1933-05-23 Be. It Resolved that said Glenn A Hubbell be and he hereby is
permitted to maintain and operate and .autonobile stage or omnibus
line for the purpose of carrying persons and property for compensation
upon along and over the roads streets avenues and public places
in the town of Jueensbury 21.Y. no described above upon the
following tearms and conditio0s
First that said omnibus or moto : elkicle shall not be operated at a
speed AQ exceed the miles an hover
pern^itted by statute seconed
that tYie. following ached uit of passinger fair shall apply
Along Ridge road Glens 'Falls to Sanford Ridge turn I0 Cents
Glens Falls ToPranches Residant Factory Brook 2�)Cents
Glens .Falls To .E Nest Farm Ilarriseas -;�10 cents . Glens To Telephone
office ,Cleverdale Road 40 Cents Glens Falls To Kattskill bay and
Cleverdale $0 Cents along Bay Road Glens Falls To Howard Hassis P'wrm
j .IO 'Cents Glens Falls to Odell Corners "0 Cents Glens Falls
To Joseph Ricketts Resida.nce 34Cents Glens Falls To Top Of Burnt
`J Ridge Hill 40Cents Glens Falls To assembly Point 50 Cents and
reverse the same "
That the route above described shall, be divided
into fare z6nes with the ba dries immediately -above described
that the limur_� fare between t points shall be 10X that hte between
! points shall be within a zone or immediately adjacent zones
shall be.10/ and except -as .above pearticulary specified and additional
charge of 10 cent for eacg additional fare, fare zone enterdd or
traversed Third,that the said Glenn A Hubbell shall ppera.te his
stages omnibus on said route so q-s to . conveniently accommadate.
persons desireds of riding,'= sreon an_ as prescried by proper
autharities.provided from May 10th there be at least two round
tthps daily on week days and from November 1st, to May 10th.
there shall be Ft least on round trip daily on week days
Fourths that this franchise s l coati ue for a term
of twenty years.
Regular r 14teeting
May 23 1933
At -�. rc z1ar rreeiin- of the town 'hoard town of queensbury,
held'atethelcabotd dattbat, 'theoCletk. office. the following
members were_ present,
Jerry R.Mead Supervisor
George Garrant Justice
Henry Stevenson
Charles Nobles of
Floyd Ellsworth Peace
Inert J.Turner Town Clerk
l'inute's of IfTeeting held on April 25th,1933 and of public
Hearing heldf` on May 8th91933,readand approved,in_ the
matter of flags for veterans graves, the follofing resolution
was- adopted,
Resolution #11 Introduced by .Justice Ga,rrant, seconded-,by
Jus.tiv�4�` Ellsworth, all present voting in the aaffirzrative.-
it was resolved that the town board authurized Ha .ingraham
the commander of E kiting Post,of G.A.R.. to purchase. flags
for the decoration, of the, veterans graves lathe town of
usensbury the aura of which shallbe spent #hall not exceed
and the said commander shall present the bill for same
to th6,' Town board of auditors in the month of November,the
regc lion of the town board auditors, in the matter of sanitary
inspe"` ,. r "the following was adopted.
0sq tionfl2 Introduced bar Justice Stevenson seconded by
_ J'uts'tice N°b. les,all preeent meeting in the affirmative. Jlil
It' was'�r,eaolved tit IhrrJFo IIbmrd Hereby appoints Harry Smith
I Sanitary Inspector for The Twon of lueensbury For One Year
'— 06mmenoing on the 2 Day of:April 1933 and ending the- 2nd of april
1934 to serve without compensation from the Town Of auesnabury
Resolution #8 Intorduce' d By Clerk Turner Seconed By Justice
i Nobles all Presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that T
Town "f queensbury hereby Excepts all that parsal of land as
a public Highway as showi in a dee datedMay 21st I932 From
Frank D Morehouse and Bessie T Morehouse His Wife and Ceenath
k Thomson to Town of �ueensbury ,
A Petition was read to the Board Signed By. the warren County C-ommittee
of the Town of queensbury 'Dated april IOth I933 in regard to
the reduction of waves
Resolution #9 Intorduced ty Justice Ellsworth Seconed By
Jerry B Mead all presant voting in the affirmative it .was resolved
That Clerk Turned Be and is hereby authorized to Corspond with
the members of the warren County Republican Committee for the
town of queensbury to invite each of them to attend a Board
Meeting on may the 8th I933 at 8 P.RT. Standard Time
also this invertation is extended. to any snterested tact payers
Pet�tlon was read to the board by Philip Bernett and William
or a concept of the Town Board to oporate a dance hall and Beer
Garden petition laid on 'table
a petition was read to the board signed by the secretary of the
Glens Fails Grange for making application for the cleaning of the
Jenkins and sunneyside Cemeteries no action taken
Public Hearing er
May 8th 1933 .
at a special -board Meeting held on the abotre date by the Town
Board Town bf 1ueensbury the following Members were Presant
'Jerry B Mead Supervisor
George Garrant Justice of Peace
Floyd Ellsworth "
Charles Nobles "
Henry Stevenson "
Bert D Turner Town Clerk
Arthur H Stone Supt if Highways Beecher Clothier and Dan
Imrie also Presant the , following Memberer of The warren County
Republican Committee also rresant Jabs Ingaisbee Henry
Stevenson Issabell Harris Anna Me Caghey Elmer Riley
Vinnie Cranneil also Presant
At a public Hearing as per Resolution adopted april 25th 1933
and section 68 of the transportation Corporation Law of the state
of new York upon the petition of Glenn AHubb ell for permission
and consent to oporate a stage or o s line in the Town of 4uee-
nabury ovrr Ridge and Bay Road to . Kill Bay assembly Point
and Intermediate points from the city "z ' Glen:.;zaps,
Mr Hubbell submitted proof of Publication off-mat s* 4Vh# ,sr)%earink
whisk was received and placed on filLe no ;e app #g in
cpsitition thereto the following Resolution was adopted
Resolution #T0 Intorducv& By Tus-tio a Stevenson +ned By
Justice Nobles All Presant voting in. the afir�mative
'Phareas Has Filed with the Town Board of The Town "f queensbury
`Glenn A Hubbell
a petition for consent 3mder and pursuant to section 66 of the
transportation corporat-ift law of the state of New York to
establish and operate a stage or omnibus line upon, and. sierg
certain roads streets avenues - and publf� - - a 4es in the Town ;
of jueensbury 'Marren Cc as follows
Commencing at at the northaly city Line of the city of' Glens Fall �
and running thence northa.ly along Ridge Road to and
through the
settlements known as the Oneida "arrisena 'and B ray to#w. thence
fol&owing the course of the new state roads througn seeder landing
past Harris Bay to assembly Point and thence still following the
course of the new state road from assembly point to the highway
knawn as thae Bay road near the foot of duhams bay 'there southerly
along the said bay road to the northaly city tine of• the City
of Glens Falls and in addition thereto during the summer season
to operate the said line and rode der the presant Town Road
Connecting aforesaid said ridge road a new state 'highway tWith
KattsKill Bay Cleverdale Assembely point respectively and in
boath Directions on the aforesaid `bte and road Now Therefore