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STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR LEUCI - JOHN CLENDON ROAD CONSERVATION SUBDIVISION Town of Queensbury Warren County, New York Prepared by: NACE ENGINEERING, P.C. 169 HAVILAND ROAD QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Thomas R. Center Jr., PE MARCH, 2016 REVISED: SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 File: #46265 RECEIVED SEP 0 9 2016 TOWN ON OF QG ENc RY Project Owner - Operator Joseph Leuci 9 Mountain View Drive Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone: 518-796-3520 Contact: Joe Leuci Signature: Date: Prepared By Nace Engineering, P.C. Civil Engineers 169 Haviland Road, Queensbury, NY 745-4400 fax 792-8511 Contact: Thomas R. Center Jr., P.E. Certification Statement To be signed Contractors performing the Site Construction "I hereby certify trader penalty of law that I understand and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the SWPPP and agree to implement any corrective actions identified by the qualified inspector during a site inspection. I also understand that the owner or operator must comply with the terms and conditions of the most current version of the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("SPDES") general permit for stormwater discharges from construction activities and that it is unlawful for any person to cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards. Furthermore, I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, that I do not believe to be true, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations" Name: Company: Title: Signature: Date: Each Sub-Contractor or additional Contractors completing site work must also sign below. Name: Company: Title: Signature: Date: Name: Company: Title: Signature: Date: S.W.P.P.P. Requirements 1. The contractor undertaking the site construction of this project must sign the certification statement on this page and be familiar with all requirements of the SWPPP and requirements of the NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity—Permit No. GP-0-15-02. 2. The contractor is responsible to comply with the terms of the NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity— Permit No. GP-0-15-002. Copies of the General Permit are available by calling DEC (518) 402-8109. 3. A Notice of Intent(NOI) must be submitted to DEC prior to initiating work. Existing stormwater runoff from site. 1-year design storm - O.Ocfs 0.0 acre feet 10-year design storm - 0.0 cfs 0.0 acre feet 25-year design storm - 0.0 cfs 0.0 acre feet 50-year design storm - 0.0 efs 0.0 acre feet 100-year design storm- 0.4 cfs 0.3 acre feet Proposed Development The proposed project consists of a subdivision of a 66 acre parcel into 19 single family residential lots with 1500 + feet of subdivision road and associated utilities. A 41.6 acre parcel will be conveyed to the town for inclusion in the town recreation trails. The development will be served by municipal water supply and individual on-site subsurface sewage disposal systems. The proposed project will result in the following lot coverage: Proposed Conditions Summary Watershed Area: 42.517 acres Building & Pavement Coverage: 2.098 acres = 4.93 % Pervious Surface: 40.42 acres = 95.07 % The proposed development will result in an increase of impervious surface of 4.9% and a total area of disturbance of 13.5 acres Proposed stormwater runoff from site: 1-year design storm - 0.0 cfs 0.0 acre feet 10-year design storm - 0.0 cfs 0.0 acre feet 25-year design storm - 0.0 cfs 0.0 acre feet 50-year design storm - 0.0 cfs 0.0 acre feet 100-year design storm- 0.4 cfs 0.3 acre feet Proposed Stormwater Management The objective of this stormwater management design is to replicate pre-development hydrology by maintaining preconstruction infiltration, peak runoff flow, discharge volume as well as maintaining concentrated flow by using runoff control techniques which provide treatment in a distributed manner before runoff reaches the collection system or an offsite discharge point. The above objective will be accomplished using the following five step process: 1. SITE PLANNING TO PRESERVE NATURAL FEATURES 2. CALCULATION OF WATER QUALITY VOLUME 3. INCORPORATION OF GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE TECHNIQUES AND STANDARD BMPS WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION VOLUME (RRv) CAPACITY 4. The SWPPP includes information on all Drawings Cover, 5-1. S-2, S-3, S-4, S-5, S-6, S-7, S-8, S-9 & S-10 and this Stormwater Management Report. 