asbestos reports=FILE COPY | i o TOWN OF QUEENSE yAmbientEnvironmental,Inc.SULDING DEPARTMENT Dding Sclence and EH Soliton Based on our ited examnaton,conplance i Comments shali sot be construed asNYSCertifiedWBE,indicating the plans and spec re in ‘SBA EDWOSB &DBE full com vance with the Bi ian Coe Hl complance uiiding Codes of March 6,2020 Mr.Adam Leonardo 1202 Troy Schenectady Road Latham,New York 12110 RE:Asbestos Visual Inspection Vacant Building 12 Hall Rd.Ext. Queensbury,NY Ambient Project Number: Dear Mr.Leonardo: Ambient Environmental,Inc.(Ambient)had previously performed an asbestos inspection of the subject property.A report dated February 25,2020,was issued to the Owner that identified the following materials as containing asbestos: ©Black Ice Shield on Lower Roof on Metal Flashing Subsequent to the asbestos survey,the Owner of the property had the asbestos removed. Ambient was not retained to perform monitoring services during the asbestos removal phase. Ambient has no knowledge of the methods or means utilized to remove the asbestos. Ambient inspectors returned to the site to re-inspect the building at the request of the Owner. The previously identified asbestos no longer exists in the subject structure. ‘Ambient appreciates the opportunity to serve you and we look forward to working with you in the future.In the meantime,if you have questions or comments regarding this information or if we can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Ambient Environmental,Inc. A _,289.11-4-17 DEM0-0113-2020NrWoe|a Leonardo,Adam &Rebecca C.D.Wolford 12 Hall Rd Operations Lead Demolition of SFD only 82,0704|Fax $18,482.07501828WashingionAvenve,Albany,NY 12203 |Phone:5t ‘Web:www ambientenv.com nationalgrid 300 Erie Boulevard West Syracuse,New York 13202 DATE 2/26/2020 RE:Service Removal for Building Demolition. This letter is to confirm that,per your request,National Grid has confirmed electrical service and meters have been removed from 12 Hall Rd.,Queensbury.The work was processed on work request #29529201.If you have any questions or need further assistance,please feel free to contact us at 800-260-0054. Sincerely, Lydia Styb ESR Il Customer Connections UNY nationalgrid 62020 Revised Code Rule 56 56-1.1 Title and Citation.Within and for the purposes of the Department of Labor,this Part may be known as Industrial Code Rule 56,relating to hazards to the public safety and health,during the removal,encapsulation,enclosure,repair,or the disturbance of friable and non-friable asbestos,or any handling of asbestos material that may result in the release of asbestos fiber.It may be cited asRule56Asbestosasanalternativeandwithoutprejudicetoitsdesignationandcitationestablishedby the Secretary of State. 56-1.2 Purpose and Intent of Part. (a)Legistative Concern.The legislature has declared that exposure to asbestos fibers,a known carcinogenic agent,creates a serious risk to the public safety and health and that the public is more frequently exposed to these risks as a result of an increasing number of rehabilitation, reconstruction and demolition projects on buildings or structures containing asbestos or asbestos materials. (b)Purpose and Intent.It is the purpose and intent of this Part to reduce the risks to the public associated with exposure to asbestos and to conform to Federal requirements set forth in the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA),National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)Asbestos Standard for the Construction Industry,by requiring appropriate training and certification of persons employed in all aspects of an asbestos project,as well as those who supervise and employ them;by requiring the licensing of asbestos contractors;by setting forth standards and procedures that shall be followed when removing,enclosing,encapsulating, repairing,or disturbing friable or non-friable asbestos or handling asbestos or asbestos materials in a manner which may result in the release of asbestos fiber;by requiring notification of the Department of Labor prior to commencement of Large asbestos projects;by requiring notification of building/structure occupants;by requiring asbestos surveys;by setting forth record-keeping and reporting requirements for asbestos contractors;and by establishing an inspection and enforcement program within the Department of Labor.“S61.3°51Application.This Part shall apply throughout the State of New York to the State,any political subdivision of the State,public authorities,or any other governmental agencies or instrumentalities thereof,self-employed persons,companies,unincorporated associations,firms, partnerships or corporations,and any owners or operators thereof,which engage in an asbestos project,retain sub-contractors to engage in an asbestos project,or employ persons in the conduct of any phase of an asbestos project,including planning,design,monitoring,sampling,inspection,or actual abatement. ‘ThisPatshallnotapplyto(b)the manufacture of asbestos or asbestos material,or to manufacturing processes involving the use of asbestos or asbestos material. 56-1.4 Multi-employer Worksites. (a)All asbestos abatement contractors on a demolition,renovation,remodeling,or repair project, which includes work covered by this Part,shall inform all employers on the work site about the nature of their work,as well as the PACM,ACM and asbestos material (known and assumed) at the work site.The asbestos abatement contractor shall inform all non-asbestos contractors at the work site that disturbance of PACM,ACM and asbestos material (known and assumed) is prohibited by any employer other than a licensed asbestos contractor. (b)|The asbestos abatement contractor shall notify the building/structure owner and all employers and occupants located in areas adjacent to a Phase II regulated abatement work area,of the following occurrences:all elevated air sample results,work stoppage and barrier Building Science and EHS Solutions NYS Certified WBE, SBA EDWOSB &DBE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SURVEY Pre-Demolition Asbestos 2 Ambient Environmental,Inc. TOWN OF Qui BUILDING DEP Based on our jmited examination,compliance with our comments shall not be con:CampndicatingtheplansandspecificationsareinoarswihheBuidecoves©!12 Hall Road Extension New York State.Queensbury,NY Survey Date:February 12,2020 Prepared for: Mr.Adam Leonardo Rosewood Home Builders 1202 Troy Schenectady Road Latham,NY 12110 Prepared by: Ambient Environmental,Inc. 828 Washington Ave. ‘Albany,New York 12203 Ambient Project No.200210AB 289.11-1-17 DEMO-0113-2020 Leonardo,Adam &Rebecca 12 Hall Rd Demolition of SFD only £828 Washington Avenue,Albany.NY 12203|Phone:$18 482 0704 |Fax:518.482.0750 Wed wn amoient-en Ambient Environmental,Inc. Building Science and EHS Solutions NYS Cerited WBE SBAEDWOSB &DBE February 25,2020 Mr.Adam Leonardo Rosewood Home Builders 1202 Troy Schenectady Road Latham,NY 12110 Ph.518-857-8712 adam@rgrosetti.com RE:Hazardous Materials Survey Report Pre-Demolition Asbestos Camp 12 Hall Road Extension Queensbury,NY Ambient Project Number:200210AB Dear Mr.Leonardo: Ambient Environmental,Inc.is pleased to submit the attached Hazardous Materials Survey Report for asbestos at the above-referenced site.This report includes the procedures and methodologies followed,analytical laboratory results,and applicable conclusions and recommendations. Ambient appreciates the opportunity to serve Rosewood Home Builders and we look forward to working with you in the future.In the meantime,if you have questions or comments regarding the information in this report or if we can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Ambient Environmental,Inc. CK nhsfoce!BePe In, C.D.Wolford Nathan Mastenbrook Operations Lead Asbestos Inspector Asbestos License #17-34558 Enclosure 828 Washington Avenue,Albany,NY 12203 |Phone:518.482.0704|Fax:518.482 074 ‘Web:www ambient-env com Ambient Environmental,Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES 2.