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R NATURAL LIGHT,VENTILATION&EMERGENCY EGRESS CALCULATION SHEET 0g3s4111714.1 (2,81-'4 ) FILE COPY Project Location: 4'5 6' C % PjL Primary 0 , ner (s): -ii/t 1,4 04.1ofst" itf3 REVIEWED FOR ENERGY_ .:., • L ' !SCE Habitable Sq.Ft Required Actual 7 Required G Rooms of Light Light Ventilation Ventilation opening s F Room (8% of rm (sq. ft.)) (4%o of room) (sq._ft) for Egress t r l_ _ . 1 :Wilar Sertgolet 2 15 Al' - 40 -Doc,Z. IL 6r 7.1,00re 1F•ti 4.9` • R-c>01-4 I 1.,15V 1.4 $v t-t( A ,f/ 144-Tekte4. rt 24 t 4 5.F Art -115:1F l' 143.1:6 P'" 14-51.17:Sg" ,' Jo Or egrepotit }2.2bsrC-r BEDCtaet t2.2fa SrtrorritO C-ort tsi A tAli -P002 ti-kFc) seweapit (Gorlf: I/46 14/ -t002. IMFO) _ -''i 'ECIEDWEill . 13APR 2 2 #. ---- t TOWN OF QU EENSBURY BUILDING. CODE Town of Queensbia7OtAlln@Sz Cek Erfonxment NATURAL LIGHT,VENTILATION&EMERGENCY EGRESS CALCULATION SHEET Cr)00 Chi 2-4) Project Location: 4(5- Ce 5s ;I- Pk Primary Owner (a): ja le a eV AVI Habitable Sq. Ft. Required Actual Required Actual Sq.ft. Rooms of Light Light Ventilation Ventilation opening Room (8% of rm.) (sq. ft.) (4% of room) (sq.ft.) for Egress MAstViz- BEteott41 Z6H5r IA s ZAtsf- 1 z3-3.613 sF- s41. a-ek I>NI,Nitr Zraidt-01 14 5,F Z1 1S'F 3 .6-5 51- 301.54. SF CIV-Vicr goats 4iE? '316f 1 e).clu sr 1 SisvLt,. l1sFI A,014—5c* Town of Queenstay Etikiin &Code Enforcement ' a MNDEOAN SCHEDULE C ALCULATI1N SHEET Pon®ll' d1 Loc©mU n: f-1tce /4 [NZ Prknmry ®wino (a): af,d4icoay., 9707C3 Habitable ' tives1 . 1714•Ac-r Cyr- eeoevm B►ETtliz Rooms 16eDZAVIC 1z-mot-01 7-P 2.�a�t ".3 Window#!letter On Plan tt A.tti ('/�.11 tt �.; Fs' "As " A Manufacturer {. Name t sol A; n so1 AAr sra A Model/Type Unit/Block# Cell Size_ Kial.304t 0 M A . �1, 3031 t J D- 3e4to i0 _g , O Opening Width 1 t 1t rt 410 Sq. Ft.Vent • t�l 3 Lli>r1. ('' •Z o Sq. Ft. Egress! Clear Opening `4 Clear Opening- Width in inches % 5.1/6." , IA ��. 1� 3"/ , 3-7/e2 33 /0'' Clear Opening- m a [Height in inches z L t . it ► it p) 34 h4" Z d o yA." 21, Y4.34 Special ecial Hardware p 411,12 or instructions t e.0L k a 5 ,,Az Cot4T2sa.. Commao U-Value Townonl a f u.1pg• Code Enlargement e W O WR G[ T ®O J L HUU N [FULL-FRAME W NOOWS 7oat of rar DoabaR-attltg MOaai∨e Opooflog tnd G goal Spgoi)(ioaa®um 7oow.,,,,) l 1 t Clear 4/Inning ' Gina ( Glass d la Top @a OrennWindow Eet ekaa $Ea Math 1 tie a'I t 8069 5t05t Pau A 5q.FI.J(m'1 kxlles/(mm) 1»3989/)oim( ! >e 53.Fs./)m') i 54.FLAW) I Mehes/(mm) Sq.FL/(n7) 1t410103900 5.74 (0.53) 311/4e (809) 26'J: (666) 10.45 (0.97) 5.83 (0.54) 24ye (622) 15.05 (1.40) ;L239632 6.11 (0.57) 312/;._.