1930-09-09 SP 27 Resolution ;'i 50 Intordueed by Justice Taylor Seconed by Clerk Turner all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that that inspectors and Clerks salary fixed at I0. 00 pr day for ease primary and recistrara.tion and election day tahat said. inspectors and clerke service as such as inspectors and clers, In Motion ""eeting adjurned. Lr Town Ulerk Town of jueensbury August 2699930 Regular meeting; of the torn -Board Town of queensbury held on the above date the following members were presant Jerry 13 Mead Supervisor V.P. Gifford Justice of Peace Roos F Taylor " George Garrant" j Floyd Ellsworth" Pert D Turner Town Clerk i 1 Ifinutes of July 22 I930 and special Meeting of August I9-2930 Read and approved. Arthur hI Stone and -Fred E Ricketts Presant i Tred E Ricketts called upon the board as a comr^ittee of the I"ohicm grange in regard to the instalation of a trafic Light at the onida four corners after some discussion the following resolution a was adopted, Resolution ,�5I Intorduced by Justice taylor Seconed by Justice garrant al presant voting in tha affirmative ,it was Resolved that vlerk turner be and is hereby authorized to communicate with Distr- ict Engineer Tr Ri.sby in regard to the instalation of a 3 -- trafic light aY oncida four corners, justice taylor reported to the bo,{rd that John wood was having gas pumps installed in front of his place and that thepumps was installed in the side walk, a letter was read to the board from school district duet, Gunn directed to the Town Board Town Of aueensbury asking for inc- reas in salary of town attendant officer after some discussion the matter was laid on ' t'-.e table, s. the matter in regard to the removal of the fence on the pro- erety of Patrick Sullivan located on the county line road was discussed and no action taken on the matter at the presant time, Meeting adjurned Town lerk fro wn f ueensbury Special Lleeting september 9th I930 at a special tovm board meeting held on the above date the following members were presant Jerry B Yead Supervisor V.P.Gifford Justice of Peace Ross F ` aylor " George garrant" Bert D Turner Town. Clerk Resolution ;752 Intorduced by Clerk Turner Seconed by Justice Taylor all presant voting in the affir^^C,t" re Whereas School in district -II has ben found to be not av&i.lable for poling it is hereby resolved that Cole & Sullivan Plunbing CoInc at junction at lower warren 28 and Boulevard be and hereby is designated as such poling place instead of said School house and that Resolution 1747 adopted august I9- -I930 be and hereby is amended to read as Cole and S Sullivan Store at junction at lowerwarren and Boulevardas such poling place of District No I, it is further resolved that rental of said plact be and is hereby fixed at 030.00 per year including heating and lighting. Regular Meeting September 23 1930 at a regular meeting of the Town Board of theTown of jueensbury Held on the above date at 2.P.14T at clerks office the following members were presant Terry B Mead Supervisor M♦T. Gifford Justice of Peace Ross F Taylor " George Garrant Floyd Ellsworth " Bert D Turner Town Clerk Minutes held on august 26th 1930 and special meeting held on Sept 9th I930 read and approved David Easton called on the board in regard to the right of way from Ridge road to the Seelye farm, and requested that if said road is a town road the Town should Widen and repair it stating that said Roaf is dangerous narrow and impassibal dtring certains times of the year Mr Seelye and Yr Vaughn called in oppisition thereto in regards to theabove the following resolution was adoptet Resolution #53 Intorduced by Justice Taylor Seconed by Justice garrant all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved t at the chairman be and is hereby authorized to appolnt a committee o two to as6ertain the width and title to road leading from ridge road to and by Seelye property and place the matter with county attorney Clothier and County Supt, Murray. r Chairman Mead appointed Clerk Turner and Justice Giffordo —' Resolution X54 Intorduced by by Clerk Turner and Seconed by Justice taylor all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that j. supervisor be and is heredjr authorized to pay Cool Insurance agency Inc the sum of $I9.20 premiun for the reniewl of the insurance on the new Storehouse policy #67499 ,agriculture Insurance Co, and he is authorized to pay same prior to audit, A letter frmm Bisbee in regard to traffic lights at oneida corners was read to the board advising that until such t6me as the presant warning sign do not take care ?.of the traffic he would not approve the erection of a stop and go traffic light, Clerk was instructed to forward a copy of letter to fred ricketts, A letter from Clayton Martindale Trustt of School District #I0 in regard to roads in front of school was read to board whether said road could be closed or notas it was dangerous to the school children f it was the opinion of the board that it was a town Road no other action was taken on itp k justice garrant talked to the board in regard to the erecting warning signs to the west Glens Falls Road the propisition 'was generaly discussed and no other action taked, f I Mr Brant of the New York Power & Light Coaporation presented and generaly discussed with the board the proposed lighting dist, Justice Ellsworth that due to the rais do the road in front of Mrs Fayette Jenkins home the water from the road ran in to htr seller and that Mrs Jenkins requested him to take it up with the board, the matter was refered to the committee on the seelye road matter, for investigation on motion meeting was ad,jurned to tuesday, September 30 at I.P.Ii. Town Clerk Town Of jueensbury l u