5. Prior to commencement of construction, the contractor shall have the engineer conduct an assessment of the site and certify in an inspection report that the appropriate erosion and sediment controls have been adequately installed. Following commencement of construction, the engineer shall make weekly site inspections and inspections within 24 hours of a storm event of 0.5 inches or greater and shall prepare a report as required by the general permit. 6. The contractor shall maintain a record of all inspection reports in a site log book, maintained on-site and available to the permitting authority upon request. 7. At completion of construction, the contractor shall perform a final inspection to certify that the site has undergone final stabilization and that all temporary erosion and sediment controls have been removed. Upon certification of completion, a Notice of Termination (NOT) shall be filed with NYSDEC. Site Location The proposed project is located in the Town of Queensbury, at the end of John Clendon Road. The total property is approximately 66.0 acres in size. The applicant proposes to construct the subdivision as a conservation subdivision. The proposed plan is to construct 19 single family residential lots and required town road to the west of the wetland delineation. The remaining 41.6-acre lot will be conveyed to the Town of Queensbury for inclusion in the Rush Pond Hiking Trail System. The public will have access to the conveyed land via the end of the cul-de-sac. Existing Conditions The topography of the existing property is wooded moderate slopes with many areas draining to depressions with the parcel. The water shed is bounded on the south side by the rear wooded portions of residential lots fronting on Moorwood & Crestwood Drives, the east by a intermittent drainage channel that is classified as a stream but is in reality a drainage channel for Butler Storage which eventually flows into Rush Pond, the north by a wooded lot and residential homes fronting on John Clendon Road to west. The USDA Soil Survey of Warren County shows the soils to be Oakville, loamy fine sands (hydrologic soils group A), with rapid percolation and groundwater deeper than 6 feet. Soil testing performed by Nace Engineering showed deep well-drained sands to depths to 91 inches. Infiltration rates observed at the bottom of several of the test pits ranged from 960 in/hr to 720 in/hr. Due to the rapid permeability of the soil there are no defined drainage patterns. Also, the topography of the site and the rapidly draining soils produce only minimal runoff during only the 100 year storm. Existing Conditions Summary Watershed Area: 42.823 acres Building Coverage: 0.0 acres = 0 % Pavement Coverage: 0.046 acres = 0.01 % Pervious Surface: 42.777 acres = 99.9 % CUL-DE-SAC REDUCTION connect to the adjacent subdivision BUILDING FOOTPRINT Two story buildings proposed REDUCTION PARKING REDUCTION Minimum parkin provided RUNOFF REDUCTION CONSERVATION OF All construction kept to the TECHNIQUES NATURAL RESOURCES west of the wetland boundary SHEETFLOW TO FILTER Runoff from applicable STRIPS Residential roofs will be directed to filter across lawns and infiltrate into turf lawns & undisturbed wooded areas. VEGATATED OPEN Not applicable SWALES TREE PLANTING/TREE Not applicable BOX DISCONECTION OF Rooftop runoff from rear ROOFTOP RUNOFF roofs directed to permeable soils STREAM DAYLIGHTING Not Applicable FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS RAIN GARDENS Not needed due to infiltration GREEN ROOF Not needed due to infiltration STORMWATER PLANTER Not needed due to infiltration RAIN TANK/ CISTERN Not needed due to infiltration POROUS PAVEMENT Not needed due to infiltration 3. STANDARD STOMWATER MANAGEMENT PRACTICES USED TO TREAT REMAINING PORTION OF WQv NOT ADDRESSED BY GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE PRACTICES All stormwater runoff including WQv, RRv, design volume control and peak rate control has been mitigated by the use of drywells or filter strips/undisturbed wooded areas, therefore additional standard stormwater management practices were not required to treat WQv. 4. DESIGN VOLUME AND PEAK RATE CONTROL PRACTICES. All stormwater runoff including WQv, RRv, design volume control and peak rate control has been mitigated by the use of infiltration within drywells and into the existing soils. 