(109) 281/4: (717) 1125 (1.05) 6.28 (0.58) 20'/; (520) 1604 (2.49) mogiMa 6.63 (0.62) 31'/e (t109} 30'J: (768) 12.06 (112) 5.39 10.50) 1814' (418) 1703 (159) w 90S900 7.01 (0.66) 31'/; {809) 3457: (819) 12.86 (120) 716 (0.67) 12'/, (317) 1802 41.67) W6396620 152 (0.70) 31'4' (809) 341/: (870) 13.67 (127) 7.60 (0.711 8'/r (215) 1901 (177) C." 3.29 (031) 331/a (660} 141/j (362) 6.01 (0.56) 335 (031) 46'/a• (123I) 963 (090) .-. _- - __..,_ ..- .a ,<._., a 17 114f13032 315 40351 33'4 1666) 14(f: (4121 461 (064) 341i ta,ae 41y, (11'#1) 1067 40.99) /t .For cottage and reverse cottage Sash MOM 422 (0-391 33'J. l� 7.7 ) 18 v: 1463) 3 (0.72) 432 (0.40) 40'/a° (1026) 1172 (1.091_ opening pecttca(lons visit x t- t,l0 4.69 (0.44) 33%1.,(860) 20/: (514) 6.59 (0.801 4 79 (0.45) 361/4a° 1926) 12 76 (l l9) 517 (0.48) 33'/.' (8601 22'/: (565) 9.45 (0®6) 5.26 (0.49) 32'/e (825) 13.81 (1.28) 01WaAl7 9019 11d®510,8®811/61(796 gg16O5i• W't' '5@ 5.49 10.51) 33'/; (860) 241/: (616) 9039 (0.96) 5.73 (0.53) 28'/e (723) 14.85 (138) Mtig3V1.0o 6.7a 40571 -33'/ (95) 7E:': (0661 1 i i 7 71.34) 620 10581 24!/. .(6221: I5_1 )Igei CL9a 9699 30 357 (0.61) 33'• 8BD) 28'/,' (717) 94r14 2 i' ) /e i {t.D21 661 (0.621 20/. 1520) 16.95 11.58) 1160 7�74 (0.65) 33'J; (660) 30'/,' (768) 12.69 (120) 5.73 (0.53) 161/e' (418}11799 (1.61) ntent3teg 752 (0.70) 332/e {660) 321/4° (819) 13.75 (128) 7.61 (D.73) 121/e' (3171 19.04 (l77) MI0t7C35 799 10141 33 V-i (660) 34 ,' n; 1461 (t36) 696 in75) 6'/e---(I.1;S)' ''008 41.171 Pp" NP)(34596 368 i034) 37'Jo (962) 94 y,° (362) _ 6.&3 (0.83) 3.78 (0.35) 46'J; (1231) 10.65 (0.99) 00 419 (a sal. 371/4 (9112) 161/,° (412) 7.76 (0.12) 4.30 ;0.40) 44'J; (1130) 11.81 t110) 13433 4.72 (0441 371/4' (9621 18'/a• (463) 8.73 10./11 4.83 (0.45) 40'!i (1021) 12.97 (121) *91434310 5.25 (049) 37'/, (962) 201/e° 4511) 6.70 (090) 535 (0.50) _36'! (926) 1412 (131) 498 5.78LL 10 54) 37'J.'s(992) 22'/. (565) 20.67 (0.99) 5.88 (0.55) 32'Ja (8251 15.28 (1.42) 0 614 (0.51) 37'/e (962) 24' • 6.