1933-11-09 6 Anual "eEting November 9th I933 at an anual Meeting of the Town Board Town Of queensbury held on the above date at 7.F4. at clerk-s ocfffice the following Members Were Presant Y Jerry B Mead Supervisor Geo Garrent Justice of Peace • Floyd Ellsworth " Charles Nobles Henry Stevenson " Bert D Turner Town Clerk - Arthur H Stone Town Supt of 'Highways also eresant arthur H Stine Submitted the estimate for Highway Work For 1934 after son Discussion the following resolution was adopted Resolution No 2I Intorduced By Justice Ellsworth econed By Justice - Stevenson all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolvef that the following amounts, be raised by taxation fo Highway purposes j Itam AI Highway Fund For Qeperal Repair and Imprdavernents of Highways $I5,500 C Seconed Item Bridge 'Fund 500 3 Item Machinery Fund for the purchas and repair of t, Machinery 6000 ' Item 4 Viseellanous Fund For Removal of Snow Weds and Brush Tor salary and Expences -of Town Supt Und for other miseellanous Purposes 6.400 Total $28,400 2000 of the six thousant of the third Item for the purche -' and repair •of machinery is to be raised to pay certificate of Indeb4- tness B I7 rd Nov verscre On Motion meeting ad,jurned en er I934 Town .miler - Regular meeting November 28th 1933' , at a regular Eeeting Tif the Town Board of the Town of !juiaensbury held on the above date at clerk-s office at `,., FPM, tlje Following Members were presant Jerry B Mead supr Floyd Ellsworth Justi cv., o(t Peace Henry Stevenson : George Garra V; a ' Henry Stevenson Bert D Turns T o t Arthur H Stone Town Supt of Highways,"a1's tea of ` anual meeting held on Novemb er 9th I9a ;dyed o Resolution T�22 Intorduced by Justice ]I.W . * tby ,justice r° Stevenson all presant voting in � sff'ia : t: s resolved that the amount of the officials buff s: for to t ypfftoers of jueensbu" shall be fixed as Follows Supervisor I0.000 j Tcown Clerk 50016 Justice of Peace I000 F•' Supt of Highways 4000 resolution_ #23 introduced by' 1 t: rt' ,Ueeondec by { Justice ITobles,all. tresent' 4oting in the', a �� .it was resolved that pur n't to section ghw1w law, the Supery 4 be allowed 1350, and Tom. Glerk*$l75 , th t e id Viounte paid ��. . from ellanous flan# sf the Higher f . for the year 1933 solution 11 24 Introduce 'by Justice Ste^ e0n, seconded by Justioe Nobles, all present voting in the affi.rrat3vatsit was resolved that the- fallowing persons lie and are 'hereby appointed Inspectors of elections •fv t T©wn <Qf:; jueensbury, n� District #i , William Suprenant Republican { " Augustuas Storey " ►► " Fames J. Sullivian Democratic " '► M. D.Sullivian " " #2 Martha Ricketts Republican '► If Minnie Bidwell " " Lena Jenkins Democratic If If Walter 'E,Fuller " " 3 Lyda Harris Republican " a Ralph B Turner " If " A JosephbRegan Democratic ,f i l l " Rose E Bibby " " Fred Fisher Republi can " R " Pauline Richardson " Gurtrude Cashion Democratic a n Orson B Newcomb " A Petition By Glenn A Hubbell for the consent of the town Board for the operation of a buss over a route described in said pet- ition was read to the board and Filed Resolution # 25,;. Intorduced By Justice Ellsworth and -seooned by Justice- Stevenson all presant voting in the affirmative it resolved ..that the Town Clerkbe and is hereby authorized to take up the matter of the petition of Glen a Hubbell with the Country Attorney Resolution #26. Intorduced by Clerk. Turner seconed by Justice ellsworth all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that that the supervisor be and is hereby authorized to appoin a committee of one to endevor to get the nescessary ded for the right of way o. of Lafayette avenue the supervisor appointed Justice Ellsworth i Resolution #27 Intorduced by Clerk Turner Seconed by Justice Nobles