4. USE OF STANDARD SMP's TO TREAT THE PORTION OF WQv NOT ADDRESSED BY GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE. 5. DESIGN VOLUME AND PEAK RATE CONTROL PRACTICES. 1. SITE PLANNING This project has incorporated several objectives in order to comply with the NYS DEC Stormwater Management Design Manual. Construction of the subdivision roads and residential homes has been delineated within the central portion of the parcel. The 19 residential lots will range in size from 0.8 acre to 1.9 acres with the average lot acreage approximately 1.2 acres. The first lots in the subdivision and the long deep wooded lots will provide significant buffers along the parcel boundaries. 2. GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE TECHNIQUES AND RUNOFF REDUCTION VOLUME CAPACITY GROUP PRACTICE JUSTIFICATION PRESERVATION OF PRESERVATION OF Large section of parcel to be NATURAL RESOURCES UNDISTURBED AREAS conveyed to the Town for public recreation. PRESERVATION OF All construction kept to the BUFFERS west of the wetland boundary REDUCTION OF Residential construction kept CLEARING &GRADING close to the proposed roads and use of highly permeable soils for pretreatment and infiltration of roof runoff. Also, drywells will be used for infiltration of front roofs, driveways and subdivision roads which will also help limit clearing& grading. LOCATING IN LESS All construction kept to the SENSITIVE AREAS west of the wetland boundary. OPEN SPACE DESIGN Large section of parcel to be conveyed to the Town for public recreation. PRESERVATION OF SOIL RESTORATION All areas disturbed by NATURAL RESOURCES construction activities will be (Cont) restored by deep ripping & decom action. REDUCTION OF ROADWAY REDUCTION Road designed to Town IMPERVIOUS COVER standards. SIDEWALK REDUCTION No sidewalks proposed DRIVEWAY REDUCTION Minimum driveway provided Roads have been designed to 5. JUSTIFICATION FOR NON COMPLIANCE WITH STORMWATER DESIGN MANUAL The proposed stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) does not comply with the following requirements of the NYS DEC Stormwater Design Manual: a. Requirement: Pretreatment for driveway and subdivision road impervious surface runoff. Justification: The proposed use of asphalt paved wing swales draining directly into drywells has been an accepted and preferred practice in this area of the Town of Queensbury for some time. The Town Highway Department maintains a detailed and proficient system for maintaining the drywell systems throughout the Town. The use of wing swales and drywells will enable the reduction in land clearing required for traditional infiltration basins. The proposed use will also capture stormwater runoff closer to the source and infiltrate smaller storms quicker than channeling to stormwater basins or other devices. The groundwater table is known to be very deep in this area and all test pits showed uniform soil conditions throughout the proposed site. Two (2) infiltration tests were performed at the bottom of three of the deep test holes in the location of the lowest elevation areas on the site. Infiltration rates varied from 720 in/hr to 960 in/hr. The Hydro- Cad calculations use a maximum exfiltration rate of 30 in/hr which is very conservative and allows for potential siltation over time. This allows for some reduction in infiltrative capacity over time. Calculations • All computations SCS TR-20, HydroCAD • 1 year, 24 hour storm - Type II rainfall = 2.3" • 2 year, 24 hour storm - Type 11 rainfall = 2.4" • 10 year, 24 hour storm - Type II rainfall = 3.6" • 25 year, 24 hour storm —Type II rainfall =4.4" • 50 year, 24 hour storm - Type 11 rainfall =4.8" • 100 year, 24 hour storm - Type II rainfall =6.1" • Design infiltration rate = 30 inches/hr HydroCAD calculations have been performed to determine the amount of runoff from the developed site. The developed site has been modeled as a series of subcatchments (discrete drainage areas), reaches and ponds as shown on the attached HydroCAD drainage diagram. The eave trenches were designed with infiltration along the bottom of the trench. The attached HydroCAD calculations show the stormwater routing for the site