1930-11-25 3 Fr
Resolution #61 Inteoduced by Justice Barrant seconded by Justine
Taylor,all present voting in the affirm ative,
It hereby resolved that the Town Supt,of Highways,$tone
be and is hereby autherized and tirected to purchase from
Coolins & Fox Co, the following eggipment.
1-7.W.D.Mode1 10F.6-5ton capacity trucit including ehasses,electric light
self starter ,Motor Col,four yard steel dump bogly iiydern3it{ -
Hoist at a price of �5t875. delevered at Town Store House, lueensbuty N.Y.
1- 7ausaw snow plow Model 200-Complete with wingsidht 3100-at a price
of 1800.delevered and attached to the above truck.
It is furhter resolived that said purchase is subjected to the
approval `of County Superintendent of Highways.
Clerk Turner reported to the board that he had received a request f
for a dance hall License from Mr Cavone.no action taken by the board,
on T'otion Yeeting adjourned
Town Clekk
Regular YeetiTrf November 25th91930
At a regular meeting of the Town Town Tow ofueensbury,
held on the above date, the following menbers were present.
Jerry R., Mead Supervisor
M.P. Gifford -Justice
Ross F. Taylor of
George Garrant
Floyd K. Ellsworth Peace
! Pert I). Turner Town Clerk
Minutes of meetiggs held on Sept 23 rd, 1930 Sept 30th,1930,
f Ottobtr-°28th,19309 Nov 6th 1930, Nov 18th 1930, read and approved,
Mrs Ciavans celled on lbhard in regard to dance Hall License
and the followin resolution was adopted.
T:esolution 62 Introduced by Justice Ellswoath,second.ed by Clerk
Turner,all present voting in the affirmative.
It was resolived that Mr Antonia Caivanno is hereby licensed to
operate a dance hall in New Building on the south side of Boulevard
between what is known as Monty Rridgt� and Imperial Cr6ssing persuant
t6 section 222 of the Town Law. and further resolived that Clerk is
hereby authorized to issue said license.
In matter of SupBraridor and Town Clerk allowance for highway work
Resolution #63 Introduced by Justice Ellsworth seconded by Justice Taylor
all present voting in the affirmive.
It was resolved that parsuant to section llo of the Highway lawrthe
Supervisor be allowed $350. Town Clerk. t175,dhdtthar said sum be paid
from Yescellaninous fung of Highway fund, in the matter of the
insurence on New F , D Truck, the following resolution was adopted,
Resolution X64 Introduced by Clerk Turner seconded by Justice
Taylor, all present voting in the affirmativevit was resolived that
Supervisor be and is hereby auttorized to ebta.in the pessary public
liability and propwrty damage, Insurence on New F 7.D. Truvk, _ and further
resolved that suoervisor be and is 'nereby authorized to pay► for same
rriop to auditon presentation of property verified bills. the
Town Boardadjourned as Town Poard and went in session as Town
• 7oard of health of Town Of Zueensbury,
In the matter of the appliestion ,Geneva Chaffee for a license
foa P boarding house for childred, the following resolution _
'?esolution 73 Introduced by Justice Ellsworth seconded by
Justice Garrant all present voting. in the affirr!ative. it was
resolived that Town Board of Health hereby authorized Dr G.A.
Chapman to issue specla,l license for boarding house foe 3 children,
pursuant provisions o f sec, 492 of renal law and 1,7iapter 3 of the
Sanitary code, to Geneva t'haffej',Vest 7!.7ountain -Queensbury,N.Y.
Rae Suprena.nt call on Board ?n .regard to selling office equipment
k to the Town,no action taking on the rrwtter
7:7otionm Yeetinn Adjourned,