1930-03-25 ON motion the Board took an informal ballot and there was 4ballots
for the international Truck and two for Brockway and the following resolution
was adopted:
Resolution #219 Introduced by Clerk Turner, seconed by Justice
Gifford, all present voting in the affirmative except Justice Ellsworth who
voted in the negative.
It was resolved that the Town Superintendant of Highways be and is
hereby authorized to purchase one International 'Truck, Model A 5- 3 ton from '
the Tri-County Sales Co. at a price not to exceed $3125 according to
specifications and bids submitted to the Town Board of Jueensbury and ,
Yurther resolved that said purchase is subjected to the approval
of County Superintendant of Highways.
In regard to compensation of the assess_ orp, the following
!� resolution was adopted.
Resolution x{22, Introduced by Justice Gifford, seconded by Justice
Ellsworth.Resolved that the compensation to be paid to the assessors of the
Town of Jueensbury be and hereby is fixed at the sum of $5W00,-per;-'dgy for
each assessor, and. the further sum of $1.00 for each assessor for actual and
necessary travelling expenses in the discharge of their duties.
Resolution #23, Introduced by Justice, seconded by Clerk Turner,
It was resolved that Superinteddant of Highways be and is hereby authorized
to purebase from Collins and Fox, one belt conveyor with gas engine and
radiator at a price not to exc ddd $675 F.O,B.Glens Falls, N.Y.
The members of the Town Board signed a consent that the Town
Superintendant make out an order to lay out the Ripl4ey' Point Highway.
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting March 25th 1930
At a regular meeting of the town board of the town of Iuecns-
bury, held on the above date at 2p.m. , the following menbers were present:
i Jerry B. Mead,Supervisor
M.P.Gifford Justice
Ross Taylor of
George Garrant
Floyd Ellsworth Peace
Bert D. Turner
Town Clerk
Minutes of regular meeting held on February 25th and of special
wettings held on Varch 12th and March 15th read and approved.
The Town Supertendant Af highways Arthur H. Stone, _±'red Ricketts
George Hearld and Dennis Cronin were also present.
The menbers of the town Board signed the agreement with
Arthur H. Stone, the town supertendant of highways as to the expenditure
of moneys for highway work in the town of Jueensbury and adopted the foll-
owing resolution:
RESOLUTION #2 4, Introduced by Clerk Turner, seconded by Justice
Taylor, all present voting in the affirmative;
It was resolved that there shall be spent on the highways of
Queensbury for general highway repair an average sum of $200. per mile
{ for 123 miles, a total of $249600. and that theresshall be the sum of
$3136.55 placed in the reserved fund as provided by law.
In the matter of correcting an error in resolution #21L adppted in
preceeding meeting, the following resolution was adopted:
Resolution 5 .Introdueed by Justice Garrant, seconded by Justice
Gifford, all present voting in the affirmative;
:j7117-UMS there was a clerical error in resolution 21 Now Therefore,
Be resdloved that said resolution ;f21 be and hereby is amended to read as
follows; from Stanley S Beals, international dealer, in stead of from,
the Tri-Count;; sales Company.
In the matter of the purchase of an International truck, Justice
Ells�rorth stated that he believed the truck that was purchased was not as
represented and to light for the vrork that would be required of it and did
not believed th-t the board understood that they were purchasing a 1
light truck and introduced the following resolution
RESOLUTION 6 Introduced by Justice Ellsvlrorth, seconded by clerk
Turner, All present voting as follows:
Ayes,Jsstice Ellsworth, Justice Taylor and Clerk Turner:
Noes,Justice Gifford ,Justice Garrant and Supervisor bead.
It was resolved that resolution �21 with am$nment X24 be and hereby is
Recinded. Motion declared lost for lack of majority.
In the matter of the insurance an the new international truck the
following resolution was introduced:
RESOLUTION 27 Introduced by Clerk Turner Seconded by Justice
Taylor , all present voting in the affirmatives r
Itwas resolved that the supervi&or be and is hereby authorized to
take outthe necessary liability and property damage insurance an the
A5 international truck, and he is also authorized to pay same' prior to
audit on the presentation of a properly verified bill.
Dennis Cronin called on the board in regard to road near his home
stated that it was in bad condition and needed repair,
A letter from the County Supertendant of Highways Murray was read
to the board in to the Ricketts matter and placed on file.
On motion meeting adjourned
tc °
Town Clerk.
At a regular meeting of th•e town board of the town of lueensbury,
held on the above date at Clerk' s office, the following tenbers were
Jerry B. Yeed, Supervisor
M.P.Gifford Justice
Ross F. Taylor of
Gerorge Garrant peace
Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk
Minutes of meeting held. on 11.arch 25th 1930 read and approved.
RESOLUTIONE28 Introduced by Justice Taylor, seconded by Clerk
Turner , all present voting in the affirmative:
It was resolved the the supervisor be and is hereby authorized
to pay Cool Insurance agency Inc. the sum of135.13 on policy #9:07886
Globe Indemnity Company, auto liability and property damage , covering
the renewal of the insurance on the Chevrolet Truck, and he is further
authorized to pay same prior to audit.
In the matter of fixing the hours for town Board meeting; the
following resolution was adopted:
RESOLUTION #29 Introduced by Justiee Taylor, Seconded by clerk
Turner, 9.11 present voting in the affirmative:
It was resolved that the town board hereby fixes its hours for
regular meeting for ensuing five months as U.M. Std time on the fourth
Tuesday of each month.
RESOLUTION #30 Introduced by Clerk Turner, Seconded by Justice
Garrant, all present voting in the affirmative:
It was resolved that Justice Taylor be and is hereby appointed a
committee of one to order and have erected at the necessary approaches
the stop and go traffielight at Monty' s Bridge, suitable signs and
warnings to traffic.
RESOLUTION #31 Introduced by Justice Garrant ,seconded by
Justice Taylor, all present voting in the affirmative:
It was resolved that the Town Board of Town of Queensbury hereby
Authorized Arthur Stone, Town Supertendant of Highways, to Renew the i.: _ :_
lease with John H. Graney for the Quarry used for Highway purposes for
a period of one year at a yearly rental of, $200.
And it is further resolved that the supertendant of higways is
authorized and directed to draw a voucher for the above amount on the
highway fund Item 1 for the payment of the samei,