and summaries for each of the subcatchments and ponds. Channel Protection Volume Channel protection is required by the DEC Stormwater Management Design Manual. The channel protection volume (Cpv) equals the 24 hour extended detention of post-developed 1-year, 24 hour storm. Since all of the runoff from the I-year storm is being detained and infiltrated, the requirement for channel protection is obviously being met. Town of Queensbury Peak Discharge Requirements The Town of Queensbury requires that the post-development discharge for a 50 year 24 hour storm does not exceed the pre-development conditions. Existing peak discharge =0.0 cfs Developed peak discharge =0.0 cfs Therefore the design meets the Town of Queensbury's requirement. Overbank Flood Control Overbank flood control is required by the DEC Stormwater Management Design Manual. The overbank flood control requires that the peak discharge rate from the 10 year 24 hour storm be reduced to pre- development rates. Existing peak discharge =0.0 cfs Developed peak discharge =0.0 cfs Therefore the design meets DEC criteria for overbank flood control. Extreme Storm Control Extreme storm control is required by the DEC Stormwater Management Design Manual. The extreme stone control requires that the peak discharge from the 100 year storm be reduced to pre-development rates. Existing peak discharge =0.4 cfs Developed peak discharge =0.4 cfs Therefore the design meets DEC criteria for extreme storm control. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Measures Erosion and sediment control measures will be incorporated into the construction of the project. These practices will comply with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation publication entitled"New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control" (the blue book). The following temporary erosion and sediment control devices will be utilized: Sediment Control Fence: Silt fence shall be used to control erosion from sheet flow on slopes not to exceed 3 on 1. Concentrated flows shall not be directed toward the silt fence. The silt fence must be installed parallel to the contour lines to eliminate drainage along the fence. Temporary Sediment Traps: Traps shall be constructed to accept stormwater runoff from the construction site allowing sediment to settle out. Temporary rock check dams: Rock check dams shall be constructed to convey stormwater runoff from the subdivision road construction allowing sediment to settle out and to protect the section of sloped road. Temporary Seeding: Land that is stripped of vegetation will be seeded and planted as soon as possible. Any area that will remain cleared but not under construction for 10 days or longer will be seeded with a ryegrass mixture and mulched to stabilize soil until construction resumes. Temporary Diversion Swales: Temporary diversion swales shall be constructed either to divert clean stormwater runoff from newly graded areas or to direct sediment laden runoff to a sediment trapping device. Stabilized Construction Entrance: Existing roads will be protected by installation of a crushed stone blanket for cleaning construction vehicle wheels. Blankets shall be placed at any intersection of a construction road with a paved or publicly owned road. Stabilized construction entrances shall be installed as necessary. Tree Protection: Trees to be preserved within areas of construction shall be protected by placing construction fencing around the drip lines. Construction workers will be directed to avoid storing equipment or soil under trees to be preserved. There shall be no parking of automobiles or construction vehicles under trees. Dust Control: Measures for dust control during construction shall be implemented as needed (daily water sprays will be used during dry conditions. In addition to water sprays, temporary mulching, temporary seeding and covering stockpiles with tarps shall be implemented when necessary. Control of Litter, Construction Debris and Construction Chemicals During the course of infrastructure and home construction, the site shall be kept clear of debris and litter which could be transported by water or wind. This material shall be picked up daily and shall be stored in waste debris containers where it is securely held. All petroleum products or other waste contaminants which are water soluble or could be