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. 3.0 ASBESTOS-CONTAINING MATERIALS SURVEY. 3.1 Sampling Protocol... 3.1.1 Homogeneous Areas... 3.1.2 Hazard Assessment Factors 3.1.3 Sampling Strategy 3.1.4 Laboratory Analytical Results. 3.2.Asbestos Containing Material Results 4.0 ASSUMPTIONS,LIMITATIONS,AND OTHER CONCERNS ATTACHMENTS Attachment A Summary of Sample Results,Asbestos Containing Materials, Conditions,Quantities and Asbestos Laboratory Analysis Report with Chain of Custody Documentation Attachment B_Sample and Hazardous Material Location Drawings Attachment C Company,Inspector and Laboratory Accreditations and Licenses Page i Ambient Environmental,Inc. 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES ‘The purpose of this project was to conduct a pre-demolition hazardous materials survey for asbestos at 12 Hall Road Extension,Queensbury,NY (The Site).The areas inspected were limited to the interior and exterior of the building.Ambient Environmental,Inc.(Ambient)provided the following services for Rosewood Home Builders (Client)in accordance with Ambient proposalnumber2020-02-0088. Conduct a representative Hazardous Materials Survey in the identified building,which includes: *Survey the site building, *Identify accessible suspect asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)that were not previously tested using limited destructive means. ©Quantify ACMs,including material condition and location. *Collect and analyze bulk samples of suspect friable and non-friable materials to eliminate suspect materials as asbestos containing. 2.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ‘The inspection was conducted by NYS licensed and AHERA trained asbestos inspectors on February 12,2020.The inspection involved visual examinations and sampling of suspectmateriaisthatmaybeimpactedbyplanneddemolitionprojects. Inspection results revealed the following findings: *The renovation area does contain asbestos containing materials Please see attachments and specific report sections for sample locations,type of materials and analytical results. 3.0 ASBESTOS-CONTAINING MATERIALS SURVEY On February 12,2020,Ambient performed an asbestos-containing material survey for planned demolition at the subject property.Ambient examined previous reports,if available,to determine if adequate sampling was performed in the work areas and collected additional samples that appeared to be deficient.New York State certified and AHERA trained asbestos inspectors conducted the asbestos survey of the area, The building was visually inspected for the presence of any additional building materials in the path of renovation that are suspected to contain asbestos.Bulk samples of the newly identified suspect ACMs were collected and placed into individual containers for transport to a National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP)and a New York State Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (ELAP)-accredited laboratory for analysis.Materials visibly identified as non-asbestos (fibrous glass,foam rubber,wood,etc.)were not sampled,The asbestos survey consisted of three basic procedures:1)conducting a visual inspection of the Page 1 Ambient Environmental,Inc. structures;2)identifying homogeneous areas (HAs)of suspect surfacing,thermal system insulation, and miscellaneous materials;and 3)sampling accessible,friable and non-friable suspect materials. 3.1 Sampling Protocol 3.1.1 Homogeneous Areas Prior to collecting any samples,HAs were identified and listed to develop a sampling strategy.A homogeneous sampling area can be described as one or more areas of material that are similar in appearance and texture and that have the same installation date and function.The actual number of samples collected from each homogeneous sampling area may vary,based on the type of material and the professional judgment of the inspector. 3.1.2 Hazard Assessment Factors From the list of suspect homogeneous materials,a physical assessment was performed for each material on the list.A physical assessment includes evaluating the condition,assessing the potentialfordisturbance,and determining the friability of each material.Friability is a term used to describe the ease in which a building material inherently lends itself to disturbance.By definition,“friable” ‘materials are those that can be crumbled or reduced to powder by hand pressure when dry.Each ‘material onthe list was further classified into one of three categories,which have specific sampling requirements for each category. Surfacing Materials:Refers to spray-applied or troweled surfaces such as plaster ceilings and walls,fireproofing,textured paints,textured plasters,and spray- applied acoustical surfaces. ‘Thermal System Insulation:Refers to insulation used to inhibit heat gain or loss on pipes,boilers, tanks,ducts,and various other building components. Miscellaneous Materials:Refers to friable and non-friable products and materials that do not fit in any of the above two categories such as resilient floor covering,baseboards,mastics,adhesives,roofing material,caulking,glazing, and siding.This category also contains wallboard and ceiling tile. Alll confirmed ACMs were then assessed by their condition as good (intact),fair (damaged)or poor(significantly damaged)per Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 763.Material with localized significant damage was also assessed as poor when observed. 3.1.3 Sampling Strategy ‘The asbestos inspection was conducted according to New York State Department of Labor Industrial Code Rule 56 guidelines using a minimum number of samples collected from each HA,which also meets the sampling requirement found in 29 CFR 1926.1101 Sample collection depends on the category that the HA falls into and the amount of material present,as follows: Page 2 Ambient Environmental,Inc. GUIDELINES FOR DETERMINING THE NUMBER OF SAMPLES TO TAKE HA CATEGORY HA SIZE ‘SAMPLES REQUIRED “<1,000 SF 3 Surfacing Materials 1,000-5,000 SF 5 >5,000 SF Tor more Thermal System Insulation No Stipulation [3+(Must also sample all repair patches) Per AHERA,these materials must be sampled "in a ‘manner sufficient to determine whether or not they ‘contain asbestos"typically 2-3 samples based upon inspector judgment. Miscellaneous Materials [No Stipulation If the analytical results indicated that all the samples collected per HA did not contain asbestos,then the HA (material)would be considered a non-ACM.However,ifthe analytical results of one or more of the samples collected per HA indicate that asbestos is present in quantities of greater than | percent asbestos by weight (as defined by EPA),all of the HA (material)would be treated as an ACM regardless of any other analytical results.Material,which can visually be determined to be non-asbestos (ie,fibrous glass,foam rubber,etc.)by the accredited inspector are not required to be sampled. Miscellaneous materials require adequately representative sampling,which is typically done by collecting from two to three samples per material.Inspectors typically rely on other survey observations such as the condition,friability,and quantity of material to determine what would be a sufficient number of samples to accurately evaluate the presence or absence of asbestos content. Actual collection of a bulk asbestos sample involves physically removing a small piece of material and placing it in a marked,airtight container.Sample containers are marked with a uniqueidentificationnumber,which is also noted in the field notes. 