03-16-2020 SP MTG #10 Special Town Board Meeting, 03-16-2020, MTG #10 529 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING MTG# 10 MARCH 16, 2020 RES# 123-124 11:00 A.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR JOHN STROUGH COUNCILMAN ANTHONY METIVIER COUNCILMAN HARRISON FREER COUNCILMAN GEORGE FERONE BOARD MEMBER ABSENT COUNCILWOMAN JENNIFER SWITZER TOWN COUNSEL ROBERT HAFNER, ESQ. TOWN DEPARTMENT MANAGERS Hon. Michael Muller Hon. Eric Schwenker Dave Duell, Highway Superintendent Mark Benware, Deputy Highway Superintendent Chris Harrington, Water Superintendent & Director of Wastewater Caroline Barber, Town Clerk & Receiver of Taxes Steve Lovering, Director of Parks & Recreation Lori O’Shaughnessy, Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation Craig Brown, Director of Planning, Zoning & Code Compliance Dave Hatin, Director of Building & Codes Mike Palmer, Fire Marshal & Safety Officer Ted Bigelow, Appraiser – Assessor’s Dept. Chuck Rice, Director of Building & Grounds Barbara Tierney, Budget Officer Joanne Watkins, Accountant Pamela Hunsinger, Legal Assistant Victoria LaMarque, Administrative Assistant to Supervisor Joan Aldous, Town Historian Susan Sheehan, CSEA Union Representative Rachel Wade, Interim Administrator for Queensbury Senior Citizens Supervisor Strough called meeting to order. Discussion held regarding the Town of Queensbury COVID-19 Response Plan, Policy and Protocol. The draft plan was presented by Supervisor Strough and discussed by the group of officials. The following was proposed: RESOLUTION ADOPTING TOWN OF QUEENSBURY COVID-19 PANDEMIC RESPONSE PLAN RESOLUTION NO.: 123, 2020 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHEREAS, the United States is facing a pandemic related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and there is a need for the Town of Queensbury to adopt a COVID-19 Pandemic Response Plan (Plan) to deal with this emergency situation, and Special Town Board Meeting, 03-16-2020, MTG #10 530 WHEREAS, the Town Supervisor, Town Board and Town Department Managers have worked together diligently to formulate a Plan, and WHEREAS, the Town Board realizes that further developments may likely and quickly arise related to this pandemic which may result in needed, additional changes to the Plan on a regular basis, and WHEREAS, the Town’s proposed Plan has been presented at this meeting, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby adopts the COVID-19 Pandemic Response Plan (Plan) substantially in the form presented at this meeting, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes the Town Supervisor to make modifications to the Plan as he determines that in his discretion are necessary as the situation changes and further information becomes known, with the Town Board to later have the ability to approve or disapprove the updated or amended Plan, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to distribute copies of this Plan to all Town Departments and the Warren County Office of Emergency Services, and the Town Supervisor, Town Safety and Compliance Officer and/or Town Facilities Manager to take any and all actions necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution and the Plan, as it may be amended. th Duly adopted this 16 day of March, 2020, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer, Mr. Ferone, Mr. Strough NOES : None ABSENT : Mrs. Switzer COVID-19 PANDEMIC RESPONSE PLAN (Plan) Town of Queensbury, NY Adopted by Town Board: Monday, March 16, 2020 In effect: Monday, March 16 to Friday, April 17, 2020 Special Town Board Meeting, 03-16-2020, MTG #10 531 In an effort to keep our workers, visitors and residents healthy, and mitigate the migration of COVID-19, Town Board and Town Managers have developed policy and protocol in regards to restricting building use and on-campus social gatherings. TOWN FACILITIES, EMPLOYEES AND TOWN-RELATED ACTIVITIES From this day forward, until otherwise permitted, the following protocols will be followed:  Every effort will be made to maintain the recommended six foot social distancing.  Employee gatherings that violate recommended social distancing are prohibited.  In accord with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), employees who have symptoms of acute respiratory illness are recommended to stay home and not come into work until they are free of fever (100.4 F or greater using an oral thermometer), sign of a fever, and any other symptoms for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g. cough suppressants). Employees should notify their supervisor and stay home if they are sick.  Committee meetings or more than four six attendees in the Supervisor’s Conference Room will be prohibited. Of course, remote meetings/conferences are permitted and encouraged. (Live streaming of meetings is being investigated)  Town Board (including workshops), Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals meetings will be held in the Activities Center: o One person at a time only will be permitted to use the public microphone. Sanitized wipes will be located adjacent to the microphone and the most recent user will be asked to wipe the microphone and take the wipe with them when finished. o An additional table will be added to accommodate additional distance between Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals members. o Attendance at Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals meetings shall be limited to Board Members, Alternate Members, Town Planning and Zoning Staff, applicants and their representatives and up to 20 members of the public. If more than 20 members of the public seek to attend, then the Chairperson shall cancel the meeting and reschedule it until further modification or conclusion of this emergency. Only twenty seats will be offered for audience use. Each seat is to have at least a 4 foot spatial distance between itself and others.  