1933-07-25 In thtmatter of tha cair-and maintainance of of certain cemeterise in the Town Af Queensbury the following Resolution was adopted ' #I3 Intorduaed By Justice Fllsworth Seconed by Resolute on Justice Garrant all presant vitiong in the affirmitave it was resolved that 1s+'tahican Grange #1300 be and hereby is auth� orized to remove Grass Weeds and brush and conserve the Jenkins cemetery on May road near Bradford Thornton Farm in the Town Of Quesbury further Resolved that the sum of " and hereby-- is aporopiated for the above described $50,00 be further resolved that the above sum will be paid for Cemetery Board of Auditirs by the supervisor when audited by the Town upon presentation of properly veri fired bills for same certified by secretary of said Grange it is further resolved that the work on the above Described cemetery shall be complete on or before October let 1933 Resolution No I4 Intorduced by justice st.evenson Seconed by clerk Turner all presant voting in the affirmative I was resolved that the Committee of the John J Harris Memoral Chapel be is hereby authorized to remove Gras Weeds and brush d conserve the cemetery known as John J Harris Gen in Harriseena resolved the Sum. of $50.00 be and hereby is app`rop- rated for the above described comet further that the above sum will be paid for by the supervisor when audited by the Town B the presentation of properaly Verified board of auditors upon Bills certified by saib ve cemetery resolved be complete that the work of the a o on or before Oct Iat 1933 Resolution # I5 Intorduced by Clerk Turner Seconed by Justice .garrant all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that the 'eus Falls Grange be and is .hereby authorize, to remove grass weeds brush and conserve the cemetery Known at Lake sunneyside Cemetery further resolved that the sum of $50.00 be and hereby approprdted for the above described Cemetery further the above said sum will be paid for by the supervisor when audited by the Town Board of Auditors upon the presentation of Proparly Verified Bills certified by the secretary of said Grange Further the work the above described cerete y October Ist 1933 on motion adjurned own ter Regular Meeting June 27th 1933 at a regular meeting ©f the VRwn Board Town f Queensbury held on the above date at 7 .iff.Xt Clerk-s otf'ice the following members were presant Jerry B Dead Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace George Garrant Henry Stevenson " Charles Nobles Bert D Turner 1 Minutes of Meeting held of nay- 23 ead and approved the board 4eneraly discussed town matters on lotion Ad,j urned Town Clerk Regular 1eetion July 25th 193-3 at a regular Meeting of the town Board town of aueensbury held on the above date at Clerks office the following Members were presant Jerry B mead Supervisor Geo .Garrant Justice of Peace "enry Stevenson ' A 1oyyd Ellswort h a l e a, No bs es _ . Jiia *� x Bert 1) Turner Town clerk Minutes of Regular Meeting held on June 27th 1933 read and approved in the matter of appointing a truant officer their were two applications Floyd Lucas and Homer H Witt j and after due delilieration the Following Resolutiowas adopted Resolution No 16 intorduced by Justice- Nobles Seconed by E Clerk Turner all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that 4 Homer Hewitt be and is hereby appointed attendant oficer for [ School year of I933. and 1934 for SchUls of the Town of Queenebury outside of School District 1102 aub,j ect to the approval of district Superintendent of Schools at anual salary of 4200 per year payable as follows 20. 00 per month for 10 Months and the supervisor is hereby authorized to pay same prior to audit. on properlay. Bille for same ! t A petition was read to the board requesting the town to take over. as a town Highway a road as described in said petition the Board decided to view the road. on august 15th 1933 i the following resolution was adopted Resolution #17 Iutorduced By Clerk Turner and seeojed by Justice Ellsworth all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that Jerry B Yead' be and is hereby appointed a committee of one to communicate with Benjamine Hendryx relative to the Town Purchas- { Ing a right of way in order to eleminate ox Bow Hill term so called On ion Adjurned own ter Special Meeting August 15th I933 at a special meeting of the Town Board Town of queensbury held on the above date at Clerk-s Office the foll.owift members were presant Jerry B Mead Supervisor Geo Garrant Justice of Peace Henry Stevenson " Floyd Ellsworth " Charles Nobles " Bert D Turner Town Clerk Resolution #I8 Intorduced By Justice "arran6 and Seconed by justice stevenson all presant voting in the a 'firmat4ive it was that the following places are designated for 0111 ` laces for the to;�n of Queensbury for the year of I933 Dist and "Sullivan • gh - kower warrem Boulevard Junction District grange Hall Oneida Corrners Dist #3 Town Storehouse on 0v4t10 'Fi= Id "bad District. ; 4 Marches Shop West `lens Falls at �a:�;c,*e±�xly rental of 30.00 each outside of District lZ03. r the board also viewed the road :descgibed ij pttition presented to the board on +duly 28th 1933 on 'mot3c�n' : eeting adj q own August 29 2933 ,1 ! { at a regular gard meeting by the awn,. . quefnsbury I Held on the ab ve date 'hr fo�.low n esant .J ' Ferry dead Rio r Geq to of Peace . . .. Charl"­;', ebles ' Henry Stye-ren,sort � 7loyd El.�lswo' t' " Bert D Turner Town Clerk Minutes of regular Meeting held on July 25th.1933 and of Special Meeting held on Augus$ 15th, 1933.read and approved seneral town matter discussed & no other business corm ng before the board 4n motion meetin adjourned 4,: