1931-07-28 39 Relsr Meeting June 23rd,1931 At a regular meeting of the -Town Board of the Town of Queensbuyt IL614 on `the above date at I.P.V. at Clerk Office the fallowing members were present. Jerry Bread Supervisor M.P,Gifferd Justice of Floyd Ellsworth Peace Bert D.Turner Clerk Minutes of the regular meeting- held on May 2 "th,1931,read and approved . In the matter of InsurenceIon New Store house the following--resolution was adopted, Resolution419 Introduced by �: 'J rth seconded by Clerk Ttrrrrer allpresent voting in the" a `irssative, It was resolved that- Supervisor Mead be and is hereby authorized to Insure the-,New •Storehouse for fire to the amount of $3000- And he 1d further .aurthorized to pay premium prior to audit' on the presentation of a properly verified Bill, A letter from Mohican Grange requesting to clean the I+jbsVj.*gMa Cemsnte-ryrjwas read to the Board and the fol3ft#ng resolution was adopted, Resolution #.20 Introduced by Clerk Turner seconded by Justice Gifford all present voting - in the affirmative, it was . re-esolved that the Mohican orange be and is hereby authorized- to remove gran°s weede.brush and care for and conserve the cemetery'known as the Harrisena Cemetery, in .the Town, of Queensbury. Further resolved that the sum of 150,00 be'and hereby is appropiated for, the 'above described cemetery, Further resolved that the Supervisor of the Town of Qto the be and hereby is autherized to pay from the General fund to the said Mohican Grange ,the sum of 150.00 upon completion of work on said cemetery upon presentation of a properly verified bill certified by the Secretary of the said Mohican Irange, Further resolved that said work shall bt completed byfore —; the lot day -of' September,l931 On the matter of dumping bn or along the Highway of the Town d%f following resolution was adopted Resolution #21 Introduced by Supervisor Mead,seconded by Justice- Ellsworth; all present voting in the affirmative, It was resolved that Clerk Turner be and is hereby authorized to take up Us matter of the Public dumping on property and along public highway- in tIte Town of Queensbury with County Attorney, on motion meeting adju ed oe Town C� erk r , Regular Meeting July 28thr1931 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury , held' on the above date,at l.P.M.at Clerk!'s office the following members were resenB.Jerry' Mead Supervisor M.P.G*fford Justine of Floyd Ellsworth George Garrant Pease Bert D#Turner Clerk Minutes of regular Meeting held on June 23rd`,1931 read and approved William H. Parker called on the board and requested that a street light be ,placed at or near, half way- on the Take George road.the board generally discussed the proporition and no other action was taken by the board In regard to Ballot boxes the following resolution was adoptedf Resolution #22 Introduced by Clerk Turner and seconded by Justice Ellsworth all presedt voting in .the affirmative, it was resolved that the Town Board hereby authorized ?,Rae Suprenant to deliver the following equipt, pox Size 2'0"squre x 30" high at 12.40 1-special Ballot according " to specifec- tions aubrritted, 7-special Ballot Boxes as size 15 squre x 24"high at 8.20 each according to specifications -Total $68.80 k Further resolved that the supervisor be and is hereby authorized to Day for same on presentation of properly 40 Verified bills before audit, Further resolved that the above equipment be delivered on: or before 1st day of- Sept l931 Resolution #23` Introduced by Justice Garrant seconded by, Tuatice Ellsworth, all present voting in the affirmative, it was resolved that Clerk Turner,be and is hereby authorized to obtain 2' Tables, 6 chairs and railing -for- election Destrect ;T3, and further resolved that the supervisor is autherized to pay for same prior to audit, on the presentation of properly verified bills, In regard to Town attandance officer the following resolution was adopted Resolution .4 Introduced by Justice Ellsworth seconded by Justice Garrant all present votion in the affirmative, It was resolved that Romer Hewitt, be and is hereby appointed Town attenda.rnce aff-icer for school year of 1931 and 1932 for Schools of Town of queensbury outside of District #2 subjected to the approval, of district Supt,of Schools at an annual salary of 1200, to be paid-monthly; 20.per month for ten months and the supervisor is hereby authorizes to pay same prior to audit on presentation of properly verified Bills, . In regard to Spring Brook Water Co, the following resolution was adopted, Resolution ,'#`d5 Introduced by Clerk Turner seconded by Justice Ellsworth,all present voting in the affirmative. It was resolved that the supervisor be and 1-6 herby appointed a commettee of one to insesttate the report of the laying: of a water main on the Boulavard by the 8 ring Brook Water Co, in violation of Franchaise ,and -report fact to Board on motion meeting adjourned own Clerk upecial Meeting August 13th 1931 At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Iueensbury,held pursenant to section 66 of the election law held at 1.30 P.M.at Clerk office the following members r. were present, Jerry B, bead Supervisor M.P.Gifford Justice of Floyd Ellsworth George "Tarrant Peace Bert D. Turner Clerk Resolution # 26 Introduced by Justice Gifford, seDnded by Justice. Garrant,all present voting in the affirmative, it was resolved that the following places are deseguated for polling places for the Town of 2ueensbury for the ensuing year of 19310 Districr 1-Cole & Sullivan Plumbing Co,shop at lower 1.17arren, Boulavard Junction, District #2 -Grange Hall -at Onieda Conors, #3- queensbury storehouse on aviation Field Road, marches shop nest dens Falls. on motion meeting adjourned Town . er REgular Meetinz August 25th 19319 At a regular 208 , e:eting of theTown Board Town of Queensbury held on the above -date, the following member were present Jerry B.Yeat Supervisor M.P.Gifford Justice Floyd Ellsworth of George Garrant Peace Bert D. Turner Town, Clerk Minutes of meeting July '28 ,1931 and Special Yeeting of August 18th, 19319read and approved,Genera.i tovin matter disoussed,no" other biscness before- the board, on motion meeting adjourned. 4114rk