3.1.4 Laboratory Analytical Results The samples were sent to AmeriSci New York in New York,New York for analysis.AmeriSci isfullyaccreditedforbulksampleanalysisundertheEnvironmentalLaboratoryApprovalProgram (ELAP)administered by the New York State Department of Health,(ELAP#11480).AmeriSci is also accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP No.200S46- 0)for both air and bulk sampling. +Friable Samples ~Friable suspect asbestos containing material samples were analyzed utilizing Method EPA/600/R-93/116 with New York State ELAP 198.1 revision to facilitate compliance with both AHERA and the New York State Department of Health polarized light microscopy (PLM)analytical techniques.All fibers observed were identified to determine whether or not they contained asbestos. *Non-Friable Samples —Non-friable organically bound (NOB)suspect asbestos containing material samples were analyzed utilizing Method EPA/600/R-93/116 with New York State ELAP 198.6 and 198.4 revisions to facilitate compliance with both AHERA and the New York State Department of Health polarized light microscopy (PLM)and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)analytical techniques.These non-friable organically bound samples must be weighed to record initial sample weights,then subjected to muffle furnace and acid bath sample preparation to eliminate the organic constituents.Ifthe remaining inorganic sample residue is 1%or less of the original sample weight,the sample is Page 3 Ambient Environmental,Inc. considered a non-asbestos containing material.If the remaining inorganic sample residue isgreaterthan1%ofthe original sample weight then the sample must be analyzed using either PLM or TEM analytical techniques to determine that the sample is an asbestos containing material (positive)or TEM to prove that the sample is a non-asbestos containing material (negative).A non-friable organically bound sample must be proven a non-asbestos containing material utilizing the NYS ELAP 198.4 TEM test method to be in compliancewiththeNewYorkstateDepartmentofHealth. 3.2 Asbestos Containing Material Results The results of the asbestos survey conducted on February 12,2020,indicate that the following sampled materials were found to contain more than 1.0%asbestos: *Black Ice Shield Attachment A contains a table listing samples collected and analyzed,sample locations,results, identified asbestos containing materials,homogeneous locations,quantities and the asbestos laboratory analysis report with chain of custody documentation.Attachment B contains sample and hazardous material drawings.Attachment C contains company,inspector,and laboratory accreditations and licenses. Please Note:Some materials collected and analyzed in this inspection do contain trace amounts of asbestos.These materials include: ©Dark Green Trim Paint This information must be conveyed to any contractors working on these materials for compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration 1926.1101.Work that will disturb these ‘materials may require a negative exposure assessment and may include the use of respirators, employee fit tests,an employer respiratory protection program,and an employer medical ‘monitoring program. ‘The building survey included limited destructive sampling for “hidden”materials.Therefore,the results of this survey may not be inclusive of all asbestos containing material that may be present in the pathway of demolition.If,during the course of renovation,any suspect material is, discovered that is not listed on the table in Attachment A it must be treated as asbestos containing material and handled appropriately or sampled by an inspector and analyzed according to NYS and EPA regulations. ‘One (1)copy of the results of the building/structure asbestos survey shall be immediately transmitted by the building/structure owner as follows: ©One (1)copy of the completed asbestos survey shall be sent by the owner or their agent to the local government entity charged with issuing a permit for such demolition,renovation, remodeling or repair work under applicable State or local laws. Page 4 Ambient Environmental,Inc. ©The completed asbestos survey for controlled demolition (as per Subpart 56-11.5)or pre-demolition asbestos projects shall also be submitted to the appropriate Asbestos Control Bureau district office. ‘*The completed asbestos survey shall be kept on the construction site with the asbestos notification and variance,if required,throughout the duration of the asbestos project and anyassociateddemolition,renovation,remodeling or repair project. 4.0 ASSUMPTIONS,LIMITATIONS,AND OTHER CONCERNS The results,findings,conclusions,and recommendations expressed in this report are based only on conditions that were noted during the inspection of the subject property. *Ambient’s selection of sample locations and frequency of sampling was based on observations and the assumption that like materials in the same area are homogeneous in content. ©Refer to Section 1.0 Purpose and Scope of Services of this report to see clarification of survey locations that were in our scope of work. *Ambient did not inspect any exterior areas below grade.Foundation sealers,buried piping, and other items may exist below grade which may contain asbestos. +The components of the window/door that were accessible without demolition were inspected. Limited intrusive demolition was performed during this inspection.There may be additional materials concealed beneath or behind window/door frames.Only full removal of the window/door unit would reveal these materials. ‘*Although there was no asbestos containing Thermal System Insulation (TSI)or pipeinsulationfoundtheremaybeTSIorpipeinsulationfoundinunseencavitiesorwet walls.A reasonable attempt was made to identify all TSI without performing full demolition. ‘*This report reflects the conditions found at the date and time of the inspections.Conditions of the area may change due to external events or forces.Re-inspection of the area may be required prior to the start of any work if an extended period of time has passed or if disturbances have occurred. Alll construction personnel,as well as individuals who have access to locations where ACM exists,should be informed of its presence and the proper work practices in these areas. Conspicuous labeling of all ACM is suggested to ensure personnel is adequately informed. Personnel should be informed not to rest,lean or store material or equipment on or near these surfaces and not to cut,saw,drill,sand or disturb