dispersed and transported by stormwater shall be stored in covered containers and be regularly removed from the site and properly and legally disposed of. All petroleum or other hazardous materials shall be stored and handled in conformance with NYSDEC spill prevention and containment requirements. Sequence of Construction All road and infrastructure shall be constructed when the ground is not frozen. Erosion and sediment controls are not designed for use when the ground surface is frozen. Prior to the start of construction, the contractor shall install the sediment control fence along the perimeter of the construction site at the edge of existing native vegetation and as indicated on the plans and details. The contractor shall construct the construction road entrances as detailed on drawing S-6 & S-7 SWPPP. The contractor shall construct the subdivision road as detailed on the plan. The subdivision road shall be constructed in the first phase. Phase 1 shall be the construction of the subdivision road and rough grading of the north central terraced lots. This phase has a total disturbance of just under 5.0 acres. The temporary sediment silt basins are to be constructed in the low points of the proposed subdivision road. These basins shall be located along the proposed road, but not within the area of the proposed pavement. They shall collect stormwater runoff from all areas of proposed road and utility construction. Basins shall have a minimum volume of 3,600 cf for each acre of tributary area. Basins shall allow collected water to filter into the existing sandy soil. Temporary stone check dams shall be constructed along both side of the subdivision road between the sediment basins as shown on the SWPPP drawings. If necessary clean sediment out of basins and check dams to maintain their infiltrative capability. Tributary areas to sediment basins shall not exceed 10 acres. Construction of the residential lots shall not commence until the subdivision roads have been completed and the rough graded lots have been stabilized. Following completion of all planting and the establishment of all grass areas, remove any collected sediment, remove hay bale dams and sediment control fencing, and remove any debris from the perimeter of the site and dispose of all waste material in a legal manner. Maintenance of Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Devices The sediment traps and rock check dams shall be inspected at least weekly and after every rain event by the Contractor. When 50% of the volume of the trap is full. The Contractor shall remove collected sediment and dispose of properly. The Contractor shall inspect the sediment control fence weekly and after every rain event and remove trapped sediment and maintain the devices in good working order. Permanent Erosion Control All pervious areas shall be graded, topsoil installed and seeded or planted as soon as practical. Seed beds shall be mulched with straw or hydro-mulch with tackifier and plant beds shall be mulched with pine bark mulch. Seeded areas on slopes over 3:1 shall be stabilized with erosion control netting as specified on the plans. Seeding Requirements All disturbed pervious areas shall be graded with a minimum of 4 inches of topsoil, amended with fertilizer and lime as needed and seeded perennial ryegrass at a rate of 0.68 lbs per 1,000 sf. Permanent Maintenance of Stormwater Devices Upon completion of the project, maintenance for all stormwater devices will be performed by the Town of Queensbury Highway Department. Long Term Maintenance of Permanent Stormwater Measures Long term maintenance of the subdivision road will be performed by the Town of Queensbury Highway Department. Appendix HydroCAD • Drainage Maps • Drainage Diagram ■ Pre & Post Developed Conditions— 1 Year Design Storm • Pre & Post Developed Conditions— 10 Year Design Storm • Pre & Post Developed Conditions—25 Year Design Storm ■ Pre & Post Developed Conditions—50 Year Design Storm ■ Pre & Post Developed Conditions— 100 Year Design Storm DRAINAGE DIAGRAM 1S 2S 3S SUBCATCH ENT #1 - CENTRAL ORTION EAST PO TION OF WEST SE TION OF P RCEL DEVELOP D PARCEL DP-1 DP-2 DP-3 DP-] NORTHWE T SOUTH FFSITE CORNER OFF TE DESIG POINT /ST OFFSITE DESIGN POIN N POINT - TO INTERMITTENT STREAM L� 1L TOTAL OFFSITE RUNOFF Subcat Reach -Pond Ln'I Drainage Diagram for 46265-LEUCI-JOHN GLENDON ROAD