plans2121/2020 «.'523400801015000104800000000003 jpg (746%595) TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILOING.DEPARTMENT stonesBiasedonourlimitedexamination,come 5 shall aol be construed aswithourcomersancspecicationsareIn with the Codes of TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING &CODES DEPT.C7 Reviewed By:3 (AUST BE RIER Date:3/1. AON COMBUSTIBLE Sy Non 32 - 18 20° op WSULATION MSU 8 ° ERED BY A15 MINY Foor TAG Ret “MAL BARRIES82 st s 440 sf aq &Second Floor “ 768 sf , RP2 |=on‘9 20 32!st NOTICE:N ‘Smoke detectors are required in bedrooms, adjacent to bedrooms and on each floot level’including cellar or basement. All smoke detectors &carbon monoxidedetectorsshallbeInterconnnectedwith battery backup and located on all levels. ‘Carbon monoxide detectors are required outside sleeping areas and on ‘all iovels. 301.15-1-46 Rc-0099-2020 Mango,Kendra 10 Briggs Ct .ss windows)Residential Alterations (2 egre parcelsearch.queensbury.nevRPSImages/Rel20 16/523400301015000104600000000003 jpg 1" Keni Kovila Prepared by:ue JonRoz rox@adirondackbasement comseteard‘Arondack Basernent Systems wuwadirondackbasement.com ‘TF 800-752-5807 ©518-371-9621, F 518-071-5888 Prepared for: KendraMango PR71254 kendra mango@gmailcom (518)586-4408 Joblocation: 10 Briggs Ct (Queensbury,NY 12804-9134 Prepared on: 249-20 Product List Eyes Window Wel Prenter,2 ressCover,Premier Sma 2 ress Window Laree 2Mei Cnpured wal 2 Project Summary Add Means oF ares $1257200 ~aTotalvestment.$3257200 ‘Total Contract Price $12,572.00 Deposit Reayised-40%$1,25720 capstan BSCE :25700 Amount Due Upon Installati os $11,315.00OBRaysobyPo Customer Consent ‘Any alteration from the above specications and corresponding price adjustment tnecesary)willbe made ony atthe Customer's request o approval Completing the work inthis Proposal atthe time scheduled Is contingent upon accidents or delays beyond our control.This Proposals based primarily onSetestontagstenyionpacemanIfnotacceptedbytheCustomerwithin30days) ‘Authorized Signature’Date ha }zoAcetateberecannottestPropoteachetalsectnetainte‘ray ap tore Yvan OWteaespeCeaewmaeerento“ince hepa cot tyre chrot 1 pr mo opr man nna oats Sete meat aplusyourattorney's fees and costs to collect and enforce this Contract. Customer has received a copy of the "Repair Science"book. ‘full perimeter system has heen recommended ‘Adirondack Basement Systems Job Location “ones Rd Halfmoon NY 12065,‘10Briggs Ct Queensbury NY 12804-9194 rz~ialaowetInitial Page 1/6 2419-20, Job Details (Continued) Specifications Rockwell Size 2 Rockwell cover Pella Slider window Per Hard Copy Pricing Contractor Will +1)Remove and haul away any landscaping in the work area,Not responsible for replacement. 2)Remove and replace concrete as necessary in the workplace, 3.)Remove finished walls as necessary.Notresponsible for replacement 4.)Cut finished walls as necessary to install system property.Homeowner to restore walls Customer Will 41)Remove and replace any landscaping that Is in the work area, 2)Move items at east 10 feet away from the work area. 4a)Remove cabinets/shelving. ‘4)Repair any sprinkler lines that may be damaged during the installation, 5.)Mark any private lines that may be hidden underground,and assumes all ibility if damage should occur to such ines, 6,)Remove existing shelving/racks/workbench as necessary to install system.Homeowner to restore or replace as necessary. Additional Notes Customer has read and understands warranty customer tnitit (MVCustomeragreesto Free and clear access tthe building and grounds-ABS vehicles on driveway/property Make free and clear access tothe wall and work area by moving any of the applicable items: ‘Customer has been made aware: sms should be protected/removed if they could be damaged by vibration or dust. Cut finished walls as necessary to install system properly.Homeowner to restore walls Provide all required Permits. ‘Adirondack Basement Systems JobLocation ‘domes Ra Halfmoon NY 12065 4OBriggs Ct Queensbury NY 12804-9184 