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Resolution . Intorduced By Clerk Turner Seconed By Justice Nobles all Presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that T Town , f Queensbury hereby Excepts all that parsal of land as a public Highway as showi in a dee datedMay 21st 1932 From Frank D Morehouse and Bessie T Morehouse His .Life and Ceenath Thomson to Town of �ueensbury , E Members A Petition was read to the B'oard_Signed By. the .warren County Committee of the Town If Queensbury Dated april 10th 1933 in regard to the reduction of wages Resolution #9 Intorduced ty Justice Ellsworth Seooned By Jerry B Mead all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved That `Clerk Turned Be and is hereby authorized to Corspond with he menbers of the warren County Republican Committee for the ( own of queensbury to invite each of them to attend a Board Meeting on may the Sth 1933 at 8 P.M. Standard Time also this invertation is extended to any nterested tax payers —' f Pe iition was read to the board by Philp Bernett and William orhe consent of the Town Board to op©rate a dance hall and Beer Garden petition laid on table a patition was read to the board signed by the secretary of the Glens Falls Grange for making application for the cleaning of the Jenkins and sunneyside Cemeteries no action taken Public Hearing . May Sth I933 at a special -board Meeting held on the above date by the Town Board Town bf jueensbury the following Members were Presant .Jerry B Mead Supervisor George Garrant Justice of Peace Fgoyd Ellsworth " Charles Nobles " Henry Stevenson " Bert D Turner Town Clerk Arthur H Stone SuptJf Highways Beecher Clothier and Dan _> Imrie also Presant the following Membere of T'he warren County Republican Committee also rresant Jabs Inga sbee Henry Stevenson Issabell Harris Anna. Me Caghey Elmer Riley n'. Winnie Crannell also 2resant At a public Hearing as per Resolution adopted. april 25th I933 and section 66 of the transportation Corporation Law of the state of new York upon the petition of Glenn , ubbol- 1 for permission and consent to operate a stage or s line in the Town of 4uee- nsbury over Ridge and Bay Road to o Xill` Pay assembly Point and Intermediate points from the el G n �'=�1,1s• Mr Hubbell submitted proof of Publi ti.on * ,Jfto .ofhthlsr boaring *Melt was received and plaeed o� it o ate ` im opsit3tion thereto the following ResolutioM opted Resolution Intorduced' By Justice` $ttv!ensvn ned By ' Justice Nobles 411 presant voting In. °the` affina ' ve l►hareas Has Viled with the Town Board af The Town 7f toe ensbury `Glenn A Hu'b'bell a petition for convent under and pursuant to �ectfon- f+l of the transportation corporat#e�rt� law of the atate ,fir to ' establish and operate a stage. or ovn us'° li�+e uPp . mod. a*erg certain roads streets avenues and iii:` the tcwn of 14ueensbury 'Warren Co as follo'" Commencing at at the northaly city Line of' the city o Glens Pall and running thence northaly' aloe Ridge Road to a)id through the y` ± settlements known as the Oneida rrfe:enaa 'an;d Braytojo thence fol&owing the course of the new state road,.through seeder landing past Harris Bay to assembly Point and. thence still following the course of the new state road from assembly point to the highway known as these Bay road near the foot of duhams bay then southerly along the said bay road to the northa:ly city tine of the City of Glens Fells and in addition thereto during the summer season to operate the said line and isqer the presant Town Road Connecting aforesaid said ridge road a new state highway tFith KattsKill Bay Cleverdale Assembely point respectivoly and in boath Directions on the aforesaid "ote and road , Now Therefore In th3tmatter of tha cair-and maintainance of of certain cemeteries in the Town j queensbury ry the following Resolution was adopted Resolution #13 Intorduo ed By Justice Ellsworth Seconed. by Justice Garrant all presant vitiong in the affirmitave it was resolved that 11-*hican Grange #I300 be and hereby is auth orized to remove Gress Weeds and brush and conserve the Jenkins cemetery _ on Bay road near Bradford Thornton Farm in the Town Of Quee bury further Resolved that the sum of ? 50.00 be; and hereby is appropiated for the above described: I Cemetery further resolved that the above Baum will be paid for by the supervisor when audited by the Town Board of Auditors upon presentation of properly veri fled bills for same certified by secretary of said Grange it is further resolved that the work on the abore Described cemetery shall be complete I on or before October lot 1933 Resolution No 14 Intorduced by justice stevenson Seconed by clerk Turner all present voting in the affirmative I was resolved that the Committee of the John J Harris Memoral Chapel be is hereby authorized to remove Gras Weeds and brush and conserve the cemetery known as John J Harris Cen in I arriseena resolved the 4um of $50.00 be and hereby is ap?rop- j rated for the above- described cemet further that the above sum will be paid for by the supervisor when audited by the Town B 1 board of auditors upon the presentation of properaly Verified Bills Vartified by said Committee further resolved that the work of the above described cemetery shall be complet on or before Oat 16%' 1933 i Resolution # I5 Inturduced by Clerk Turner Seooned by Justice garrant all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that the G 'Falls alls Grange be and is -hereby authorizer s wee&s' brush and conserve the cemetery Known at to remove gras Lake sunneyside Cemetery further resolved that the sum of ? 50.00 be and hereby a.ppropr4ted for the above described Cemetery` further the above said sum will be paid for by the supervisor when audited by the Town Board of Auditors upon the presentation of Proparly verified Bills certified by the secretary of said Grange Further Resolved then the work the above described cemetery shall be completed on or before October Ist I933 ° on motion adfjurned own' er Regular Meeting June 27th I933 V at a regular meeting of the prRn Board Town f Queensbury held on the above date at 7 P.M.Xt Clerk-s oftice the following members were presant Jerry B bead Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace George Garrant " Henry Stevenson " Charles Nobles " Bert D Turner Minutes of` Meeting-held of may 23 'Dead and approved the board 'eneraiy discussed town matters on Motion Ad,j urned Town Clerk Regular keetion July 25th IgaS at a regular Ueeting of the town Board town of Queenebury held on the above date at Clerks office the following Members were presant Jerry B mead $upervi`sor Geo Garrant. Justice of Peace AIL enry Stevenson ; . So d Eil swo ales lel L t.r A `.