump
tank contains a duplex pump assembly and a three-float system which functions with the
time dose control panel.The tank,pumps and floats appeared to be in good operating
condition.|also reviewed the control panel and took readings from the programable digital
readout which monitors the pumps operation.Results indicated normal operation.The
modules and the area of the absorption field also appear to be operating normally as there
are no indications of abnormal operation.
‘The Owner has reported that over the six years of operation he doesn’t recall any abnormal
conditions other than a running toilet which caused an alarm event.
227.13-2-40 RC-0110-2020
88 Rockhurst Rd
Residential Alterations 2395 sf.
January 24,2020 Shaping the physical environment
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In compliance with Section 179-3-040A (5)(e)|provide this written certification that the operating
system is in compliance with adopted standards and requirements based on the Town’s approval
(including variances)and issuance of a building permit.The wastewater system was constructed as
approved.In addition,the operating condition of the system is properly maintained and appears to
be providing satisfactory service to the residence.
Itis my understanding that the DiBella’s will soon be submitting an application for a building permit.
This letter shall serve as the septic system certification required for that application to proceed
through the process.
Please contact me with any further questions.
Dennis MacElroy
Dennis MacElroy,PE
Environmental Design Partnership
Ce:Tony DiBella
Curt Dybas
900 Route 146 Clifton Park,NY 12085
(P)518.371.7621 (F)518.371.9540 edplip.com