all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that Supervisor mead and Justice stevenson be and are hereby appointed a Committee of two to lok up the matter of the Town of Purchasing a Gravel a regular meeting december 26 1933 t '4i 'regular "eeting of the Town Board "f The Town of Quenssbury el+d on,the above date at &.PEE. at the clerks office the following members Were Presant Ferry B Mead Supervisor Geo Ga7rrant Justice of Peace Henry Stevenson " Floyd Ellsworth Charles Nobles Bert D Turner Town- Clerk arthur H. Sterne `Town Supt Uf Highways also `'re`sant Minutes of meeting held on the 28th day of November 1933 read and approved Itsaalssfttion #28th intorduced by Justice Nobles econed By clerk Turner, all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that the National Bank and Trust Co be and is hereby designated as taps otoxy for the moneys of the Town of queensbury and the Supervisor said Cllector are hereby authorised., and Directed to deposit any' and all moneys of said Town in the' said Bank, Claiies of Lewis Nassivera and Thomas Nassivera were presented to =' the board and the following resolution was adopted Resolution #29 Intorduced by Clerk Turner Second by Justice Nobles all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved tha"t",s the ch lz**= appoint a committee of two to investigate the of Lewis Nassivera and Thomas Nassivera aga.irkst the Town ©f Q,ueensabury Chairman Yead appointed Justi;al o ►les, and Justice S;tevenavn, L w t Resolution #30 Introduced by Juctice Ellsworth, 'seconded by Clerk Turner all present voting in the affirmative. k It was resolved that Swat, Stone,be 7,nd is hereby autherizd j to Nell to Henry Fleight one Dead Morrison Tracker 35 for the sum of t40.00. . esolution f31 Introduced by Tuctice . _,_ ion, seconded by Justice Nobles, all present voting in the af"f"irmative. it was resolved that Town Clerk. Bert D. Turner be and is hereby appointed Registrar of V.S.for a term of 4 year. commencing on the Jun stp1934. In the matter of dig enumerator appldcations were submitted by John Goldsmith, and Lucy Akins,Juatiee Ellsworth submitted name of William Butler, The Nourd Took informal ballot of which Akins revived three votes and 'Butler ,revived three.du motion by rudtice Lllswortho;Um seconded by Justice Nobles,the majority present voted in the affirmative,it was moved that 41mUtho appoimt*nea�lt of dog enumerator,be put over until next rieeng. on motion Meeting; adjourned ,. 77`., "' � a "_ :anuary 3rd 1934 Town ., e January 3rd 1934 at a special Town Board keeting held by tha. Town Bmrd Town of gixensbury held on the above date at Town Clerks Office The Following 'embers were presant terry B Dead Supervisor ZurbidthBentley Justice of Peace Charles Nobles " Henry Stevenson " Floyd Ellsworth " Bert D .Turner Town Clerk Minutes of Regular Meeting held of December 28th 1933 "Lead and approved Resolution #I lntorduced by `Justice Stevenson Seconed by Justice Nobles all presant votin in the- fffixpaative It was resolved that Resolution 31 adopte$ �e`, r. 28th I933 be and the same is hereby recinded. Resolution -#2 Intrrduced by justice ellsweiti' a ecoa ed by justice Nobles it was Resolved that Bert D Turned and is hereby appointed Registrar of Vital Statisj*iceforthe'��...ofueensbury for the Ensuin Four g years commencing from the �t�ScGey of January 1934 Resolution ;#3 Intrrduced by Justice Zllsworth aeeoneC�by Justice nobles all presant voting in the affirmative':I 'esolved the salary of Town Supt of, Highways: be fi + d Per dime for each day actualy employed .by Tom Resolution #4 Intorduced by Justice l ►y Justice y Nobles It wayp. resolved that William ereby appointed Dog'snumeratbr votes-44w. " :... 4 3 Supervisor read---- Yes r Justice Ellsworth Yes Justice Nobles yes Justice Bentley Yes .� Justice Stevenson Yes d � j