1930-12-23 33
Rerrular Yeeting 7)rzoe .-ber 23rc1 , 1930
At :re7L?lar meeting of the 'Ao�*m Board of the Town of 'queen«":°_
sbury,beld onthe ebove date,at 2 P,V.at "ler?cs0ffice, t e
following r.er71^.ers r- re present.
Je2 y P.T',Tead Supervisor
1!.r-.Gifford Justice of
Geor e Tarrant Peace
Eert D. Turner Town "lerk
Y-inutes of Treetingp held on i-overber 25th,1930
read an,-,. approved, The folio-wing resolutions -sere adopted
Resolution ,;E65 Introduced 1-y Justice Garrant seconded by
J1.;sttcr Cifford,all present voting in t1.e affirrra.tive, it ,�Tas that
3upervi s o r ."ead,r °en(1 is hereby aut'^orized to pair C.R.Duers,
'I'Tect'rical (3orp, the su:r of '49. 50 for -10-School si-ns and. post.~
-- and iz furtl^er aut-herized to pay samE prior to audit.
"esnittion Introduced by "lerk Turner seconded by
Justice zarrant, a.11 present voting in the affirmative, it was
resolive that supervisor ITead be and is hereby authert7!,ed to pay
J.R.Lyon Co, the sun of '10. 00 for cash book and
led er and he is further authorized to pay for same prior to audit.
'�esalution�7 Introduced by Justice Garrant, seconded by ti
Justice Gifford,all present votin in the affirmative, it was
resolived that the 'Town Clerktbe and is hereby auther6zed and
directed to have printed 300 copys S schedule of Town audit for
the year 130 fcr ditri.bution,
Resolution Introduced by Justice Ga.rrant, seconded by Clerk
Turner, -All present voting in the affirmative, it was resolved
t1 j- "', 1.11 ^ Butler be and is herby a.npoint d.o- enunerator for the .
Town _of:'. lueerisbury -for the year of 1931.
The app. 1calion of Antonio Caivano,fot• a dance hall was
read by the ^1erk.l'r "Iaivano also present in regard. to same.a,fter some
deliber- ti.on the matterwas laid over' to the next neeting.
The Board adjourned as Town Roam?,
end went to session as town board of health, totem of aueensbury, n
re ^rd to th.e ann ic!ation of ??i.dney ?.nd Chas. 91i.nds, Lena and Llner
T'arrin7ton for license for boardinT house for children and on
recomrend�tion of 7)T,I. T.A. C11a.*lman the folio-trin= resolliti.on ,,Gas
i ado�nted.
1,710TT rT() T4A Introduced by Justice Garrant, seconded by ^lerk
Turner, all present ,.roting in the affi.rrrative:
It was resolvedtha47 the Town Board of '-iealth hereby aut'aorizes Dr. s.A.
Cha.pmanto issuelicenses for boardin^7 houses for `'Ir ildren nursllant to
Sec of t'ce ner_al law and sec 305 of the state C1?a,rities and Chapter
Vlll of the Sanitary code to th.e following; Ridney and Charles Kinds
for 4 Chi1_dren: Lena a.nd Elmer Farrington for 3 children.
On Motion meeting adjourned.
T7 MkR T,;L,FTING JAITUARY 271uh 1931
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of
lueensbury, held on the above date, at Clerk' s office, at 2P.M.
the following menbers were present;
Jerry B. Yead , Supervisor
iT.P. Gifford J11.stice
Floyd Ellsworth of
�-' George Garrant Peace
Bert D. Turner Clerk
Arthur H. Stone, Town Suverintenda.nt of TrigbRTays also present.
T'i_nutes of r'eeting- held on Decer?rPr 193n re?d and approved
Joseph Y ssivera, called on the board in red are' to «Tiding tl'!e
County line road_, stating the fence h.ad been placed in the rijnt of way
a,nd recuested the board to have t'he ferce pl^ced 011.47 of tre ri ht of way.IZI
The board enerally discussed the 'proposition in regard, to s.n,me :end no
fart'^er action taken by the board.
` Yrs.
Antino Ce,?rr Yno c:cll ed on tlgi , :hoc-.rd in re7`�rd t0 a dance