__- ( ) __. /, I636) 11.64 (lAbl fi.41 (D.fiO) 28'/a° (123) 1643 (1.531 C 900 382 (0.63) 31'/a (962) 26 1/: (666( 12.61 (117) 6.93 (0.64) 241/4° (6221 1759 (1.63) 90WSTIM0 735 (068) 371/a (962) 28'C (717) 13.58 (1.261 746 (0.69) 20'/e (520) 18.75 (1.741 W113M0 769 t0.73) 37ge (962) 30'/,• (768) 14.55 1.35} 6.41 0 ___18) _ (-_ I0.60) Si18°J= (418} 19.90 p.e5) G 6100 0.41 10.781 37'/e (962) 32 1/2' (8191 15.63 (1.44) 8.51 (0.79) 121/{ (317) 2196 (196) 0 8.94 40.13) 37/, (962) 34'J' (B70) 1650 (I53) 9.04 (0.84) 8 y' (215) 22.22 f2.06 2 9n 407 10.38) 411/; (1064) 14le (362) 7.56 (0.70) 417 (0.39) 4811e (1221) 1168 (1.09) S263892 4.64 (043) 411/; 12064) 16/2' (412) 184 (0.10) 4.76 i0.44) 441/e (1130) 1294 (12(4) 5.22 (0.49) 411/; (1064) 18'/: (463) 9.72 (190) 5.34 10.50) 401/; (IO2t1) 1421 (1.3I) 90 5.81 (0.54) 41'/; (1064) 20'/: (514) 10.d1 (1.00) 5.92 (0.55) 36Vs° (926) 15.48 (144) M.I3 . 6.39 (0.59) 41'$ (1064) 22'/: (565) 11.89 (1.11) 6.50 (0.60) 32'1/ (825) 16.75 (1.56) 1 `u? 0 6.19 (0.63) 4l'6° .(I064) 241/: (616) 12.97 (121) 7.08 (0.66) 28'/; (7231 18-01 (1.67) 90numgo0 7.55 (0.70) '41'/e (1064) 26'!: (666) 14.05 (1.31) 166 (0.71) 241/4e (622) 1928 (179) 1.13 (0.76) 41'/; (1064) 211/: (717) 15.14 (1.41) 825 (0.77) 20'/,' 101 20.55 (1911 vspiegm 8,72 (0.61) 41'/e (9eg9) 30'/: (768) 2622 (1.51) 7.08 (0.66) 16'/e (418) 21.62 (2.011 C2.`,V.5109 930 10.86) 41'/2" (19ia) 321/: (819) 17.30 (lit) 941 (0.87) 12'!, (317) 23.08 (214) 5 320 9.88 (0.92) 41 W (9034) 341/: (170) 18.38 (1,711 9.99 (0.93) 81/, (215) 24.35 (2.26) VicmanQ ehe Spdraglintr Singlo-NungWkAgm®pa9llalg mad Ana Spacii9 t9®1as ( . )n F6110Den Gissdao Top of SvOAocr *Wen Clew Owing Gloss ? Vein to Top di inside Drerall Window Mad= Arco 7(3h Height i Ana i AtOa SIB S9• Ana __So.LIm')_,rtIncheel;+4manc, ' Inclea[mm) I S4.F1,74m'1 1 Sq.Ftk(m' , klehee inim) I So,Ft,,+)m') .. S 139 (0.13) 21 T/, (556) 91/4; (231) 5.48 (0.51) 139 (o.13) 32 Vie (828) 8.90 (0.13) ' 2F46 1.54 (0.14) 211/e (556) 10'/,; (257) 5.88 (0.55) 154 (0.14) 29'/,e (751) 9.44 ;0.88)- 70R-1'90 1.69 (036) 21'/e 4556) 111/w (282) 629 (0.59) 159 (0.16) 26?0,Q (675) 9.9? (0-93) '73024082 184 (0.11} 21'/; (556) 121/4u' 13081 6.70 (0.62) 134 (0.17) 23'/, (599) 1051 40.98) C30.4(E3 2.76 (026) 21'J; (556) 18'/,; 14611 7.80 (0.72) 2 76 (0.26) 15'Ju' (395) 11.94 (1.11) n'116 2.96 (021) 21'/i (556) 19'II 1495) 925 (0.77 2.96 __' - 1._ � t0.28) 12 h;-<=1314) 12.53 (t.16) t(m 3.16 (029) 211/4° (5901 20"/,; 1529) 0.71 (0.11) 3.16 (0.29) 87; (226) 13.12 4122) 90902412 1.64 (0.15) 25T/o (6511) 92/,. (231) 6.65 (064) 1.64 (0.15) 30V/i, (717) 10.62 (0.99) Wdee 1.92 (0.17) 001/40 OM 101/4: (257) 7.34 (061) 1.82 (0.17) 2711.e 1701) 11.23 (1.04) 90989190 2.00 (0.19) 25'9a M1 Ia'/,: (282) 7.83 (0.73) 2.00 (0.19) 24'/,e (624) 1125 (1.101 S Q9 2.18 (0.20) 33'/a (656) 12'/u' (308) 833 (0.77)_218 _(0.20) 2D'/ti mot12.47 (1.16) 9184653 326 (030) 23'/a° (658) 181/re (461) 9.65 (0.90) 3.26 (0.30) 13'!re {344) 14.12 (1.31) g,> 9 4590 3.50 10.33) 25'!e (658) 19'/: (4951 10.19 (0.95) 350 (0.33) 101/,: (2S9) 14.81 (1.38) M49492 3,74 (0.35) 252/, (658) 20'/,; (529) 10.74 (Id10) 3.74 (0.35) 6'/, (175) 15.49 (1.44) G 498 1.76 (0.16) 271/e 170'4) 91/,' (231) 7.57 (0.70) 176 (0.16) 29'/,, (751) 11.51 (1.07) 9009843 9.96 (0.18) 271/e° (706) 101/, 1257) 8.10 (0.75) 196 (0.18) 26'$e (675) 12.17 (113) _.._ --: - ..__....„... ,..�-...,,.,�,._ _.__..�>...,., - „, •'Top of&MaoOr to Tap al Inside S14 Stop'is calculated based upon C (An 125 (0.20) 27'/0° (768) I11/' (282) 8.64 (0.80) 215 10.20) 23'/N (599) +404 p,19) a vacua'header height al6'401Ji(2096) 235 10.221 27'/' 1706) 12'/ (308) 9.17 (0.85) 2.35 10.22) 20'/,; (523) 13 48 11.25) •Dimensions In parentheses are in millimeters pi square meters .._..__.. , .._»...__. ,,_...v._.- �..,._.. 016eetmelceeddearoPonln area a15.7 iLar0.53rn1.deer 3.52 (0.33) 27'/; (706( 18'/e {461) 1060 (0.99) 3.52 (0.33) 12'/,; (319) 1525 (1.42) opening wide,al 20'(5081 and near opening height of 24'(610) mimed 70 [ RENCC 1WOODtm H NSEJ PATIO DOORS NSW ND f Ifon@h ao®d°AJngs6 Qo dfig Pe la Oa@¢Op31(d€(g mug Ana gpm250caalona G1nnaE 61 Mar 54tth 51 Icad9aa a 0 P8013I8 Rams(3 110g Glass Vent f)u, NA Ettas i rl 90°Width Fusilwift mot Aran , Area sdt)ela _4 Fi,'9t4a ,._..-, ,•S +) rrv!tataani > iwd'daemil : .F#;t(mri 1., 5#.Ft,It'eal : .1/46611s::- 08 3 - - - 5.74 10.53► 13.39 (124) RT1717E 1 1298 (1.21) 24 as/,e° 1630) 26' (660) 75 a1.' (1911) 8.32 (0.77) 12.98 11.21) 16.63 (135) M32366 1 1489 (130) 26'yia° 1681) 28° (711) 75';!a' (1911) 9.20 (2.86) 14.02 (1.3(9 17.74 (1.651 • 3118 1. it.It -_._..__ _- 1:r31 Jf • Sii §:t' �2• 1813; `k9!f 3C�'_§. 