RPLUM-001614-2020 03242020INSPECTION WORKSHEET (RPLUM-001614-2020) RC-0625-2018Permit Management Case Number:Case Module: 03/27/2020Failed Inspection Date:Inspection Status: Mark SmithRough Plumbing Inspector:Inspection Type: 227.17-2-30 Job Address:Parcel Number: 154 Cleverdale Rd Queensbury, NY 12804 Contact TypeCompany NameName ApplicantJEAN HOFFMAN ArchitectTim McLaughlin Concrete ContractorR. C. Springer Concrete ContractorStonewood Development of Northeastern NY Inc EngineerEnvironmental Design Partnership, LLC Framing ContractorTop Notch Builders Granted PermissionJEAN HOFFMAN Primary OwnerStonewood Development of Northeastern NY Inc Checklist ItemPassedComments Building Inspector NotesFalse 3/9/20 rough plumbing not approved: All connections and fittings for sanitary piping must be made at time of inspection. 3" vent must be through the roof, or install dandy T type fitting so the connection can be verified at a later date. Sanitary lines should be capped outside the foundation, or install dandy T type fitting so the connection can be verified at a later date. All tub traps need to be in place at time of inspection. All connections from foundation to roof should be installed and pressurized at time of inspection. Supply piping connections must be completed before inspection. All shower valves and fittings should be completed at time of inspection. 65 psi for 15 minutes. 3/17/20 plumbing not approved: All connections and traps should be completed at time of inspection. Connect the two tub traps, 3" vent must be capped out side of the building, 4" pipe n basement must be capped outside the foundation. Call for recheck when ready. OK to insulate. 3/27/20 meet with building owner Jean Hoffman and her employee Brian, discussed the plumbing inspection process and what this department need to see at inspection. Both party's are aware of what is required. Pressure TestFalse Pressure TestFalseSystem needs to be rechecked after all connections are made. 3" Vent Through RoofFalse3" vent must be capped out side of house Washing Machine Drain 2 inch minimumTrue All Return Air Hard Duct WorkFalse 5 psi or 10 ft. above highest conn. for 15 minutesFalseSystem needsto be rechecked after all connections are made. Rough Plumbing / Nail PlatesTrue Duct Testing Outside Conditioned SpaceFalse March 30, 2020Page 1 of 2 INSPECTION WORKSHEET (RPLUM-001614-2020) Checklist ItemPassedComments Shower liner test (2" of water)False Water Supply PipingTrue Duct Insulation - if required in unheated spacesFalse Duct work sealed properlyFalse Cleanout every 100 feet change of directionTrue Plumbing Vent Vents in PlaceFalse3" vent must be capped out side of house Air Test Gas Piping 10 psi for 10 MinutesFalse Washing Machine Trap: 18"-42" dischargeTrue Air HeadTrue Air HeadFalse 50 P.S.I for 15 minutesTrueHolding 50 psi for 15 minutes 1 ½ inch minimum Drain SizeTrue Drain VentFalse March 30, 2020Page 2 of 2