ACM.Alll removal,disturbance and repair of ACM should be performed in compliance with Title 12 NYCRR Part 56 by persons properly trained to handle ACM.Facility custodial and maintenance personnel should receive training commensurate with their work activities;as defined in 29 CFR 1910.1001 The report is designed to aid the building owner,architect,construction manager,general contractors,and potential asbestos or lead abatement contractors in locating ACM.Under no circumstances is the report to be utilized as a bidding document or as a project specification document since it does not have all the components required to serve as an Asbestos Project Design document or an Abatement Workplan. Page Ambient Environmental,Inc. Our professional services have been performed,our findings obtained,and our conclusions and recommendations prepared in accordance with customary principles and practices in the fields of environmental science and engineering.This statement is in lieu of other statements either expressed or implied.This report does not warrant against future operations or conditions,nor does it warrant against operations or conditions present of a type or at a location not investigated. Ambient inspected and sampled materials,which were observable and accessible to the survey team.It is possible,however,that additional suspect materials may exist within interstitial spaces (i.e.underground chases,plenums,wall cavities,beneath pavement/asphalts pathways, etc.),which were not accessible or not made accessible and as a result,not noted in this report. If questions arise regarding asbestos in materials/locations that were not tested by Ambient,then additional survey services should be procured to test these locations.Ambient makes no representation or warranty concerningthe standards and specifications provided in applicable regulations.Any materials that have not been tested and/or found during future investigation must be assumed positive for asbestos. Page 6 ATTACHMENT A TABLE OF SAMPLE RESULTS ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS, CONDITIONS,QUANTITIES AND ASBESTOS LABORATORY ANALYSIS REPORT WITH CHAIN OF CUSTODY DOCUMENTATION ROSEWOOD HOME BUILDERS 12 HALL ROAD EXTENSION,QUEENSBURY vy SUMMARY OF ASBESTOS SAMPLES AND ANALYSIS RESULTS Ambient Environmental,Inc. "ecm|same Sarl tea Sanpl Loan “tay”[dS|omen|Monger|Aen Comen:ot [center par cate etary «|e [ow]wa wooPaernamanw|e [wat wa woocs[ons teneer a Savon w |e [wa]wa 9&a Tn ated ve «|_6|wa)wa]mean sea|bak om Tn Po Sania [6|wa|wa]amon re®cs|bot nen Tiron Winns |6[|wa [wm]ames ce©1|aeskané Sue shige Ese Eo ower Rofonvoaioo|w|v0|wa}wm 97aerew.West Lover Rann onion|we 10 ack and Red Shingle Exterr,South Upper eof on Back Vapor 6 NA A NAD 0s c2|ack and Red Shingle Exiror Norm UrprRooton Bick Vanor [yg NA NA NAD0ot|eck vapor Barer Extror,Sou Upper Roofon Wood Deck|_N é WA WA NAD 06 c2|ocx vapor Barer Exteror,Noth Uper Root on Woo Deck|N 6 Na NA NADorot|ite stone Rote Vy Floor Inv,Baton lor South N 6 a NA NADor©2|We Stone Rae Vin or Iner Batroom Floor South w |e NA NA NADoe0+|ite oypsum Boor Wat Irving Room Wal West F é NA NA naoos02|white Gypsum Boar Wat err Living Room Wa West a e NA WA NAD00+|e Wat Joint Compound Ir Living Room West F é WA NA uo | Survey Date:February 12,2020 Page |of 2 Rosewood Home Builders12HallRdExtension,Queensbury NY ROSEWOOD HOME BUILDERS 12 HALL ROAD EXTENSION,QUEE!BURY NY SUMMARY OF ASBESTOS SAMPLES AND ANALYSIS RESULTS Ambient Environmental,Inc. "SORE|sare Semple Mateol Sample Location Fran|Condon |uaniy|Homogeneous 08 02|vite wat Joint Compound nr Bedroom Wat Sou F 6 NA WA 10 01|White Gypoun Boat Cting nor,2 Fer tot F 3 NA NA nn10©2|wt Gypoun Bord Cetng Ino,Batvoom Caing South r |e NA NA na101|vite Cong Joint Compound Ir,2°Floor Lot r |e NA NA Nao1©2|We Ct J Compound ror Batvoom Gating South F é WA NA NaoNAD=No asbestos detected NA/PS=Not analyzed/positive stop LF =Linear Foot *Quantities are estimates only and should be field verified. *Quantities and homogenous locations only reflect renovation areas and do not represent other areas throughout the building, Note:Refer to Assumptions &Limitations Section of the Report. Survey Date:February 12,2020 Page 2 of 2 Rosewood Home Builders 12 Hall Rd Extension,Queensbury NY —_AmeriSci New York 117 EAST 30TH STREETAmeriSciNEWYORK,NY 10016/TEL:(212)679-8600 +FAX:(212)679-9392 February 18,2020 Ambient Environmental,Inc. Attn:Joella Viscusi 828 Washington Avenue Albany,NY 12203, RE:Ambient Environmental,inc. Job Number 220022371 P.O.#200210AB 200210AB;Rosewood Home Builders;Hazardous Materials Survey Asbestos Pre-Demo Comp.- 12 Hall Rd.,Queensbury,NY -Bldg.12 Lakehouse,Interior /Exterior Dear Joella Viscusi Enclosed are the results of Asbestos Analysis -Bulk Protocol of the following Ambient Environmental,Inc.samples,received at ‘AmeriSci on Thursday,February 13,2020,for a 5 day tumaround: 01-01,01-02,01-03,02-01,02-02,02-03,03-01,03-02,04-01,04-02,05-01,05-02,06-01,06-02,07-01,07-02,08-01,08-02, (09-01,09-02,10-01,10-02,11-01,11-02 The 24 samples,placed in Zip Lock Bag,were shipped to AmeriSci via Federal Express.Ambient Environmental,Inc. requested ELAP PLM/TEM analysis of these samples, ‘The results of the analyses which were performed following ELAP Protocols 198.1 PLM Friable and/or 198.6 for PLM NOB. ELAP Protocol 198.4 TEM NOB guidelines are presented within the Summary Table of this report.The presence of matrix reduction data in the Summary Table normally indicates an NOB sample.For NOB samples the individual matrix reduction, combined PLM and TEM analysis results are listed in the Summary Bulk Asbestos Analysis Results in Table |.Complete PLM results for individual samples are presented in the PLM Bulk Asbestos Report.Samples near 1%asbestos may be analyzed ‘by EPA 400 pt ct methad (EPA 600-M4-82-020).This combined report relates ONLY to sample analysis expressed as percent ‘composition by weight and percent asbestos.This report must not be used to claim product endorsement or approval by these laboratories,NVLAP,ELAP or any other associated agency.This report must not be reproduced,except in full without the written approval of the laboratory.This report may contain specific data not covered by NVLAP or ELAP accreditations respectively,if so identified in relevant footnotes. AmeriSci appreciates this opportunity to serve your organization.Please contact us for any further assistance or with anyquestions. Sincerely,fphy M Raul J.Mucha Labératory Director Boston -Los Angeles -New York -Richmond Ameri Sci Ambient Environmental,Inc. Attn:Joella Viscusi 828 Washington Avenue Albany,NY 12203 AmeriSci New York 117 EAST 30TH ST. NEW YORK,NY 10016 TEL:(212)679-8600 +FAX:(212)679-3114 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report Date Received 02/13/20 AmeriSciJob#—220022371 Date Examined 02/17/20 P.O.# ELAP #11480 Page 1 of 5 RE:200210AB;Rosewood Home Builders;Hazardous Materials Survey Asbestos Pre-Demo Comp.-12 Hall Rd.,Queensbury, NY -Bldg.12 Lakehouse,Interior /Exterior Client No./HGA Lab No.Asbestos Present Total %Asbestos 01-01 220022371-01 No NAD? on Location:Exterior Wall E.On Wood Siding Green Exterior Paint (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:Green,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material ‘Asbestos Types: Other Material:Non-brous 43.4 % 01-02 220022371-02 No NAD on Location:Exterior Wal S.-Green Exterior Paint (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:Green,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material:Non-fibrous 43.2 % 01-03 220022371-03 No NAD 1 Location:Exterior Wall W.Green Exterior Paint (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/17/20 ‘Analyst Description:Green,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material ‘Asbestos Types: Other Material:Non-fibrous 40.1 % 02-01 220022371-04 No NAD 02 Location:Exterior Window W.-Dark Green Trim Paint (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/1720 ‘Analyst Description:Dark Green,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material:Non-fibrous 30 % 02-02 220022371-05 No NAD 02 Location:Exterior Eve Trim N.-Dark Green Trim Paint (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:Dark Green,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: ‘Other Material:Non-fibrous 28.6 % ‘See Reporting notes on iast page ‘AmeriSci Job #:220022371 Page 2 of § Client Name:Ambient Environmental,Inc. PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 200210AB;Rosewood Home Builders;Hazardous Materials Survey Asbestos Pre-Demo Comp.-12 Hall Rd.,Queensbury, NY -Bldg.12 Lakehouse,Interior /Exterior Client No./HGA Lab No.Asbestos Present Total %Asbestos 02-03 220022371-06 No NAD 02 Location:Exterior Window E,-Dark Green Trim Paint (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:Dark Green,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material ‘Asbestos Types: Other Material:Non-fibrous 31.7 % 03-01 220022371-07 No NAD 03 Location:Exterior /E.Lower Roof On Wood Deck -Black &Green Shingle (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:Black/Green,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material:Fibrous glass 5%,Non-fibrous 35.1 % 03-02 220022371-08 No NAD 03 Location:Exterior /W.Lower Roof On Wood Deck -Black &Green Shingle (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayova on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:Black/Green,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material:Fibrous glass 5%,Non-fibrous 24.2 % 04-01 220022371-09 Yes 2.9% 04 Location:Exterior /E.Lower Roof On Metal Flashing Black Ice Shield (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/17/20 ‘Analyst Description:Black,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types:Chrysotile 2.9 % Other Material:Non-fibrous 10.8 % 04-02 220022371-10 NAPS 04 ion:Exterior /W.Lower Roof On Metal Flashing -Black Ice Shield Analyst Description:Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material 05-01 220022371-11 No NAD 05 Location:Exterior /S.Upper Roof On Bik.VB -Black &Red Shingle (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/17/20 ‘Analyst Description:Black/Red,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material:Fibrous glass 5%,Non-fibrous 21.2 % ‘See Reporting notes on last page ‘AmeriSci Job #:220022371 Page 3 of 5 Client Name:Ambient Environmental,Inc PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 200210AB;Rosewood Home Builders;Hazardous Materials ‘Survey Asbestos Pre-Demo Comp.-12 Hall Rd.,Queensbury, NY -Bidg.12 Lakehouse,Interior /Exterior Client No./HGA Lab No.Asbestos Present Total %Asbestos 05-02 220022371-12 No NAD 05 Location:Exterior /N.Upper Roof On Bik,VB -Black &Red Shingle (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva ‘on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:Black/Red.Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material ‘Asbestos Types: Other Material:Fibrous glass 5 %,Non-fibrous 15.9 % 06-01 220022371-13 No NAD 06 Location:Exterior /S.Upper Roof On Wood Deck -Black Vapor Barrier (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:Black,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material:Non-fibrous 2.1 % 06-02 220022371-14 No NAD 06 Location:Exterior /N.Upper Roof On Wood Deck Black Vapor Barrier (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva ‘on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:Black,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material:Non-flbrous 2.4 % 07-01 220022371-15 No NAD o7 Location:Interior /Bath Rm.Fir.8.-White Stone Pattern Rolled Vinyl Floor (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:White,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material:Non-flbrous 27 % 07-02 220022371-16 No NAD o7 Location:Interior /Bath Rm.Fir.8.-White Stone Pattern Rolled Vinyl Floor (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva ‘on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:White,Homogeneous.Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material:Non-fibrous 20.5 % 08-01 220022371-17 No NAD 08 Location:Interior /Living Rm.Wall W.-White Gypsum Board Wall (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:Beige,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material ‘Asbestos Types: Other Material:Cellulose Trace,Non-fibrous 100 % See Reporting notes on last page ‘AmeriSci Job #:220022371 Client Name:Ambient Environmental,Inc. PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 200210AB;Rosewood Home Builders;Hazardous Materials ‘Survey Asbestos Pre-Demo Comp.-12 Hall Rd.,Queensbury, NY -Bldg.12 Lakehouse,Interior /Exterior Page 4 of 5 Client No./HGA Lab No.Asbestos Present Total %Asbestos 08-02 220022371-18 No NAD 08 Location:Interior /Bed Rm.Wall S.-White Gypsum Board Wall (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:Beige,Homogeneous,Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types ‘Other Material:Cellulose 25 %,Non-fibrous 75 % 09-01 220022371-19 No NAD 09 Location:Interior /Living Rm.W.-White Wall Joint Compound (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva ‘on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:White,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material:Non-fibrous 100 % 09-02 220022371-20 No NAD 09 Location:Interior /Bed Rm,Wall S.-White Wall Joint Compound (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:White,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: ‘Other Material:Non-fibrous 100 % 10-01 220022371-21 No NAD 10 Location:Interior /2nd Fir.Loft -White Gypsum Board Ceiling (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:Beige,Homogeneous,Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material:Cellulose 15 %,Non-fibrous 85 % 10-02 220022371-22 No NAD 40 Location:Interior /Bath Rm.Ceiling S.-White Gypsum Board Ceiling (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:Beige,Homogeneous,Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: ‘Other Material:Cellulose 10 %,Non-fibrous 90 % 11-01 220022371-23 No NAD "4 Location:Interior /2nd Fie.Loft -White Ceiling Joint Compound,(by NYS ELAP 198.1) Analyst Description:White,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material:Non-fibrous 100 % See Reporting notes on last page by Ella Babayeva on 02/17/20 AmeriSci Job #:220022371 Page 5 of 5 Client Name:Ambient Environmental,Inc. PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 200210AB;Rosewood Home Builders;Hazardous Materials Survey Asbestos Pre-Demo Comp.-12 Hall Rd.,Queensbury, NY -Bldg.12 Lakehouse,Interior /Exterior Lab No.Asbestos Present Total %Asbestos 11-02 220022371-24 No NAD 1"Location:Interior /Bath Rm.Celing S.