SUBDIVISION EXISTING REVI - I� Prepared by{enter your company name here}, Printed 9/7/2016 HydroCAD@ 9.10 sin 03732 9 2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 46265 - LEUCI -JOHN CLENDON ROAD SUBDIVISION - EXISTING REV1 Prepared by(enter your company name here} Printed 9/7/2016 HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 03732 C 2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 Area Listinq (all nodes) Area CN Description (acres) (subcatchment-numbers) 42.777 30 Woods, Good, HSG A (1S, 2S, 3S) 0.046 98 Existing road at dead end (1S) 42.823 TOTAL AREA 46265 - LEUCI -JOHN CLENDON ROAD SUBDIVISION - EXISTING REVII Prepared by (enter your company name here) Printed 9/7/2016 HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 03732 ©2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 3 Soil Listing (all nodes) Area Soil Subcatchment (acres) Group Numbers 42.777 HSG A 1S, 2S, 3S 0.000 HSG B 0.000 HSG C 0.000 HSG D 0.046 Other is 42.823 TOTAL AREA 2S SOUTH PC RTION OF DEVELOPED PARCEL [DP-2 DESIGN PT #2 - OFFSITE RUNOFF 1L TOTAL OF ITE RUNOF DP-1 DESIG T #1 - OFFSITE RUNOFF DP-3 DESIG T #3 - OFFSIT RUNOFF 9S 8S NORTHWEST PORTION OF DEVELOPED PARCEL NORTHEAST PORTION OF DEVELOPED SECTION Subcat 'Reach /Pond L k DiinipO s.seua.oxx caexoau aonn suenhsori.woroseo ca.is suarnisswn.ro*u orxsre nuxov Prepared by[enter your company name here}, Printed 9/7/2016 HydroCADO 9 10 s/n 03732 ©2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 46265 - LEUCI - JOHN CLENDON ROAD SUBDIVISION - PROPOSED 9-9-16 SUBMISSIO Prepared by (enter your company name here) Printed 9/7/2016 HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03732 ©2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 Area Listing (all nodes) Area CN Description (acres) (subcatchment-numbers) 24.658 30 Woods, Good, HSG A (2S, 8S, 9S) 5,381 36 >75% Grass cover.. Good, HSG A (2S, 8S, 9S) 30.039 TOTAL AREA 46265 - LEUCI - JOHN CLENDON ROAD SUBDIVISION - PROPOSED 9-9-16 SUBMISSIO Prepared by (enter your company name here) Printed 9/7/2016 HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 03732 ©2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 3 Soil Listing (all nodes) Area Soil Subcatchment (acres) Group Numbers 30.039 HSG A 2S, SS, 9S 0.000 HSG B 0.000 HSG C 0.000 HSG D 0.000 Other 30.039 TOTAL AREA 1S 1AS 3S 3A 4S 4AS -L SOU ROAD NOR ROAD NORi ROAD SOUTHROAD SW SE ION OF NW SEt,11I OF SECTION O DW#4& SECTION TO DW#8 SECTION TO DW#7 R AD RID SECTION O DW#3 8 Wyy IW1151� 'IWS3 W1s3A S4 ;WS4Aj WINGtALE WINGtALE WINGtALE WINGyWALE WINGtALE WING tALE 1P /A 3P AA 4P DW#1 DW#2 OW#3 DW#4 DW#8 DW#7 5S 5AS 6S 6A 7S 10S NOR! ROAD SOUT ROAD NOR ROAD SOUT ROAD SECTION OOW410 SECTION ODWM98 SECTION ODW#14 SECTION TOOW#13 CUL DES AREA TO HOUS ROOF aD #1z DW #15 THRU fK20 — 7 r�II WS5 WS5Ai iW1S6 IWS6N WING WALE WINGtALE WINGaWALE WIN1ayWIIALE P �Ij bl 7 'P /SSA 6P\ AFC 7P NFlL DW#10aOW#12 DW#9&DW#11 OW#14 DW#13 DW#15 THRU#20 REAR HOUSE ROOF Sut cat Rearh Pond Prepared by{enter your company name here}, Printed 9/7/2016 HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 03732 0 2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 46265 - LEUCI -JOHN CLENDON ROAD SUBDIVISION - PROPOSED 9-9-16 SUBMISSIO Prepared by (enter your company name here} Printed 9/7/2016 HydroCAD®9.10 s/n 03732 ©2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pace 2 Area Listing (all nodes) Area CN Description (acres) (subcatchment-numbers) 4.133 30 Woods, Good, HSG A (1S, 4AS, 5S, 6S) 6.486 36 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A (1AS, 1S, 3A, 3S, 4AS, 4S, 5AS, 5S, 6A, 6S, 7S) 0.128 98 ROOF, DRIVEWAY & ROAD (3A) 0.187 98 Roof, road &driveway (1AS) 0.186 98 Roof, road &driveways (6A) 1.215 98 Roof, road & paved parking, HSG A (3S, 4S, 5S, 6S, 7S) 0.130 98 Roofs Road & driveways (4AS) 0.231 98 Roofs, road &driveways (1S. 5AS) 0.022 98 Unconnected roofs, HSG A (I OS) 12.717 TOTAL AREA 46265 - LEUCI - JOHN CLENDON ROAD SUBDIVISION - PROPOSED 9-9-16 SUBMISSIO Prepared by {enter your company name here) Printed 9/7/2016 HydroCADO 9.10 s/n 03732 O 2010 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 3 Soil Listing (all nodes) Area Soil Subcatchment (acres) Group Numbers 11.855 HSG A 1AS, 1S, 3A, 3S, 4AS, 4S, 5AS, 5S, 6A, 6S, 7S, 1OS 0.000 HSG B 0.000 HSG C 0.000 HSG D 0.862 Other 1AS, 1S, 3A, 4AS, 5AS, 6A 12.717 TOTAL AREA