Other meetings of town employees/visitors/etc. are allowed but limited to six, if a distance of about 6 foot separation can be maintained. o Any town functions that could violate the social distancing standard are prohibited, that includes cookouts, department meetings, etc.  Department Managers will work with the Town’s Building & Grounds Department to assure that all door knobs and handles that are used by employees/visitors/etc. are periodically sterilized.  All counters and desk tops accessible and used by the public: o Must be wiped sterilized periodically. o Must post signage that informs visitors that social distancing standard of six foot is to be followed; whether in line or at the counter.  Avoid sharing pens and pencils.  When cash money or documents transfer occur, sterilize hands immediately after and before next transaction.  COVID-19 related information posters will be placed in prominent places on all public access doors and employee work areas.  Employees who have fever, cough, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath or bluish lips or face should stay home and avoid public places.  Employees will avoid touching others, sharing dishes, glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels and pets.  Employees will regularly wash hands with use soap and water and hand sanitizer: Especially before and after eating; after sneezing, coughing or nose blowing; after using the restroom; before handling food; after touching or cleaning surfaces that may be contaminated; after using shared equipment and supplies.  Employees will be accommodated if: Special Town Board Meeting, 03-16-2020, MTG #10 532 o In accord with the Governor’s o COVID-19 related school closings require home care of their young children and/or they or other family members need care because of their COVID-19 sickness. EMPLOYEE HEALTH  Town Managers will make their department’s employees informed as to the following: o Town employees are encouraged to take advantage of virtual doctor visits, available through their health plan if they require medical services for common health conditions. o The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) issued a directive requiring private health insurers in New York to make COVID-19 testing free for patients by waiving any out-of-pocket costs. This includes any fees associated with testing for novel coronavirus including emergency room, urgent care and office visits to an in-network health care provider for the purpose of being tested for COVID-19. On March 11, 2020 the IRS issued Notice 2020-15 advising that High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP’s) can pay for COVID-19 testing and treatment before plan deductibles have been met.  All copays related to COVID-19 testing and treatment will be reimbursed, if not waived by the provider. SECURITY  The public intending to use the Town Office building will be restricted to using the northern front entry, the entry monitored by security.  Town Security will account for the visiting public; in that each person attending will be documented, this includes the following: name, destination, and time entering and leaving.  Will visually observe persons entering the building; Fever, cough, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath or bluish lips or face may be symptoms of COVID-19. At a distance of 6 feet, security will interview the suspect. If, through observation and interview, it is determined that the visitor may be ill, they will be asked to leave the premises.  Screening questions: o Do you have a fever and/or respiratory symptoms, like a cough or difficulty breathing? o Did you travel outside the US in the last 14 days? o Did you have contact with someone with possible COVID-19 in the past 14 days? WATER/WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT  Installing/changing out meters in private residences will be prohibited.  The public will be allowed to drop samples off, filing for permits and apply for water service if the above practices are abided by.  The water department must remain manned, therefore will have to adopt proper practices that will limit COVID-19 exposure and at the same time insure its role in Public Health. TOWN COURT  In light of the State of Emergency declared by Governor Cuomo regarding the COVID-19 virus and pursuant to the recommendations and Order of Chief Administrative Judge Marks dated Sunday March 15, 2020, the Queensbury Town Court is postponing all non- essential court functions through at least April 13, 2020 and adopting the following procedure: Effective immediately, and continuing through April 13, 2020, with the Special Town Board Meeting, 03-16-2020, MTG #10 533 exception of the events listed below, all in-person court events for civil and criminal dockets are adjourned and will be rescheduled EXCEPT: Arraignments and/or first appearances upon Appearance Tickets/Desk ◦ Appearance Tickets (not including traffic violations) Motions for review of bail ◦ Matters involving Order of Protections ◦ Matters involving incarcerated Defendants ◦ Hearings granted on motion ◦ If you are scheduled for any of the above, including a First Appearance or Arraignment, contact the court at the number posted below for information on how to proceed. The above matters will be heard in a “Specialty Part” of the Warren County Courts at 1340 State Route 9. All other matters, call the number listed below for instructions on how to proceed. (Also, if you are a party in a case and have an attorney, call your attorney immediately and report your situation). Please be patient with our expected call volume. Notices of Adjournment, Appearance, or re-scheduled Court dates will be sent to attorneys of record or via US mail and, where possible, in accordance with form UCS- 517. If your mailing address needs to be updated with the court, please call the number: 518-745-5571  The Town Judges are working with the NYS Court System/Office of Court Administration (OCA) and the Governor’s Office in an effort to address the abatement of the migration of COVID-19. HIGHWAY  Breakroom meeting and other potential group gatherings/occasions must meet the directives of this Plan.  