1929-07-23 after some discussion the following resolution was adopted
Resolution #23 Intorduced by Clerk Turner and
seconed by Justice taylor all presant voting in the affirmative
it was resolved that the town board hereby is favorable to the
acceptance of the cleverdale road from fred Fielding$ farm to
arthur meads store as public highway in the town of queensbury
upon the following conditions that the necessary lands and rights of
ways are deeded to the town of queensbury that said proposed road
so laid out in a manner according to law _govering the same and
further resolved that the above despribed road is subJest to
the approval if Bartram E Murray County Supertendant of Highways
and County Attorney Beecher Clothier before the as*ance by _
the town of queensbury
On Motion Meeting adJurned
Town Clerk of queensbury
Regular Meeting July 23rd I929
4 at a regular meeting of the town board of the town of queensbury
held on the above date at the clerks office the following members
were presant
Jerry B Mead Supervisor
J.F.Hicks Justice of Peace
M.P.Gifford "
Ross F Taylor "
Bert D Turner Town Clerk
Town Supertendant of highways also presant
Minutes of meeting held on June 25th I929 read and approved
Mrs Grace Bakin called on the board in regard to damage to her
car in which she alleges occured on May 6th, 19299on a.newly scraped
road,when she passed over a buried rock and broke the crank case on
her automobile, In regard to the above the following resolution
was adopted.
Resolution #24 Introduced by Justice Hicks, second by
Justice Taylor, all presant voting in the affirmative, It is
hereby resolved that the chairman appoint a committee of one,
to investegate the claim of Grace M. Behm for damages to her automobile
on May 6th, 19290
And further resolved said committee interview Town
supertendant of highway and County Attorney Beecher Clother in
regard to same and report at next regular meetinggehairman
appointed Justice Taylor,
E Mr Duers of the Duero electrical supply Co,called
on the board in regard to the Town installing Traffics light
lights at the intersections of the highway at Monty bird;ge and
at Onieda Conners stating that the price installed with one
year maintainence of $550.per signal.
A petition containg 40 tax payers names was submitted
by Glenn Hubbell and requested the board to install a traffic
light at Onieda Conners on Ridge Road
A petition containg names of 31 residents of Montys
section was submitted to the board by Justic Taylor requesting
the board to install a traffic light' at the intersection of
Boulavord and Lower Warren St, at Montys Bridge.
Petition were filed.
Inregard to the above the following resolution
was adopted, Resolution#25 Introduced by Justice Taylor seconded
by Clerk Turner all present voting in the affirmative.
It was resolved that the chairman is here'by
appointed a committee of one to interview the Legal aspects of
the Town placing Traffie, lights at Montys Bridge intersection
and Onieda Conners intersection,
In regard to the leasing of the quarry the following
resolution was adopted.
resolution P2 ative.6 Introduced by Justice Tve. seconded
by Clerk Turner, all present voting in the affirm
It was hereby resol=ed that the Town Board of �nd,192
Town of queensbury,hereby approves the agreement of July 9
executed between Joseph Ricketts and John H.Graney,leasing the
quarry for highway work,as to the form and amount.
In regard th the appointing a truant Officer for
th town of Jueensb1aty on motion the Board took several
informal ballots of which on the first informal ballot,
Henry Larose recived one vote and frank Bullard recived five
votes, on the second informal ballot , Henery Larose recived
two votes and Frank Bullard received three votes, and on
the informal ballot, Henery Larose received one vote and
Frank Bullard received four,, votes, 'on motion board took a
formal ballot, and the result was an unanimous vote for
Frank Bullard,and the following resolution was adopted.
Resolution #27 Introduced by Justice Hicks
and seconded by Justice Taylor,all present voting in the j
affrimative, it was resolved that Frank Bullard be and hereby 1
is recommended for appointnent as Town Attendance officer
for schools of '?ueensbury outside of District #2 to be appointed j
by District Supertendant Gunn, at an annual salary of $200.
to be paid nonthy9120.per month,for ten months, and supervisor
is hereby authorized to pay same prior to ; audit on the {
presentation of property verified bills.
in the matter of changing the line of District ,#2and 3 was
laid on table on account of county attoring recommendation
On motion meeting adjourned
Bert D. Turner
Special 17eeti.ng -August 20th,1929.
At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of ?ueensbury
called to designate polling; places in the Town of Jueensbury,
and such other business nny come before the bo rd at this time
the followin° members were present: i
Jerry B?.wtead Sub?ery i s o r {
J.F.iiicks ?ustice of Pe.:ce
_ — TTilo P. ,ri.fford It I
Ross F.Taylor It
Bert TD.Turner Town Clerk
Inrgt7ard to the designation of Pollin- places the follo«vinp,
resolution .wns adopted,''esolution 428 Tntroduced by Justice
'iicks,and seconded by Tuctice Taylor,all present voti_n4 in the
It was resolved that the following places are
designated as -polling -places for the ensuing year,
Tlection District 41 school house on Highland. AvF,a.t Tronty Bridge
Election T?ictricty2 17ohiean Gran,Ce'iall at Oneida,
T:lection ')istri_ct ;11L3 Ior,h of l„ueensbury .tone House,: via ti.on ??d,
711 coon 14 TrarchShop ''Test Glens 1 a.11s,at a yearly
rental of �30. out side of ')istrict ;�3 includir- retaining and
Resolution '28 Intorduced by Justice taylor seconed. by '
,justice Hicks all presanj voting in the affirmative it was resol-
ved that the supervisor be and hereby is authorized to pay Cox*
Cool agent the premium on the following policys Folicy;1883522
Globe indemnity Co Liability and property Damage on aviation 71.70
truck policy 88352I Globe .indemnity co Liability - property 1:amaz e
on liberty truck 7I.70 Total "143.40 and he is also authorized to
pay same prior to audit on motion meeting ad,jurned
Town Clerk of Weensbury