-White Ceiling Joint Compound (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva on 02/17/20 Analyst Description:White,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material:Non-flbrous 100 % Reporting Notes: (1)Tis PLM ob wasangyss sineAnalyzedby:Ela Babayeva-4 “NADINSD =no asbestos deiled, NX “rol ahali26d:NAPS=ret aalyzedipsive stop,(SOF-V)=Sprayed On Fireprooting containing Vermiculit (SN)=Surfacing Matera contaring Veicult:PLM Buk ASbesios Anayss by AppdEtoSubpt.0 CFR 763 (NVLAP 200546-0),ELAP PLM Method 196.1 for NY fable samples.which nudes the identicaion and quantitation of vermiculite or ELAP 198.6 for NOB samples or EPA 400 pt ct by EPA 600-M4-82-120 (NY ELAP Lab 17480):Note PLM is nt consistent reliabe In detecing asbestos in floor coverings and similar non-tiabe organically bound materials.NAD or Trace results by PLM are inconlsive,TEM is curent the only method that can be vsed to determine thie material can be conscered or teated 2s non aabesios-conaining in NY State (alo see EPA Advisor for foo le.FR 59146 38970,8/94)National Instte of Standards and Technology Accretaton requirements mandate tat this report must not be reproduced except in ful without the approval of the lab This PUM report relates ONLY tothe iams tested AIHA-LAP,LLC Lab ID 102643,Ri Cert AAL-OO4,CT Cert PH-0186,Mass Cert AADDOOSA Reviewed By g LLL EE END OF REPORT. wus BHe2 Pol Scope SIN 220003 ‘AmeriSci Job #:220022371 Client Name:Ambient Environmental,Inc. 200210AB;Rosewood Home B Table | Summary of Bulk Asbestos Analysis Results lers;Hazardous Materials Survey Asbestos Pre-Demo Comp.-12 Hall Rd.,Queensbury,NY -Bldg.12 Lakehouse,Interior /Exterior Page 1 of 2 ‘Sample Heat Acid InsolubleAmeriseiHGWeightSensitiveSolubleNon-Asbestos “Asbestos %by *Asbestos %by‘Sample #Client Sempiet Area (gram)Organic %Inorganic %Inorganic %PLM/DS:TEMarOOFa032347680)434 NAD NADLocation:Exterior Wall E.On Wood Siding -Green Exterior Paint oe 1-02 o 0.200 45.4 14 432 NAD NADLocation:Exterior Wall S.-Green Exterior Paint 03 01-03 o 0.198,57 a2 40.1 NAD NADLocation:Exterior Wall W.Green Exterior Paint 04 02.01 o2 0346 516 183 299 NAD ‘Anthophylite TraceLocation:Exterior Window W.-Dark Green Trim Paint 05 02-02 o2 0.439 581 133 285 NAD Anthophylite TraceLocation:Exterior Eve Trim N,Dark Green Trim Paint os 02-03 02 0287 567 16 318 NAD Anthophylite TraceLocation:Exterior Window E.-Dark Green Trim Paint o7 03.01 03 479 303 296 40.4 NAD NADLocation:Exterior /E.Lower Roof On Wood Deck -Black &Green Shingle os 03.02 03 0.431 78 333 292 NAD NADLocation:Exterior /W.Lower Roof On Wood Deck Black &Green Shingle 08 04.01 04 ote 658 205 108 Chrysotie 2.9 NALocation:Exterior /E.Lower Root On Metal Flashing -Black ice Shiels 10 04-02 o4 0.345,er 195 133,NAPS.NALocation:Exterior /W.Lower Roof On Metal Flashing -Black ice Shield"05.01 05 0.208 424 34 262 NAD NaoLocation:Exterior /S.Upper Roof On Bik.VB Black &Red Shingle205-02 05 0.448.326 465 209 NAD NADLocation:Exterior /N.Upper Roof On Bik.VB -Black &Red Shingle306-01 06 0.403 958 2a 2a NAD NaoLocation:Exterior /S.Upper Roof On Wood Deck Black Vapor Barrier406-02 06 0.325 960 15 24 NAD NADLocation:Exterior /N.Upper Roof On Wood Deck Black Vapor Barrier 18 07.01 or 0221 4a 289 270 NAD NADLocation:Interior /Bath Rm.Fir S.-White Stone Pattern Rolled Viny!Floor 16 o7-02 o7 0.154 629 166 205 NAD NADLocation:Interior /Bath Rm.Fi.S.-White Stone Patter Rolled Viny!Floor See Reporting notes on ast pa ‘AmeriSci Job #:220022371 Page 2 of 2ClientName:Ambient Environmental,Inc. Table | Summary of Bulk Asbestos Analysis Results200210AB;Rosewood Home Builders;Hazardous Materials Survey Asbestos Pre-Demo Comp.-12 Hall Rd.,Queensbury,NY -Bidg.12 Lakehouse,Interior /Exterior Sample Heat Aid InsolubleAmeriSeiHGWeightSensitiveSolubleNon-Asbestos Asbestos %by *Asbestos %bySample#Client Samples Area (oram)Organic %inorganic %Inorganic %PLMIDS.EM1708-01 8 ===~NAD NALocation:Interior /Living Rm.Wall W.-White Gypsum Board Wall 18 08.2 08 —-~—NAD NALocation:Interior /Bed Rn.Wall S.-White Gypsum Board Wall 18 09.01 09 -~-NAD NALocation:Interior /Living Rm.W.-Write Wall Joint Compound 20 09.02 09 ~Nap NALocation:Interior /Bed Rr.Wall S.-Write Wall Joint Compounda100110_-_NAD NALocation:Interior /2nd Fir.Loft-White Gypsum Board Ceiling210-02 10 ~~~Nao NaLocation:Interior Bath Rim.Ceiling S,-White Gypsum Board Ceiting31101"~~NAD NALocation:Interior 2nd Fr.Lot-White Celing Joint Compound 24 11-02 "~~~NAD NALocation:Interior /Bath Rm.Ceiing S.-White Ceiling Joint Compound Htneks 1747 |toreny‘Analyzes by:John P.Kouba ADLER Date Analyzed 2/18/2020‘Guantative Analysis (Semi ul7Buik Asbesios Analysis -PLM by Appd E to Subpt E.40 CFR 763 or NYSDOH ELAP 198.1 for New York fable samples or NYSDOH ELAP 198.6 for New York NOBsamples:TEM (SemifF ul)by EPA @00/R-92/116 (or NYSDOH ELAP 198.4;for New York samples);NAD =no asbestos detected during a quantitative analysis;NAaecercchtootingcontainingVermiculte;(SMV)=Surfacing Material containing Vermiculte:Quanttation for beginning weights of <0.grams should be considered as quaitalive ony,Guottotne,Feats Asbestos analysis resis of “Preson”or "NVA=No Visible Asbestos”represents resus for Qualitative PLM or TEM Analysis only (0 accrediation coverage avaiable fom any reoultory agency{or qualitative analyses):NVLAP (PLM)200546-0,NYSDOH ELAP Lab 11480,AIMA-LAP,LLC (PLM)Lab ID 102843, Warning Note:PLM limitation.only TEM wil resolve fibers <0.25 micrometers in diameter.TEM bulk analysis is represantatve ofthe fine grained matrix material and may not be representative ofnon-uniformly dispersed debris for which PLM evaluation is recommended (ie.sols and other heterogenaus materials), Revewt — ae/o Ambient Environmental,inc.22002237!page |ofComprehensiveBuildingScienceSolutions ‘828 Washington Avenue,Albany,NY 12203-1622 BULK SAMPLE DATA AND NYSAUS Ce 4584 EDWOSE yg PH:518-482-0704 |FX:518-482-0750 CHAIN OF CUSTODY FORM- PROJECT INFORMATION 1 fllent:2.Project Name:2a.Project Addrgss,7VeeckHaceButlersletMleSomedlneIDTALQserstucy2Y[MeTeracloaweea,+Coco aapQOZIOARsins ua —eke ~commen 2BRDDG[2 Latch|rhe Echawe aBULKSAMPLELOCATION—TYPEOF MATERIALS -_nl “4 Type att |1,Sante Laroon vely|aon|23|Same amps|Neationeer|Sango Sut|TS!|MISC|Sample Coordinates (wry|(G.D.SO). Type &%) OL 1O1|Green evlerur Daiad 7 _pre ere ay |”|Sollozjo4—lbiecils’|“1G _|la o3 |tO 4 MBs lull WeOLfolDkGreenTrinPaint[7 keer Wabw WwW?|W G L Q2 02 fy Brewr Eve Tam W°|G6uO387Ty|]Tibet W.aby E°MG |or tal DltienShale Le Nektat/onthe |_|O3 ot —_|EvenerLa!wile _jou oh Blsh ‘AVaan Gut |W TG |pov low |/f/f LA.BabeiaeLith pot!ash!|A/_|G05lol|Blcx Beal Shee 4A [Elche cor!ye ||G|OS 2 ev KR |Extra Age pat Ue |W|GS _|OG |ber ||Evlecihpes pxe/“ban||G|___10G O2 |Dlck Vigor Laer |_|7 IE ue G ‘CHAIN OF cusToDy 20. 1 D in 723.Received By: (hes By:21.Date_|22,Time 27.Date|28.Timetie_lofz/eeh ig.=o) |B “ee Manager Ambient Environmental,Inc. Comprehensive Building Science Solutions 828 Washington Avene,Abany NY 12200-1620 Stwus Crea woe 518-462-0708 |Fx:510-402-0750SSaatbwost PROJECT INFORMATION 220022374 Page ot BULK SAMPLE DATA AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY FORM. 1.Glient:2.Project Name:7 i a] ‘2a,Project Address.~ -ontact:pteils sc PadsMeals Se Ae BsSpli2 WIR (owashucy MY|or Leonel—_|cs?