11G?7 )6.11 (150) 13i ;> (17 S41, 2 21.43 (1.99) 42' (1039) 43'!i (1192) 75'1. (1911) 11.66 (5.09) 21.43 (1.99) 26.50 (2.46) 1116142G0 I 11.01 (102) 19a/, (505) 21'h, (535) 15';;_ (1911) 81.6_8 (1.69) 11.01 (1.02) 26.50 12.46) c I•AS/SA 18.61 (1.211 2413/,; (630) 26' ( 7 75 vs' 11911) 1624 (1.55) 22.98 (1.211 32.71 (3.04) VM13130 2-AP/PA 27. (2.541 52'!e (1327) 5'/e° (1450) 75'I. (191S) 16.64 (5551 27.30 (2.54) 32.71 13.04) t M 1•APIPA 1332 (123) 25'/f 1647) 268'/,a (678) 751f: (1911) 16.64 (1.55) 13.32 (1.23) 32.71 (324) 119(5468 1-AS/SA 14.02 (1.30) 261'h; 1681) 2r (7/1) 75',+s (1911) :US (171) 3462 (1.30) 34.92 (324) WM& Z•87276 29.39 12 731 5611. 11429) 591/e' (1502) 75'it (1911) 1839 (1.71) 2939 (2.73) 34.92 (334) 1-AP/PA 1437 (123) 271m. Ws' ° ___._-__.-._,34...,..�...- Z215s la ___ _�,,,_ la (698) 28 /» (729) T5°,. t19111 18.39 (fl711 143T (133) 34.92 (324} 1-AS/SA IB.i1 (130) 30111,e (783) 32' (813) 75°/: (1911) 21.92 12.041 16.11 1150) 39.34 (3.66) ROWS 2 4P/PA 3358 (312) 64'/, (1632) 67'/s (1705) 75 (1911) 2192 12.04) 33.58 (3.12) 39.34 (3.66) 'WW1 1 A. 7a 1546 11571 31_'." 11 31n/.: (83 15 139)11 21a92'.' 4)_. 1046 (152, 3534 (34661.. 114177, S 14/2 (1301 26 oh,. (681) 28' (711) 75a/: (1911) 27.60 12.56) 14.02 (1.30) 52.52 (4.88) 1 13.51 (1501 30 Me (783) 32' (813) 75'j, (1911) 3228 13.66)_ 16.11 (1.50) 59.14 (549) • 96Il95t a ......_ 6b1 _.,tt1561 7389 (129)., 7648 1 13.48 1125) 24"he 16301 28' (660) 78'1e (1984) 1169 (081) 13.48 (1.25) 17.21 (1.69) 63ay39611 1 14.56 (1.35) 26"he° (681) 28' (711) 78 0+ 12 .r_ _,,8.2 ._ _ _ . (1984) 9.61 (089) 1d55 1135) _1836 t1,711 u 14,11 I 16.72 (1.55) 30"/,e (783) 32' (813) ' 78'!/, (1984) 11.45 (1.061 16.72 11.55) 20.64 (1.92) tf-G5„"341611 2 22.24 (2.01) 41' {Y039) 43'Ie' (1112) 78'/e (1984) 1220 11131 22.24 (2.07) 27.46 (2.55) w 1811 1 11.43 (Y 19'/; {5057 21a F _. .-_..___.-_ •�} he (535) 783,: (1984) 1220 (1131 11.43 11.06) 27.46 (255) 1319 1-AS/SA 13.41 (125) 24'/,s (630) 26' (660) 781!` (1984) 17.38 {162) 13.48 (1.25) 33.89 (3.15) RUallita 2-AP/PA 28.34 (2.63) 52' a 2 _ __.9-,.,(3a._�,. !e 11327} 55/e 114001 la't; {19841 Y7-31 llffi1 28.34 {2.63} 3389 (3.151 M15a111 S-AP/PA 13.83 (1.28) 25 e/i 1647) 2619/u (6710 711 ; (1984) 17.36 (1.62) 13.83 (1.28) 33.59 (3.15) ltMgati 1 05/56 14.55 (135) 26''/,; 1681) 28' (850) 781,`; 11984) 1922- (1 721 14.55 (1.35) 36.16 (335) • 14 11. 2-AP/PA 30.51 (223) 561/,° (14291 59'/8' (156) 70 ', (19841 1922 (179) 30.51 (2.83) 3218 (3361 rt n79d4611 1-AP/PA 34.91 (118) 27'/t (698) 28'a/,e (729) 78'le (1984) 19.22 (179) 1491 (1.58) 38.18 (336) 701001142, 1-A5/SA fl6.72 (3.55) 30" 84) 21 /u (783) 33' (8131 78'/, (1984) 2291 $2131^ 16.72 (155) 40.76 {3.T9) �nr 3Il1 2 AP/PA 34.18 (324) 64'/a` (1832) 67 a ° --- ,- _ -- „„=.