Two persons per vehicle only.  Administration and all other Highway Department Buildings are closed to the public. ACCOUNTING The following rules have been adopted:  Please use the mail box to drop off items for Accounting  Retirees have been notified to mail health insurance payments and to make an appointment if they need to conduct other business with Accounting as staffing may be intermittent  VOUCHERS: Please process in multiple batches and leave in mail box. They will be processed for the next warrant date unless there is an issue.  PAYROLL: Please finalize by 9am on Mondays, if at all possible. If payroll is locked prior to you finalizing your Department’s payroll, hours will be paid in the next check. If you know you are missing hours for an employee, please advise Maura and/or Denise first thing on Monday.  Use the phone, email and scanning systems to communicate as much as possible ACTIVITIES CENTER/QUEENSBURY SENIORS  All Queensbury Senior Citizens activities and programs are suspended. PARKS & REREATION Special Town Board Meeting, 03-16-2020, MTG #10 534  The department is suspending all scheduled recreational programming and activities indefinitely. This cancellation includes the remainder of all current programs and any upcoming programs that may have been slated to begin over the next few weeks to a month. POSTERS/SIGNS  POSTER #1 o To be placed on Town’s website, Facebook and all doors used by the public:  NOTICE TO VISITING PUBLIC (valid to April 17, 2020)  To better abate the spread of COVID-19, please avoid direct visits to town facilities.  Please consider using phone, mail and email, website or depository box: o Town phone: (518) 761-8200 o Town address: 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 o Town website: www.queensbury.net o Town depository box is located adjacent to south entry Town Office building.  Public use of Town facilities will be strictly limited – if you must physically visit a town facility, please make an appointment.  POSTER #2 (To be placed in the Activity Center Library an on the entry doors) o NOTICE to activities being held in Activities Center.  No more than 20 audience attendees at any one time.  6 Foot social distancing must be maintained at all times.  Activities Center Library area must also abide by these rules.  POSTER #3 o Informative/symptoms, etc. NON-ESSENTIAL EMPLOYEE DECLARATION  As per the Governor’s declaration of March 16, 2020, to limit our local government workforce to only its essential employees for the next two weeks. Non-essential employees should not report to work, reducing our town workforce by, at least, fifty percent, until March 31, 2020.  Essential employees are those whose job function is essential to the effective operation of their agency or authority, or who must be physically present to perform their job, or who is involved in the emergency response to COVID-19. Non-3essential employees are any persons who does not need to be physically present to perform their job functions, or are not currently required to meet the core functions of their agency or authority during this emergency response.  Non-essential employees will not be charged accruals during this time. Non-essential employees should be directed to do their work from home, to the extent practicable. While at home, these employees may be assigned work outside of their normal duties.  Department Managers meeting on this topic: Tuesday, March 17, 2002, 1 PM, Activities Center. o TOWN CLERK PROPOSAL:  Staggering the staff so that the office is always maintained but there will be half the number of staff members on hand. Each staff member will work 4 hours each day for the next two weeks. For example, in the Receiver’s Office, Kim will be working in the morning from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Carlee will be working from 12:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. It will be the same for Karen and Rose in the Town Clerk’s Office and Colleen and Veronica in the Record’s Department. I will be here throughout the Special Town Board Meeting, 03-16-2020, MTG #10 535 entire day but taking my lunch hour when able. I also utilize my laptop at home. CLOSURE PLAN  Limited and full closure plans, if mandated or if appropriate, are under development. OTHER  The town’s website will provide the following: o Information about the COVID Virus. o Information about federal, state and county plans and activities. o The Town’s current COVID-19 policies and protocol.  The Town is working with StoredTech to develop greater telecommunication/teleconferencing capabilities. TELEMEDICINE/LIVE HEALTH ON LINE  Employees are encouraged to set up an account for telemedicine, prior to any symptoms.  More information forthcoming. HELPFUL WEBSITES  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): o www.cdc.gov/  New York State Department of Health COVID19 Webpage: o www.health.ny.gov/diseases/communicable/coronavirus  Glens Falls Hospital: o www.glensfallshospital.org  Websites for talking with Children about COVID19 o www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/talking- with-children.html o https://higherlogicdownload.s3.amazonaws.com/NASN/3870c72d-fff9-4ed7- 833f-215de278d256/UploadedImages/PDFs/02292020_NASP_NASN_COVID- 19_parent_handout.pdf RESOLUTION ADJOURNING SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO.: 124, 2020 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Regular Town Board Meeting. th Duly adopted this 16 day of March, 2020, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer, Mr. Ferone NOES: None ABSENT: Mrs. Switzer Special Town Board Meeting, 03-16-2020, MTG #10 536 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CAROLINE H. BARBER TOWN CLERK TOWN OF QUEENSBURY