—hl esos ol @ 2Soeawe 2 Bi Bay ELv6|Lo kehase _Tatecor Exterior ‘Comments:(Feld) 1/Anaiyze to First Positive By Homogeneous Material »For Negative NOB PLM's,continue to TEM BULK SAMPLE LOCATION 10.14 2 _TYPE OF MATERIALS. Laboratory|Homogeneous|,13 Sampled Matenat 14 Type of Matenal_|15.Sample Location 16, ::Sept |semicon Tw|con|OPER|OARSame|AeeRinter|Sakae | ample Coordinates (wiry|(0-80)Clype &%) OP Ol WheShoe Bitar Se |TaterGath Rn AES?_|102 [ou 1 i Make Bok ba HS |Of Ol___|WWh'be Gyan Gout Wel!|ae wo|low oz fof Cmlall -of oiidlTt ae 113,Rn Wo[oa c L Take Lp)he dud S°ito fo Viet{be _ apseBad Gai|[Tnkic/2"tl Lott, (Dok/Gath on/<r|de or|a ya acyl |Li oz|Tnbes/2 FL Loft \NNANANE SS SRRARRERRR {These Bath Rn?)| DOPOD olan ‘CHAIN OF CUSTODY 21-Oate|22.Time|23.Agceivadiby:=: We 28.Lab Name af,2 Analyzed By “bacuy 38,Ambient Project Manager c Lob Batch LAB INFORMATION ‘W0Resuits To: results Camblent-env.com|37,Drawings:CISBite|ie ‘Comments HaclfSheh | ATTACHMENT B SAMPLE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIAL LOCATION DRAWINGS “Ambient Environmental,Inc An bosk.Le Deore Co use Aleck,LAN rrowcrnmeer 20.pAB ee en Please Refer To The Assumptions and Limitations Section of The Report an lus Ma beers Achat Lhe Beno Gang0G oe60 Soe s Please Refer To The Assumptions and Limitations Section of The Report ECT NUMBER ZeoewAG<aprey=We-~[0 pus Aaderals Leadon DVO ¢Roteteshooy ove!ae qm x Black Dee shel) Ones Shale onmedalFshinyalongeke) GOLF Please Refer To The Assumptions andLimitationsSectionofTheReport ATTACHMENT C COMPANY,INSPECTOR AND LABORATORY ACCREDITATION AND LICENSES New York State =Department of Labor Division of Safety and Health LUcense and Cerificate Unt State Campus,Buiding 12 Albany,NY_12240, ASBESTOS HANDLING LICENSE Ambient Environmental,Inc.FILE NUMBER:06:0549 LICENSE NUMBER:29608 828 Washington/Avenue LICENSE CLASS:RESTRICTED. DATE OF ISSUE:07/12/2019 Albany,NY 412203 EXPIRATION DATE:07/31/2020 Duly Authorized Representative —Joella Viscusi: This ficense has been issued in accordance with applicable provisions of Article 30 of the Labor Law of New York/Slate and off the New.York State Codes,Rules and Regulations (12 NYCRR Part 56).It is Subject to suspension or revocation for a(1) setiows violation of state,federal drocal laws with regard to the conduct of an‘dsbestos project,or (2)demonstrated lack of regponsibitity in the conduct of any job involving asbestos or asbestos material This licelie is valid only for the contractor named above and this license or a photocopy must be-prominently displayed atthe asbestos project worksite)This license verifies thatall persons employed by the licensee on an asbestos projeetin New York State haye been issued an Asbestos Certificate,appropriate forthe type of work they perform,by the New York State Department of Labor. CY)hehe Eileen M.Franko,Director ‘SH 432 (8/12)For the Commissioner of Labor NEW YORK STATE MINORITY-AND WOMEN-OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE ("MWBE") CERTIFICATION Empire State Development's Division of Minority and Women's Business Development grants a Women Business Enterprise (WBE) pursuant to New York State Executive Law,Article 15-A to: Ambient Environmental,Inc. Certification Awarded on:January 30,2020 Expiration Date:January 30,2025 File ID#:50943, A Dnvision of Empire State Development dons Medounce WAR 27 2013 Ms Joelle Viscusi,President ‘Ambient Environmental,Inc 12 Colvin Avenue Albany,NY 12206 Re:DBE CERTIFICATION NOTICE Dear Ms.Viscusi The New York State Department of Trensporttion (NYSDOT),2 Cenifying Partner in the New York State Unified Certification Program (NYSUCP),is pleased to inform you that ‘your firm meets the eligibility criteria established by the US Department of Transportation Disadvantages Business Enterprises regulation,codified at 49 CFR,Pari 26,and has been CERTIFIED as #Disedvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)with die NYSUCP.Yous firm 's certified to provide the services listed below: Ares of Service:Environmental &Sanitation Consulting Services NAICS: ‘541620 Environmental Consulting Services NYSDOT Codes: (0808 Air Quality OBOE Noise OS0H Hazardous Waste/Asbestos/1ead Your firm is eligible to panicipate es »DBE on NYSDOT,Metropolitan Transportetion ‘Authority,Port Authority of New York end New Jersey anc Niagare Frontier Transportation Authosity federally assisted projects in the identified service areas. effective for as long 2s your jemenis und the ownership and Your firm's certificction status with the NYSUCP will remfircontinuestomeetallDBEcerificationeligibilityrequ ccovlzel of the firn,upon which DBE certification was granced,has nct changeé.However subrnit,annuz'ly,07 the anniversary ate of this notice, @ sworn affidavit ccheges tn your Srm’s economie disadvantaged steus, you are requited atfirsing thet there have been ‘ownership oF control.In the event that there are changes,please be sdvised the!you are required to notify the NYSDOT,within 30 days,of any changes in your business ‘ownership,contro!and/cr operations including address,telephone number,business services and capebilities Feilute to adhere to these reguirements mey result in the removal of DEE ‘enification You:firm will be included in the NYSUCP Directory (bup./fo2 indicate the type of work thet your firm has been cenified to perform ssucp net)which will Pease note that any of the Certifying Pertners of the NYSUCP reserves the right to review your firm's cerificeion eligibility prio to your firm's participation on «federelly assisted project for their agency or al any time thet il 1s determined that such reevaluation 1s warranted As @ newly cestified DBE highway and bridge construction contractor,you ae eligible 16 receive a fiee one-year subscription 10 Bid Express (Bid-X).Bid-X is Web-based subscription service that provides for the electronic submission of contract bids by ‘contractors for NYSDOT contracts.To leam more sbout the features and benefits of Bid-X. please contact NYSDOT Office of Civil Rights st OCR-SBN@ dot state ny.us Furthermore,as 2 newly centified DBE you should be sware that the U.S.Small Business ‘Administration (SBA)can guarantee bonds for conuscts up to $2 million,covering bic. performance and payment bonds for small and emerging contractors who canno:obtain surety bonds through regular commercie)channels To Jeam more sbout the Surety Bond Guarantee Program,please call 800-U-ASK-SBA (800-827-5722)or visit, hupy/vwee in q We are pleased to heve you as participant in the NYSUCP end wish you much success ks(@do:ny 20%,or eall (S18)457Shouldyouhaveanyquestions,please emai!Lory Sim 3180. Sincerely, Roy OSnatke Lory Smike Compliance Specs:1 DBE Cerufcetion Office of Au: Building Science and EHS Solutions NYS Certified WBE, SBA EDWOSB & 2 Ambient Environmental,Inc, AMBIENT ENVIRONMENTAL,INC. NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ASBESTOS LICENSE Nathan Mastenbrook Front of License ‘STATEOFNEWYORK-DEPARTMENTOF LABOR ASBESTOS CERTIRCATE CLASS(EXPIRES) ‘CATEC{T 1/20)D wxSP(21/20) WPM (11720) 1 Fou RETUIN To: wrspoL -Lec UNIT ‘ROOM 161A BUTLDING 12 STATE OFFICE CHPUS uaa or 12240 Codes: A-Asbestos Handler F-Operations and Maintenance B-Restricted Handler G-Supervisor C-Project Air Sampling Technician H-Project Monitor D-Inspector —R IIT I-Project Designer E-Management Planner J-Allied Trades NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER Expires 12:01 AM April 01,2020 Issued April 01,2019 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE ‘issued in accordance wih and pursuant fo secton 502 Public Health Law of New York Stato ‘MR.PAUL J,MUCHA NY Lab Id No:11480 AMERICA SCIENCE TEAM NEW YORK,INC 117 EAST 30TH ST NEW YORK,NY 10016 is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory for the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE All approved subcategories and/or analytes are listed below: Miscellansous. ‘Asbestos in Fiable Material Nom 198.1 of Manual EPA s00iMave2/020 ‘Asbestos in Non-Friable MateriaLPLM item 198.6 of Manual (NOB by PLM) ‘Asbestos in Non-Friable Matera-TEM item 198.4 of Manual Serial No.:59674 Propety of the Now York State Oepartment of Heath.Certcates are va ony athe across‘oun,rst ba conspicocsl posed.and ae pad on secure paper Cortued ac‘eaton dependstnmuccanaengongparclptonntheProgramm.Consumers av ged toc (616)88-5570 1 ‘very te laboratory accretion stats. Page tof t March 16,2020 John O’Brien Town Of Queensbury 742 Bay Rd Queensbury NY,12804 Dear Mr.O'Brien, Following an asbestos survey at 12 Hall rd ext.it was determined that there was some ice &waterortaronthedripedgethattestedpositive.Department of Labor document 12NYCRR $6 section36-1.3 (a)states that as the owner of a single family dwelling I can remove the material,I pulledupthesinglesaroundtheedgeoftheroofthenpulledthenailsoutofthedripedgetoremoveit.There was roughly 61LF (13sqft)of drip edge on the roof.It did not all have the tar material on itbutremoveditaljustincase.The drip edge was bent into about 3”lengths,putin burlap bagsanddisposedofinconstructiondebrisdumpster.Please let me know if you have any furtherquestions. Sincerely Adam Leonardo SUBPART 56-1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 56-1.1 Title and Citation.Within and for the purposes of the Department of Labor,this Part may be known as Industrial Code Rule 56,relating to hazards to the public safety and health,during the removal,encapsulation,enclosure,repair,or the disturbance of friable and non-friable asbestos,or any handling of asbestos material that may result in the release of asbestos fiber.It may be cited as Rule 56 Asbestos as an alternative and without prejudice to its designation and citation established by the Secretary of State. 56-1.2 Purpose and Intent of Part. (2)Legislative Concern.The legislature has declared that exposure to asbestos fibers,a known carcinogenic agent,creates a serious risk to the public safety and health and that the public is more frequently exposed to these risks as a result of an increasing number of rehabilitation,reconstruction and demolition projects on buildings or structures containing asbestos or asbestos materials. (b)Purpose and Intent.It is the purpose and intent of this Part to reduce the risks to the public associated with exposure to asbestos and to conform to Federal requirements set forth in the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA),National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)Asbestos Standard for the Construction Industry,by requiring appropriate training and certification of persons employed in all aspects of an asbestos project,as well as those who supervise and employ them;by requiring the licensing of asbestos contractors; by setting forth standards and procedures that shall be followed when removing, enclosing,encapsulating,repairing,or disturbing friable or non-friable asbestos or handling asbestos or asbestos materials in a manner which may result in the release of asbestos fiber;by requiring notification of the Department of Labor prior to commencement of Large asbestos projects;by requiring notification of building/structure occupants;by requiring asbestos surveys;by setting forth record-keeping and reporting requirements for asbestos contractors;and by establishing an inspection and enforcement program within the Department of Labor. SERA: SAB RNERABATETTs Part shall apply throughout the State of New York to the State,any political subdivision of the State,public authorities,or any other governmental agencies or instrumentalities thereof,self-employed persons,companies, unincorporated associations,firms,partnerships or corporations,and any owners or operators thereof,which engage in an asbestos project,retain sub-contractors to engage in an asbestos project,or employ persons in the conduct of any phase of an asbestos project,including planning,design,monitoring,sampling,inspection,or actual abatement. ‘ThisPartshall not applyor 42.NYCRR 56 Subpart 1,Page 4 (b) 56-1.4 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) the manufacture of asbestos or asbestos material,or to manufacturing processes involving the use of asbestos or asbestos material. Multi-employer Worksites. All asbestos abatement contractors on a demolition,renovation,remodeling,or repair project,which includes work covered by this Part,shall inform all employers on the work site about the nature of their work,as well as the PACM, ACM and asbestos material (known and assumed)at the work site.The asbestos abatement contractor shall inform all non-asbestos contractors at the work site that disturbance of PACM,ACM and asbestos material (known and assumed)is prohibited by any employer other than a licensed asbestos contractor. The asbestos abatement contractor shall notify the building/structure owner and all employers and occupants located in areas adjacent to a Phase II regulated abatement work area,of the following occurrences:all elevated air sample results,work stoppage and barrier inspection/repairs completed as required by Section 56-4.10 of this Part.This notification shall be made on the same calendar day that the asbestos abatement contractor is notified by the air monitor of elevated air sample results. All non-asbestos contractors on a demolition,renovation,remodeling,or repair project,which includes work covered by this Part,are responsible to notify the building owner or their representative,upon discovery of PACM or suspect miscellaneous ACM that has not been identified by the asbestos survey per this Part,or has not been identified by other inspections as per current OSHA or EPA requirements.The presence,location,and quantity of newly discovered material, shall be conveyed within twenty-four (24)hours of discovery to the building owner or their representative,as well as to all other employers at the work site. All activities shall cease in the area where the PACM or suspect miscellaneous ACM is found,until a licensed asbestos contractor appropriately assesses and handles the discovered materials.Disturbance of PACM,ACM and asbestos material (known and assumed)at the work site,is prohibited by any non- asbestos contractor. Prior to commencement of any demolition,renovation,remodeling or repair project,which includes work covered by this part,the building owner or their designated representative shall inform all employers reasonably expected to be at the work site during the project,about the presence,location and quantity of PACM,ACM and asbestos material (known and assumed)within the portion of their building or structure impacted by the project. All contractors performing a supervisory role on a demolition,renovation, remodeling or repair project,that includes work covered by this Part,shall 12 NYCRR 56 Subpart 1,Page 5