1930-05-27 23
In regard to the purchase of flags for the veterans graves in the
Town of queensbury the following resolution was adopted.
RESOLUTION #329, introduced by Justice Taylor, seconded by Justice
Garrant, all present voting in the affirmative, it was resolved that the
Town Board hereby:"= authorizes John Moriarity, to purchase flags for the
declaration of the veterans graves in the Town of queenebury, the sum of Y y
which shall not exceed $15.00 to be paid upon presentation of a properly
verefied bill for same, by the SupervisoV for audit.
In the matter of the care and maintenaeee of certain cemeteries in
the Town of Q,ueensbury, the following resolution was adopted;
RESOLUTION #33, introduced by Clerk Turener, seconded by Justice
Garrant, all present voting in the affirrrntive, it was resolved that the
Mohigan Grange be and is hereby authorizedtto, rake off, remove refuse and
straighten fallen Head Stones within the next four weeks from the date of
the adoption' of thke resolution and further resolve the said Mohigan Grange
is authorise to mow, or out and remove all brush, grass and refuse during th4
Month of July, on the following described cemeteries; Lake Sunnyside Cemetery
by stone church in Harrlimna and- Cemetery on Bay Road know n as the Jenkins
Cemetery near Bradfords 'Thernitons Farm and;
Further resolved that the sum of $50.00 shall be appropiated for
each of the above described Cemeteries and
Further resolved that the Supervisor is authorized to pay the sum
of ..150. 00 for each described Cemeteries prior to audit upon the presenta-
tion od a properly verified bill for the same executed by The Mohigan Grange
and sworn to by the Secretary of said Mohigan Grange and
Further resolved that said sums shall be paid from the general funds.,
In the matter of issuing of licenses for holding Carnivals in the
Town of queensbury, the following resolution was adopted.
RESOLUTION #34, introduced by Justice Garrant, seconded Justice
Gifford all present voting in the affirmative, it was resolved that the
Clerk be and is hereby authorized to issue Licenses for the holding of
Carnisals in the Town of queenebury for the Year of 1930.
Further resolved that thelicense fee for a period of one week shall
be $75.00 for each and every lodge which apply for said licenses.
RESOLUTION #35, introduced by Clerk Turener, seconded by Justice
Taylor ,all present voting in the affirmative, it was resolved that the
Town Board hereby appoints Henry B. Smith, Sanitary Inspector for The Town
of queensbury for the year commencing on the 27th day of April 1930 and
ending ong on the 27th Day April 19319 to serve with out compensation
from the Town of queensbury.
A letter from the County Attorney in regard to a petition of the
inspectors of Election for increase in salary was read to the Board and
placed on file.
On motion meeting was adjoumed,
Town perk
REGULAR MEETING May 27th, 1930.
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of The Town of. Queenebury
held on the above date, the following members were present:
Jerry B. Mead Supervisor
M. P. Gifford Justice
Ross F. Taylor of
Floyd Ellsworth
George Garrant Peace
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk
�Rins.��f the meeting held on April 22nd,1930 read and approved,
. Huster and -Mr. Brant called upon the Board in the interest of the New
York Power and Light Corp, in regarde to establishing a lighting district
in the Town of 'queensbury also same discussion, The following resolution
was adopted;
RESOLUTION #36v introduced by Justice Taylor,seconded Justice ga t
all present voting in the affirmative, it was resolved that Supervisor
be and hereby authorized to appoint a committe of two of the Board to look
up the necessary information in regard to the establishing a Lighting ]list.
inthe Town of Queensbury and, further resolved that said committee confer
with Co. Attorney in regard to the Legality of establishing said Lighting
Dist. Justice Garrant and Justice Taylor were hereby appointed by the
Supervisor as the 'Committee.
RESOLUTION #37# introduced by Clerk Turner, seconded by Justice Taylor,
all present voting in the affirmative, it was resolved that the Supervisor
be and hereby authorized to pay C. W. Cool Agency of the Fidelity and
Casua1J*4[1,0o. the sum of $45.96 from the general Town Fund for the renewal of
jijie premium on policy #B384817 covering the Insurance on"'Boiler at the Town
4figrryo and further resolved that he is authorized to pay the same prior i
to audit.
The Town Board adjourned as Town Board df the Town of Queensbury
and went in session as Town Board of .Health.
In the matter of the applications of Nellie Hewitt and Homer Hewitt,
Charlotte and Ernest Sovereign and Rena Hicks for license to operate a
Boarding House for children, the following resolution was adopted.
RESOLUTION Ng introduced by Justice Ellsworth, seconded by Justice
Taylor# all present voting inthe affirmative„it was resolved that Dr.
G. A. Chapman be and is hereby authorized to issue licensee for Boarding
House for Children under provisions of section #305 of the State Charities
Law and Chapter #B of!,the Sanitary Code as follows;
Nellie Hewitt and Homer Hewitt R. F. .D. #3 for % children
Ernest A. Sovereign and Charlotte Sovereign R. F. D. #3 for 25 children
and Rena Hicks R. F. D. # 1 for 4 children.
The Town Board of Health adjourned as said Board and went into session'
as Town Board of the 'Town of Queensbury and discussed the advisability of
the Town purchasing either a Motor Grader or a Truck. Mr. 79hiteside sub.
mitted the price of $3183.10 for Rome Model K 20 Cletra Grader and after
discussion and motion the Board adjourned until to Saturday at 1pm to
consider the purchase of the Grader.
Adjourned Mting May 3101930
Adjourned meeting of the Town Board of queensbury, adjourned to
this time and place, the following members were presents
Jerry B. Mead Supervisor
M. P. Gifford Justice
Ross F. Taylor of
Floyd Ellsworth Peat e
George Garrant Peace
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk
Town Superintendent of Highways :atone also present.
Mr. Kalbfleish and Mr. 'Whiteside were also present and submitted
prices on different Motor Graders. After some discussion the Board decided
on Rome Model K. 20 Cletrac Grader and adopted the following Resolutions
RFSOLUTION#-389introduced by Justice Ellsworth, seconded by Justice
Garrant, .all present Toting in the affirmative, it was resolved that the
Superintendent of Highways be and is hereby authorized to purchasec'lRome
Model K. 20 Cletrac Grader attachment from Rome Mfg. Co. at a price of
$3183.10 F. 0. B. queensbury Storehouse and he is futthetzadthorized to
dray* anOorder on the Machinery Fund on dielivery of said machine at storey
On motion meeting adjourned
Town Clerk