-- __--_r__ /0 117651 78'/,° (1984) 22l1 (2.13) 3__ (324) 40 7. (3.79) '• ab611 1-AP/PA 3766 (1611 31'!a (900) 32"/,, /e(830) 78' (1914) 22.91 (2.13) 17.08 11.68) 40.76 (3.79) 501305510 1 14.55 (1.35) 26"he 16811 24' (666) 78 eh' (1984) 20.83 (2.68) 14.55 (1.35) 54A3 (535) 8119 1 f 16.72 (135) 30"I"' (783) 32'�(8I3) 781/e" 11984) 34.36 (3.19) 16.72 (1.55) 61.30 15.761 ___._ T Win,_. mom - 714 (0.87) 15.08 (1.49) 52711 1 15.73 (146) 24"/. (630) 26' (660) 91'/: (2318) 10.41 (0.971 15.73 (1 46) 19.96 (126) WESall 1 1720 (1.58) 26"1,, (681) 2r (711) 91'/: (23i8) 11.52 (1.07) 17.00 (158) 21.31 (1.98) • 18 1 1954 (1.82) 30 nhe (783) 32' (8131 91'! 8 2 (/i {2318) 13 d2 19281 19.54 (1.92) 23.98 {2231 111144114 2 2538 (2.41) 41' (1039) 43a/y (1112) 91'l.' (2318) 14.62 11.36) 25.98 {241) 31.83 0296) a 1UA1tllS 1 13.35 (124) 13'/e (505) 21'he' (5351 91'h° (23181 14.62 (1.36) 13.35 (1.24) 31.93 (236) =MO 1-AS/SA 15.73 (1A6) 24 WIC (630) 26' (650) 911/; (2318) 20.82 (1.93) 15.73 (146) 3930 (3,65) 7SCxuw`17533 2-AP/PA 33.11 (3.08) 52'/: (1327) 55'/e (1400) 91'/1 (23181 20.82 (1.93) 33.11 {3.08) 3930- (3.65) 1114( i 1-AP/PA 16.15 11.501 25'/; (647) 26"h; (67B) 91/ 123111 2022 {1.93) 16.15 (1 50) 3930 (3.65) rv� M (138} 26"h. (6831 28'1-A5/54 17.00 ____ T_. � ,_ (660) 9111.' (2318) 23113 (2141 17.00 (1.58) 41.95 {3,90} 2-AP/PA 35.64 (331) 56'/: (14291 59Ye' {1502} 91'/: (23181 23.63 (2.14) 35.64 13.31) 41.95 (390) yY147435 I-49/P5 17.42 (1.61) 27'!i (698) 25"In' (729) 91 IA' (2318) 23.03 (214) 17 42 (1.61)_ 41.95 (3.90)- 1-05/51 19.54 (18ohs'2) 30" (783) 32' (813) 91'/; (23181 27.44 (2.55) 19.54 (1.82)�4725 (439) 2-AP/PA 40.71 (3.781_84'/; (1632) 67a/e (1705) 91I/: (2318) 27.44 (2.55) 40.71 (3.781 47.25 (429) L 9"} (-AP/PA 19.96 (1.85) 31'!= 1800) 32"/,,' (030} 91 a/e (2316) 27.44 (2.z5) 19.96 (1.65) 47.25 _(4.39) >-aG 1 1700 {138) 26'he 1681) 28• (88(1 911l.' (2318) 34.55 (3211 17.00 (138) 63,09 {5S6) 1 1954 (1.82) 30"he (783) 32' (8f3) 91 .6% 016)96_80x /; (2318) 41.16 13821 19.54 (i.82) T1.05 (6.6f0 °DimensiOas In pamnaheses ale In m5imeters. °0ol Ba o-gane(AP/PA 0403 ar>BA only 00 91nel open.Mew owning is band on th@ Retie@ Panel apon sad the®azako snel dme4. 166