1931-05-26 r and metertal fore the construction of said building,in a sum not exceeding $3O00,to be paid from the mescellanous fund,on order from the Town supt, of highways. omn Motion the meeting adjourned own -Clerk Regular Meeting May26th,1931 At a regular meeting of the Town Board Town of queensbury held at above date at 1 P.N,Stdg , at Town Clerk 0ffi ce,the following members were present. Jerry B,Me�d supervisor M.P;Gifford Justice Floyd Ellsworth of Peace Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Minutes held} of sprit 28th and May 2nd 3931 read and approved- er- of New York -Power & Light Corporation called on the board to and presented contracts for the lighting system now in the town and requested the members of the board to sign said contract matter-was d:efered untill nex meeting in vogard to Insurance on 'oiler in the quarry the following resolution was "opted Resolution #14 Intuced by Justice Ellsworth- seconed by clerk turner i't. -pe:essnt voting in- the affirmativoIt was resolved that the auper iser be and to hereby authorized to discontinue all insurance on two steam boilers in the quarry on bay roadn along as said boilers se not used at the- expireatio at presant policy year in regard to the quarry the following resolution was adopted: Resolution MI5 Intordueed by Judge Gifford seconed by Judge Ellsworth alln present voting in the affirmative it was resolved that the town Board hereby auth©riaes .Arthur H Stone to Discontinue the lease of the quarry on '0ay Road at the expiration of` present-lease,Pertod in regard to voting Booths the following resolution was adopted Resolution #16 Intorduced by judge Ellsworth and- seconed by Judge Gifford all present voting in the affirmative it was resolved that the town board Hereby Purchases From F Pao Surprenant I2 Voting Booths at a prise of 286,20 subject to to 3 percent Discount for cash delivered at town Storehouse at completion of storehouse further resolved that F Rae Supperenant is authoriged to deliver same as above speeified subjected to 3 percent -Deduction for cash further that the supervisor is authorized to pay for,same on the pres+rntat on of properly verified bille ir"r to audit the clerk reported that he had received a petition signed by voters requesting the alteration of boundaries in election District #2 and #3 and so -the following resolution was adopted #I7 Intordused by Justice Ellsworth and Seconed by Clerk Turner. alls, presant Voting in the affi• rmative V Whereas the duly qualified voters of election diet No3 have Petitioned this board for change and alteration of the boundries of election district No 2 ,fsr the convenience of- a portion of the voters of said. a Resolveds that DAondst*es Of election district #2 and 3 of the -- tQwn of ga.eensbury be and hereby are changed in accordance with the provisie of the Election Lswq to take affect on the Ist Day of I 0ctober i93I , and the- Boundaries of said election District are hereby altred and changed and on and after october Ist I93I9 said boundaries of said district Bali be as follows: I Election Diet 1 ALL that portion of the town lying- northely and ea-st-erly of a line running through said Town and desoribed -as- followst- Beginn ng at the south-north ewty rly in a-sftraieht lime to a point n�the center nthe thence y 8 bay road ite the south-westerly corner of the white School House, just north of Edward Breen Farms- thence south weste'rlay- along e northeasterly --' aid e of what ib known as cross roads and Continuing ilong Ox Bow Hill toad and past the property of John H Xnneet c theme nowt r to a point, in the rear of said John g Dftneen house thence in a straight lane to the intersection of aroma road and T H li 'mad 'thene a south- easterly- along the- T-Hill Road to the Bay Road, thence southerly aloe the bay road to they road running acrost the bay- Road just north of Warren Potters place thence easterly along said road to the Ridge road thence southerly along said ridge road to barden road thence easterly along said barden road to the easterly boundary of the town Line. Election District #3 Beginning at the most southeasterly corner of the Town of Caldwell and running thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point in the center of the Bay Road oppsite the southwesterly corner of the White School Housepjus-t north of the Edward Breen farm;thence southxest_ erly along -the northeast-erly side of what is known as the . . continuing along Qa Bow Hill Road and past the property of 'ohrt H.Dineen; thence southerly to a point in the rear- of John H. Dineen;s house; thence northwesterly to a road known as "T"Mill road; thence southwesterly along "T"Hill Rgad to the Bay Road; thence southerly along the Bay Road- tothe road running across the Bay Road dust northerly of the Warren Potter dace; thence easterly along said, to the Ridge Road; thence southerly along the center of the Ridge Road to a point in the center- of said road at the intersection of said. road with the City of Glens Falls;thence westerly along the boundary line. ofsaid City of Glens Valle to a point of Sherman Avenue (so-called);thence along the curter of said Sherman Avenue known as "Glendon Four Corners",thence north along the center of said road known as the"mountain Road",to the nc;rth line of School District No.129 thence westerly along said B*hool District line to the town line of the t6wh of Luzerneq thence northerly and easterly along said town line to the place of beginning. In regard to Sanitary instector for the Town of Jueensbury the following resolution was adopted, Resolution #18 Introduced Clerk Turner seconded by Judge Ellsworth all present' voting in the affirmative. It wag -resolved° that the Town Board hereby appoinp Henry Smith, Sanitary Inspector for the Town of queenebury for one year commenceing on the 24th9day of April 1931 ,and end on the 24th,, day of April 1932,to serve with compensation for the Torun of queerisbury. The Town Board adjurned as Town Board of lqueensbury,and went in session as Board of wealth of the Town of {}eensbury an on recomandation of Dr G.A.Chapman the following resolution was adppted, Resolution ft Introduced by Justice Gifford, seconded by Justice Ellsworth all present voting in the affirrative, it was resolved that Dr G.A.Chapmam be and is autheriaed to issue. license for boarding House for childred under ro of section 3 05 ofthe State Chanties Law and Chapter ;-o.f the Sanatary ode to the following Nellie and Homer Hewitt Sf-hb�en Road Town of 9,uegnsbury for (4 )Children. Rena Hicks of Ridge road Town of queensbury for (4)Children, r Lena &Elmer Farrington of Jenkinsville ',Town of Queensbury for j (4) Children. Bidney and Chas Hines - of Town of aueenebury for(4) Children-Mrs Geneva Chaffee of Pest Mountain Town of queensbury,for (4). Children r on motion meeting adjourned i ©wn Cie ra �t f 4 , j. F f G i I