Page 3/6 219-20 Limited Warranty ‘Standard Excuslons Permitted By State Law ‘This Foundation Lined Warranty Warranty’s made neu of and excludes all other warranties expres or mpd and allother blgations on the prt of Aranda‘Saserent Systems Contractor’tothe customer (Customer).Therearsno ater veralor wien warranties rd no warrants tatene yon the eseriptlon on he{ace ert ndting NO WARRANTIES OF EXPRESS OR IMPLIED MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, General Terms Forthe appa tne rerio nated below thls Worranyistransforable ana charge tofitue ners the structure on whlch the work specie inthis Contractscompetes,This Warranty sneffct ifthe job specie in thls Contract scamplete an peidnulandateratvly,ral and voli ful payment snot reve.Contractorowsntwarrantprodsntmentionedbelow,but some of sich products may be covered by amanufaturers warranty.All material use is warrened tobe ype‘his Contract ll work willbe completed ina werknanlke manner according tothe standard pacticesof the ndusey Exchsone ‘THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER,CONTRACTOR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR,AND CUSTOMER HOLDS CONTRACTOR HARMLESS FROM texteriewaterproofing2plumbingdamage:3)Custmer-caused damage 4 dst rm instalation:5 damage to el personal property suchas wall countertop or oor coves,reine sheetrock exteror material cabinets,appliances,noo,nung any damage alleged to have bse done bythe Contractor use heavy equpent ncaa 9‘ample the jo 6 any injury or damage caused by meld to property r person 7}falar or dlay in performance or demage cased by acs of od ood fre serm,netaneset)acts of il or ilar autrity,any cause ouside Contrato'scontrl 8 damage from sting operation;}basenent water seepage;na 10)eamage rors eae,Inzeralmoverentsforces of hse cee,lansing or mpg offilsalls While Contractor asses respon fruity damage that occurs aa reat of Conracor’sInstallationsuchprotectionlitetorelocingFepaitheareaContractordamagedaddosnotinchadeanyuperacestoutileseresecompliancearatherreasons tems For Which Customer IsResponse (Custom shal 3)make fllpayment othe crew leader upon completion of work 2 pepere the wars area er isaltlor:be responstefr any this carperty pnganeinglandscapinget.that maybe necessary after Contractor's work fished )mark prhatelnes (stele,prepare sprinkle.ete)5)maintain postive drainage awayfromthereniedwalls:keep gutters clean arin good warking order;7)lect dwnspouts3atiiet distance away from the repaired walls]maintain proper‘exzanion les inconret slabs that are ajcent to therepalred val):and 9)anyitemsmentioned inthis Costrat under “Customer Wi or"Adticns Nes Wiarrantyisinetfectwhenjabs competed and painfull ‘TIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER,AND THE CONTRACTOR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ABILITY FOR WATER DAMAGE TO FLOOR COVERINGS,FURNITURE, STORED ITEMS FINISHED WALLS AND OTHER OBJECTS INSIDE THE FOUNDATION.Cantrctr wll ate responsible foray damages caused by mol.toad but notbeliedtorepertydrapepersonalnur.ss of income,enatenal stress,death,of se los of value,an averse ats effects o anyother effets,Hommeoumer ereestokeeparea ry andrepar lather obligations on contractor spat.Thre arenoctherwarates vertal or written ‘Adirondack Basement Systems Job Location Page 5/6‘ones Rd Halfmoon NY 12065,AO Briggs Ct Queensbury NY 12804-9134 29-20 Notice of Right to Cancel ‘You are entering into a contract.If that contract isa result of,or in connection witha salesman's direct contact with,or cal to you at your residence without yout soliciting the contractor call,then you have alegal right to vold the contractor sale by notifying us within three business days from whichever of the following events occurs last: 4.Thedatect the transaction,whichis:\a ee 2.The date you received this notice of cancellation..Avia Sse tensed ef ncelaofcs 4 nya fon dae comes Mow caneyuseetcarcel stranctn,yuma obynotyingsn igAavordetSacenSysssoesteFon12068 Adirondack Basement Systems ‘TF800-752-5807 ©518-371-9621 F 518-371-5888, ‘wwewadirondackbasement.com 4 Jones Rd Halfmoon,NY 12065 ‘You may use any written statement thatis signed and dated by you and states your intentions to cancel,or you may use this notice by dating and signing below.Keep one copy of the notice because It contains important information about your rights. wish to cancel ‘Owners Signature ~~ Date ‘Owners Signature ”ate ‘The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the two copies of the Notice of Right to Cancel. X ‘Owners Signatre ‘Adirondack Basement Systems JobLocation Page 6/6 ‘tones Ré Halfmoon NY 12065,A0Briggs Ct Queensbury NY 12804-9334 29-20 Kendra Mango PR71254 40 Briggs Ct Queensbury,NY 12804 kendra,mango@gmail.com (518)586-4488 esr name address WINDOW Size: -8.5=HEIGHT WIDTH: SLIDER IS 48"STANDARD INSWING 1S 36"OR 48"MAX CUSTOM SIZES REQUIRE APPROVAL, WINDOW SIZE UY we4En B44DjeBRtH2so" SEE CHART FOR EGRESS SIZING EIS HIEGHT WINDOW TOP NEEDS TO BE LOWERED FOR CEILING OR HEADER ETC s aL.54"wide 1 -13"max window width-48" each addth +15" sca}L:42"or 54”wide: 404820040"max window width- 4862-XX-54"86"&48" ROCKWELL:66”wide size 1-40"max window width-60° ‘CUSTOM WINDOWS NEED SEPARATE PRICING date “Rash of RWEGR Kendra Mango PR71254 10 Briggs Ct Queensbury,NY 12804 kendra.mango@gmail.com (618)586-4488 esr name address SS MEASUREMENT Shi EY WINDOW SIZE: EME-3.5=HEIGHT WIDTH: SLIDER IS 49"STANDARD. INSWING IS 36"OR 49"MAX CUSTOM SIZES REQUIRE APPROVAL WINDOWSIZE AL x Ye B:<4 ” -p;,JbBeteSo SEE CHART FOR EGRESS SIZING EIS HIEGHT WINDOW TOP NEEDS: TO BE LOWERED FOR CEILING OR HEADER ETC 54"wide max window width-48" SCAREWEL:42”or 54”wide 4048-940"—rnax window width- 48620064"36"&48" ROCKWELL:66"wide max window width-60" size 5-64" CUSTOM WINDOWS NEED SEPARATE PRICING date Kendra Mango PR71254 10 Briggs Ct Queensbury,NY 12804 kendra.mango@gmail.com ud 2)_(518)586-4488 pe yA EGR! ys.IDENTIFY WHERE ALL UTILITIES ENTER THE HOME AND WHERE THEY AUN UNDERGROUNDNs a] +MEASURE AND MARK THE DISTANCE FROM THE EGRESS TO THE it PROPERTY LINES! »DOES THE GFRAGE ALL AWAD FON THE HOUSE WHERE THE : EGRESSiS GOING?| ERE PROPER CLEARANCE FOR ‘Tt PMENT NEEDEDeLES it WHAT IS THE TYPE OF SOULS +{8 THE CUSTOMER KEEPING i NTLY FINISHED?YES { ERE WAT!ELECTRICITY AVAILA ten | JERE CANDSCAPINGD OR EQUIPMENT IN THE Way?~CS@,ok Josste \ Properly dre s . i =| Iho! SITBoriseT Front of house esr name address date Top View somettic View 1 a |:on1 :'t Front View Side View =RockWell,LLC Premier Window Well85x39x60 ""WPT-663960 ThermaStar by Pella Left-Operable Vinyl New Construction Egress White Exterior Sliding Window (Rough Opening:48-in x 48-in;Actual:47.5-in x 47.5-in) ‘Actual Height (Inches)475 Actual Width (Inches)ars Jamb Depth (Inches)1.63 Series N/A Interior Color/Finish White Exterior Color/Finish White Hardware Color/Finish White Paintable No Color/Finish Family White Frame Material Vinyl Grid Type N/A Grid Width N/A Grid Profile N/A Grid Pattern N/A Glazing Type Double pane ‘Argon Gas Insulated Yes Glass Strength Annealed Obscure Glass No Frame Profile Flat Screen Included Half Screen Type Fiberglass mesh Screen Frame Type Roll-form Roller Type Vinyl!rollers Sash Operation (Exterior View)Left-operable Sash Configuration 2lite Warranty Limited lifetime Lowe's Exclusive Yes Project Type New construction Meets Egress Requirement Yes Lock Type cam Nail Fin Integrated J Channel Integrated Mulling N/A Wood Jamb Extension None Number of Locks 1 Ventilation Latches N/A Hurricane Approved No Sound Transmission Control (STC).Rated Design Pressure (DP)Rating 30 Uvalue 0.29 Meets CA Forced Entry Requirements Yes Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC)0.3 Grid Included No ENERGY STAR Certified Northern Zone No ENERGY STAR Certified North/Central Zone Yes ENERGY STAR Certified South/Central |,|Zone ENERGY STAR Certified Southern Zone No UNSPSC 30171600 Rough Opening Height (Inches) Rough Opening Width (Inches) ‘Common Size (W x H) CA Residents:Prop 65 Warning(s) 48 48 48-in x 48-in Yes